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Vlad'War's Anvil

Page 64

by Rex Hazelton

  Still, he hadn't vainly spilled the blood of so many sacrifices in the Hall of the Moon. Each life he took, as he offered it up to the Nameless Evil who gave him magic in return, was like a coin added to the price he paid for the power he lusted after. And the number of coins he had accrued would fill the biggest treasure chest in either warl. As a result, the magic he received in return for his dark acts of obeisance, for the Evil One accpeted them as such, was commensurate to the vast fee he had so willingly paid. And the heart of the accumulated magic beat inside two places: the distant Hall of Voyd and here in Chylgroyd's Keep.

  "No doubt you're right," Jeaf seemed a bit taciturn as he spoke. Then he picked up a loose sword from off the tremulous ground, stood up again, and shrugged his shoulders as he added, "But we'll never really know just standing around talking. The proof is in the pudding so to speak. Nevertheless, my task is complete. I came to Ar Warl to retrieve the Hammer of Power that had abandoned me. Let's see what follows."

  "It abandoned you, so it could find its true owner." Ab'Don spat out the contrived doctrine he espoused, a doctrine he was finding increasingly hard to believe.

  Even so, the next step in the ever evolving dogma was taken the moment it dawned on him: If I destroy Jeaf Oakenfel, I'll remove the sway he holds over the Hammer of Power. Then Vald 'War's Child would be free to bind itself to another. It will be mine to claim. And by the Rights of Battle, it must submit to me. The Sorcerer cited a principle that guided the use of the Warl's Magic.

  Buoyed by this thought, Ab'Don's unbridled conceit overflowed into boasting. "I’m the rightful heir to Shloman the Great's throne. I’m the New Man and all that the Fane J'shrym were meant to be, but failed to become. I will fulfill my destiny and kill the children of those who failed. Then I'll take what is rightfully mine- the Hammer of Power."

  Looking at Jeaf with utter disdain radiating from his raptor-yellow eyes, Ab'Don shifted his weight as the ongoing earthquake dictated and added, "Your ancestors failed to maintain their glory as you will fail to defeat me. Their calling has fallen to others and so will the Hammer of Power. Then, when those few who stubbornly maintain they are still Fane J'Shrym are finally removed, Parm Warl's resplendent age will come with me as its father. My children will be the new Fane J'Shrym, the true Fane J'shrym, not the riff raff who belong to your failed bloodline."

  "You say that the Hammer of Power is rightfully yours, but look," Jeaf lifted his arm up for the Sorcerer to see, "its power rests inside one whose bloodline traces back to Vlad'War. For I am Fane J'Shrym just as he was."

  "Can't you get it into your head," Ab'Don ranted, "you're not a true Fane J'Shrym. Your ancestors' failure to keep the Age of Star's Blood alive has taken that from you. You and your fire-blasted people are thieves of the worst kind because you have the hubris to try to steal things you forfeited with your failure. And thieves should be hanged."

  With that said, the Sorcerer pointed his sword at the Hammer Bearer and lifted him into the air with its power. Kicking his legs like a man dangling from a gallows, Jeaf made strangling sounds as he reached to his throat, looking like he was trying to rip away an invisible hand that was throttling him. Then with a sweep of his sword, Jeaf cut the invisible stream of magic Ab'Don was using to choke him.

  Falling to the ground, as he went to one knee to absorb the shock of impact, Jeaf kept from toppling forward when he caught himself with his free hand. Then lifting his lowered head, the Hammer Bearer looked at the Sorcerer with eyes filled with amber-colored fire. The next moment, he switched his sword to his other hand, balled up his ruby-adorned fist, and slammed it into the stone below.

  Cracking the rock's surface with the force of his blow, Jeaf stretched his fingers out to draw upon the warl's strength that was found in the stone. But it didn't comply as it had during the Battle of Decision when he fought Koyer, or in the Temple of the Oak Tree where he first fought Ab'Don. The blood of those who were sacrficed in Chylgoyd's Keep had tainted the ground with so much evil that Jeaf couldn't find anything his elvish gifts could draw upon. For Alegramor, the Elf-Queen, had blessed Jeaf on the day that the Mystlkynd's elves had given him the title of Brosantanney or Elf-Friend. And since that time to this day, Jeaf found he had an ability to tap into nature's strength as need required. But the blood of countless victims made this an unnatural place separated from the unsullied warl of fern, fen, and greenwood. Nor did the keep have an affinity with things cultivated in fields or orchards. It was a place of death. Not life.

