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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 11

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  Holding onto Noblesse on one side and his queen on the other, Max demonstrated why he’s the Vampire King of New York. His cool head and calm demeanor made the vampires gather around him quietly awaiting his command.

  “Curtis,” he said. “I need to have a counting of who was in the building and is now here.”

  “Yes, Majesty.” Curtis stood at attention before Max holding the entryway’s sign-in book, which he had the forethought to grab before leaving.

  Curtis called out each name, and as he heard each vampire or guest respond, he checked them off.

  Curtis called out, “Loreli Montgomery?”

  There was no reply.

  “Loreli!” Max bellowed so loudly the buildings on the street shook.

  A petite blond appeared, hugging him in the middle. “I’m here, Grandfather.”

  “Curtis, do we have everyone now?”

  “Lily Snow?”

  There was no answer in the anxious silence.

  Noblesse’s phone rang in her pocket. Quickly she raised it to her ear. “Noblesse here. Lily, where are you?”

  “I’m in the research stacks next to my office downstairs. The earth shook, and I was thrown under the Babylonian table. I can’t get out. Fallen bookcases and books block me on every side. The only light I have is my cell phone, and that will last for maybe an hour.”

  Max looked down at his daughter. She handed the phone to Max. “Lily?”


  “Lily, Max here. You’re under the stone table?”

  “Yes, Max, but I can’t get out, and I think my right leg might be broken. Please, help me.”

  “Lily, in the floor under the table, there is a brick with the letter B on it. If you press it, half of the space under the table will become a stairway going down. Be sure to move back quickly.”

  Even though Max had the phone to his ear, Noblesse’s hearing was keen enough to hear Lily’s squeak and the straining of the ancient mechanism that opened the hidden stairway.

  “Max, I’ll go get Lily,” Donovan said.

  “We will too,” Laura and David said practically at the same time.

  “So will we.” Two supernaturals, Gregor Vaseiliev and his wife Regina, stepped forward out of a growing crowd.

  Noblesse turned around and realized other supernaturals of the city were mixed with the vampires.

  Max spoke into the cell phone. “Lily, do not lose hope. I’m sending a team of five to get you out. They will be coming up those stairs. You know Donovan?”

  “Yes,” said the pained voice on the other end.

  “You know Laura and David. Gregor and his wife Regina are coming too. I will see you soon, Lily. Don’t worry. They will get you out.”

  “Okay, Max. Thank you. Bye.”

  She hung up, and Max gave the phone back to Noblesse.

  “I want to go too, Father,” Noblesse said.

  “Bless, I need you to help me organize. We have to get everyone out of here. The human first responders are on their way.”

  Donovan pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I will be back as soon as I can, Sha. I’ll see you at Max’s house.”

  “Be safe, mon chéri.” Noblesse kissed Donovan on both cheeks and then on the mouth. Turning to her brother, she said, “Please, keep him safe for me.”

  David nodded. “I will.”

  Gregor, using his enormous strength as a bear shapeshifter, pulled up the manhole cover and the five descended into the sewer.

  Noblesse helped Max and Curtis divide up the vampires who formerly lived in the Arnhem Society building into four groups. Six were taken by ambulance to a private hospital as directed by Max. One group of homeless residents went to the home of Joshua and Betsy Stenwood of Battery Park. Another group went home with Trevor Stenwood who lived with his wife and baby girl next door. Forty would follow Queen Evelyn to Max’s townhouse in Battery Park. Max urged Noblesse to help Evelyn make the arrangements. Those with injuries went in the car, while the others walked the few blocks to the home. With so many humans on route to the disaster to help, no one was allowed to fly.

  As Max’s limo pulled out, the fire and police departments showed up in force. The press arrived to talk to Maximillion Vander Meer. Within seconds, the tragedy that had befallen the Arnhem Society was on every newscast.

  Gazing out the limo window, Noblesse watched tiny flakes of snow dance like autumn leaves in the predawn sky. Vincent would leave them at the house and return for Max. She didn’t like leaving him there, but the rest of the supernatural community was on the street. Several Arnhem Knights stayed behind with Max and Curtis to assist in any way needed.

  “I’m surprised Father didn’t have his house swept for bombs.” The words just fell out of her mouth.

  Evelyn stared wide-eyed. “Max just heard you. We will all have to wait outside. Adrian Moste is coming over. He’s a bomb disposal expert and an elf.”

  Noblesse smiled. “Trevor and Georgia Stenwood are inviting all of us to their home to wait out the bomb sweep. They are not far.” Mindtalking between the Arnhem Knights was proving to be invaluable in this emergency.

  Noblesse sat back and Evelyn hugged her. She picked up the stirring of life in Evelyn’s body. Speaking to her mind, she asked, Are you and Father having a child?

  Yes, and we’re so excited.

  Noblesse smiled and a blood tear slipped down her face.

  Donovan should not have gone.

  Evelyn patted her hand. He felt he had to be part of Lily’s rescue. He’s her friend and being human, it would reassure her that she can survive this. Papa intends on climbing up those stairs first.

  Another tear fell. I know that.

