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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 2

by Ainsley Cole

  She was glad too.

  The only other person to have a key to this door was the Lord of the Coven himself.

  “Your loss,” Rhayden shrugged, walking behind her. His hand trailed across her backside, only the fabric of her jeans between her and his fingers. He leant in, his breath close to her ear, sending shivers of desire flooding through her. Marley closed her eyes. “To have you, I might just have to kill him.”

  “I would like to see you try.” Marley said, pushing open the door and walking in.

  She turned, seeing the vampire's eyes, liquid silver, staring at her with feral lust. His plump lips, ready for kissing and she quietly closed the door, telling herself it would never work.


  Marley let the hot water sluice over her, washing away the scent of sweat and of Rhayden. She knew she shouldn't have let him touch her, to even have him come so close.

  His scent would have been on her in an instant and with vampires—scent was everything, when staking a claim.

  But she knew why she had let him. He was so beautiful. A paler copy of his brother and she found herself fantasizing about him again.

  The strong, muscled physique she had first seen, when Absinthe's guard had walked her into the mansion at his Lord's request. The pair of brothers had been sparring, their bodies glistened with sweat.

  The look both men had afforded her way, seeing a female human in their world, one they both seemed attracted to, had made her feel vulnerable.

  Absinthe had wanted her to work for him. His personal Bounty Hunter.

  Someone who could kill Rogues, without having to worry too much about their bite, as Marley could get to them during the day.

  In the time she had been working for Absinthe, she had killed upwards of one-hundred rogue vampires.

  Ones turned by rogues themselves. Newly fledgling vampires who couldn't commit to the Coven's specific way of killing, their rules.

  Senile old vampires who had forgotten what the hell they were doing, because they had ingested too much animal blood.

  She originally had been happy to tell him to go to hell.

  Her and Absinthe had had an altercation and threats had been made— she had walked away from them and their million dollar a year contract.

  She would have stayed away too, except her sister Linda, was killed by a rogue no more than twenty-four hours later.

  It had seen her come back to Absinthe, begging him to let her take the contract, let her kill every single rogue bloodsucker out there and then more.

  Whatever he wanted, she would do.

  Just to find Linda’s killer.

  But it had been two years—and beside the three weeks of hard core hunting she had done when she had first started—she had heard nothing else of her sister’s killer, other than rumor.

  She wondered if she ever would—

  “Thinking of me?” Absinthe's smooth voice floated to her. Her skin tingled and she turned her head.

  The vampire stood in the bathroom, his face one of lust and amusement. Marley turned again, washing the last of the soap from her body.

  “Should I have been?” she asked, knowing full well he could smell the arousal on her skin. But she played coy.

  She didn't think he would like it, if he found who she was fantasizing about, especially since it wasn't him.

  “Rhayden treat you civilly?”

  Marley turned, looking back at him again.

  She had learned to look Absinthe in the eye when she spoke of his little brother. He would not like the idea of his human hunter, getting ideas on his younger sibling, “And why wouldn't he? He knows you would kill him if he didn't.”

  “Good. Now enough talk—”

  Marley's heart hammered as Absinthe unbuttoned his coat. Pulling it from his pale skin, it dropped to the floor like any other useless garment. He tugged at the buttons on his silk shirt with long fingers. Popping the button on his dress pants and stepped out of them, kicking off his shoes as he did so.

  The feral, hungry look returned to his gaze.

  Marley turned her head back to the wall of the shower, her hands shaking, legs weak.

  This had been part of their agreement which hadn’t been signed on the contract.

  He had seduced her within days of her starting work. Not that she had fought against him very hard.

  His need for her, her desire for him—their first encounter had lasted almost twenty-four hours, his energy, his stamina.

  She had been sore—but satisfied beyond what a human man could have ever provided her, and she had never sought the company of a human lover again.

  Absinthe's strong, cool hands skirted the sides of her thighs and hips, coming around the front of her, cupping one around her breast. The other, slid towards her pelvis.

