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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 10

by Ainsley Cole

  Her mouth turned down in a frown, “Thanks.”

  The car pulled up in front of the building and Madison climbed out, holding the door open for Marley. She stepped out, looking up the massive flight of stairs. This place was so much like the huge mansion Absinthe owned.

  Her gaze shifted to the landing.

  Standing right at the top, surrounded by guards and other vampires was Korin James.

  Vampire-Lord of Las Vegas.

  For a fraction of a second, with he man’s white hair, it reminded her of Rhayden. She shook the thought from her mind. She wouldn’t entertain his thought right now.

  “Come on Marley.” The two women walked up the steps, followed closely by Tony. Marley kept her eyes on the man in the middle, watching the way he stood, the way he oozed his own aura.

  His gaze watched her in return, dancing with amusement.

  Stopping in front of the group, two vampires stepped forward, brandishing electronic wands. They held them up and waved them over Marley, then Madison and finally Tony. They turned back to the vampire, nodding. “All clear Sire.”

  He nodded and looked at the trio in front of him, his mouth breaking into a wide grin, teeth glaringly white.

  “Welcome to my Coven Children of Absinthe Raynes,” His gaze fell on Marley, primal. “Miss Brennan, so curious to see my cousin use such means as a human hunter.”

  Marley’s skin chilled. This vampire was a relative of Absinthe? Of Rhayden?

  No wonder she could see aspects of both men in him. Pale hair, like Rhayden. Regal stance, like Absinthe.

  But there was something cold about him.

  “Thank you Lord Korin. I am humbled you would allow a human into your Coven—”

  “Hmm, you must have rehearsed that many, many times on your trip here Miss Brennan,” He chuckled, and Marley’s face heated with embarrassment. The vampires near Korin whispered to themselves, smelling the blood coming to the surface of her skin and the Lord turned to them, his voice lowering. “Leave us.”

  They stared at their Lord with shock, but bowed their heads a left.

  Once Korin was sure they had all gone, he turned back to her and leaned in closer.

  “I have promised my cousin that I will not hurt you Miss Brennan. And I will hold myself to that, as to cross Absinthe would see my head roll. But my fledglings are only just old enough to have hunted for themselves,” He leaned back, smirking to himself. “And you would be a good triumph for them. So close. So fresh.”

  Tony growled behind her and Marley turned her head to the woman by her side. Madison had stiffened with her Syre's growl. Her eyes were slowly fading to copper, picking up on her Syre’s anger. If it come to it, Maddison would have Marley back in the car in a heart-beat, while Tony fought Korin.

  Marley turned back to Korin. The man’s gaze had started to turn copper as well, trained on the man behind her.

  Tony’s gruff deep voice came from behind, “I will not let you, or your fledglings hurt Miss Brennan in anyway. She will not be sleeping here, we have a hotel booked. We will leave you for the night; get her settled and return tomorrow evening to speak of the Mated.”

  The look which passed across Korin’s face was one of annoyance, contempt, and feigned shock.

  “Surely you do not think that Miss Brennan would be unsafe here Tony? I would never allow her to be put in any danger?” his gaze shifted back to Marley.

  It lowered to her neck, then to blouse and she shuddered at the lust which flit across his features. She’d seen it before; in his cousins. But this lust frightened her, and she knew she was going to have trouble with this man.

  “I know Miss Brennan would not be safe here.” Tony growled and Marley felt proud of the loyalty he had to Absinthe. He would protect his Lord's human lover from another vampire, even if it was his Lord's own cousin.

  “I see,” Korin's tone was cold and his gaze shifted from Marley, to Tony, then back down to her. “Well, see you next time Miss Brennan. Will be a pleasure I'm sure.”

  His hand came out offering it to her to shake and Marley felt her heart quicken. Her hand went out to meet his and Korin flipped it over, leaning down. His lips brushed across the back of her knuckles. His eyes closed; as if savoring the taste of her flesh, a low rumble of pleasure coming from his throat.

  Marley pulled her hand from his and tucked it behind her back, trying to wipe it off. The revolt which suddenly overwhelmed her, churning her stomach.

