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Beyond Time: A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel (The Dark Order of the Dragon Book 2)

Page 7

by Sandra Bischoff

  Sam sat across from Elaine and held her hands. “You will do it because you will never see him again. He needs to know how much you care, that you wanted him.”

  Elizabeth frowned at their exchange. “We shall never see Lord Christian again? Why?”

  Lady Semiramis shifted her gaze over Lady Elaine’s shoulder to Elizabeth. “Dear girl, when his training is over, Christian will return with me. Neither of us will come back. He understands this and accepts it. It is why he needs the closure with his family now.” She turned her attention back to Lady Elaine. “I have already sent a page with a message you wish to see him.”

  Lady Elaine inclined her chin. “My Lady, you take liberties that are not yours to begin with.”

  “I know, but they are for the greater good.” Lady Semiramis let go of her and rose. “I shall be leaving Christian in your hands for a while. A pressing matter has come up, and I must leave this evening.”

  “Where will you be? What if we need to contact you?”

  “Don’t worry. I am not too far. I will be informed of what happens here. Please don’t tell him I have gone. It will raise questions you will not be able to answer. I shall return soon enough.” Lady Semiramis’ gaze passed over each of them. “Make the most of this time together while it lasts.” She stepped into the hall and vanished.


  For two weeks Lance had been getting his ass kicked on the training field. He gave as well as he got, making sure his father and brother felt every one of their injuries as much as he felt his. Earning their respect as he did.

  There was only one thing missing from the whole equation, his mother.

  In the time since he first rode through Camelot’s main gate, not once did he see or hear from her. The whole thing struck him as odd. Sam told him repeatedly how much his mother loved him, how much it hurt her to let him go. If that was the truth, then why hadn’t she even come to say hello?

  His shoulders slumped with exhaustion as he entered the great hall. His father and Galahad were already seated at a table, mugs of ale in hand. His brother was the first to see him. Galahad waved him over with a rolled up piece of paper.

  Wonderful, all I wanted was to crash for a while.

  His brother tossed paper at him as he approached the table. “Christian, this was delivered for you.”

  Catching it in one hand, Lance dropped into the chair next to Galahad who pushed a mug in front of him. “Who sent it?

  “The page did not say.”

  Lance flattened the small scroll on the table top. He scanned the contents not once but twice, completely stunned by its sender. The missive was not what he expected to be greeted with upon entering the great hall. A mug of ale and a wench, maybe, but he never expected to be summoned to his mother’s chambers.

  Glancing at his father, he pointed the rolled up parchment at him. “Do you know anything about this?”

  Lancelot took the scroll and unrolled it on the table in front of him, frowning. “This is not her hand, but it seems your mother wishes to meet with you.” He rolled it back up and tossed it at Lance. “I say you do not keep her waiting.”

  Catching it in mid-air, Lance crushed the vellum. “What if I don’t want to meet with her? I honestly have nothing to say.”

  “Son, I have kept you from your mother for far too long. She wished to see you the first night you arrived. I forbade it. I told her you were not here for coddling. Apparently this was sent to not only summon you, but also remind me that I have not kept my word that she could see you in a fortnight. ”

  A maid exchanged their empty mugs with full new ones on the weathered wooden table between them. Lance reached for one and brushed her fingers with his. She tossed him a saucy smile over her shoulder and winked. He raised his mug at her retreat.

  Galahad laughed. “I would stay away from that one if I were you.”

  He glanced at his brother over the rim of his mug. “And why is that?”

  “Unless you want to fall victim to her latest infestation, I would stay away, Christian.” His father chuckled.

  “Yeah, that’s what I need. A super VD bug from Medieval England. No thank you.” He glanced up to see the wench smiling at him from across the hall and shivered. “Why does everything here have to kill you?”

  “It separates the weak from the strong, son.”

  “Ah, so nice to see Darwinism is alive and well here.” Both his father and brother gave him confused looks. “Natural selection?” Still they stared at him as if he grew another head. “Never mind, it’s something they teach you where I come from.”

  “Aye? Well if it is based on what I said then it cannot be all wrong. I am glad to see things are not that different in the future.”

  “It’s more different than I care to explain. Things there would blow your mind.”

  “I am not sure I would appreciate that.”

  “Probably not.” Lance placed his mug on the table and stood. “I guess there is no avoiding the inevitable. Off to sacrifice myself to the lioness.”

  “Maman is not that bad.” Galahad scoffed. “I will be the first to admit our sire is worse.”

  “Aye, that I am.” Lancelot placed a hand on his arm. “We did what had to be done at the time, Christian. Do not hold that decision against her. Handing you over to the Lady was the hardest thing your mother has ever had to do.”

  Lance nodded as his father released him. “I’ll try. That’s all I can do.”

  He turned away from them and left the hall. It didn’t take long for him to find his way up the stone staircase and through winding hallways to his mother’s solar. Her door was open in anticipation of his arrival. He knocked softly on the dark wood surrounding the doorway and stepped into her domain.

  His mother stood before the fireplace, hands clasped in front of her. Elaine’s hazel eyes welled up with unshed tears as she gazed at him from across the room. “You came” Her voice wavered. “I hoped you would.”

