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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  His palm itched, and before he thought about it he brought it down on the big, fleshy mound of her right ass cheek. She squealed in outrage, kicked her legs out, and tried to get away. He placed a forearm on her lower back, kept her stationed, and spanked her over and over again. She was screaming at him, swearing all these impressive names at him, and then stated gasping out. He was relentless in his actions, spanking her like she had needed it done her entire life. And when she was breathing heavily, moving on his lap, his fucking cock jerked in response. He was getting hard watching his hand come down on her ass, and seeing the mounds shake from the force.

  “You asshole,” she breathed out, and for a second he wondered if this was arousing her. She had to be able to feel his dick hard beneath her belly, but she didn’t say anything.

  “You needed this, Deanna. You need to know who is in charge, and that continuing to act like a child in my damn clubhouse isn’t going to go over very well with me.” He spanked her once more, felt her dig her nails into his thighs, and then flipped her over. Demon stared at her face, saw her cheeks red, her lips parted and glossy, and her chest heaving. And her damn nipples were hard, poking through her shirt, teasing him with the idea that she was aroused by the punishment. Demon didn’t make it a secret he liked a little pain with his pleasure. And maybe Deanna was the perfect woman to give him that combination, and take a little agony and ecstasy for herself while with him?

  “You bastard,” Deanna said in a low voice, and the way she dipped her eyes to his mouth told him that she was fighting what this did to her. Well, she could fight all she wanted, because Demon wasn’t going to let this go.

  Deanna stared at the ceiling, feeling her anger, her self-disgust, and her hatred for the man named Demon and this fucking clubhouse grow to a breaking point. It had been hours since she had trashed this room. But she was alone, had picked up the mess just so she didn’t have to hear any more from that behemoth Demon. They had boarded up the window, but they had refused to let her to go outside, so her chance at leaving was squashed.

  It was already night and she was exhausted, but all she could think about was when the asshole had spanked her like she was a kid and needed to be punished for acting out. What the hell had he expected? Should she just roll over and accept it all? Deanna was not some shrinking violet, and she wasn’t a submissive that would just suck his dick whenever he snapped his fingers. But she hated herself for getting aroused when he spanked her. That wasn’t like her, and she wanted to curse herself out until she didn’t have a voice for how disgusted she was with her reaction.

  No, Deanna wasn’t about to let this bastard or his club take control of her. Even if she had to take them all out to make her escape possible she would. Because Deanna wasn’t going to let her father get away with this, or be the whore to a bunch of fucking bikers.

  Chapter 6

  “Have you tamed the beast?” Joker asked, smirking as Demon came downstairs. He’d been standing outside his bedroom waiting to see if she’d try anything funny. She clearly didn’t have a death wish, otherwise he’d be dealing with a dead body now rather than a drink. Although truth be told he didn’t want to harm her, and would never hurt her unless she compromised the club. The club didn’t willingly hurt women and children, but she was a liability, especially with her resistance, and her fierceness could put the club into shit they didn’t need to deal with. If he continued to let her get away with shit, he’d start to lose respect in the club. Joker had supervised her cleaning up the mess after he spanked her ass. He’d gone back up when it was all over to listen to see what she’d do. Deanna was the first woman to intrigue him like this. He didn’t like nor did he trust these feelings she kept inspiring.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  He slung back a shot, waiting for Chucks to fill him another. All the time he stared at the ugly-assed prospect he couldn’t get the feel of Deanna’s body across his knees out of his mind. Slinging back the shot, he wiped his mouth, turning around to find Sarah making her way toward him. She was slender and he saw the outline of her hipbones above where her skirt fell. The skirt was too small, and the bikini top left nothing to the imagination. She looked dressed to fuck whereas Deanna looked dressed for business.

  If he didn’t get her out of his mind, he was going to lose it.

  “Hey, Demon. Do you want to finish off what we started?” She traced a finger along his stomach.

  When she’d been sucking his cock earlier he’d been so close to coming. Deanna stopped him with her shouts then the smashing of the window. He liked her spunk. Sarah did nothing for him. She had a nice, tight cunt, and was fucking easy. Demon didn’t need to fight with her to get what he wanted.

  “Not now,” he said.

  “Come on, Demon. I know you need some release.”

  He grabbed her hand when she went to grab his dick. “I said no. Step back before I hand you to one of the fucking prospects for the night.”

  Demon grabbed his refilled shot glass and made his way out of the clubhouse. He stopped at the same place where he’d gotten his dick sucked.

  Staring at the pile of crap the members had piled off to the side, Demon smirked. He didn’t think she had the guts to completely trash his room. His closet was useless. Some of his clothes had also been ruined in the process of her temper.

  “I know what that smile means,” Joker said, coming to stand beside him.

  “What does it mean?”

  “Deanna’s not going to know what’s coming to her. I almost feel sorry for her but then I look at that shit, and I know I can’t wait to see how this is going to go.”

  Demon took another inhale on his smoke. “I can tell you there’s only one way for it to end, with her beneath me, her cunt open and taking my cock.” In the recess of his mind, Demon wondered if he'd locked the bedroom door.

