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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 15

by Ainsley Cole


  Norman tossed the blade at her feet and Marley slowly crouched, keeping her eyes on the vampire. She gripped the blade, standing, “Knives?”

  “You wanted a chance. So, come on, if you can’t come at me with knives and make me hurt, then you aren’t worth the money Absinthe pays—”

  Marley yelled, lashing out at Norman, slicing him across the cheek. The vampire stepped back, blinking in surprise as she arced again and aimed for his throat.

  She would kill him, make him pay and then she could get back to Abe and demand him to tell her what was going on.

  Norman stepped back, his hand deflecting her blade. While he was worried about her knife, she swung her bare fist, connecting it with his cheek. He stumbled, and Marley launched herself at him, driving her knee into his stomach, the knife falling to the ground uselessly.

  Pushing him back against the wall, she brought her elbow down onto the back of his neck. As he fell, she brought her knee up, connecting it with his chin, sending him sprawling backwards. His head hit the concrete floor with a dull thud and she knew he’d be out to it.

  Marely stepped back, staring down at him.

  She wanted to finish him off, end the crap with the Mated—but a voice floated to her from beyond the door and she blinked.

  No. He couldn’t be—

  Stepping over Norman’s body, she stumbled out into the open.


  “Mars!” Rhayden could smell her, she was around here somewhere. Her blood had been spilled and anger surged through him that she had been hurt. “Mars!”


  He spun on his heel, staring toward the shadows. She was running out of the door at the back of the building. Her gaze met his, filled with relief and love and Rhayden put his arms out; ready to catch her, hold her—

  “No!” Stepping forward, he knew he wouldn’t reach her in time—


  Everything stilled as Marley turned, the vampire behind her—The knife, as it slid into the flesh of her chest, set her body on fire. The blade stingingly cold in her skin.


  Sinking to her knees, Norman stepped past her, engaging instantly with Rhayden.

  The growls of the vampires as they ripped each other apart slowly faded as the pain in her chest thudded. It spread through her body, her blood spilling out onto the ground and she fell to the side.

  Staring at the men as they fought, her last thoughts were not of them.

  Not even of Absinthe.

  They were of her sister. Her beautiful Linda.

  She would be able to finally see her again after two years and see their parents, taken from them too early.

  As a single tear rolled down her cheek, she smiled at the idea of being with her family… then she blacked out.


  Rhayden slammed Norman against the wall, his hands at his throat, gripping the man’s windpipe with extended claws, “I will kill you!”

  “Go for it pretty boy.” Norman chocked, laughing like a mad man. “You have no idea what’s coming. But without her now, you might fall a little easier.”

  Rhayden roared, digging his fingers into Norman’s neck and twisted. Ripping the vampire’s throat from his body, Norman shuddered, blood spraying.

  Rhayden dropped him to the ground, discarding him like a sack of flour.

  Turning, Marley was lying on her side on the ground, her back to him. He raced to her side, sinking to his knees and gently rolled her over into his arms. The blade stuck out of her chest, the hilt hard against her singlet.

  Her head lolled to the side and he put his hand to her throat, feeling for a pulse.

  It was faint, but there. Lifting his hand pulling the blade from her chest, he winced at the bout of blood which flowed. Dipping his head, he licked the wound, sealing it.

  “Please hold on Mars. I can’t lose you.”

  He lifted her to his chest and turned running back out the door. He had to get her to the safe-house.


  Pain sung through her as the restraints on her arms and legs tightened. Her body convulsed, her back arching.

  “Rhayden, hold her down, her body is too damaged to accept the Serum, it’s rejecting it.”

  Absinthe’s voice was clouded, as if speaking from behind a wall.

  She cried out at the coldness of Rhayden’s hand on her bare stomach, stinging against her hot flesh, “Is she going to be okay Abe?”

  Rhayden’s voice was tortured, but the pain quickly drowned it out. She shuddered, as the serum slid through her veins, making her nerves sing. She’d never been in so much pain in her life.

