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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

Page 15

by Leo Mark

‘But, tell me, what has happened on earth to oblige you to journey to Nibiru, to ask for help?’

  ‘Father, Enlil has found a way to communicate with his soldiers, even though he is exiled in another dimension. He is thirsty for revenge. He wants to take vengeance on me and on the humans, blaming us for his condemnation and exile.’

  ‘I always imagined that Enlil would be my heir here in Nibiru. His destiny suffered a sad end at the hands of the Confederation,’ mused Anu.

  ‘As well as revenge, Enlil is trying to discover a way to escape from exile and take the earth for himself. I think that if he succeeds he will enslave mankind as revenge.’

  ‘My son, there is little we can do against Enlil; after all he is in another dimension and our technology does not allow access to him. The only thing we can do is to build up our forces on earth to discredit Enlil’s soldiers and, when he returns from exile, I shall try to dissuade him from this pointless revenge.’

  ‘The humans are always at war. Soon they will wipe themselves out. And all this thanks to Enlil’s plotting, through which he is able to control kings and queens to serve his ends. Mankind is losing its belief in us. If this happens chaos will overtake the earth and they will kill each other. They are not yet evolved enough to understand the consequences of their acts.’

  ‘And what do you propose to do, son?’

  ‘During the long voyage from earth to Nibiru I thought of something, and I need your approval and the Council’s to put my plan into practice.’

  ‘Please go ahead. We have total confidence in you, my son, and we are conscious of your great wisdom. We will analyze your proposal and without doubt we will approve it. We will give you the support you need for the undertaking.’

  ‘I want to go down to earth as a human being, father. Like one of them. I want to take them words of peace and love and try to convince them that the path they are following leads nowhere.’

  ‘And how do you propose to do this, with this old tired body of yours?’

  ‘On earth I have developed research into consciousness transfer. I have experimented on humans and I have been successful in transferring consciousness from one man to another.’

  ‘That is very good. You are for sure one of the greatest scientists of our people. But what happens to the body that loses its consciousness?’

  ‘It goes to sleep, as if in a coma. As if in a dream. My aim is to transfer my consciousness into a human body, becoming one of them. I shall attempt to change mankind and protect it from my brother’s trap.’

  ‘But, Ea, that is very risky. If you are killed by the humans,’ said one of the council members, ‘won’t your consciousness in this human body also be extinguished?’

  ‘Unhappily, yes, that is the case. If my earthly body dies before my consciousness returns to my real body, I shall cease to exist. But I have thought of that too.’

  ‘Then tell us, son, for now I am concerned.’

  ‘Father, in my experiments I have only managed to transfer consciousness when the two subjects possess very similar DNA, for example, between siblings, or father and son, or mother and son. And even so I was only successful when I activated part of the human DNA which was inactive. My aim is to create a being genetically identical to myself, and then effect the transfer. This being will be immortal like we are, since if any human extinguishes my consciousness we can easily resuscitate my own body.’

  ‘Then the risks will be less?’ asked another member of the council.

  ‘Yes, considerably. And of course, I will be watched over by my sons and grandsons, and my soldiers will always be at hand to protect me. The risks are minimal.’

  ‘But, son, do you really think you can change the mentality of the humans?’

  ‘Their nature is like ours, father. They are born in a neutral state, without evil and without goodness. It is the environment they live in that makes them good or evil. If we carry messages of good to them they will become good people, they will carry our teachings with them and pass them on to their descendants. There will come a time when they are ready to evolve and then our work on earth will be at an end.’

  ‘My dear brothers of the Council, I ask you to vote to decide whether we corroborate my son’s plan or let mankind follow the destiny it has chosen.’

  A murmur spread around the chamber. The eleven counselors began to discuss the matter between themselves. Some were for the proposal, some against. By the laws of Nibiru the decision could not come from Anu alone; it had to be a consensus between the king and the counselors. This system avoided the need for one person to make a decision for the many, and thus fewer mistakes were made. The oldest counselor came before Anu and said:

  ‘We, the counselors of Nibiru, vote for Ea’s plan. Let it be so.’

