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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

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by Sandra Bischoff



  A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel

  Sandra Bischoff

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by means mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or featured names are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for the review purposes, the reproduction in whole or part, mechanically or electronically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published in the United States of America in May 2014; Copyright 2014 by Sandra Bischoff

  The right of Authors Name to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with The Copyright Designs and Patent Act of 1988.

  Formatted and Published by Sandra Bischoff

  Cover art by Christina Bledsoe

  Copyright ©2014 Sandra Bischoff

  Language: English

  In loving memory

  To the best writing partner I could ever ask for.

  The inspiration for the wolf.



  Cornwall, NY ~ Present day

  The pale blue Victorian mansion belonging to the new crown Prince of the Dark Order stood silhouetted against the fading pink, orange and blue of sunset. The moon in all her glory had begun its ascent in the eastern sky across the Hudson River. Two men made their way across the great expanse of lawn stretching between the home and the hill that ran down to the river itself. Dressed in sweatpants and t-shirts, it would appear they were headed to the gym for a work out. A glint of moonlight off a metal blade put that idea to rest.

  “Explain again why I have to do this?”

  Zephyr rolled his amber eyes. “What part of protecting the heir to the throne didn’t you get the first time? There are many out there who want him dead. You, god forbid, are his first in command. His right hand, so to speak. It’s your duty.”

  Lance tested the weight of the blade in his hand and frowned. A sword definitely was not his choice of weapon, never had been. He preferred to do things hands-on fangs-to-throat. To feel the snap of bone and cartilage, taste his victim’s blood flooding his mouth. There was nothing quite like it.

  “I just don’t understand the need for it. I’m a shifter. My wolf can handle anything. Swordplay isn’t my style.” He stabbed the tip of his blade into the grass. He had his powers. They should be enough. They’d saved him before.

  Zephyr growled, but didn’t lower his own sword. He advanced blade slicing through the air a fraction of an inch from Lance’s nose. “There may be a time when the wolf fails to appear. What will you do? If you possess no other skills, Jared is left unprotected. Should he fend for himself then?”

  Lance jumped back, landing in a crouch. His lip curled, the snarl exposing his long fangs. “Jared has nothing to worry about.”

  “Then prove it.” Zephyr pulled Lance’s sword free and tossed it to him. “Attack me.”

  Catching the sword in one hand, Lance rose circling his opponent. He was never one to shy away from a challenge, especially when his ability to protect his charge was questioned. His eyes narrowed, assessing Zephyr for a weakness. Unfortunately for him, the man didn’t seem to have one. The power the vampire possessed was beyond his understanding. He never met another vamp like him, which spoke volumes in their world.

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  Zephyr smirked. “Consider me a dog with a bone. Now try to take it away. Woof, woof.”

  “What is wrong with all of you? I’m a wolf, not a dog.” A growl rumbled from Lance’s throat as he advanced. The clang of steel rang in the darkness from his vigorous onslaught pushing Zephyr back. The only problem was, while he put everything he had into each and every swing, the vampire wasn’t even breaking a sweat. At one point, the bastard had the nerve to yawn.

  Lance huffed with his next swing and lost his balance. The momentum made him miss his target completely. He stumbled past Zephyr. If losing his balance wasn’t humiliating enough, Zephyr brought the broadside of his sword down across Lance’s backside, smacking him just hard enough so he landed face first on the lawn. Spitting out a mouthful of grass, he lay there for a few moments. He couldn’t land a good strike, not one.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “I can answer for you, if you’d like.” Zephyr placed his sword on his shoulder watching Lance collect himself.

  “Would you quit reading my thoughts? It’s friggin’ irritating as hell.” He pushed himself up and grabbed his blade before walking off toward the patio. “Besides, you cheat.” He dropped onto a lounge chair and wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel. Downing a bottle of water, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand sighing.

  “I never cheat. It’s your skill that’s lacking. Your father must be turning in his grave.” Zephyr sat on the wall across from Lance shaking his head. “I can’t believe you are his blood. Lancelot would be devastated.”

  “Hey, leave the sperm donor out of this. It’s not like he’s here to train me or anything.” Leaning back on the lounge, he stared at the stars. “Just because he fathered me doesn’t mean I have his ability.”

  “Obviously.” Zephyr scoffed. “And that’s why I’m here, Lance. I want to make you the same indestructible warrior he was. Jared deserves no less.”

  Lance glared. “You don’t think I know that? Hell, why don’t you do it then?”

  “It’s not my destiny, it’s yours. I’m only here to make sure things turn out as they are meant to be.”

  “Well that just sucks.”

  “I agree.” Zephyr slapped his hands on his knees. “But not as much as the next few hours are going to suck for you.”

  Lance stared at him. “Hours?”

  “Yes. Hours.” Zephyr stood, picked up his blade, and headed back out onto the lawn. When he faced Lance, he wore an evil smile and crooked his finger. “Let’s go, I don’t have all night.”