  Deanna stared up at the ceiling, surprised by how white it actually was. She expected the room to be in an awful state, as bikers never really gave a shit about being clean, or so the stereotype played through her mind. Titling her head to the side, she looked at the ceiling from all angles. She wondered what the other rooms were like.

  Don’t do it, Deanna. Don’t give in.

  She reached underneath her to touch her ass. The sting was no longer there, yet the memory of his hands on her body was. She’d never responded to any man like that. Biting her lip, she tried to contain the groan that was threatening to spill out. There was no way she should have been turned on by being spanked. Deanna knew deep down it wasn’t just about the spanking; it was the way Demon held her down, masterfully. She was losing her mind. Turning over on the bed, she stared at the bedroom door. He wouldn’t have left the door unlocked.

  With her reaction to him she needed to get away from him, far away. In fact, the further away she was, the better it would be for her. She didn’t want to respond to him in any way.

  Getting to her feet, she walked toward the window that was boarded up. She couldn’t see anything. Next, she walked across the bedroom to the bathroom. Deanna opened the door to gaze inside. This room had a smaller window. Even if she was a slender woman she wouldn’t make it through that tiny little hole.

  She walked toward the mirror to stare at her reflection. Her cheeks were flushed and she quickly splashed some water onto her skin. When that didn’t help to cool her down, she walked back into the bedroom.

  “What the hell,” she said, going to the bedroom door. She doubted it would work but she wasn’t going to not try it.

  Gripping the handle, she turned it.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest as the door clicked open.


  No, Demon wouldn’t have left the bedroom door unlocked. That would be giving her the chance to escape. This had to be some kind of trick to lure her into a false sense of security. It didn’t make any sense.

  She closed the door, taking a step back.

  What are you doing? Get your ass out of here.

  Licking her lips,
she opened the door wider and glanced up and down the hall. The music coming from the main room could be heard throughout the whole house. No one was around. Leaving the bedroom, she closed the door behind her, being quiet.

  Deanna made her way down the long corridor, taking her time with each step. Each room she passed there were erotic sounds coming from inside. The biker club did nothing but have sex, or so it seemed. She hated it and would never give herself to the biker willingly, no matter what club Demon belonged to.

  On the way downstairs, she panicked. She didn’t know if she was going to get out of here alive.

  She thought about her father and her anger renewed. When she got her hands on him she was going to kill him.

  Running down the small flight of stairs, she turned left and then right, then froze. On her right was the front door. This wasn’t the door Demon had brought her through. Surely this wasn’t going to be her escape.

  Deanna jumped as she heard a couple walking downstairs. Without waiting to assess her situation, she dived for the door, opened it, and closed it behind her. When she opened her eyes, she gasped and laughed. Freedom was hers.

  The club had a long driveway, and it took her a moment to get to the road, but when she did she took off down the street, running as fast as she could go. She knew where she was going. Deanna had always been good at remembering directions, and she had watched where he had been going on the ride to his clubhouse. All she ever needed to do was look at a map once to remember the route.

  She didn’t stop, running like mad to get free.

  When she got stitch in her side, she started to walk. She wondered if they’d found the bedroom empty of her presence. Deanna didn’t care. They were all crazy if they thought she was going to accept them using her as payment for her father’s sins.

  Sorry, Mom, there’s only so much crap I’ll take.

  Feeling in the pocket of her jeans, she found some money she’d stuffed in there earlier in the day.

  Fate was on her side. She found a bus stop and within minutes she was driving away from Demon, away from his crazy-assed club. In about an hour, maybe a little more, she’d be at her father’s place. She was going to give him hell, hurt him as well.

  Fisting her hands on her lap, she gritted her teeth at the events of the day. She was so angry. Never in all of her life had she been this angry or even this vindictive. Trashing Demon’s room was completely out of character. She’d gone through life being tame, calm, relaxed, and focused. Demon brought out a side of her she really didn’t understand.

  Staring out of the window, she rested her head against the glass. She remembered the dark look of desire in Demon’s eyes right before he spanked her. He’d only ever looked at her as if she was something to eat, to savor. No man had ever looked at her like that.

  She licked her lips, knowing she’d left all of that behind. Men like Demon were wrong to want. They were the bad boys who couldn’t be changed. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to remember the other woman sucking his cock. That’s what she needed to remember when she thought about him. The last thing she wanted was a cheating biker. With that in mind, nothing was going to stop her from kicking her father’s ass.

  Chapter 7

  Demon moved back into the clubhouse. The main floor was empty, and the sound of fucking from the back rooms came through. Beer bottles and joints covered the floor; even coke lines were on the table. He walked over a couple of club whores that were passed out on the floor by the couch, and shook his head and the fucked-up state everything was in. A prospect was slung over the piece of furniture, out cold as well, and Demon continued to make his way toward the back rooms. He had this feeling, this tingling in the pit of his gut that said some shit had gone down with Deanna. He relied on his instincts to lead him in the right direction, and right now it was telling him that Deanna was going to be even more of a handful.

