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Expecting Darkness: An Immortal Ops World Novel (Immortal Ops: Crimson Ops Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Mandy M. Roth

  “But you would touch her if I were to approve,” Cormag said, watching him closely.

  Lying to the man was pointless. He’d sense it. He was that good of a master vampire. “Aye. I’d be with her if you let me.”

  “Because she’s beautiful and could be another conquest for yer bedroom?” asked Cormag.

  Searc glanced in Jessie’s direction. “Because she has eyes that a man could get lost in, a smile that twists my gut, and hair I want to run my hands through endlessly. Because whenever I’m near her I fight the urge to mark her as mine and take her far from all. Because she’s been the only woman I’ve wanted for six years, the only woman I’ll ever want, but it’s nae to be.”

  As he realized everything he’d just confessed to his sire, he turned his head very slowly, hoping to avoid sudden movements that might set the man off.

  What he found surprised him. Cormag was grinning, and it didn’t look maniacal. It looked sincere.

  “Guid,” said Cormag. “Had you only wanted a notch on yer bedpost I’d have torn yer head off.”

  Searc lifted a brow. “I’m confused.”

  “As am I,” said Cormag. “I came home today from Scotland to find my daughter’s scent has changed. That someone has betrayed me and tried to make a move against me, and my demon is telling me that my daughter is at risk—to trust only you with her.”

  “I just confessed to wanting to be with her. How can you possibly think I’m the safest person for her to be around?” It was a legitimate question.

  “My gut is telling me to trust you and only you with her until we find out what is happening.” Cormag’s expression hardened and Searc could sense the man’s demon starting to poke through.

  Chapter Six

  Suddenly, Jessie was there, behind Cormag, running her hands over his shoulders, calming the man almost instantly. She bent, her long hair falling partially over Cormag’s shoulder.

  Searc’s demon beat at him from the inside, demanding freedom. It wanted to attack Cormag and kill him for daring to be touched by the female. It didn’t matter that the demon knew they were family; no male was to be near her at the moment. None save him. He sat perfectly still, his fingers clenching, the fierce need to attack his master so great that it bordered on deafening.

  Cormag put a hand over Jessie’s and leaned back in the booth more. “Jessie, lass, join us.”

  “Do nae touch her,” said Searc, his voice deepening, indicating he was on the verge of shifting into vampire form. He felt like a feral animal. His body shook with the need to attack.

  Jessie kept her hands on Cormag’s shoulders, and his master continued to make contact with her.

  “Something the matter?” asked Cormag, a knowing look on his face.

  “Aye, she’s mine.”


  Cormag never so much as blinked at the statement.

  Confusion beat at Searc from the inside out. His demon hovered just below the surface, wanting him to morph fully and mark the woman as his own. The thought should have sobered him instantly. It didn’t. It made his dick harder.

  “Searc?” Jessie stared blankly at him. “What? Yours? You barely say two words to me—ever.”

  His gaze locked with hers and it took all of him to keep from grabbing her and claiming her.

  She eyed him and then laughed, instantly cooling his fire. “Daddy didn’t start on you and I having a thing, did he? When he said it to me earlier, I almost kicked him in his shin. Absurd. Wait, Islay put you up to this, didn’t he?”


  Confused, Searc locked gazes with her. He’d been fighting the urge to sink his cock and fangs into her, and she wanted to talk about his cousin?

  She paused, her hands still on her father’s shoulders. “Searc? You look funny, different. Are you okay? I didn’t think you guys got sick.”

  Cormag laughed. “Oh, he’s an aliment all right. And I’m rethinking killing him, so there will be that too.”

  Gasping, Jessie released her father and reached for Searc. He watched as her hand came toward him in what felt like slow motion. The second her fingers made contact with his shoulder, he nearly shot out of the seat and blew a load. Somehow, he managed to keep control of himself and remain seated.

  Do nae bite her. Do nae bite her. Fuck, I’m so gonna bite her.

  Jessie eased in more, her body suddenly close to him, pressing against his side, the smell of her overwhelming his senses. “You’re sick?”