  “I don’t know Rhayden,” Abe’s voice was as tortured as his brothers and she knew they would both be having a hard time is watching her. “I don’t know.”


  “How are you feeling?” Absinthe perched on the side of her bed, brushing away the strands of hair from her face.

  She lifted her gaze to his moss green one, smiling weakly.

  “Better. Still weak, but better.”

  “Good. Up for some visitors?”

  She raised an eyebrow as the door opened and Maddison rushed across the room, throwing herself onto the bed, wrapping her arms around Marley, “Oh my god! Marley! I was so worried!!”

  She hugged the vampire, burying her head against her neck as she held her, crying into her hair, “Oh Maddi!”

  “Good to see you awake, Miss Brennan.”

  Marley lifted her head from Maddison, looking up at Tony. There was smile on his face, huge ragged bite marks on his neck. Marley looked to Maddi, seeing the same on the pretty woman, “You guys?”

  “Mated? Yes. Absinthe let us.” She said, smiling shyly and she moved Marley’s hand to her stomach. “Little Tony is growing fast.”

  “Holy shit!” Marley said, looking at the small bump on her stomach. “How fucking long was I out to it?”

  “Not too Long Marley. Vampire offspring grow fast. A pregnancy is usually only a few weeks.” Absinthe replied, smiling at her.

  She sighed, leaning back against the pillows, “Wow, congratulations.”

  Maddison ginned, climbing from the bed and went to Tony, the look he gave his Mated partner making her flush and Absinthe picked up on it, “Ok you two, out you go.”

  They nodded and left, closing the door behind them. Abe leant in, kissing her roughly, “I almost lost you Marlene.”

  “I know, not just you Abe—” her eyes snapped open. “Rhayden!”

  Abe smiled, lifting his head upwards. She followed his gaze, seeing the vampire perched on the chandelier, “Wouldn’t leave your side for a moment—”

  The chandelier moved and Rhayden’s head popped over the side. His pale hair dropped in a curtain of silk and his eyes faded silver as he noticed her awake, “Mars.”

  He swung off the light, landing on the floor like a cat and raced to her. His mouth slammed onto hers, tongue pushing hard. Her stomach heaved with need and emotion, desire flushing through her in toxic waves as his tongue dueled against hers.

  Rhayden pulled away from her, his forehead resting against hers and she exhaled, smiling at him, “Hi.”

  “Hi to you too,” he replied, smiling.

  Abe’s hand was heavy on her shoulder and she turned her head, “Rhayden saved your life Marley. If he hadn’t been there, you’d be dead.”

  She turned her head back to Rhayden, his eyebrows furrowed, “Why didn’t you tell us your heart is on the other side of your chest?”

  Marley smiled, shrugging, “Does it matter?”

  “No, it doesn’t. Your anomaly saved your life Marley,” Absinthe replied, and he leaned in kissing the side of her face. “You and Rhayden need some time alone.”

  The vampire Lord lifted himself from the bed, crossing to the door and left. Turning her attention back to Rhayden, his eyes watered, “Mars.”

  She lifted her finger to his lips, tracing over them. His eyes faded silver as her fin
gers touched him, “I’m sorry Rhayden. For everything that I said, done—”

  Even though the cut on his mouth had healed almost instantly, she could still see the blood on his lips in her memory. She leaned forward, kissing him gently, ignoring the pull on the stitches of her chest.

  Rhayden’s hands moved to her arms, holding her still and he pushed her back, staring at her, “Mars, take it easy. It’s ok. I can wait for you to heal.”

  “But I can’t Rhayden,” She mewled, earning a raised eyebrow. “I love you. I need you.”

  She pushed back the covers, moving towards him, straddling his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed his mouth, his chin, sucking on the chilled skin. He moaned, sending shooting spikes of pleasure and longing to her core.