  He stared at her, not quite sure what to do next. What exactly did you say to the woman who gave you away when you were no more than a toddler? “I won’t lie. I thought about not coming up here.”

  “I’m glad you did.” She took a hesitant step forward. “Would you sit with me for a bit?” Elaine reached out a hand to him.

  “For what reason? Really, Maman, did you think I would be happy to receive a summons? I’m really not in the mood for a heart to heart, especially with the woman who sold her first born to a complete stranger.”

  “Christian, it wasn’t like that. Please let me explain.” She took another step toward him.

  He raised a hand to stop her. She halted. “I’ve already been told about why you did it. That doesn’t mean I have to forgive you for it. For Christ’s sakes, Mom. I was only six years old! Do you even know the emotional scar that leaves on a kid?”

  “I had no choice.” She croaked between sobs.

  “Good or bad, there is always a choice.” He scoffed.

  Lance’s chest tightened. Why did he ever think this would be a good idea? The whole thing had disaster written all over it. His gaze locked on her hazel eyes, an exact match to his. The buried memory of the last time he saw her flashed through his mind.

  A little boy stood on the sidewalk of Bourbon Street in New Orleans. His mother held his hand tight as a woman in loose-fitting jewel-colored robes approached them. The woman touched the top of his head. He cowered behind his mother’s skirt.

  Lance tugged on his mother’s hand. “Maman, please do not make me go. I wanna go home with you and papa.”

  Dropping down to her knees, she hugged him close. “I’m sorry, Christian, but you must go with Lady Semiramis. Your father and I agreed to let her foster you.”

  A car flew past them and he screamed. “But I am scared. There are monsters here.” He buried his face in her neck sobbing. “Please maman, I will be a good boy.”

  She gently pried him away from her and wiped the tears from his face. “Christian, I promise you will hav
e everything you ever dreamed with her.”

  “But I will not have you or papa.” His small hands touched his mother’s tear stained cheeks. Her hazel eyes were bloodshot from crying.

  “No, you won’t. But we will always be right here.” She pointed to the middle of his chest and sniffed back her tears. “Your father and I love you, Christian. Never, ever doubt that.”

  His mother pulled him close in a bone crushing hug. He clung to her, knowing this would be the last time he saw her. Though she told him otherwise, he already knew that the moment she walked away, the world he came from would be forever lost to him.

  A gentle hand rested on his head. “Elaine, it’s time.” The woman in the robes murmured.

  She gave him one last squeeze before releasing him. Wiping first his tears, then her own, she rose to face the lady in the robes. “I want you to swear on your life that no harm will come to him. He will be well provided for.”

  “Elaine, I already told you I will love him as if he were my own. He will never go without. I will teach him how to control his powers. He will be able to protect himself and the life of his future charge. So yes, I swear both on my life and that of my son’s. Christian will be safe with me.”

  Everything slowed to a stop around them as Elaine placed Lance’s hand in the lady’s. Behind her blue light swirled. Elaine turned and started toward it. Lance tugged on his hand trying desperately to follow her.


  Elaine stopped and looked back at him. “Be a good boy, Christian. I love you.” Her hand covered her mouth, muffling her sob and she stepped into the swirling light. The moment she did the light vanished and she was gone.

  Lance swallowed back the choking feeling in his throat. For so many years, he hated her for abandoning him. She literally dropped him in a place that terrified him. Granted, over the years he became accustomed to it and adjusted well enough, but the fact remained the woman before him was a stranger. He turned away and she gasped.

  “Christian, please . . . .” Her plea was no more than a whisper.

  Instead of leaving, he closed her solar door. His hand rested on it for a few moments as he recovered from the forgotten memory. When he faced her again, tears rolled down her face. Lance crossed the room. His arms engulfed her in an embrace so fierce he was afraid he might crush her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What have you got to be sorry for? I was the one who left you.”

  He rested his chin on her head. “I hated you for so long. I always thought you threw me away. I didn’t realize that it hurt you as much as it hurt me. I’m sorry for hating you.”

  “Christian, you were completely justified. But you have to understand.”

  “Shh. I know what you sacrificed. You gave up so much to stay with him. I get it. I really do.”


  “Maman. Look at me. I survived. At least until father skewers me on the training field.”

  She laughed, pulling back from his embrace and wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Lancelot may be passionate about his training, but he would never go that far.”

  “Oh no? He’s come close a few times. I’m sure given the chance, he would.” Lance took her hand in his and led her to the stone bench by the window.

  Elaine lowered herself with all the grace of a queen. After taking a moment to arrange her gown, she patted the seat beside her. Lance had no other choice but to join her. He stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankles and rested his head against the wall.

  An awkward silence settled between. Lance stared at the tapestry depicting one of his father’s adventures. Elaine wrung her hands in her lap. Neither had a clue where to begin. In the end, it was his mother who put out the olive branch.

  “The Lady has treated you well, I take it?”