  He raked his gaze over her slowly. “Aye.”

  She sucked in a big breath. “With what?”

  “I’m verra close to killing him, does pending death count?” asked Cormag. “He confirmed what I’ve suspected for some time. I’m torn between ending him and having a long talk with him about his intentions. And there are a number of things he and I need to discuss with you, verra soon, young lady. For now, yer to obey him.”

  “Daddy?” she asked, remaining close to Searc, making more contact than she’d made with him before. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. “What’s wrong with him? Wait, obey him?”

  It took Searc a minute to realize her voice had shaken as she’d asked the question. Did that mean she cared for him on some level? That she worried over him as he did her? Did she also fantasize about him sexually?

  Cormag eyed his daughter and his grim expression lightened slightly. “Lass, do nae look as if yer about to cry. Searc is fine. I’ll nae kill him. Yet.”

  “But he’s sick,” she said, her hand moving to the back of Searc’s neck, where she began to lightly caress him, her attention fully on her father. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Cormag’s jaw set and Searc could sense the anger rolling off his master. He also sensed just how hard Cormag was working to keep Jessie from picking up on it all. “Lass, all is well with him.”

  “He looks pale, and he never looks pale. He’s always looked tanned. Now he’s whiter than me,” she said, caressing his neck more, making his cock feel as if it could possibly cut glass. “It’s really hard to be paler than me.”

  Did the woman not see she was what was wrong with him? That her very presence did something to him he couldn’t explain? That he put longer and longer between visits simply to avoid her? Was his burning desire for her not evident?

  As he chanced a glance at Cormag, he realized it was more than apparent to his maker. He gulped and sat up straight.

  Jessie picked then to press her body against him more, her arm slinking over his shoulder, leaving her breasts close to his head, since she was standing and he was sitting. It took all he had to keep from turning his head into her embrace and pressing his face into her ample breasts. He’d dreamed of doing just that. Of taking her breast into his mouth as he slammed into her, finding release. Had Cormag not been close enough to rip his throat out, he’d have probably folded and given in to the lure of Jessie.

  “Lass, release Searc,” said Cormag, anger rolling off him. It was all directed at Searc, not Jessie.

  Jessie held her place. “I like touching him and weren’t you the one teasing me that I keep too much distance between him and me? I thought you wanted me to get closer to him. And what is with the ‘obey him’ comment?”

  “Nae that close!” A tic started in Cormag’s jaw. “Lass, if you wish him to live, I need for you to have a seat and stop pawing all over him. He’s nae a puppy. You’ve no need to pet him.”

  She gasped and jerked back from Searc, the loss of her touch felt at once by him. “Daddy, I wasn’t pawing all over him. I was, well, I don’t know. I felt like I had to touch him. I didn’t mean anything by it.” She looked to Searc. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  His hand went up, capturing hers, and heat flared instantly between them. “Do nae apologize. You were nae in the wrong. You may touch me as much as you wish. And you should know, for you, I’m totally okay with being petted. I’ll even come when you call, like a good puppy. But do nae tell my shifter friends. They’ll never let me liv
e it down. But when they see you, they’ll understand why. Yer so incredibly sexy they’ll nae question me long.”

  The minute the words left his mouth, he wanted them back.

  Cormag stood fast, and Searc mirrored the man. Instincts kicked in and Searc drew Jessie behind his body, standing toe to toe with her father, ready to take on the world for the woman. He knew in that second that his eyes had flashed to black, a sign his demon was close. He didn’t care. Didn’t care that he’d just issued a challenge to his maker.

  He’d do anything for Jessie.


  He expected a battle to happen. One he wasn’t sure he could win.

  What he didn’t expect was for Cormag’s lips to twitch, and then for the man to smile.

  He looked Searc over slowly. “Guid.”

  “What?” asked Searc, the black in his eyes receding quickly.

  “Yer still as protective of her as you’ve always been. Mayhap more even,” said Cormag. “This is guid, Searc. Verra guid.”

  “Daddy?” asked Jessie from behind Searc. “You’re not going to try to kill him, are you? I kind of like him in one piece.”

