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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  “I want you everywhere.” How strange things had escalated as fast and powerful as they had. The hard slap to her ass had a pleasurable gasp leaving her.

  “That’s it, baby, take all of me.” He moved his hands back to her ass, squeezed the globes hard, and she knew she’d have bruises. They would be marks of his domination, and that sent a thrill through her. He pulled out slowly until just the tip was lodged in her ass, then he pushed back inside just as agonizingly easy. He did this over and over. Deanna found herself thrusting back, wanting him to really take her like he meant it. A hard slap to her ass again had her movements stilling. A look over her shoulder showed a hard mask on his face and sweat dripping down his hard, toned chest. Their gazes locked and he increased his speed. Soon he was fucking her with abandon, giving it all to her so she was forced to reach up, grip the slates of the headboard, and hold on. Her breasts bounced from his hard thrusts, and the sound of their wet skin slapping together filled the room.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He slapped first her right cheek then her left. “Do it again, baby. Squeeze my fucking dick.”

  A wave of pleasure slammed into her, taking her breath and having her moan out. Reaching around her body and finding her clit, he pinched the tiny bundle of nerves between his fingers like he had before. Lights flashed behind her closed lids, and just like that she came again. Her body shook from the pleasure, and she took comfort in the all-consuming ecstasy that stole her very sanity. He placed his big hand on the center of her back and continued to push into her and pull back out. He slid his hand up her sweaty back and stopped at the nape of her neck. For several seconds he held her immobile, but then he moved his hand to the front, gripped her throat in a loose hold, and thrust into her several more times before stilling. He came long and hard, shuddering behind her as he emptied himself.

  “That’s it. I’m going to fucking fill you with my cum until it comes out of your ass and soaks the bed.” His words were sharp like broken glass, and another shiver wracked her already exhausted body. He pulled out of her and she immediately collapsed on the bed. He pulled out of her, and she immediately felt his semen slip from her bottom. He moved on the bed beside her, collapsed on his back and placed his arm over his eyes. His hard chest moved up and down, and the definition of his six pack and muscles became apparent.

  He turned and looked to her, this hard, unyielding look covering his face right away. Before she knew what was doing he rolled over, placed his hand on her throat in a loose grip, and said right by her mouth, “You’re mine, will always be mine, and I’ll kill anyone that tries to say differently.”

  She could have fought, could have said no, but instead she leaned up, causing his hold on her throat to tighten, and said, “I’m yours.”

  Chapter 17

  Days passed and Deanna fitted into Demon’s lifestyle with ease. She hadn’t been back to her job, and she had told him that she had probably lost it. But the relief in her face after she said those words told him enough that he figured she had hated the damn thing. It didn’t matter because he didn’t plan on allowing her to go back to working anyway.

  There were no more tantrums or angry outbursts out of her. Demon loved spending time with her, which surprised him. Some of the club whores were not happy, as he’d not even given them the time of day since Deanna had entered his life. He fucked her every chance he got and Deanna would spread her thighs for him whenever he demanded. He fucking loved it. She was so fucking hot and the only woman he got a hard on for was Deanna.

  Joker returned after the funeral of his woman’s mother. He looked like shit and he was constantly on the phone, but no one talked to him.

  “Can you go back for me?” Deanna asked. She was laid out naked on Demon’s bed and resting on his chest. He’d just fucked her and seconds before had her screaming out in orgasm. Running the tips of his fingers down her back, he stared into her green eyes.


  He’d not been paying much attention, basking in the afterglow of fucking her pussy. She’d settled into his way of life a hell of a lot better than he ever imagined.

  “I was wondering if you’d go back to my apartment. The rent is due at the end of the week and the landlord can be a real jackass. He’ll trash my shit before I get them back.”

  “What?” He frowned, confused.

  “My clothes. The furniture could stay behind. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life borrowing other women’s clothes. They’re not my style.”

  “You want clothes?”

  “I don’t want you to buy me any. I want you to take me back to my apartment. I’ll grab my clothes and settle things up with my landlord.”

  He didn’t like the thought of her going back to her old life. If she got a taste of freedom would she even want to come back to him? He couldn’t lose her. In the short time they’d known each other she’d come to mean so much to him.

  Caressing her arm, he thought about it.

  “I could buy you new clothes.”

  “Or you could let me get the clothes that I paid good money for. Come on, Demon, they’re decent clothes.” She slid her fingers through his chest hair. “I can go on my own. I’ll be back before nightfall.”

  “You’ve not got a chance, baby. You’re not leaving the clubhouse.” He tilted her head up as he leaned down to claim a kiss. She melted against him instantly and Demon was lost. His cock thickened, ready for action. Rolling her over, he slid her thighs open, finding the wet heat of her pussy. He didn’t bother to get a condom. Demon loved the feel of her tight cunt surrounding his dick. “Fuck, baby, you’re always so tight.” He’d fucked her every chance he got and yet she was still so tight. Demon couldn’t catch a break.

  She gripped his shoulders, lifting up to meet each of his thrusts. “Please, Demon.”

  Was she begging for his cock or for him to go to her apartment?