  What would Absinthe have done if he had seen Korin do that? Or Rhayden for that matter? She knew what the pale haired vampire would have done. He would have killed him. Cousin or not.

  Korin stood straight, looking at her impassively.

  “Lord Korin, until tomorrow night, have a good evening.” Marley turned, and looked at Tony. He moved to the side and she all but ran down the stairs to the car. Climbing in, her breath rushed out in a single whoosh.

  She glanced back to the mansion, as Maddison slipped into the seat beside her. Korin stood at the top, smirking to himself and she quickly decided she didn’t like the Raynes’ cousin.

  Tony slid into the driver’s seat and looked back to her. “Are you alright Miss Brennan?”

  “No Tony, I’m not.” She replied, looking back to him, “Now can you take me to the hotel? I have to call Absinthe.”

  “Sure thing Miss Brennan.” He replied, starting the engine.

  As the car pulled away, she sank into the seats, more than grateful to drive out of those huge wrought iron gates and head toward the bright lights of Vegas.


  “Are you alright Marley?”

  Abe's voice was full of concern and she sighed, putting her hand to her forehead, “I'm fine Abe, just tired.”

  “You sound a little shaken? Did something happen?” Marley hated how this vampire could pick up on her moods in an instant. “Was Korin welcoming?”

  “More than…” she whispered.


  “Nothing Abe, I am fine, I am tired. You told me to ring when I got in. I have.”

  “Marley.” Absinthe warned and she sighed, squeezing her eyes shut.

  “Alright, fine. Korin gives me the creeps. Is that what you wanted to hear? He kissed my hand and I felt like he wanted to do much more. He looks at me like I am a meal,” Marley couldn't hear Abe sigh. He didn't breathe, but she knew that he would have if he could. “I felt like I was betraying you and Rhayden for letting him do it.”

  “You weren't Marley. But if you are not comfortable with him, then come back and I will send another.”

  “Who would you send Abe? I am the only one, other than Rhayden who knows anything about this.” Marley put her head in her hand and closed her eyes.

  “I don't like the idea of you having to deal with Korin on your own. Especially if you are uncomfortable. Let me send Rhayden.”



  “Abe, I can't deal with Rhayden and his childish attitude and deal with Korin as well. For all I know, Rhayden would hand feed me to him.”

  “No, he wouldn't. Rhayden would rip his head from his shoulders if he even thought that Korin had touched you. You should be glad he wasn't there tonight.”

  Marley nodded to herself. She had thought the same thing. Rhayden was protective of her, possessive and she felt suffocated sometimes, but it was what she loved about him.

  Absinthe let her breathe… they had plain old sex, which was what they had been like from the start. But her and Rhayden were toxic, their love rough, animalistic, exciting.

  He left bruises and she didn’t care.

  She opened her eyes and looked down at the chocolate brown carpet. By now, Rhayden would have had her stripped, his body entwined with hers on the shag-pile, making love to her on the floor, because that was the kind of lover he was. Raw.

  “I need to know that you are safe Marley.”

  “And I am with Tony and Madison.”

  “I know Tony's loyalty knows no bounds t
o me Marley… But if it come to saving you, or Madison. He would choose his fledgling, over you. You know that right? And I wouldn't blame him, they have history, they have understanding.”

  Marley closed her eyes. “I know.”

  “That is why I want Rhayden there. He will kill himself to protect you.”

  “Then why doesn't he act like it?” she said, her voice filled with more acid than she had wanted and she grimaced at the silence on the other end of the line. “Abe, I'm sorry.”

  “It's fine. He knows he's being a jerk Marley.”

  “Really? Does he?” she spat, needing to get this out to her lover's brother. “He has no idea how much it hurts when he wants me to choose him over you. I can't do it Abe.”

  “Marley.” Abe whispered, his voice becoming quiet, but Marley didn't hear the change and she kept going.