  “Master,” said Islay, suddenly close, his expression hard and locked on Jessie. “I sensed a challenge rent the air. Is all well?”

  Searc snarled and twisted more, blocking Islay’s ability to look upon Jessie with ease. He wanted to shield Jessie’s stomach from the man too, though he wasn’t sure why. “Avert yer gaze from my woman and my babe, or I’ll make it so you never see again. Am I clear?”

  My woman? My babe?

  Jessie gasped. “Excuse me, but did you just say I was your woman? And babe? What the hell are you going on about?”

  Islay’s expression remained hard and flecks of black pushed through the man’s green gaze, indicating his demon was close to rising as well.

  Searc didn’t move or back down. Instead, he smiled, knowing it was anything but friendly. “We’ve danced around our dislike of one another for centuries. Do nae think I will continue to do so in regards to the lass. For her—for them—I would do anything.”

  “Whoa! What? Searc, do you have a fever or something? Are you delusional? Ohmygod, you got bad blood or something, didn’t you?” asked Jessie, her palms on his back, making his cock throb. “That’s why you’re so pale right now. It’s why you said I was sexy. And why you said babe like there is some baby or something. You and Dad sniffed the same bad coffin dust, didn’t you?”

  Bad coffin dust?

  “What is it you go on about, woman?” he demanded, wanting to pummel his cousin, not answer questions.

  She stiffened behind him, her irritation with him felt at once. “Go on about? Woman? Is this the part where I simply obey?”

  He licked his lower lip, knowing better than to turn and put his back to Islay at the moment. Not with how close the man’s vampire was to the surface. It would be like inviting a fight, and he’d not risk Jessie being harmed in the crossfire. “Jessie, lass, I dinnae mean it the way it came out.”

  “How does one mean that?” she asked, stepping out from behind and easing around him, planting herself before him. Her gaze narrowed on him. “And what is with the your woman bit? You barely make eye contact with me. You normally stay as far away from me as you can. And how dare you try to challenge Islay? He’s my friend. You don’t get to fight with him.”

  Searc’s body tightened. “Friend? How guid a friend are we talking, lass? Friends with benefits? ’Twould explain a lot right now.”

  Her jaw dropped open, and she took a small step back from him, the energy around her building quickly.

  One second Searc was standing and the next, he was flat on his back, a hot, burning sensation moving through his chest. It felt as if someone had taken a bat to him.

  It took him a minute to realize he’d been struck with raw power. For a moment, he assumed it was Cormag’s doing, as the magik felt very similar to the man’s. As he realized it wasn’t his maker’s, his eyes widened. It was Jessie’s.

  He rubbed his chest. Jessie had leveled him as a master vampire would?

  She gasped and was suddenly bent over him, her long hair falling into his face. He smoothed it back, his fingers skimming her pale skin, his focus on her lips. They were moving, but he couldn’t make out what she was saying. Need rode him, and he wanted to capture her lips with his own before he drove his cock into her.

  She touched his scruffy cheek, worry knitting her brow. “Searc?”

  He came out of his lust-induced daze. “Aye?”

  “Ohmygod, how bad are you hurt?”

  “Hurt?” he asked before reaching down and blatantly adjusting his cock through his kilt. “Right bit painful, lass. I do nae think you touching me is making it any better.”

  “What?” she asked, before glancing up. “Daddy, how could you?”

  Cormag grunted. “Och, lass. Do nae be blaming me for that. I dinnae knock him on his arse, though I wanted to. Move and I’ll be happy to hit him with my power and show you what I mean.”

  “Aye, I’ll do so as well,” said Islay, reminding Searc the other vampire was still close. “Move away from him, Jessie.”

  “He’s hurt,” she protested. “And, Daddy, what do you mean you didn’t do it? Of course you did. That is something only a master vampire can do.”

  “’Twould appear that is nae the case,” said Cormag, something close to pride in his voice. “Lass, allow the poor man to stand. Yer practically on him. And it isnae sitting well with me, despite what I believe to be true.”

  Jessie put a hand out to Searc. “Here. Let me help you up.”

