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Vlad'War's Anvil

Page 66

by Rex Hazelton

  "You've escaped from me two times now," Ab'Don bellowed out his displeasure. "You'll not do it a third time."

  Half of the black-robed Hag turned to look at their master before they obeyed his unspoke orders and came to him just like those of their order had done during the Battle of the Temple of the Oak Tree. As they drew near to the Sorcerer, the Hag and their shields disintegrated into a mass of black flecks that had yellow and orange embers flying along with them. All of this looked like swarms of flies and sparks were descending on a trash heap. Wherever the swarm struck Ab'Don, it took on the color and shape of the part of his person it landed on. Expanding in size as he absorbed his servants and the magic they wielded, Ab'Don was quickly becoming a colossus standing in the midst of mere men.

  When they last fought, Jeaf was able to match the feat that was turning the Sorcerer into a giant. He did this by plunging his hand into the ground that lay beneath the Temple of the Oak Tree's thick marble-covered floor and absorbing the elements he found there. But as he had already learned, Chylgroyd's Keep wouldn’t submit to the elvish magic he used to gain the resources he needed that day, nor would it allow him to gather the materials he needed to repair the intense burns that Ab'Don's magic would surely inflict upon him like it did back in Otrodor. As large at the Sorcerer was becoming, filled with the accumulated power that the Hag had given him when he absorbed their forms and buttressed by the ambient evil power that engorged the dungeon environs, his dark magic would be magnified well beyond waht the Hammer Bearer could handle. It was certain that Vlad'War's Magic would eventually give way to an onslaught whose energy would rival a rogue wave big enough to sink a fleet of ships. And if the first wave failed... another would follow it... and another... and another until the Hammer Bearer's power was smashed to pieces. And all hope was washed away with it.

  When nature fails, Vlad'War's voice was heard in the Hammer Bearer's mind as he watched the Sorcerer continue to grow, turn to the Fane J'Shrym for help.

  My sons are Fane J'Shrym, Jeaf reasoned. And they carry swords that were remade on Vlad'War's Anvil. I wonder...

  "J'Aryl. Ay'Roan. Come to me," Jeafed hastily cried out.

  Watching the Sorcerer continue to grow, the Oakenfel brothers knew it was no time for half measures. So, they let go of the fiery battlements that quickly faded away and hurried to their father whose tone of voice told them he had a plan. Others followed, including Mar’Gul, Bacchanor, Alynd, and Poroth. Mirroring Roy'Dohk, who stood guard in front of Ab'Don as he worked his magic, Seym Blood positioned himself in front of the Hammer Hammer Bearer.

  Once Jeaf showed the others the hammer that he held in his hand and conveyed Vlad'War's last words to him, Poroth stepped forward and said, "I and those who follow me are Fane J'shrym."

  "How's your father?" With Poroth's distinctive appearance, it was easy for Jeaf to guess who his father was.

  "Vlad'Aeroth is with the horseman who wait outside of Chylgroyd's Keep to help us escape."

  "The last time I saw him, when he threatened to kill me if his father died, he was only called Aeroth. How's your grandfather?"

  "Dead," Poroth said. "And my father is now called Vlad'Aeroth because he has left his life as a Brie'Shen behind and has started a new one as a Fane J'Shrym." Smiling with a certain amount of pride, Poroth added, "He was the first Brie'Shen to do so," though he didn't say that he did so under Ay'Roan's watchful eye and under the duress of having the sharp point of young Oakenfel's magic blade pressed against his face. "Now he follows Ay'Roan and J'Aryl."

  "Knowing your father as I do, that speaks well of my sons. My guess is that Vlad'Aeroth doesn't give his allegiance easily."

  "Aye, that's true. If he's anything, he's stubborn." Other Fane J'Shrym joined Poroth as he smiled at his understatement.

  "Does your allegiance to my sons extend to me too? If so...will you help me work a little magic?"

  Jeaf was glad that the threat Aeroth had given him during his quest to find Andara's tears seemed to have been discarded along with the name Brie'Shen. He needed the man who was now called Vlad'Aeroth if he was to gather the Fane J'Shrym for the coming battle between the Nyeg and the Ar, something that his sons were well on their way to doing. It was imperative that the ancient bloodline of Shloman the Great was present at the fight for reasons that, until this moment, were unknown. Rejected by every kingdom found in the warl, it was time to find out why prophecy put a premium on this seemingly insignificant group of people that had struggled so long to survive on the outskirts of the Sorcerer's dark realm.