  We are aware that Papa has asked to be changed. If anything happens to him down under the earth, David is there to change him.

  Noblesse ground her teeth; her fangs descended. He has been purposely blocking his pain from us. With the limo filled with other vampires, Noblesse focused to keep the mindtalk strictly between her and Evelyn. He hid his pain. He was mortally injured from the force of the blast, Evie.

  Papa is a very strong man, and if it looks like he’s dying, Laura and David are with him. They will not let him die.

  Tiny snowflakes pelted the window, tiny stars swirling madly in the dark wind. Another smaller explosion shook them. They saw a fire in the distance. More fire trucks sped past them.

  Evelyn hugged Noblesse. I couldn’t help but hear him call you Sha.

  It means dear or sweet. The Cajuns use it all the time. It’s just a habit with him.

  That’s not how Papa is using it. The only other person he ever called Sha was my mother. It means he loves you.

  While the drive to Trevor’s was brief, the wait for the bomb sweep made Noblesse a nervous wreck. She needed air and stepped outside the limo to wait in the cold and dark. Vincent stood beside her.

  “Princess, you should not stand alone in the dark.”

  “The one I love is in the dark. While I cannot be with Donovan, my heart will search for him in the shadowy tunnels built by history.”

  Chapter 16

  David went in first with Laura right behind them. Having vampire vision, the dark did not hinder them. As soon as they reached the bottom of the ladder, Laura raised her hand and splaying her fingers created a bright arc of lightning. Donovan went down next with Regina and Gregor bringing up the rear.

  Debris reached beyond the foundation of the Arnhem Society. Still they had a well-lit area in which to work. David and Gregor stepped closer to the wall of stone and mortar. It blocked the tunnel they hoped would be there. When the wall of unsteady stone shifted, the two leapt back.

  “It’s too unstable to dig through without bracing equipment.” Gregor touched the remaining wall
in several places. Regina pulled her mate back to the group.

  “We have to think this through.” Donovan examined the rods and debris sticking out through a wall of crumbling stone. “If we dig, it collapses. I hope it’s not like that under the building. We have to get her out.”

  “Max said there is an ancient tunnel.” David walked back and forth in front of the barrier, at times touching and pulling a small rock only to see it replaced by others.

  “So the only way is to dig Lily out from above?” Donovan shook his head. “She can’t be in the dark that long, and we have no idea how long the air will hold out. We have to get to her fast.”

  Regina moved her red hair behind her pointed elf ears. She raised her hand and scrunched up her face. Some rocks floated up. Then they tumbled down again.

  She sighed, sad-faced. Gregor hugged her. “Reggie, you tried. So what if you can’t levitate rocks.”

  “You were going to levitate rocks? I’ve never seen that,” Donovan said.

  “Elves can do it, except they cannot bear human pain.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Human pain drains their powers. Without their powers, they would blink out,” Regina said.

  Confusion danced across Donovan’s face.

  “They would die,” Gregor clarified. “Reggie becomes ill, but when she touches me the pain and mental anguish of others is neutralized, as she’s only half elf.”

  “Do you feel humans in pain now, Reggie?” David asked.

  “Two humans. I feel Lily, but it isn’t bad. She is scared. I feel you, Donovan. You are dying.”

  “Not yet. Let’s get going before we lose her.” Though pain racked his body, Donovan steeled himself through it. Noble gave him her essence with that last kiss. It was holding him up so he could survive. How long he didn’t know.

  “Hon, what about the old leprechaun door trick your dad taught you?” Gregor asked.

  “We need to find a wall. Spread out everyone. I need a flat surface so I can draw a door, if this is going to work.” They looked for a surface that was flat enough and still together. “David, this is a leprechaun form of teleporting. I have never been to Lily’s archive office or to the tunnel beneath it. I need clear mental images of where it is and how to get there from the tunnel.”

  “I will ask Max. I’ve never been through the tunnel to Lily’s office either.” David’s eyes glazed over. He shook his head. “The human press and the first responders are talking to him.” Everyone remained quiet while David concentrated. They found a possible wall. Under closer examination, it collapsed. The search began again. As David and Max mindtalked, lines of concern etched on his face. He blinked and turned his attention to Regina.

  After a minute, she shook her head. “I can’t see your mind.”

  “I’m not blocking you,” David said.

  “I know. It must be the nature of the vampire mind.”

  “Have you tried Laura’s? Being a Telkhine, her mind may be different.”

  Regina laughed. “Laura’s mind is like watching twenty TV shows all running on the same channel. I can’t make out what I need.”

  Donovan said, “David, think at me.”

  “A human mind might work.”

  Everyone went back to finding Regina a wall to draw on, while she focused her attention on Donovan. David poured Max’s images into Donovan’s mind.

  A minute later, Regina smiled. “Perfect. I have everything I need. Donovan, you really shouldn’t come with us.”

  “Look how helpful I’ve been already.” Donovan managed a smile. “We have to get going.”

  With tears in her eyes, Laura said, “Papa, Mina gave me a vial of Royal Elixir.”