  Claiming her lips, he silenced her begging as he drove his cock inside her. Slamming in, he went to the hilt, hitting deep into her cervix. He wanted his cum swimming inside her.

  Get her pregnant.

  Once he had her pregnant with his kid, she wouldn’t have a chance of getting away from him. He’d possess every part of her. There wouldn’t be a chance of her ever leaving.

  Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he groaned as her pussy fluttered around his shaft as he drove in and out. Her cum washed over his length, making it easier for him to slide inside.

  “I can feel you getting off, baby. Give it all to me.” Holding her hands above her head with one of his, he lifted far enough away from her to work over her clit. She was slick because he’d cum in her twice already that day.

  “Demon.” She screamed his name and it echoed off the walls, teasing him with her own need. He slammed into her twice more, rubbing her clit. She splintered apart in his arms. Her tight cunt was squeezing the life out of his cock. Demon closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her warmth wrapped around him. He basked in her contracting pussy, the heat, along with the heady sensation of her nails sinking into the flesh of his back. Everything felt so totally right. He didn’t want any other woman warming his bed.

  Opening his eyes, he glanced down at Deanna, pulling out of her body at the same time. Staring deep into her eyes, he slammed into her hard again, making her scream. Her head tilted back and he relished the sounds coming from her mouth. He wanted her completely drunk from the pleasure of his cock.

  “That’s it, baby. Take my dick. Your pussy is so fucking tight. It’s not going to know any other cock but mine. I’m going to fill it with my spunk, own every inch of you.” Tightening his hold on her hands, he rode her hard, pounding deep inside until all she could do was beg him to not stop. The headboard slammed against the wall. Anyone passing by the room would know exactly what he was doing to her. He brought her to orgasm a second time before he allowed himself to come. Plunging inside her a final time, he filled her with his cum, grunting out his release. He held her close to him as he saw stars from his orgas

  When it was over, he collapsed on her, panting from the sensation.

  “Fuck, Demon. I could get used to this,” she said, stroking his back.

  He was already used to it. There was a lot more going on between them than simply screwing. He didn’t know what it was but he had an idea. Demon believed he was in love with her. The very thought of loving Deanna scared him. Could she even love him? He’d killed her father.

  She would be dead if you didn’t.

  Gritting his teeth, he pulled away, dropping a kiss to her lips so she wouldn’t ask any questions about his withdrawal. “I’ll get some boys together and we’ll go and get your shit.”

  “Thank you.”

  Demon sat on the edge of the bed, tensing as she wrapped her arms around his back.

  “Don’t mention it. Stay here and don’t piss anyone off.” He got to his feet, escaping to his bathroom. Staring at his reflection, Demon wondered what the fuck was going on inside him. This wasn’t like him at all.

  No woman got under his skin, apart from Deanna.

  “Demon, are you okay?”

  He heard the concern in her voice.

  “I’m fine.”

  Get your shit together before you lose everything.

  Splashing cold water onto his face, Demon wiped the remains of the water off with a towel, leaving the bathroom. He found Deanna sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the bathroom. She wore his discarded shirt. He liked how the sight of her in his clothes had him feeling.

  “You look good,” he said.

  “Are we okay?”

  “Yeah. Of course. You were right. What’s the point of me getting you anything new when I can pick up your old shit?” He quickly dragged on his jeans followed by a fresh shirt. Demon sat beside her to tie up his boots. When it was done, he stood, grabbing his leather cut. “The sooner I’m done the quicker I can get back.”


  Before she said anything else, he left her alone, heading downstairs. Joker was entering the clubhouse as Demon made his way down the stairs. Steel and Shakes were already there, drinking coffee.

  “What’s up, Demon?” Joker asked. He looked awful, as if he’d not slept in days.

  “I’m heading over to Deanna’s old apartment to pick up some shit. You want to come with?”

  “Sure.” Joker opened the door, ready to leave.

  “Road trip? Can I come?” Shakes got to his feet, looking way too excited.

  “What the fuck has gotten into you?” Demon asked.

  “Nothing. We’ve not rode in a few days. I’m missing it.”

  Rolling his eyes, Demon looked toward Steel. “You want to come too?”

  “Now that you ask so nicely.” Steel jumped to his feet following them outside.

  Demon didn’t say anything as he straddled his bike. He didn’t bother with his helmet. The need to feel the open road was too strong for him to be trapped under the confines of a helmet.

  Driving out of the clubhouse, he saw Deanna was standing at the door. She was dressed in only his shirt and it looked like she’d followed him down. The sight of her twisted his gut.

  Pushing the thoughts aside, he focused on the road and winding around the bends without causing himself a serious injury. He loved the thrill of the ride more than anything.

  They stopped at a diner a few miles from Deanna’s apartment. He needed to take a leak and eat something. Entering the bathroom, he saw Joker follow him inside.

  “What’s going on?” Joker asked.

  Pulling his dick out, Demon blew out a breath. “I don’t fucking know.”

  “It’s with Deanna, isn’t it? She means something?”

  “Yeah, she means something. What, I don’t actually know but it means something.” He stared at the wall in front of him.