  He moved quickly down the hallway, past the rooms where moaning and grunting were coming from, and finally stopped in front of his room. He pushed the door open, saw that the bed was mussed from where she had been laying, but that the room was empty. He moved into the room and checked the bathroom, but already knew the little wildcat had fucking taken off.

  “Motherfucking hell,” he ground out, turned on his heel, and stormed back into the main room. “Put your dicks in your pants and get your fucking asses out here. Now.” He roared out the last word, feeling his blood boil at the fact she had slipped right out from under their god dammed noses. “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Here. Now,” he yelled out even louder, walked over to the stereo, and turned the music off. The club whores on the floor came to, looking around with their drunk and sloppy expressions.

  “What’s going on?” one of them slurred.

  “You two,” Demon pointed at them, “get the fuck out of here and take the rest of your girls with you.” He was pissed, not mincing his words or trying to be sweet about it. The club girls crawled off the floor, gathered their things, and when the rest of the members stumbled out of the room all of the whores left the clubhouse.

  “What’s up, prez?” Shakes said, running a hand over his head and looking a little annoyed.

  “Yeah, this better be important because I was balls fucking deep in Pinkie before we heard your call.” Steel didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, glowered at him, reached down, and adjusted his dick behind his jeans. “I was minutes away from nutting inside of her cunt before you hollered at us—”

  “All of you shut the fuck up.” The room grew silent after Demon spoke. He glanced at his men, the brothers of his club that were more like family than anything else. “The redhead is gone,” he ground out, glanced at them, and felt like fucking something up. No one spoke for several seconds, and their clueless expressions pissed Demon off even more.

  “Redhead? Pinkie left already,” Steel said through his teeth, adjusted his cock once more, and then leaned against the wall.

  Pinkie was an artificially colored redhead, but the one Demon was talking about was all natural, and his crew clearly didn’t understand who in the hell he was speaking about. “I’m talking about our payment.” He growled out, went over to the bar, and grabbed the Jamison. He took a long swig, knowing that he should be out there hauling her ass back in, but needing something to ease his rage. He turned and set the bottle down, seeing the realization on all of their faces.

  “Well, let’s go bring her ass back home.” Joker rolled his head around on his neck, and then cracked his knuckles.

  Yeah, this was her home now, and her stubborn, troublemaking ass better get used to that.

  Deanna got off the bus, her body sore, tired, and her mind screaming at her that she needed to keep going. But she wanted to rest, needed to in fact. The events of today had drained everything out of her, and now that she was away from Demon and his devil club she was so, so tired. But even though it was the middle of the night, and resting sounded good, she was amped up, adrenaline still pumping through her body at the thought of what her father had done to her.

  Stepping off of the bus and heading toward the station, she walked inside and went straight to the bathroom. Her feet hurt, and the feeling of blisters along her toes made every step feel as if she were walking on broken glass. Pushing the bathroom door open, she squinted her eyes against the bright fluorescent lighting and moved over to the mirror. Deanna stared at herself, winced at her reflection, and started the tap. The warm water flowed seconds later, and after splashing her face a few times and resting her hands on the counter to catch her breath, she finally let the tears flow. She couldn’t help it, had kept them in as long as she could, and she was just so fucking tired of it all. It wasn’t just about her father selling her out like he had to save his own ass, it was also about the life she had led. She had stayed by him because of her mother, tried to do right by the asshole for her mom. But then he had just given her away as if she was a piece of property that meant nothing to him. He didn’t love her, and she knew he never had. He had been a sp
erm donor, not a father, and she wished that her mother was still around so she could explain that she had tried. God, had Deanna tried so hard to keep him in her life and make things right. But nothing would be right with them, certainly not now.

  But he had fucked her over, and she wasn’t going to just forget about that. She wasn’t going to let him get away with it, either. She planned on going over there, telling him exactly what a low-life piece of shit he really was, and then calling the cops on his junkie ass. Maybe some good old-fashioned prison time with drug withdrawal would slap his ass into shape. Probably not, but it sure as hell would make Deanna feel better.

  She grabbed a few paper towels and wiped off her face, and then stared at herself. Her hair was an auburn mess around her too-pale face, and the dark circles around her eyes made her look as though she were half dead. Had they realized she had left yet? Would they take the time to come find her? It seemed smart that they would just cut ties with her since she clearly hadn’t made her stay easy for them. But then again, when she had seen the look in Demon’s eyes she had realized that he was a man that didn’t give up easily, and because of that she knew he’d come for her.

  Chapter 8

  “There’s only one place she’d go,” Joker said.

  Demon already knew where Deanna was going to go. Her father was the only person she was angry at but he was also the only person she had in the world. He couldn’t believe no other man had claimed her ass yet. Her fiery temper would put off any man who didn’t have the guts to tame her. Demon was not only going to tame her, he was going to have her begging him.

  He smiled, thinking about Deanna on her knees before him, begging to take his cock. Demon would own every inch of her skin. He’d have her on her knees, back, against the wall, on the back of his bike, whatever way he could have her, he’d do it.


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