  With a groan, he came up and off the floor as if on strings. The act left him standing pressed against Jessie. Without thought, he found himself wrapping his arms around her. Much to his delight, she sank into his embrace. They fit perfectly. As though they’d been made for one another. He inhaled deep, his eyelids fluttering as his own scent came back at him.

  How could that be?

  She looked up at him. “How bad are you hurt?”

  “My ego is a wee bit bruised, but I’ll live if that is what yer asking,” he said, grinning down at her, understanding that she didn’t know she’d been the one to level him. Searc glanced over the top of her head at her father nearly gleeful with the knowledge Jessie possessed magik. It meant she was more than human. She would not break if he took her as he wanted to. “Did you know that could happen?”

  “No,” said Cormag, something off in his voice. “You’d think I’d worry less of her now, but I do nae think that will be the case.”

  Searc held Jessie to him as he spoke to Cormag. “She is yer babe. I do nae think for a moment you’ll ever stop worrying over her. ’Tis what a father does. If I’m ever blessed with wee bairns, I’ll probably be far worse.” As he said it, his hand wandered to Jessie’s abdomen. He caressed the area, his gaze on Cormag.

  A mix of emotions that Searc couldn’t quite read passed over his maker’s face. “Guid.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Cormag,” said Islay, his anger rolling off him in waves. “Yer letting him hang on yer daughter. You let him defy you whenever he wishes. You seem to respect him more for it and now he’s doing his best to claim yer daughter. If you do nae kill him, I will. Is it nae enough that he’s defiled her?”

  Claim Jessie? He came to his senses. “Defiled her? You fucking prick! I’ve nae touched her!”

  Jessie practically fused herself to Searc’s side. “Ohmygod, stop. Searc and I have never been together. What is with you all?”

  Worry over her getting worked up made his anger lessen quickly. He snorted and took hold of her shoulders. “Lass, I do nae fear the likes him. I’ve been kicking his arse since we were boys. I’ll nae stop now. If he’s nae careful, I’ll take him out back to the river there and dunk him by his toes as I did when he was just a wee thing. You and I know I’ve nae touched you in any manner that isnae appropriate. We do nae need his approval.”

  She bunched the
front of his shirt with her fists. “No fighting. Please.”

  He stiffened. “You want for me to be friends with him?”

  She smiled up at him. “If that means no fighting.”

  “Och, you ask too much,” Searc stated. “Pick anyone else. Nae him.”

  “He’s my friend. I consider him family,” she pleaded, biting her lower lip. There was a note of dishonesty in her voice, and Searc nearly demanded to know why. “He’s like an uncle and a brother all wrapped in one.”

  Islay’s anger increased. “Jessie, you see me as a brother?”

  Cormag sighed. “And it begins.”

  It was then Searc knew for sure his cousin had romantic feelings for Jessie. Ones he wanted reciprocated.

  Jessie turned in Searc’s arms, leaving her backside wiggling against his front. He thought for sure he’d died again—this time from erection issues. He stifled a groan as she tipped her head, her attention on Islay.

  “I do,” she said. “You and Daddy are my family.”

  She was hiding something. Searc could sense it. But what?

  Islay’s jaw set. “I see.”

  Cormag lifted a hand. “Islay, go. Take time to clear yer head. Yer demon rides too close to the surface near my daughter for my liking. If you do nae obey, I will permit Searc to do as he wishes and challenge you.”

  As much as Searc wanted to go rounds with Islay, the knowledge that it would cause Jessie emotional trauma made him resist. He cleared his throat, his gaze going to Islay. “I’m willing to attempt to mend fences with you.”

  Jessie twisted around fast and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Her breasts pressed against his chest, doing nothing to stop his raging hard-on. “Thank you!”

  Islay turned and stormed off.

  Cormag eyed his daughter, who was still hugging Searc.

  Slowly, Searc returned the embrace, watching his maker the entire time. He had to wonder if the man would try to kill him for daring to touch his daughter in such a manner. It was well known that Cormag did not permit men to touch Jessie. Hell, most were not even permitted to look upon her.

  Something was off.


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