  After the Sorcerer took a moment to study the silver cast that covered the Hammer Bearer's right arm and the red hue hidden beneath the skin covering Jeaf's knuckles, he continued. "You'll find no ally in the dungeon's stone. Nor will you find seed, root, or soil that you can work your witchcraft with. This," Ab'Don swept his arms out to indicate the parameters of his ownership, "is all mine."

  To accentuate his point, the Sorcerer pointed his sword at a nearby stone table. Lifting its top into the air with the magic he possessed, Ab'Don shouted, "You want stone? Then take this." Using his sword like a sling, he threw the table top at Jeaf.

  When the door-shaped rock struck Jeaf, it knocked him to one knee, but it didn't crush him, nor did any of the other table tops that quickly followed.

  One after another, the Sorcerer slung blood-stained stone slabs at the man who was protected by the magic Vlad'War had poured into the Hammer of Power. Using the dissassembled tables, Ab'Don carefully and brutally assaulted his adversary: brutally, because of how visciously he slammed the stones against Jeaf, and carefully, because he was methodically building a prison cell around the Hammer Bearer that pinned his arms against his body so he couldn't use Vlad'War's Magic.

  When the Sorcerer was done with the rapid construction- that crushed anyone caught in the stones' path as they sped off to take their places in the developing prison- only Jeaf's face, neck, and the upper part of his chest could be seen by Ab'Don and those standing near him.

  Clenching his jaw in concentration, the Sorcerer's raptor-yellow eyes squinted with effort as he pointed his sword at Jeaf and sent a pulsing light slamming into his exposed chest. One after the other, the bursts of brilliant light hit the Hammer Bearer's flesh like they were magic arrowheads that were delivered without the need of bow, shaft, or fletchings.

  Jeaf grimaced as the the stream of magic punched at his chest. The blows' affects were multiplied by the rapidity with which they were delivered. Like drops of water, given enough time, could wear away stone, the bursts of sharp magic would eventually wear down Vlad'War's Magic that had placed a shield of protection around Jeaf. At the speed the bursts of power were being dispensed, eventually would arrive sooner than later.

  Jeaf's mouth opened as his grimace turned into all out contortion that was accompanied by a scream that gave proof to the dark magic's effectiveness. And as he shouted out in pain, the stones that encased him began to glow like iron heated in a blacksmith's forge. The stone closest to Jeaf's exposed chest were first to do so. Then others followed, as the vast amount of energy Ab'Don focused on the Hammer Bearer spilled onto them. Some of the stones lost their sharp edges as the magic continued its work. Given time, Jeaf would be buried beneath a pile of manmade magma. But the Sorcerer hoped to slay his adversary before that happened, so he wouldn't have to go digging into molten stone to extract the Hammer of Power.

  With his right arm aimed at the gound, Jeaf extended his fingers and sent Vlad'War's Magic in the only direction he could, straight into the dungeon floor in an attempt to distablize the stones that pressed against him. But all this did was add energy to the growing earthquake that continued to shake the battlefield and the cavern surrounding it. Ab'Don's magic held the tomb's stones together. The heat, the Sorcerer's relentless assault brought with it, melted their substance.

  Seeing what was happening to Jeaf, Rybara lept onto Bacchanor's back as he flew over to help his friend. Once in position, Andara's son tansformed back into the massive hound named Dog as he joined the sh
ape-shifter in tearing at the softening stone.

  The huge griffin and massive hound feverishly clawed at the glowing rock that pinned Jeaf's right arm down. If his arm could be freed, the Hammer of Power's magic would be used to finish disassembling the prison. At least, this was the idea that drove the hound and griffin to frantically dig away at the stone. But with all they were doing, as a steady flow of glowing, rocky debri was thrown behind them, the two couldn't work fast enough. True to Ab'Don's boasts, Jeaf would succumb to the Sorcerer's magic in this place where his power was so great long before they could loose his arm.