  His fingers slipped in into the folds of her sex, pushing across the nub of her clit as he sought her core. Cold lips brushed the back of her neck, his hard shaft pressing into the indent of her bottom, showing her how much he desired her.

  “I missed you,” the vampire's lips kissed her neck, nipping slightly with blunt teeth, his fangs hidden, and she gasped as his fingers slipped into her. “So much.”

  “I’ve only been gone a week. But I missed you too Abe.” She whispered, uttering the name he allowed only herself, and Rhayden to use.

  Flashes of Rhayden behind her, made her stomach flip and Marley groaned. Wishing for a moment it was Absinthe's brother; not the older, more powerful Lord behind her, ready to take her.

  What would Rhayden be like as a lover, compared to his sibling?

  Abe took the sound as a response to his ministrations and growled. Releasing his hand from her folds, he gripped her hip, turning her around. He pushed her against the wall of the shower, his hands sliding down to her butt, lifting her to him.

  Marley wrapped her legs around his waist, her ankles locking behind him, her arms around his neck. Abe leaned in, smashing his lips against hers, his cool tongue slipping into her mouth, dueling with her hotter one.

  She felt the slide of his fangs against her lip, as they descended. She moaned as he moved his hand to the front of her, gripping himself, thrusting into her.

  Marley tipped her head back at the feel of the Lord's shaft as it filled her, the rhythm as he started to move against her. Her hands went to his shoulders, fingernails digging into his muscles as he continually slammed himself against her, his hard body thumping against her soft one.

  Abe's mouth was on her neck, his teeth biting, opening tiny wounds on her flesh. His tongue licked them, cleaning the blood, sealing the cuts; before he bit again, repeating the process.

  Marley could feel her peak build, the tingling starting in the pit of her stomach.

  Absinthe's hands tightened on her, gripping her harder as he pushed in and out of her, his strength holding her up against the wall with ease.

  Marley's orgasm washed over her in toxic waves of pleasure and she cried out, her fingernails digging harder into Abe's shoulders. The tips sliced through his skin; eliciting a growl from the vampire, his movements becoming faster, more frenzied.

  The sound of a cracking tile and the slight sting to Marley's back, signaled Absinthe's orgasm. He tipped his head back, letting the water cascade over his face as he roared. The vampire's cool seed flowed into her, cooling her from within and she moaned.

  Tipping her head forwards, to look at him, his face still cascaded with water, as his orgasm subsided. He tipped his head forward, his eyes molten silver, lips parted with lust.

  She leant in, licking the water from his lips and he groaned, moving his hips again.

  “You will give me a heart attack one-day Marley.” He whispered, gripping her bottom lip with his fangs, biting down softly. He licked the blood which sprang forth as his fangs pierced the soft flesh, making her moan.

  Marley rocked her hips against Abe, and she felt his grip tighten on her backside, knowing bruises would appear within an hour.

  “If your heart work
ed Absinthe,” She whispered, kissing him and she tipped her head back as he started to move again. His legendary stamina kicking in.

  This was going to be one of those sore nights—


  Marley noticed the look on Rhayden's face as soon as she walked into the library behind his brother. His eyes faded to copper with anger and she dropped her gaze from his.

  Absinthe took the seat at the head of the table, looking to his brother.

  “Rhayden, the file.”

  The vampire looked at him and slid the manila folder across the table to one of the spare seats and Marley took the hint.

  Sit and read.

  She walked to the table and took the seat, feeling the gaze of both brothers on her.

  Flipping the folder open, she looked down at the contents.

  Photos—over a dozen.

  Charred corpses of vampire couples. Usually in a lover's embrace, their bodies entwined together in death.

  “Mated couples?” she asked, looking from Rhayden to Absinthe.

  The vampire-lord nodded and slowly blinked. “I have ten of my youngest, mated couples dead.”

  “Ten? I-I didn't think there were that many killed.”