  “Keep it for Lily. She’s going to need it. I would have been a goner without it, but more Royal Elixir isn’t going to help me now.” He turned to David. “When I begin to die, will you change me?”

  David stood wide-eyed.

  “I know I said never to bite me again but . . .”

  “If I change you, you only have a fifty-fifty chance.”

  “I’m going to die anyway. Noble means everything to me, so I’ll take any chance to be with her.” He sat hard on the floor, as if he’d miscalculated the distance. Donovan took a minute to muster his strength, trying to hide the pain.

  David reached down and pulled him to his feet. “I’ll do it.”

  “Okay, everyone, Gregor has found the perfect spot.” With a piece of pink chalk she took from her pocket, Regina drew a rough edged door and sang in a language none of them knew. “Hold hands now and keep your minds blank.” They did as she told them. After she knocked on the door three times, it solidified into a wooden door. Regina opened it and led them into the darkness.

  Donovan saw dark, heard a whoosh, and felt wind blow past him. His hand remained clasping Gregor’s in front of him and Laura’s behind him.

  “We’re through,” Regina said. Hands dropped, and Laura raised an arc of light that lit the tunnel.

  “This way.” David led the way, keeping one hand on Laura who kept one hand on Donovan. The tunnel started like a dirt cave with debris scattered about. Further in was a black stone floor and tiled walls. The light fixtures in the ceiling didn’t work. There were a few cracks here and there but otherwise it was intact.

  Everything shook. David and Laura pushed Donovan against a wall. Gregor covered Regina on the other wall. Only dust sprinkled down. As they walked further, train tracks interrupted the stone floor.

  “Looks like it was supposed to be part of the subway system at one time.” Laura continued to hold one hand aloft like a torch.

  Regina screamed. She leapt into Gregor’s arms. Everyone jumped and ran in her direction.

  “It’s only a rat, Reggie. It’s all right. I’ve got you.”

  She giggled, as he continued to carry her. “It’s handy to have a bear shifter husband.” They kissed, and the rest of them moved on ahead.

  David slowed. “We are looking for a mark that looks like an eagle. Arnhem is Dutch for the place where eagles fly.”

  The five of them spread out taking sections of wall, searching for the engraving.

  “It’s on a white tile and the eagle is blue,” David added. “Max keeps giving me advice, but it’s interrupted. He’s surrounded by humans asking questions.”

  “We have to hurry. Lily is crying. Her phone battery is dead. She’s alone in the dark.” Donovan stumbled. David grabbed him by the arm to steady him.

  “Papa, how do you know that? You’re human and Lily’s human.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know how I know, except that it’s true.”

  Laura smiled, holding him on the other side. “Maybe there’s something special about you, Papa.”

  Donovan shook his head again. “Maybe there’s something special about every human when they’re in emergency mode.”

  Everyone smiled.

  Gregor roared out, “Found it!”

  David went over to the tile and pressed it in. Above them, a machine whined to life, creaking and straining. The wall opened. In the glow of Laura’s electricity, the stairs descended toward them, but abruptly stopped.

  “Move aside.” Regina rubbed her hands together. She placed them on a piece of metal and gave it an electric jolt. It whined again, whirring, and the stairs again started unfolding.

  Then it stopped.

  “What if I pull it down?” Gregor asked.

  “It could break the whole thing. The mechanism is fragile,” Regina said.

  “Well, what if there were no stairs but a vacant stairwell? Laura and I could fly up and get her.”

  “If the floor crumbles out from under her, Lily might panic. She could fall,” Donovan brought up.

  “So, no pulling o
ut the partially functional stairway,” Laura said. “What can we do?”

  “If Gregor will give me a boost, I’m climbing up there and getting Lily,” Donovan said.

  “What if the stairway starts to move while you’re still on it?” Regina asked.

  “I plan on being fast.”

  “Wait.” Laura took her father’s hand and bit it. Then she licked the wounds closed.

  Donovan felt steadier, her vampire saliva giving him an ease-up on the pain and additional strength. “Thank you, Lala.”

  “You’re welcome, Papa. David and I will be right behind you, just in case.”

  Gregor gave Donovan a boost into the stairway, more like an elevator that didn’t make it all the way to the floor. He climbed into the darkness crawling up each stair on his hands and knees.

  “Lily, I’m coming.”

  “Is that you, Donovan?”

  Chapter 17

  Finally, Max’s house was declared clear and the moving in proceeded. Noblesse helped Evelyn hand out all the blankets and pillows. Additional pillows, blankets, and blood were ordered through VMeer Industries. Noblesse, overwhelmed with worry and not able to mindtalk with Donovan, sought a sanctuary away from the crowds.

  Most rooms were occupied now, even the library and Max’s office. His bedroom was empty. She went in and sat on the bed. Staring out the window, she could only think of one thing. Where was Donovan now? Tears rolled down her face, and she clawed at her hair in despair.

  Evelyn came into the room and sat next to her. “Stop that. He can’t mindtalk right now. He has to focus to stay alive and get Lily out.” Then she left, but returned with a wet, warm washcloth. Evelyn gently washed the blood off of Noblesse’s face.

  “Bless, may I call you Bless?”


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