  Lifting her head, she whispered into his ear, her hot breath whispering over his chilled skin. “Fuck me Rhayden. I don’t want you to make love. I can get love from Abe. I need feral, rough, crazy—make me scream.”

  Rhayden growled, tipping her back.

  His hands clawed at the singlet and boxers she was in, ripping the fabric from her. His head dipped, mouth kissing along her stomach, nipping her skin, catching his fangs on her flesh. The stings made her gasp, not in pain, but pleasure.

  His mouth found her clit, ready for him. Tipping her head back as his lips closed around it, he suckled her. Marley pushed her hands through his hair, holding his face to her as she came, loud and hard. “Rhayden!”

  He growled, fangs sinking into her thigh and her head spun as he drew on her blood. Rhayden slowly lifted himself and she opened her eyes, staring up at him. Her blood on his lips and he grinned as he loomed over her.

  “You really want rough?”

  “Yes.” She breathed, ignoring the pain in her chest.

  He groaned, gripping her hips and flipped her over onto her stomach. Leaning over, his mouth was chilled against her ear as he moved her hips, bringing them back against his groin. “You got it.”

  Rhayden pushed his hard shaft into her, gripping her hips and started to ram himself against her. She moaned, burying her head into the pillow. His grip tightened, his moans growing in intensity. He stopped, gripping her hard and leaned over. Sinking his fangs into her skin, making her cry out. He pulled his mouth from her body, growling into her ear, his hips moving against her, “You still want me? After all that’s happened?”


  Rhayden pulled out, grabbing her and flipped her again, bringing her hips to his, sliding back into her, “I want to see you come undone Mars.”

  Marley reached up, gripping the rails on the top of the bed, holding on as Rhayden slammed into her, his eyes bright silver. She tipped her head back, ready to orgasm, but his hand moved to her face, taking hold of her chin, forcing her head back down, “Look at me.”

  Opening her eyes, she looked at him as he moved. His mouth dropped open, fangs descending, and she reached up, pushing her thumb against his fang. Her blood flowed into his mouth, over his bottom lip and down the side of his chin. His eyes closed, hands gripping her harder and his shaft hardened inside her as he orgasmed, “Marley!”

  His eyes flew wide, staring at her, white.

  Pure, crisp white.

  She moaned, as he leaned over, sinking his fangs into her breast. Drawing mouthful after mouthful of blood, Marley climaxed instantly, her orgasm thudding through her.

  It burned her energy, sapping her of strength.

  Rhayden’s fangs left her skin, letting her relax, the pleasure slowly fading. She panted, Rhayden releasing his grip on her hips, before sliding from her. He rolled to the side, his body shuddering.

  “Are you breathing?” She asked, her hand going to his chest.

  His hand encased hers, as he shook his head, “No. Can’t do that. Never known how to.”

  She giggled, but winced instantly, as the stiches on her chest pulled. Rhayden lifted himself, pushing her back, looking at the gash, the blood oozing from the stitches, “I hurt you.”

  “No, it’s fine Rhayden.” She said, smoothing her hand against his face and his eyes moved to hers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. I needed it and so did you.” She smiled, and he leaned in, kissing her gently, his hand on her stomach.

  “I love you Mars. Never forget that.” He whispered into her ear, “Even with what’s coming.”

  Smiling, she ignored the doubt which grew in her mind, as Rhayden laid his head against her breast, snuggling against her.

  Her hand went to his hair, smoothing it away as she thought about what happened next. It wasn’t the first time she had almost lost her life, while working for Absinthe Raynes and she doubted it would be the last.

  But what could possibly come next?


  Absinthe put down the phone. His call to Korin had been blunt and to the point. Now Marley had helped him, the killer dead; he wanted to never see his cousin around his human.

  Korin of course had not been as understanding about it than Absinthe had hoped and the threats which had ensued between them had become ugly.

  He just hoped that it didn’t go any higher.

  There was a light knock at the door, and he looked up.