  Lance groaned. “With any luck, the sun will come up and roast you.”

  “You couldn’t be so lucky. Now, get your hairy ass off that chair, you have work to do.”

  Camelot ~ 530 AD

  Elizabeth sat on the edge of the stone window ledge. Her feet curled underneath her, she stared out past the great moat and green fields below. Her soft leather shoes had been discarded long ago and sat forgotten on the cold stone floor beneath her. The open window offered hardly any protection from the moist air blowing outside. Wind whipped the strawberry blonde strands of hair which escaped from the braid around her face. Absently, she brushed it back tucking it behind her ear. Her eyes never turned away from the muted grey horizon.

  Early-morning dew collected on the fields, giving them an eerie glow. The land below looked like the home of the Fae. The same Fae who called to her each night. They enticed her with visions of hazel eyes from another place and time. Those visions brought her to this abandoned tower room in the early hours before the rest of the castle awoke to go about their day. In these stolen minutes she found her solace. At this hour, there was no one questioning where she had been. No one berating her for unladylike behavior. Here, sh
e was completely alone.

  Elizabeth hugged her knees. The hem of her sleeping tunic inched up, baring her toes to the cool air. Gooseflesh erupted over the length of her arm. She pulled the blanket draped across her shoulders a little tighter, unwilling to leave her perch. The moisture in the air collected on her lashes, making them heavy. A yawn threatened, but she fought it off, not wanting to break the spell. Only a few moments more. . .

  “My lady?”

  Nay! Not yet. They can’t have found me. I only need another moment or two.

  A soft knock on the door made her jump. “My lady, please. The King found your solar empty and has ordered his men to search the castle for you.”

  Lady Elizabeth blinked and the magic of the morn was lost. It didn’t surprise her. Every day she searched the horizon for something or someone, but it remained beyond her reach. Her shoulders sagged a sigh escaping her lips. She climbed down from the ledge. When her feet met the floor she shivered and slipped them inside the cold leather shoes. She made haste toward the door. Pulling it open, she glanced in either direction before dragging her startled maid inside and closing it silently. She held her finger to her lips, urging the girl into silence. Footsteps sounded in the passageway.

  Elizabeth stood with her ear against the wooden door, listening to the deep voice on the other side. “She has to be here somewhere. Find her and return her to the King. I shall take the battlements whilst the rest of you search indoors.”

  Sir Bohrs de Ganis was the first to speak. “Aye Galahad, we’ll have her safe and sound in no time.” The rest of the men chimed in with their approval. Their voices dissipated, each heading off to search a different part of the castle.

  Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes and let out the breath she held. Why did having a moment to oneself entail so much havoc? After a few seconds, she lifted her gaze to meet her maid’s. Elizabeth cringed at the disappointed look Beatrix gave her. Not only was she in trouble, she dragged the poor girl down with her. “Beatrix, I’m sorry. I never meant. . . .” Her words died on her lips. There was no way she could make this right. Their only option was to return to her solar and await punishment for disobeying the King’s order to stay within its walls.

  “M’lady, if I may?” Bea’s frown softened. Elizabeth nodded slowly, waiting for her friend to chastise her. “The King is simply concerned for your welfare. He wouldn’t want any harm to befall his foster child. Mayhap if you just explain-”

  “Nay, I cannot tell him or anyone else why I sneak away. They would consider me mad.” She began to pace. “No one would understand. The Fae or some other being within the forest calls to me. I hear it in my dreams, yet when I try to search for it, whatever it may be eludes me.”

  “I think you need more rest, M’lady.” Bea moved closer and placed a gentle hand on her arm. “Let us get you back to your chamber. It would be better if we arrived there first, don’t you think?”

  Again, she nodded and allowed her maid to lead her into the passageway. They hadn’t made it more than a few steps before they met Sir Galahad. He leaned casually against the wall, arms folded across his chest. Elizabeth inclined her chin in silent challenge waiting. His piercing blue eyes assessed her in the dim light.

  When she thought he would scold her for leading them on a wild goose chase, he offered her his arm. “Lady Elizabeth, I do believe you are late to break your fast. Allow me to escort you back to your chamber so you may dress appropriately before we attend the King in his solar.”

  He gave no sign of anger or annoyance as she took his arm. Surprisingly, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I’ll not impart your secret. We all deserve a little adventure in our lives. No harm was done.” Galahad straightened. He led their small party from the sanctuary she found in the abandoned tower room to her chamber. Her maid followed silently behind them, smiling.


  A lone grey wolf sat on the bank of the Hudson River, tongue lolling from a canine smile. His eyes were half closed, relaxed, yet he was completely in tune with the surroundings ears twitching at any given sound. The water sloshed in a quiet rhythm, succeeding in pulling a yawn out of him. He snapped his jaws and whined. The sound was lost in the breeze as the wolf lay his head on a pair of large paws. Hazel eyes gazed up at the silvery light filtering over the water from the full moon. The wolf let out a tired breath.