  "You have my allegiance." Poroth bowed his head along with the Fane J'Shrym who were with him. "But there's nothing magical about me or my people."

  "My guess is, you're wrong. Vlad'War said you would be able to help me. And that wouldn't be possible, not here in this foul place, unless you and your brethren had some magic in you." Looking over at the Sorcerer as he continued to absorb the Hag, he added, "Will you do for me what the Hag are doing for Ab'Don? Will you lend me your strength?"

  "Is that possible?" Poroth's eyes widened as he looked at the giant Sorcerer and all he was doing.

  "If you have magic in you, and we both share Vlad'War's bloodline, I believe it is." Jeaf smiled as he extended his hammer to Poroth. "But there's only one way to find out."

  Taking a deep breath, Poroth stretched out his hand and touched the hammer's head. The moment he did, Poroth was drawn into the silvery weapon like he was pipe smoke being inhaled.

  Following Poroth's example, other Fane J'Shrym stepped forward and laid their hands on the hammer's head. After two more had done this, it was clear that Jeaf's size had increased accordingly. After six more followed, the Hammer Bearer had become a giant. But he would need more Fane J'shrym if he was to become large enough to challenge the colossus that loomed over the raiders, scores more.

  When Mar’Gul stepped forward to take her turn, Jeaf said, "Not yet Pearl. The Neflin will need you."

  All previous Mar'Gul's had been Neflin. It was only logical to think that Andara's protege had a special tie with the Lorn Elves. When Dog, who had Bala riding on his back, came to stand beside Mar’Gul with his tail wagging, Jeaf knew he had done the right thing.

  A sound of powerful wings beating the air was heard as Bacchanor landed in front of his wife and said, “The elves would be lost without you.”

  “Aye,” Leolyn, the Neflin chieftain who stood near by, chimed in, “how will we know whether to use our swords or long knives without your wife telling us what to do?”

  “Come on boys,” Mar’Gul added her own sarcasm to the brief moment of banter, “you know a lady like myself couldn’t cross a puddle of water without a male throwing his cloak over it for me.”

  Leolyn smiled at the great woman’s retort before he asked, “What can the Neflin do to help?”

  “For now,” Bacchanor’s deep griffin-voice replied, “we stay out of Jeaf’s way and wait until he needs our help.”

  As the Neflin leader went to talk to his warriors, Bacchanor nuzzled his wife while she pulled on the heavy mane that grew on his head.

  “You want to help your nephew, don’t you?” The Brown Wizard voiced his feelings.

  “Sweetheart,” Mar’Gul grabbed her husband by his huge ears and pulled his griffin face as close to hers as his muzzle would allow before she kissed him on his large wet nose and said, “having the luxury of doing what I want flew out of the window when I met Andara, that is, except… being with you. Of all that I’ve done since I became Mar’Gul, being with you is the one thing I can say that I’ve truly done for reasons that are only my own. And it’s the only thing I can say that magic had nothing to do with.”

  “There, Beautiful Woman,” Bacchanor’s eyes closed as he slid his muzzle past Mar’Gul’s face until they were cheek to cheek, “you’re wrong. Magic had everything to do with it.”

  When Ay'Roan and J'Aryl stepped forward to join their father, Jeaf held them back saying, "I need you to be free to move about." Seeing th
at Ab'Don was holding a portion of the Hag back, Jeaf thought it would be wise to keep his sons' swords mobile. Then pointing his massive hammer at the dark wizards who kept themselves apart from the growing colossus, he spoke with a voice that had deepened because of his increased size. "Keep an eye on that throng, watch the pits, and look out for an attack from above."

  "Bacchanor and I will guard your heads," Bala chimed in as she surveyed the undulating cloud mixed with fire and wraiths that hovered up against the cavern's ceiling.

  Chapter 34: A Place for Giants

  As it turned out, the Sorcerer and Hammer Bearer mirrored each others moves as they worked the magic they would use to try and destroy each other. But instead of having fraethym flank him, Jeaf's sons stood guard. A snarling Seym Blood paced back and forth in front of him; whereas, Roy'Dohk stood in front of Ab'Don baring his fangs in anger. When the fighting started again, it was a sure bet that these two would go after each other to complete their unfinished business.