  “I will give up on the both of you. I will walk away and never come back Abe. It will kill me, but I will do it,” She felt the first prickle of tears hit her eyes. “I will do this with Korin. For you. But then I need to have a break. From you, from Rhayden. I need to be able to put this into perspective and see if my sanity is worth the heart-break I have been putting myself through.”

  “Marley, please.”

  She could hear the pain in Abe's voice, but she kept her nerve and sighed.

  “I'm sorry Absinthe.” Marley dropped the phone to her lap, looking down at the screen, Abe's name, still highlighted.


  Closing her eyes, she pressed the end button and dropped the phone to the ground, tears streaming down her face. Laying back on her bed, Marley threw her arm over her eyes and sobbed.


  The alarm on her phone went off and Marley sighed, rolling to the side to quieten it. But she wasn't lying properly on the bed and the phone wasn't on the table. Sitting up, she looked down at the floor and stared at the device on the chocolate carpet.

  Bending down, she picked it up, silencing the alarm. Tossing it onto the bedside table she quickly walked into the bathroom and showered, dressing in demure, non-sexual clothing. If she was going to be meeting with Korin, she wanted to take away any temptation he might have.

  Stepping out of the room, she walked to the next, knocking on the door. Moments later, Tony, dressed in only a towel and a bright pair of bite marks, opened it, his eyes silver, “Miss Brennan…”

  “Oh, I'm sorry Tony. I thought…”

  Madison poked her head from behind her Syre, obviously naked, lips red with blood. Marley's gaze flicked to the puncture marks on Tony's chest. She blushed and dropped her attention to the floor.

  “We will be ready shortly Miss Brennan.” Tony replied, embarrassment hitting his voice and Marley nodded.

  “Of course, I'm sorry if I interrupted. I-I might go and have something to eat.” Embarrassment heated her own face with the idea she had interrupted Maddison feeding.

  “Of course, Miss Brennan.”

  Marley nodded and turned, hearing the door to Tony's suite close. She couldn’t believe she’d seen that. Did all Syre’s feed their fledglings? Were they lovers?

  Had their Syre fledgling relationship taken on a more serious role and they were going to be Mated?

  Marley thought only vampires over a certain age were Mated. Maddison would be no-where near it.

  Shaking the thoughts from her head, stepping into the elevator as the doors opened, she rode it down to the bottom floor. It pinged at the lower levels and she trudged out, heading towards the dining hall.

  “Would you like some company Miss Brennan?” Korin's voice wafted over her like stale smoke and she turned her gaze to the pale man.

  In this light, he looked almost albino and she wondered how he got away with looking remotely human. Could no one in the hotel tell there was something wrong with this man?

  “Lord James, what are you doing here?” Marley’s hiss was met with a cold stare.

  “I am here to meet with you over the problem we have with the Mated,” Korin replied, his eyes regarding her with unnatural calm. “That is why you are here? Is it not Miss Brennan?”

  Marley glared at the vampire and turned back toward the elevators. She would go back to her room and wait for Tony and Maddison, maybe even call Absinthe—

  Korin grabbed her arm, stopping her and leaned in close. His breath was stale with blood and she gagged at the stench, “There has to be a reason for you to have been sent by Absinthe.”

  “Korin, let go of my arm.”

  “Or what? You'll call your body guard? Tony never leaves Absinthe's side. But he has to follow you here, bringing his fledgling as well. Why is that? What have you got that Absinthe is so concerned in protecting?” Korin's skin was chilled against hers. Her heart was going crazy. He’d be able to hear it…

  “Lord Absinthe pays me well to work for him. I am an asset.”

  “Hmm.” Korin replied and Marley flicked her gaze to the elevators, hoping for a miracle.

  Korin let go of her arm, just as the doors opened and Tony stepped out, Madison in tow. The vampire’s eyes paled to copper with anger as his gaze fell on them. He stalked over, fists balled by his side.

  “Lord James.” He managed to choke out, anger evident, face taut.

  “Careful Tony, we’re in public,” Korin smirked, stepping back from Marley, smoothing his silk shirt. “I have come to extend you a ride to the meeting.”

  “And you couldn't have sent one of you lackey’s?” Madison spat.