  Another long night of training was behind him, and he relished this time to finally rest and regroup. Every muscle in his body, both human and wolf, ached from the abuse Zephyr put him through. The vampire was relentless. Lance considered himself lucky they were on the same side. He’d hate to see what would happen to the enemy at the hands of his teacher. A shudder ran through him at the thought.

  Now he needed to take full advantage of the others being forced behind steel shutters for the day, another perk of being a shifter. He wasn’t relegated to live in the dark. He could come and go as he pleased at all hours day or night, never having to worry about dying because of it. Unfortunately he wasn’t the only one in the house with that ability.

  For six long months he kept Jared’s secret. His best friend could walk in daylight. Jared defied the natural laws of being a vampire. It could have been because he was part god. Who actually knew? It was yet another thing that pissed Lance off. He had absolutely no reprieve from the constant nagging and harassment about his failures.

  Maybe that was why he was in tune with being what he was, a wolf -a lone wolf.

  Once upon a time he relished the solitude this life granted, but something changed. He became more restless, and it drove him to this spot night after night. Why here? He honestly had no clue. Where ever this restless energy came from, it had the power to lure him to the water for the last few months.

  A whisper on the breeze made him sit up and stare into the early-morning fog beginning to roll in over the Hudson. It swirled giving him glimpses of another time and place familiar to him. Green fields stretched over a foreign countryside surrounding the golden walls of a distant castle. He saw the hazy image of a dragon embellished banner flapping in the wind. The vision shattered moments before it became clear.

  Lance found himself reaching out to touch the fragments of the broken vision. He stared at what was now an outstretched hand rather than a paw. When had he changed back? He couldn’t remember. “What the…?” He stared at his hand like it was completely foreign to him, turning it over a few times. Leaning over the riverbank, he glanced at the water seeing his human reflection.

  “Christian, what are you doing out here?”

  His head swung around to meet the stormy grey gaze of Semiramis, the Goddess who became his foster mother when his real one walked out. Only a child at the time, he still felt the pain, still saw himself running after her as she drove away leaving him in the middle of Bourbon street. Puffy-eyed and near hyperventilating from sobbing Sam comforted him. She gave him a home, food, and more love than he could ever hope for, never asking for anything in return.

  Clothes materialized on his body as he stood up stretching. “I was taking a little me time. Figured as long a Zephyr couldn’t come out to play, I was safe.”

  “He only wants you to take your training seriously.”

  “I do take it seriously, Sam. I know all of you count on me to protect Jared. But should learning to protect your son, destroy me in the process?”

  She stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Sadness etched on her timeless face. “Training will not destroy you.”

  He snorted and glanced away. “Yeah right, tell it to Terminator in there.”

  Sam shook her head. “Zephyr has been around longer than you know. He’s seen the horrors of the past and only wants to prevent them from happening again. If Absinthe ever succeeds in killing Jared, there’s no telling what would ensue. Even I can’t predict the future.”

  “So his life and mine hang in the balance, waiting for the Princess to have a hangnail or bad hair day? Exactly something I look forward
to. Thanks, Sam.” Lance stepped around her and began the long walk back up to the blue Victorian on the hill.

  Semiramis kept her gaze focused on the fog crawling across the water as he walked away. “Du Lac, what were you reaching for?”

  Lance stopped in his tracks slowly facing her. He hadn’t gone far yet she seemed a world away from him. The light breeze blew strands of ebony hair around her head like a dark halo against the moonlight. Her nightgown billowed out and changed against the dark backdrop taking on an ethereal glow. When she spun around she appeared as a medieval queen from headdress to kirtle.

  Frowning, he stepped forward. “How did you know?”

  Her head tilted to the side. She beamed up at him. “How could I not?” She cupped his cheek with her hand. “It’s your past, your present, and your future. Maybe that’s why it’s calling to you now.”

  “But what does it all mean?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  “You’ll know when the time comes, dear Christian.”

  The spell woven around them dissipated as the first rays of sunlight peeked above the mountains across the water. Lance squinted at it over her head blinking away the spots floating before his eyes. When he beheld Sam again, she was dressed in her nightgown and robe smiling up at him. Man, I must have drunk too much last night. Only, he couldn’t remember having a sip of anything stronger than water. Someone spiked my sealed bottles of water, uh huh. Hallucinations are a bitch.

  “Are you all right, Christian? You seem a little green.” Sam wrapped her arm around his and steered them toward the house.

  “I… I’m ok. I think I just need a little sleep.” His legs felt like rubber. He ran a hand over his face.

  She patted his arm with her other hand as they climbed the worn stone path. “I’m sure that’s all it is. Training will be a bit easier if you get some rest. After all, Camelot wasn’t built in one night, was it?”


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