  Marley stepped in, her dark gaze meeting his and he smiled at her, body twitching with desire.

  He wanted her, more than anyone he had even known. She did things to his body one could only describe as magical. He’d never found someone to savor so completely.

  He rose, intending to go to her, sweep her into his arms and fuck her for the rest of the night—

  But Marley’s face was stone cold, and Abe stopped.

  His smile faded as her gaze dropped to the floor, bottom lip quivering. “Marley?”

  She lifted her gaze to his face and he knew.

  Marley wasn’t here to be with him. The things they’d gone through in the past, paled in comparison to what he knew was coming next.

  This was going to kill him.

  “Absinthe,” her voice was soft but raging with emotion. Her eyes watered and a single tear slid down her cheek as she sniffed. “We need to have that talk.”


  Immortal Cravings

  Book 3

  Ainsley Cole

  Copyright © 2019 Ainsley Cole

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the author, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.


  “Did you have my sister killed?”

  Vampire Lord, Absinthe Raynes lifted his gaze to Marley as she sat opposite. His eyes narrowed, and he sucked his tongue over his teeth, anger flashing through his eyes, “I’m not going to answer that Marlene.”

  “Why not?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She tried to ignore the pain ripping through.

  The wound caused by Norman hadn’t seemed to want to heal. No matter how much serum Absinthe had pumped into her veins.

  “Because it’s a stupid fucking question, that’s why.” He growled, his eyes fading from the moss green she had come to fall in love with, to the copper of anger which he and his species were prone to.

  She didn’t seem to heed the anger in his voice and continued to press. She wanted this whole situation over and done with. She didn’t care if she pushed her luck, “I need to know Absinthe.”

  “Know what? That I had Linda killed to get you to come back and work for me?” his voice was curt.

  Her heart hammered in her chest and she knew he would be able to hear it, smell her trepidation. He crossed his arms over his chest, his jaw clenching.

  “Don’t be fucking ridiculous. If I hadn’t gotten you, I would have found someone else.”

ther poor sap of a woman to seduce and do your dirty work?”

  Absinthe leaned forward, hands coming to the top of the table. He growled, low and deep in his throat, eyes showing how angry he was with her, “Watch your place Marlene.”

  “Fuck you Absinthe,” She spat, sitting back in the chair and glaring at him. “Why won’t you talk to me about Johann?”

  He sucked his tongue over his perfect teeth, “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Bullshit and you know it!” She screamed, watching him flinch, eyes slowly changing color. The copper replaced with silver. His paling eyes lifted to the door behind them and she turned her head, looking back to the other man.

  “Rhayden, we’re busy.”

  “Yeah, I can tell,” He replied, a folder in his hand and he sighed, crossing to the table, dropping it in front of them. “I’m sorry Abe.”

  Absinthe’s attention shifted to the folder and he reached out flipping the cover open with graceful fingers; fingers which had touched her intimately in more ways than she could remember.

  Marley shook the thoughts from her head as the look on his face changed, a frown taking up residence.

  “No. Not more.”

  Marley reached out, sliding the folder to her. Looking down at the charred corpses pinned to the wall, memories of the past few months came flooding back to her— of what she had been hired to do.

  It was supposed to be over.

  Obviously; they had been wrong.

  “Oh my God. Trey. Sasha.”

  She knew exactly who they were, the tattoo on Trey’s neck, mirrored by Sasha’s.

  They were one of Absinthe’s most senior Mated Pair.

  Lifting her gaze back to the vampire, the heart break in his features had her stomach in knots. She wanted to continue to fight with him, but she didn’t want to push him.

  “Abe,” His gaze slowly moved to her, fading silver with emotion and she reached out, touching his hand. “I can find him.”

  He blinked, nodding his head in approval, earning a growl from Rhayden. She nodded in return, standing, taking the folder with her. Leaving the library, she grimaced—World War 3 starting in the opulent room behind her.


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