  That's when Jeaf's sons joined the struggle to free their entombed father before the Sorcerer's magic had time to destroy him. Risking harm by coming into direct contact with the incalculable power the Sorcerer was using, the brothers swung their enchanted blades at the stream of radiant bursts of magic. With J'Aryl sweeping his sword upward and Ay'Roan arching his sword downward, the two blades met at precisely the same place on either side of the deadly flow and severed the stream of magic, sending it swinging wildly about as it vaporized anyone it touched. Neither the fire, that enveloped Ab'Don's minions, nor the gossamer blue light, that blanketed the raiders, was strong enough to withstand the Sorcerer's concentrated power.

  While Ab'Don struggled to get his magic under control, for the Hag and the guards were those closest to the whip-like stream of death, the brothers used their blue-tinged swords to hack away at the stone encasing their father.

  "J'Aryl, Ay'Roan," Jeaf's voice hoarsely intoned as the pain of the Sorcerer's attack subsided, "is it really you?"

  "It's us Father," Ay'Roan said a moment before he swung his sword at the hardening stone.

  With the stones weakened by Dog, Bacchanor, and the Oakenfel brothers' relentless battering, and with the Sorcerer's stream of lethal magic removed, Jeaf clenched his fist and pulled his arm up to his shoulder so he could use the muscles in his chest to punch his way out of the Sorcerer's prison.

  Stepping out of remnants of the stone encasement, Jeaf greeted his sons with an embrace that made the three forget they were embroiled in a savage fight.

  Laughing as Ay'Roan and J'Aryl's presence aided his mind's struggle to regain clarity, Jeaf said, "Ay'Roan, look how much you've grown. And J'Aryl, you look so much like your mother it makes my heart ache."

  Then he added, "What are you two doing here?"

  Placing his hand behind his father's head, J'Aryl replied, "Mother sent us to bring you home."

  Adding a touch of levity, birthed by the relief he was feeling after freeing his father, Ay'Roan added, "She says you're late for supper."

  Returning his son's smile that was only diminished by the fact that they still needed to escape Chylgroyd's Keep, Jeaf said, "What I wouldn't do to go home with you boys?"

  Casually pointing his sword at Ab'Don, who was still busy reeling his magic back in, Ay'Roan replied, "How about defeating the Sorcerer?"

  Looking at Ab'Don while the Hag regrouped after the Sorcerer regained control of his magic, Jeaf answered, "If that's what it takes to get us home... then I'll have a go at it."

  Jeaf knew when he came to Ar Warl that there was a chance he would meet Ab'Don again. His recollections of all that had transpired to make him walk into the shadow the Sorcerer's evil cast over his realm were quickly returning. "Where are we?" Jeaf asked as he struggled to get his bearings.

  "We're in Chylgroyd's Keep, located in northeastern Ar Warl."

  "I remember that I made it as far as Mishal Parm." Jeaf looked at his boys' swords as the blue radiance danced on their sharp edges. Feeling Vlad’War’s Magic inside the talismans, he added. "I see that you had the same idea I did. How did that happen?"

  "A Hag named Horbyn, who was with those that captured you, told us what he guessed you were doing when Ab'Don found you." Ay'Roan answered his father's question.

  "A Hag told you about Vlad'War's Anvil?"

  Seeing the concern on his Jeaf's face, J'Aryl guessed the reason for the frown as he explained. "Father, we didn't have to torture the man to make him talk." Taking a deep breath and letting it out as he looked to Ay'Roan for support, J'Aryl added, "Though we would have.... if we were forced to. As it so happened, Horbyn was waiting for us to show up at Mishal Parm. His understanding of the prophecies of The Four Winds brought him there."

  "How did the Hag explain his curious behavior?" Jeaf had a hard time believing a Hag was capable of doing anything truly good. It had to be some kind of trap... didn't it? "How did you come to trust this Horbyn?"

  "Andara's tear responded to his touch," J'Aryl quickly explained, knowing they didn't have long to talk. "He also claims that he is no longer a Hag."

  "Father," Ay'Roan was savoring being able to say the word with its subject so close at hand, "the man hates the Sorcerer for murdering his mother and forcing him to become a Hag. And I believe him, for he told us how you were trying to remake your sword on Vlad'War's Anvil. That's how we knew to fashion the ones we now hold. He also told us where we could find you. Still, our trust is tempered by all we know about Ar Warl. It's quite likely he has ulterior motives. But as those wiser than myself have said, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

  "And where is this Hag now?"