  “Sam? Yeah. She taught me how to control shifting into the wolf. I really couldn’t have asked for a better foster mom.” He glanced at her in time to see the hurt that simple statement caused. Immediately he covered his tracks. “But she was no real replacement for being here with the three of you.”

  Elaine smiled. “I’m glad she was able to help you where I couldn’t. Every time I tried to teach you, I failed. You would hide in the woods for hours as a pup, unable to master becoming a boy again.”

  “You didn’t fail. Chalk it up to me being too young to understand. Nothing could have changed that.” He squeezed her hands. “Hey, at least you wound up with one entirely human son.”

  Elaine sighed. “Ah, Galahad. If you only knew.”

  Lance raised a brow. “Knew what?” Oh god, what’s wrong with him?

  “Your brother idolizes you.”

  A harsh laugh burst from Lance. “He idolizes me? Then the boy has some serious mental issues. He never even knew I existed till I arrived here.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. From the moment he was born, he knew he had a brother, one he may never meet. Your father constantly praised the fact that you were fulfilling your destiny and how proud he was of you. Galahad would sit and listen, wanting to be right where you were. But he also knew it was impossible. You and I both know where his destiny lies.”

  Lance nodded. He knew his brother’s legend well enough to know certain lines could never be crossed.

  “And while we are speaking of destinies, you must remember where yours lies. Christian, you must not change the course of things while you are here. Train as you are supposed to, nothing more. You must swear to me you will do this.”

  He noted the seriousness of his mother’s statement. “I’ve already had this lecture from Semiramis and father. What else could be here for me? As you said, my destiny lies in another place and time. Nothing will change that. So yeah, I swear I won’t change history while I’m here.”


  The front door slammed behind Jared, echoing through the deserted main floor. Taking the stairs two at a time, he hit the second floor at a sprint pulling up short a few doors down. Echelon, the gypsy guardian Zephyr called to help them, leaned against the wall outside the bedroom. The closed door made him frown. Why in the world wouldn’t she be with Alex?

  The question hovered on his lips unspoken as he watched her in silence. Echelon’s eyes were closed. His chest tightened as he saw a tear roll down her cheek.

  Please let Alex and the baby be okay.

  Willing his feet to move, Jared’s pace picked up the closer he got to where she stood. He stopped an arm’s length away. She gave him no indication she knew he was there. Echelon’s thoughts appeared to be elsewhere.

  Jared cleared his throat. Echelon blinked and wiped a hand over her cheeks, removing all evidence she cried. She met his gaze with red-rimmed black eyes. She’d obviously been crying for some time.

  “Echelon? Is everything alright?” He searched her face for a hint.

  “Everything is fine, Highness. Alex is having contractions. She needs to rest.” She looked away and laid her hand on the door handle to allow him entry. Jared placed his hand on the door, making her glance up at him.

  “If Alex and the baby are fine, then why are you upset? Is there something I can do to help?”

  She stared at her hand resting on the handle. “No. There is nothing you can do. Being here today brought my demons to the surface. I am dealing with them. They will not interfere with the care I give her Highness. I promise I am doing everything in my power to keep them safe. And they will be safe.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Now would you like to see her? She’s been so anxious. I think seeing you will do her a world of good.”

  “Echelon?” Her dark gaze lifted to meet his. “When Lance returns, I’d like you to remain with us. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I believe having more than one person here would be beneficial after the baby is born.”

  Echelon blinked back the tears threatening to fall again. “Truly?”

  Jared nodded. “Absolutely. Zephyr and I discussed it at length. The job is yours if you want it.”
br />   She swallowed hard. “I am honored, Highness. But what will your first in command say about it?”

  “Let me handle Lance.” He chuckled. “He’s a thick-headed Cajun, but he will see the benefit having you here. After he gives me a piece of his mind. If not, I’ll beat him into submission.”

  She nodded. “I will not let you down.”

  A gentle smile curved his lips. “I don’t think you could. I’ve seen your skill first hand. I know I’m putting my family in very capable hands. I will be forever in your debt.”

  Echelon placed her fist across her chest. “I swear my loyalty forever to you and your family. Thank you, sire.”

  “One more thing. Please drop the formalities. In this house, as you will soon realize, we never use them.”

  “So I’ve been told by her High –I mean Alex”

  “Welcome to the family, Echelon.” He held out his hand to her. “We take care of our own here. If you ever need anything, you come to us.”

  She took his offered hand in hers “Yes, Jared. Thank you.”

  “Now let’s make my wife happy.”

  Echelon turned the handle, the door swung wide. She gasped, staring at the bed. Jared stepped in behind her and froze.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Semiramis frowned. “Do not take that tone with me. I am here because this is where I belong right now. And from what I can see, I am not a moment too soon.” She placed her hands on Alex’s distended belly.

  Echelon stepped forward, head bowed. “Alex was already experiencing false labor when I arrived this morning. I found her collapsed on the floor and helped her to bed. I promise you, I have done everything in my power to keep her comfortable. I even took the pain on myself more than a few times”

  Her gaze rose from the floor to meet Sam’s. The goddess nodded. “And you have done well. Now, go find some rest, dear.” Echelon bowed and retreated from the room.


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