  Korin's gaze slid to Madison, eyes paling in anger.

  Marley stepped in front of the blond vampire.

  She knew if he lashed out at the mouthy vamp behind her, he would be slaughtered by Tony and a war between the covens would start. Absinthe would side with his of head security.

  It was better if Korin lashed out at her.

  She didn’t know if that really was as crash hot of an idea either though. Absinthe and Rhayden were very protective of her as well, “We will take our own transport Lord Korin.”

  The vampire’s anger turned toward her, his eyes narrowing, “As you wish.”

  Marley’s insides begin to liquefy as the man turned, disappearing into the evening crowd. She let out her breath, her body shuddering.

  “Marley, you shouldn't have come down here yourself. We were almost ready,” Madison said, coming around to the front of her, putting her hands on her shoulders. “What would have happened if Korin had decided he didn’t want no as an answer? He would have easily taken you, then what? You would have been a meal for him. A plaything.”

  “I was hungry.” Her gaze fell to the floor with the chiding from the woman.

  “And now Miss Brennan?” Tony asked, stepping up next to Madison, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “No, not now. I think I’d rather be sick.”

  “Are you not well?” Madison asked.

  “No, I am fine. I think it is just nerves. And I never ate last night, I just got too caught up in talking to Absinthe and then… well, Korin beat me to the restaurant and now it's too late.”

  “We could get you something on the way through Miss Brennan.”

  Marley nodded, lifting her head, smiling at the man. “That would be great Tony.”


  Ten minutes later, with a hot box of noodles in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other, Marley ate hungrily, ignoring the lights of Vegas twinkling at her.

  “I am sorry I did not protect you from Korin earlier Miss Brennan. It will not happen again.”

  Marley looked to Tony, her chopsticks half way to her mouth, noodles on the end of them, “It's alright Tony. I should have waited. But I was hungry.”

  The vampire didn't reply, and Marley shoved the food into her mouth, savoring the tang of the lemon sauce.

  Soon finished, she put the carton beside her and looked out to the skyline, “How far out does Korin actually live from the city?”

  “About a half hour drive Miss Brennan.”

Please Tony, call me Marley, everyone else does.”

  “Very well Miss Brennan.” The man replied, and Marley smiled. Professional as always. She’d always liked the big man. One of Absinthe’s most loyal coven members, he’d do anything for his keeper.

  The large gates of Korin's mansion loomed in the distance and Marley had to quieten the butterflies which had taken up residence in her stomach. The lustful, animalistic look Korin had had for her kept replaying in her mind. She was starting to regret not letting Abe send Rhayden.

  Passing through the gates, Marley shuddered and looked behind the car, watching the wrought iron close. They were locked in. No quick escape here.

  Madison leaned over and gripped Marley's hand, “It's alright. We’ll look after you.”

  Marley smiled, “I know. But who will look after you?”

  Madison gave her hand a quick squeeze, as Tony pulled the car up in front of the house. Climbing out, Madison in tow, Marley looked up the steps.

  Korin didn’t loom large at the top of the stairs.

  There was only a woman, pale and small.

  She waited patiently as the trio walked up the steps.

  “Miss Brennan? My name is Ali. I am Lord Korin's assistant. Please, let me show you through to the meeting room.” she turned and walked onto the huge building, her footsteps a bare whisper on the polished floor.

  The mansion inside was nothing like the one in Miami.

  Marley shuddered with the operating theater cleanliness to the building. Everything was either polished metal, glass or black granite. Adding a hostile edge to the building and a wariness to Marley.

  How could someone stand to be in something so… sterile?

  Marley missed the Abe's mansion.

  It was old world Gothic. Warm wood, pale marble, soft carpets and furnishings. Opulence at its best.

  This was cold.

  “This way please.” Ali led the trio down a set of steps and into a meeting room which seemed more at home in a high-level military establishment. The huge, round table, monitors, and charts on the walls and the seats made of cold, hard metal.

  “Miss Brennan,” Korin was standing on the other side of the room, surrounded by guards and other vampires. They all turned, eyes paling. “Please, be seated.”


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