  “That’s just in my Coven Marlene. If you include other Covens, in other parts of the country—the number is closer to sixty,” Absinthe replied, leaning back on the chair. He seemed so calm. But she knew from personal experience—he was a walking time-bomb. She had been on the end of his anger on more than one occasion. “I have no idea who or what is killing my Mated. I need every one of those couples Marlene. Our species cannot survive without them. Do you know how long a vampire has to live to be able to Mate long term to another?”

  Marley shook her head, knowing she didn't. She had no idea on the internal workings of Absinthe's world. She only knew of the rogues, the Covens and that the vampire race would do anything to keep their world hidden.

  Her gaze slid to Rhayden.

  The vampire was staring at her and she dropped hers again, not wanting the tension between them to be picked up by the man at the end of the table.

  Absinthe continued, unaware of his Hunter and his brother being at odds, “It is less messy for me to make vampires with Mated, than to turn a human. We have less fatalities, less complications. But it takes a long time for that Mated couple to come of age to do so. Hundreds of years.”

  Marley nodded, “I understand then, why it is so important. So why call me?”

  “I need you to go and do your thing Marlene.” Absinthe replied with a slight shrug and she stared at him, confused.


  “Obviously I cannot do it. I have more pressing matters. This Coven holds the heads of the Federation of Vampires in two days. We will have all leaders present here, with their respective senior Mated pairs. It is an easy target for this killer. I need it resolved before then,” He grimaced. “I don’t want to go down in history as the vampire who had everyone’s Mated picked off at his mansion.”

  “So, you just send me to do it? I thought I only hunted Rogues?”

  “Well, now you don't. I need you to do this Marlene. Show me the reason I picked you. Prove to me your worth,” Absinthe replied and reached into his left, inside jacket pocket. He pulled out a white envelope, handing it across the table to her.

  “What’s this?” she asked, reaching out and taking it, making sure her fingers didn't touch his. The guards at the door wouldn't have been too happy with a human touching their lord. Even if they ignored the fact she stayed. They would have been able to smell her scent on him; she just didn’t want to push her luck.

  “Payment.” Absinthe replied, and Marley looked at him, before opening the envelope.

  So many zeros.

  She had a hard time on counting them on the small piece of paper. She lifted her gaze to Absinthe and he nodded, “Ten million dollars.”

  Marley felt sick.

  She hadn't even spent half of the first million dollars Absinthe had given her for her first year in his employ and she had been working for him for two.

  What was she going to do with ten-million?

  “Who is he?” she asked, and Abe cocked his head to the side.

  “I don't understand—” he started.

  “Who is the killer? You a must have a clue. Otherwise you wouldn't offer me so much to get rid of him,” Marley replied, and she saw Absinthe's face harden.

  Their moment in the shower was over—they were back to being boss and employee and she knew her boss could be a world-class asshole.

  “He is a nuisance. That is all.” Absinthe replied, before turning to his brother. “You are to accompany her, Rhayden. Make sure nothing befalls her which would see you head on a spike.”

  Rhayden slowly turned his head to his brother, shock seeding his features. His mouth popped open, “You want me to babysit your human?”

  Marley felt her heart skip a beat and Rhayden's gaze slid to her.

  How could he say such a thing, after the promises he had made to her? Promised he would take her away, keep running, only the pair of them.

  “Yes. I do. I want you to let Marley have access to the armory.”

  Rhayden slid his gaze back to his brother and nodded slowly, annoyance hitting his voice, “Of course.”

  “I mean it. You need to make sure Marley is safe,” Absinthe looked at her, a faint smile hitting his mouth. “There is no-one I trust more than Rhayden to keep you safe.”

  “Okay,” she replied shakily, nodding her head at him.

  Abe must have picked up on the slight tremor in his lover's voice, for he cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Is there going to be a problem with it Marlene? Do you not want him?”

  Marley shook her head.