  ‘My son, my vote is also for your plan. Good luck in your undertaking. May the force be with you. Please ask my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to keep us informed of all developments.’

  Enki got up and bowed to his father and to the whole council. He made a point of embracing and kissing each one of them. Then he traveled around Nibiru, for the people were anxious to see him again. His planet had changed greatly. There were many new things; even the clothing was different. The technology of his people had made great advances. The houses were now all made of crystal, and some of gold. Enki spent some time in Nibiru; he and his wife traveled to the four regions of the planet so that their people could see them. Then they both returned to earth, aboard a new ship, a present from his father, which was much more advanced than the one that had brought them to Nibiru. The couple also spent some time with the scientists of their planet, who regenerated their body cells. On the day of Enki’s departure, a large crowd gathered in front of the great palace of crystal. All of them wanted to see the king’s firstborn son set off back to planet Earth to save mankind. After all, it was thanks to the humans and to Earth that Nibiru had healed its deepest wounds, which many shars before had nearly destroyed it. The Anunnakis owed much to planet Earth and to the humans. The time to pay them back had arrived.


  Earth, 24 BC

  With the proliferation of mankind on the earth, the gods had withdrawn to their ships to live. Now they floated somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, now they went below the surface; and at other times they stayed in terrestrial orbit. The gods did this because, if some human should meet them, the news would get out and they would have no more peace.

  Enki and his wife had been back on earth for some hundreds of years. The god’s ship, the greatest of all of them, was known as Atlantis, a name given by some humans who saw it and thought it was an island. It was a veritable city, with thousands of square miles and a large crew. Enki liked to leave it floating on the ocean and regularly had it moved from place to place.

  Anu’s younger son loved the ocean so much that his name had once been Ea, which in Sumerian means “one who lives in the waters”. Later Enki was also identified with Poseidon. Enki’s soldiers, who were seen on earth as God’s angels, visited the planet frequently, passing on instructions to the chosen ones and keeping an eye on the progress of the wars caused by his brother Enlil. Enki frequently tried to find and destroy his brother’s soldiers or, at the least, send them back to Nibiru for trial; but they hid inside the earth, using passages that existed at places scattered around the globe, including at the poles. And as his enemies also possessed a powerful arsenal, Enki preferred not to pursue them into their realm. If a war broke out it would be the humans, unable to protect themselves, who would suffer most. Enki disguised soldiers of his militias and they served as confidants of the leaders all around the planet. In this way they could watch the human governments closely and anticipate the consequences of their actions.

  Enki was completing the preparations for creating his own clone, which would be born on earth and possess the divine consciousness. If the experiment worked, he intended to keep the new body and abandon his present one, which was now very worn out and tired. Even
after the intervention of the scientists of Nibiru, who had regenerated many of his cells, Enki had not regained the youthful body he had had hundreds of thousands of years before, when he first arrived on earth. It cost them dear to discover that the earthly laws of immortality were very different from those on Nibiru. The atmospheric conditions, as well as the oxygen, the water, the food, the sun – everything was very different from Nibiru and made the passage of time more onerous on earth.

  By means of much research and numerous modifications of his own DNA, Enki prepared a number of embryos containing the seed which would give birth to him on earth. However, with these minor modifications his new body would be more resistant and more powerful than his present one. Research had advanced considerably and some inactive genes in Enki’s DNA would be activated now, in his new body, creating a more highly evolved Anunnaki. But Enki did not want the conception of his new body to take place in just any womb. The blood of the woman who brought him to earth in his new body should be the blood of the most recent men created by the Anunnakis. After Adamu and Tiamat, the first earthborn, various other creatures had been given life, including some from a cross between humans and Anunnakis. Enki wanted to be born from his own lineage, and so he asked one of his soldiers to go down to earth and to choose a good man and woman, descendants of David. They would be the parents of Enki’s earthly mother. King David was the son of Jesse who in turn was Enki’s son; and soon Enki would be reborn from his own blood, which would make his mother’s pregnancy easier. Gabriel, the soldier Enki most trusted, after some time on earth, identified a couple of the lineage of the house of David. The woman, however, was infertile and now too old to have a child. Gabriel gave Enki the news.