  "What are you doing!?" Ab'Don shouted with a voice that sounded like the earthquake incarnate when an attending Hag made the Sorcerer aware of what was happening. "Do you mock my actions with your pathetic attempt to copy me? Do you think you have a chance to defeat me?

  “No matter. The[EH10] rabble your ingesting is nothing compared to the Hag. They have no magic. If they did, I would know it by now. Nor are they true Fane J'Shrym. They're just the dried up droppings left by those now[EH11] dead."

  The Sorcerer was not as confident as his boasting suggested. He was surprised when Jeaf absorbed nature's strength to use it as a weapon against him in the Battle of the Temple of the Oak Tree. Now his astonishment was renewed when the Hammer Bearer was able to inculcate those that rumor suggested were from the Fane J'Shrym bloodline into his body. This whole business with the Hammer of Power was bothering him, so much so, he was beginning to loathe the horrid talisman his adversary carried. If he had to do things over again, he’d throw the hammer into the Nour Sea.

  Right then and there, he promised himself that he would expunge any prophecy mentioning the Hammer of Power from existence, and that he would have his seers create a new prophetic path he could use to acend to the place of supreme power where he would unlock the secret to unending life. Obviously Vlad'War had too many tricks up his sleeve. If the Oakenfel man could absorb this rabble, what else was he capable of doing? The memory of his defeat at Jeaf's hands back in Otrodor added to his growing angst. But the Brie'Shen, with their so called tie to the Fane J'Shrym bloodline, had no magic. Or did they? Were the reviled misjudged? After all their father's did to loose the Age of Star's Blood, did the insufferable brood possess a meaningful remnant of that age's power? Could it be that they still mattered, that they weren't the refuse history said they were?

  Then a horrifying thought struck the Sorcerer. What if the blood line of Fane J'Shrym was a talisman itelf, and all that was needed to unlock their hidden magic was the Hammer Bearer? What if the Hammer of Power was a key that could be used to open the door to greater power still?

  In spite of his dark reverie, Ab'Don's boundless pride wouldn't let him think this way for long. Such ruminations were for the weak. He made a bargain with the Nameless Evil and had not only lived to tell the tale, he had gotten the better end of the deal he struck with the foreboding entity. Surely he could overcome Vlad'War's feeble plan, here in the fortress of darkness he had built, where his power was the greatest except in the Hall of Voyd.

  "You're not the only one who can play the game of copycat." Ab'Don smiled as he spoke. His raptor-like eyes threw yellow light into the cavern. Blue light burst out from the shadow laying beneath Alynd's broad-brimmed hat in response as the Elf-Man listened to the Sorcerer speak. "Unlike in Temple of the Oak Tree where you were able to call on the warl's strength, here, in Chygroyd's Keep, the soil, the air, and all that lives in them are mine"

  Pointing his sword at the broken table tops he had used to imprison the Hammer Bearer, the Sorcerer drew the stones to himself and absorbed them like they were so many Hag. At first, trembling where they lay as Ab'Don's magic pulled on them, the blood-soaked stones broke free from their inert positions and flew off with a fury that matched the Sorcerer's intensity. Pieces of the cavern's ceiling joined them in their flight as the earthquake was renewed by the massive amount of exertion that Ab'Don was using to work his magic. A large piece of the cavern fell on the banks of the black pool of water, killing six Neflin as it did.

  When the stones tables the prisoners had been tortured on before their lives were sacrificed to the Nameless Evil up in the Hall of the Moon, struck the colossus who called them, they vanished beneath the Sorcerer's skin like rocks dropped into a bucket of water. The proof that they were still there was seen in the angular shapes that appeared on the Sorcerer's body where it had once been smooth and rounded. In time, Ab'Don's flesh looked like a shield that had been hammered for only half of the time needed to make its surface smooth. His size grew in accordance with the stones' mass, making him a third bigger than the Hammer Bearer.

  When Ab'Don had finished absorbing the stone table tops, the earthquake's shaking diminished so fast it was like the Sorcerer had drained away most of its power. Then it stopped completely. And in the silence that followed, the battle began.