  “None of the club would think less of you if you decided to lay claim to her.”

  Demon wasn’t worried about the club or what they’d think if he decided to take Deanna as his woman.

  “She’s not for the lifestyle.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Joker asked. “She seems to have taken to it to me.”

  “You think?”

  “She hasn’t run off scared yet. I’d take that as a sign that there’s a lot more grit to her.”

  He’d not thought of it like that.

  Finishing his business, he washed his hands and headed out. Steel and Shakes had ordered them each a burger with fries. They ate quickly, all of them wanting to get Deanna’s crap and be gone.

  Within no time at all they were back on their bikes and heading toward Deanna’s apartment.

  Demon paused as he took in the rundown area.

  “Fuck me, Demon. She was living in a fucking shithole,” Steele said.

  Her father had been living a better life than Deanna. Demon didn’t like it nor did he like the abandoned look to the area.

  “Come on. Let’s get her stuff and go.”

  He climbed off his bike and started to walk toward the building. Opening the door, he went up to the first floor. Demon froze when he saw her door was open. She hadn’t said anything about a roommate. Warning his three men, he pulled the gun out of the back of his jeans that he always kept there. Pulling the safety off, he slowed his pace until he got to the door.

  Kicking the door with force, he charged into the room with Joker, Steel, and Shakes at his back.

  Guns went off and Demon yelled for his men to get down.

  Chaos ensued until someone called, “Enough.”

  The firing stopped.

  “Fuck, Demon, I’m hit.” Glancing toward Joker, Demon saw a bullet had gone into his shoulder.

  “Anyone else hit?” Demon asked.

  “No,” Steel and Shakes called out at the same time.

  “The president of the Soldiers of Wrath is in my company. This is a real treat.”

  Raising his gun to stare at the man who sat at Deanna’s dinner table, Demon focused on him. He wore an expensive looking business suit, a smile filled with evil deeds, and several men stood at his back with guns trained on them. This was not your average businessman.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m, well, I’m an investor of sorts. A businessman always looking for an investment.” He held his hands out as if it was a natural conversation to be having with guns trained on each other.

  Joker got to his feet with his gun still trained on the man in front.

  “I’m not interested in any fucking investment,” Demon said. He never trusted men in suits. They were fucking dangerous.



  “Well, you see, I’ve got a problem as I paid Deanna’s father quite handsomely with the understanding that she’d come and work for me.” The man before him crossed his legs, resting his hands on his knees.

  Demon didn’t like this. “You’re a fucking pimp?”

  “I like to think more of a contractor who helps women to stay safe.”

  “A pimp.”

  “Well, you see, I’ve got a problem as I gave her father a lot of money.” The man tapped his fingers on the table. Someone placed a video player on the table with the screen facing him. On the screen was the inside of Deanna’s father’s house. More importantly, his murder played out. Demon tightened his hold on the gun as he watched Deanna struggle for breath. “You see, I like to take proper care of everything that belongs to me.”

  “Deanna isn’t for sale.”

  “No, well, you see I’ve got a problem. I’m a very good businessman and I’ve got a reputation to protect. This man, this piece of shit offering me second hand goods after he’d given Deanna to you, is a problem for me. I don’t like the way it makes me look.” The man slammed the screen down with enough force that Demon was sure he heard a smash.

  “What’s your name?”


  Demon froze. Zeke was a well-known criminal lord of everything. He controlled everyone and everything. Soldiers of Wrath h
adn’t done business with him ever but they’d heard of him. From the tensing of his men, he saw Joker, Steel, and Shakes all realize who he was.

  “I see you know who I am.”

  “What do you want?” Demon asked.

  “Well, I’ve got a business proposition for you, Demon.” Zeke stared right back. There was no fear in his eyes. Demon had to respect that. There were not many men who’d continue a conversation with a gun trained on them.


  “I need competent people to use as bodyguards at my exclusive club. It’s a VIP club. I will leave Deanna alone if you show your alliance with me.”

  “Why the fuck should I do that?” Demon asked.

  “Well, I could take your club and fucking crush it, take your woman, use her until there’s nothing left, passing her from one man to another until she’s nothing but a cum bucket.”

  Demon saw the true colors of Zeke. He was a man known for being brutal.

  “Also, as an act of faith on my part I can give you something he wants,” Zeke said, pointing at Joker.

  “There’s nothing I fucking want.”


  “Yeah, really.”

  “What if I can give you access to Amy’s father?” Zeke asked. Joker tightened his grip on the gun. “Ah, I see I’ve struck a cord. It’s bad business, you know, raping and abusing your underage daughter.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Joker said, losing his shit right in front of him.

  Reaching out, Demon blocked Joker from doing anything stupid. “We need to have a talk.”

  “Take your time but remember there really isn’t an option here, gentlemen. I can fuck you all up or I can make life easy for you.”

  Grabbing Joker, Demon headed out of the room with Steel and Shakes at his back. “What the fuck was that about?”

  Joker paced, completely oblivious to his bleeding arm.

  “Amy, she’s my step-sister.”


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