  ‘My lord, I have found a good couple, both of the house of David. But the woman is old and infertile. Her name is Anna and every day she prays to you asking for you to give her a child. The couple is very devoted to you.’

  ‘This is much better news than I expected, Gabriel. The people will see this sterile woman’s pregnancy as a miracle. Our plan to take love and peace to mankind will start earlier than expected. Bring the couple to our ship during the night. We will inseminate the woman with her husband’s seed and, when they are least expecting it, she will be pregnant.’

  ‘So be it, Lord.’

  When night fell, Gabriel and some soldiers went down quietly to the back of Joachim and Anna’s house. They gave them sedatives so that they should not wake up and then took them to the ship, which set off back to the mother ship, in earth orbit. There they collected Joachim’s seed and an egg from Anna. Anna had not got pregnant because there was an obstruction in the tubes which prevented the egg from being fertilized. Using eggs and sperm, Enki created an embryo and made minor alternations in its chromosomatic structure, engendering a girl child, not a boy.

  The embryo was implanted in Anna’s womb. She and her husband, after a few hours’ rest, were taken back to their home on earth. They could not be allowed to know what had happened but must believe that the conception had happened normally, through their coupling.

  Some weeks later, at night, Gabriel took Anna once again to the ship. While she was unconscious they were able to test her blood and confirm that she was pregnant. When Gabriel put her back in her bed, he brought her a dream in which he declared:

  ‘Anna, the Lord has heard your prayers! You will conceive and you will bear a child, and the whole world will speak of the fruit of your womb until the end of time.’

  Anna, still dreaming, replied to Gabriel:

  ‘May you be blessed, my Lord God. When I receive the fruit of your blessing, whether it be male or female, I will offer it to the Lord and it will be at your service until the end of its days.’

  Then some months passed. Anna’s relations and the members of her tribe thought her pregnancy was a miracle of God. She had been sterile, and she was advancing in years, and now she was to have a child.

  The day arrived and Anna gave birth to a girl, and she gave her the name of Mary.


  Bethlehem City, 6 and 7 BC

  Mary lived for twelve years in the temple, in accordance with the teachings of her tribe. When the twelve years were up, the priests of the temple had a discussion.

  ‘Behold, Mary has completed twelve years in God’s temple. We need to know what to do with her, before she becomes a woman and defiles the sanctuary of our Lord,’ said the holy men to the high priest.

  The high priest did not yet know what should be done. And so he began to pray to God to ask for guidance about Mary’s future. At nightfall, when the temple was empty, he was the last to leave. When he was locking the great wooden door, at the back of the temple, a wind came from behind him with such force that it lifted his robe and blew sand in his eyes. He rubbed them hard to clear them, and then he saw a bright light come from the sky. At once he fell to his knees and bowed his head as a sign of respect to the angel, which told him:

  ‘Zacharias, go and call together all the widowers of the village. Let each one of them bring a stick. The one that receives a sign shall be the husband and guardian of Mary.’

  Zacharias hardly had time to look up and give thanks for the angel’s message, when the light disappeared into the sky and faded into a star.

  The next day Zacharias gave the angel’s message to the other priests, and they hurried to spread the word throughout the village, summoning the widowers. In no time the widowers assembled and went in search of the high priest. Zacharias took hold of the sticks they had brought and began to pray in the temple. At the end of his prayers he observed the sticks, but no sign appeared. He therefore decided to return them to their owners. But when he was handing back the last one, a shining white bird flew out, hovering over the head of the man whose stick it was. This man was Joseph. Then the priest cried out:

  ‘It is fated that you, my good man, shall take for yourself the virgin of the Lord.’