  Pointing his sword at Jeaf, Ab'Don sent another searing-hot stream of power flying at the Hammer Bearer. This one was magnified in strength as much as the Sorcerer had grown in size. If he had wanted to, Ab'Don could have burned up all the Neflin with one sweep of the magical flow. But the expenditure of power might prove the difference in his fight with the Hammer Bearer. So, he kept the stream of magical might focused on the giant who stood in front of him.

  Taking his cue, Roy'Dohk spread his massive wings and flew up into the air to meet Seym Blood who was hastening to their own personal duel. Swinging at one another so quickly that both claw-tipped hands and paws were blurs of motion, the griffin and cretchym went at each other with only one object in mind- to take the other's life.

  Amazingly enough, Bala was soon meddling in Seym Blood and Roy'Dohk's fight. Flying around the huge, winged adversaries, the diminuitive cretchym stuck her sharp sword into Roy'Dohk's flame-covered hide whenever an opportunity presented itself. For a time, Dog growled and barked at his tiny companion, who was risking her life to help the griffin, before he went to fight beside Mar’Gul.

  Lifting his hammer, Jeaf intercepted the searing hot stream of magic with an invisible shield of power whose presence was revealed when the beam of power exploded against it. Shreds of the once solid stream of magic rebounded onto the Hag and guards who flanked Ab'Don, burning them as it did. None of it reached Ay'Roan, J'Aryl, or any of the Neflin who stood behind the Hammer Bearer. In spite of the damage he was doing to his own forces, the Sorcerer kept pouring his super-heated magic on his enemy.

  Satisfied Vlad'War's Magic, now magnified in strength by the presence of the courageous Fane J'Shrym who had risked their lives to rescue the Hammer Bearer, would withstand the beam of power, Jeaf strode toward the Sorcerer.

  Seeing the Hammer Bearer advancing, Ab'Don grimaced as he drew on his strength. But with all the effort he was expending, it was clear that he had to use another tactic if he was going to win the battle. So, he stopped sending out the stream of searing hot magic so he could regather his strength. But before he could decide on a new plan of action, Jeaf was on him, swinging his massive hammer as he came.

  Caught off guard by how easily the Hammer Bearer had dealt with the stream of lethal magic and by the speed he used to reach him, Ab'Don was driven back by the smaller giant's ferocity. Using his sword, the Sorcerer intercepted each of the Hammer Bearer's blows as they rang out in the cavern's vast expanse. After he swung the massive blade, that whooshed through the air as it flew at the Hammer Bearer's head, the Sorcerer separated his weapon into two pieces when Jeaf stepped back to avoid the blade's sharp, fire-drenched edge.

  Before the Hammer Bearer could renew his su
rprising onslaught, Ab'Don had turned one of the pieces of fiery metal into a shield to accompany the newly fashioned sword, a shield the Sorcerer needed to ward of Jeaf's angry weapon. Still, the hammer struck so quickly and often that the Sorcerer didn't have time to retaliate.

  After the larger giant fell to one knee with his flame-covered shield lifted up to protect himself, Ab'Don swung his sword in a sweeping motion that was meant to make the Hammer Bearer back up. Instead, it caught Jeaf's leg at the knee and buckled him to the ground.

  Like a pack of of wild dogs, watching two of their pack fighting for mastery, attacks the one who is deafeated, the cloud filled with wraiths and fire descended on the Hammer Bearer and wrapped him up in a torrent of agony. Acting like an outer casing, the flames forced the tormented spirits up against Jeaf's gigantic form. Not destined to last long, the cloud's action delayed the Hammer Bearer long enough for the Sorcerer to get to his feet and stride over to his downed opponent. Soon, Ab'Don's sword came down on Jeaf like an executioner's ax.

  Cutting through both the fire and the wraiths, the sword dug into the magic that strengthened the Hammer Bearer's body. Leaving a dent in the reinforced flesh, but not yet breaking through Jeaf's skin, the colossus' sword flew at the Hammer Bearer once again.

  The tables had turned. It was Ab'Don who was now hacking away at his enemy. On and on he went, cutting at Jeaf's uplifted forearm. Avoiding the hammer that tried to rebuff the blows, Ab'Don's weapon struck with such savagery that the Hammer of Power's magic was breached and blood eventually began to flow out of the cuts that appeared. Though slow and viscous-like, the flow was considerable. After several more blows, bone was reached. A sickening cracking noise followed.


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