  "He's taking Kaylan and Travyn to the Hall of Voyd to steal the iron branch Ab'Don thrust into Mother's heart. People are calling it Crooked Finger because of its shape. Horbyn and our brothers are using our rescue mission as diversion to hide their movements. I'm sure you can guess why the twins volunteered for this mission."

  "Yes, it's easy to guess why they went along." Jeaf slowly nodded his head while the memory of the Evil One, who rules in the shadow that threatens the Warl of the Dead, came to mind. "Who else is with them? Do they have swords like yours?"

  "Aye, they have the same kind of swords that J'Aryl and I have and Candle Maker Candles too. Dog was with them." Ay'Roan looked at the massive hound that had come to stand by him with Bala riding on his back, "But he's here now."

  "They're alright," Mar’Gul said as she sided up to the huge canine. "At least they were when Dog left them."

  Bacchanor, still in griffin form, came to stand by Mar’Gul

  "A Neflin named Lamarik is with them." As brothers often do, Ay'Roan hid his suspicions about Travyn and Lamarik relationship from his father. He also neglected to say she was a female. But he did mention the moan cat that traveled with her- A'Kadar.

  Jeaf was troubled to hear that Travyn and Kaylan were alone with a former Hag. The fact that a Neflin was with them did not alleviate his concerns. But these were soon set aside knowing his younger sons were in greater danger at the moment since the Sorcerer stood no more than fifty paces away from them.

  With this sober thought in mind, Jeaf asked,"What are our assets?"

  Blue light flashed out from under Alynd's broad-brimmed hat as he joined the conversation. "The Neflin are with us. Shalamor and a company of Mystlkynd's elves have accompanied me here," he said as he looked back at the elves and their cousins who were already repositioned for the fight's next phase.

  "And the Fane J'Shrym are here too." Bacchanor's voice had the deep timber all griffin had as he spoke.

  Jeaf's laughter was dry and brief. Then he said, "So the Fane J'Shrym have finally come out of hiding. Will miracles never cease?"

  "Your sons are the ones that are responsible for this miracle you're making light of." Mar’Gul's voice was tinged with anger.

  "So The Four Winds have gathered the remnants of the Fane J'Shrym and led them into the Sorcerer's trap." Jeaf's laughter was not merry, nor was it cynical, rather it sounded weary in a way that made the others wonder if Jeaf was up to the task that lay before him. For all were depending on him to keep Ab'Don at bay while they made good their escape.

  "Don't let my poor attempt at levity confuse you. You’ve all done well." After sliding his sword into his belt, Jeaf placed a hand on each of his son's shoulders as he added, "Especially you two."

  Then he we
nt on to say, "As you all can guess, I'm tired. But prophecy does not wait for the weary. Each of us has our work cut out for us." Looking at the silver cast covering his right forearm as he opened and closed his hand to feel the magic that was there, Jeaf continued, "My work may be greater than yours, but so are the resources that I have at my disposal. Besides, I miss Muriel." smiling a truly warm smile this time, he added, "So, let's get on with it."

  With that said, Jeaf turned into the Hammer Bearer. The sense of weariness he had been exuding fell away like a cloak he shrugged off to give himself greater movement for the approaching duel. Focused on the fight, Jeaf picked up one of the hardened stones that had once been used to create his prison. Tossing it into the air with his left hand, he slammed the fist that was gorged with Vlad'War's Magic into the stone, breaking it into a hundred pieces that were sent flying at the Sorcerer and those gathered around him.

  Speeding past the host of black candles that were whirling about like spokes on a wheel as the Hag hurried to erect their defenses, the shards of rock struck the enemy with brutal force that injured any who was slow to fashion a fiery shield. Four that were struck in the head died.

  The second barrage was less successful.

  Though the third one failed almost entirely, it was not launched in vain, for it gave Ay'Roan and J'Aryl time to work with the magic their swords held. It also ended the fight between Seym Blood and Roy'Dohk that had been waged with a fury that filled the two who despised one another.

  Deep gashes were seen on Seym Blood's body when he came to join those on the ground. Vlad'War's Magic could only do so much to help those who fought with Jeaf, and what it had done for Seym Blood was much more than the raiders could guess. Still his wounds were extensive. As Alynd the Elf-Man used one of Andara's tears to heal the griffin's wounds, the magic that was lacking as the winged-lion fought the demon, for the diaphanous blue light was not impenetrable, was supplied when an amber-colored cloud of power enveloped Seym Blood.


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