  God did she want him, but not the way Abe thought, and she wasn't going to let either of them know it either.

  “No. It's usually-I work alone,” she whispered, dropping her gaze to the table.

  “Not anymore,” The vampire said, lifting himself to his feet. Marley and Rhayden both stood, as Absinthe adjusted his jacket. “This meeting is done.”


  Marley shoved her freshly laundered clothes into her pack and zipped it closed.

  What the hell was Absinthe thinking? Did he not know of the feelings his human lover had for his own brother? Could he not sense them?

  How was she supposed to work with Rhayden and not succumb to his touch? For she knew at some point, she would succumb.

  A knock at the door made her jump and she turned, just as Rhayden opened it.

  “Are you ready Mars?” he asked, watching her as she picked up her bag.

  “Sure,” She said shakily, noticing the black t-shirt he wore outlined his muscles.

  “Good. I will be in the armory. Absinthe wants to see you in the library.” Rhayden replied, holding out his hand.

  Marley sighed and held her pack out, letting the vampire take it as she walked past.

  “Great,” she said, pushing past him, walking the hall, aware of Rhayden behind her. His eyes not boring into her back, but her butt as she walked, and she tried not to wiggle it more than necessary. No point in baiting a tiger, if you didn't want to get eaten.

  She turned towards the Library, Rhayden turning in the opposite direction, towards the armory and Marley sighed in relief. She didn't think she was going to be able to handle this much longer—and she was supposed to be working with him?

  This was not going to end well.

  Coming to the door of the Library, she knocked, before entering, “Lord Absinthe.”

  Abe looked up from his book and nodded to his guards, “Leave us.”

  The vampires nodded, standing to attention and turning, left the pair alone in the room. She turned to the dark-haired man. “You wanted to see me before I left?”

  “Yes. I want you to know, I am not looking forward to you doing this Marley.”

  “Then why send me?” she asked, watching as he seemed to w
restle with his emotions.

  Why would he send her off, with his brother, after someone who could kill vampires so easily, if he didn’t like the idea of it? She really didn’t see the logic in it, but didn’t say anything, letting him to continue.

  “You are the only one I can trust. The only one who can find this killer during the day, when he will be at his most vulnerable,” Abe stood, coming to her. His hand lifted, stroking her cheek. She closed her eyes as he leant in and kissed her, lips tracing lightly over hers. He pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose. “I want you to be careful Marley.”

  She opened her eyes, looking up at him, “I will be.”

  “Make sure you are. And Marlene—” she worried about what he would say next. “This killer specifically targets vampires. Look after my little brother.”


  Rhayden was in the armory, stacking weapons into bags as Marley walked in, her hands in her pockets, “I take it the boss is still okay with you going?”

  She at him and tried to smile, “Sure. He's the one who told me to do it in the first place, remember? He just wanted to make sure I had everything.”

  “Uh huh,” he replied, turning back to the bags. Marley’s eyebrows furrowed as he put sheets of silver Nitrate rounds into their confines.

  “Are we expecting Lycan?” she asked, nodding to the bullets.

  “You never know Mars,” He said, shoving another magazine into both bags. “Don't want to be caught out. Do we?”

  “Sure. Though I haven't heard of a Lycan in Miami for a couple of years, Rhayden.”

  The vampire turned to her, his mouth stretching into a wide grin, “Who said we're staying in Miami?”


  Another two hours of Rhayden's erratic driving and Marley was slowly starting to get used to it. Her knuckles were no longer white, and her heart rate had slowed down enough for her to be able to open her eyes and enjoy the scenery.

  The Alpha's V8 engine purred, its sleek lines flashing with the occasional light which happened to flicker past. And now it was near on sunrise, she could see the vehicle’s beautiful body, coming to life in the side mirror.

  “We have another ten minutes of driving—then I have to stop.” Rhayden muttered, looking past her to the horizon. Marley followed his gaze, seeing the slightest twinge of the sun's rinsing.


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