  ‘I have children and I am old. She is only a girl. I do not think it is right and I do not want to become a figure of fun for our tribe,’ replied Joseph.

  ‘Fear the Lord, Joseph. You have been chosen to protect the virgin of God. You cannot deny our Father.’

  Joseph was afraid that something might happen to his family if he disobeyed the orders of God, and took Mary under his protection, and said to her:

  ‘I have taken you from the temple of God. I will leave you in my house, in safety, and I will make a journey. Soon I will be back. The Lord will keep you until my return.’

  May was now fifteen years old. One day she went to the well to draw water to drink and for cooking, and as she was pulling the bucket up, she heard a voice behind her.

  ‘Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women!’

  Mary let the bucket fall as she turned and tried to see whose the voice was. She became very frightened when she was there was no one nearby, although she had heard clearly what was said to her. Mary began to tremble with fear and rushed back towards the house. A little later, recovered from her fright, she decided to finish sewing one of the garments she was making for her husband. As she sat at the door of the house, she could see a tall man in bright robes heading towards her. Mary was confused.

  ‘Have no fear, Mary. I am here to bring you a message from our Lord. You will conceive and give birth to the son of God,’ announced the angel.

  Mary could not believe what she was hearing.

  ‘Am I to conceive a son of almighty God and give birth, like other women?’

  ‘It will not be thus, Mary. You will be with child with the son of God without the need to conceive through carnal knowledge of a man. You will remain untouched. The son of God will be born of you and you will call him Jesus, for he shall be the savior of his people.’

  ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to your will.’

  The angel slowly moved away. It skirted a tree, and a bright light was seen, and the angel disappeared as if it had never
been there. Mary ran to tell her news to her cousin Elizabeth. She knocked at her cousin’s door full of happiness. When Isabel heard her knocking she left what she was doing and hurried to open the door. When she saw Mary she said:

  ‘Who am I to receive into my house the mother of the son of God?’

  ‘Elizabeth, how do you know of this?’

  ‘The angel Gabriel appeared to me and he told me. I too am expecting a child. It was a blessing from God. The angel Gabriel told me that my son’s calling on earth will be to help yours.’

  As Joseph was still away on his travels, Mary decided to stay at her cousin’s house. Six months went by. Mary was now sixteen. When she heard that her husband was returning, she also went home, at night, so that nobody of the village should see her now obvious belly. Some days later Joseph arrived, and when he went into the house he saw Mary, pregnant. He couldn’t believe it and threw himself to the ground, weeping bitterly at the disgrace of it.

  ‘And now, how shall I present myself before God? I took this virgin from the temple with the duty to protect her, and I have failed. What will happen to me? How could you do this, Mary? Did you perhaps forget our Lord God?’

  ‘Joseph, please, be calm. I am pure and have never known a man.’

  ‘Impossible. So where did this child you are carrying come from?’

  ‘By God, I do not know how it happened…’ Mary hadn’t finished speaking when Joseph rushed out.

  Late that night, while Joseph was walking and thinking about what had happened, a bright light appeared over his head, and a voice spoke to him:

  ‘Joseph, be not afraid for your maiden, for she is carrying in her womb the son of God. Your mission will be to protect them and, when he is born, his name shall be Jesus. He will come to earth to save his people.’

  Joseph was struck dumb. He fell to his knees while the light over his head was dimming.

  Some months later, when he had confronted the ire of the priests of the temple, who thought that he had violated the Virgin Mary, the news came that the Emperor was conducting a new census and that the people should return to their home towns to be counted. Joseph and Mary set out. She rode on an ass with her husband on foot. In front of them went Joseph’s children. When they were only three miles from Bethlehem, Joseph saw Mary put a hand to her belly with a worried look. And Mary called out:


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