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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 27

by Jenika Snow

  When she had cleaned every drop, he leaned back and stared down at her. “Go stand against the wall, back to me, legs spread.”

  The way he demanded her obedience had her aroused even more. She obeyed right away. She went over to the wall, her legs shaky. Totally nude, nothing hidden from this man, for the first time in her life, she didn’t worry about her curves, the lumps or dips in her body, and thought only about Steel.

  The wall beneath her sweaty palms was smooth and cold. Despite the way her body flushed and heat rose to the surface of her skin, Eloise shook uncontrollably. She could sense Steel behind her, could feel his body heat. Her thighs were embarrassingly moist, and she feared he would notice, see her desire coating her skin, as evident as the color of her hair.

  He ran his finger up the back of her thigh and she closed her eyes, savoring the feel. She snapped her eyes open when his mouth replaced his fingers, his teeth biting into her flesh. A gasp left her as he smoothed his tongue over the sting his teeth caused. He ran his tongue along the back of her leg and across the crease where her leg met her ass. The feel of his hands creeping up her inner legs, closer and closer to the spot on her body that ached for his touch, had everything around her becoming dizzy with pleasure.

  She could practically feel his warm, humid breath. The sharp sting of his palm landing on her bare ass cheek had her gasping and biting her lip. The spot where he struck her was warm from the blood rushing to the surface. Endorphins spread throughout her body and she found herself swaying from the force of it.

  “Oh,” the one word came out on a sigh and she curled her fingers against the wall. Her fingernails scraped against the wallpaper. And then Steel’s hot, wet mouth was latched onto her pussy. His tongue, slightly rough, tormented her in great sweeping waves and his hands were smooth as he caressed her hips. Curling his fingers around her hipbones, he pulled her back, forcing her more firmly onto his assaulting mouth.

  “So sweet…so mine.” The rough growl of his words sent a spear of carnal pleasure straight to her clit. “This pussy hair will have to go for next time, baby. I want smooth cunt when I’m eating you out.”

  He pulled away and ran his finger along her slick folds, and then thrust one of his long, thick fingers into her pussy. Immediately her body sucked him in, drawing the digit deeper. Fucking her pussy in slow and steady thrusts, he used his other hand to smooth over the mound of her ass and give one cheek a squeeze.





  He smacked her ass again and his tongue lapped at her clit. He took one hand and placed it on her quivering belly and slid his other hand over her ass and rested it at the base of her spine. Pushing her forward with the hand on her back and pulling her back with the hand on her belly, she was forced to take a step away from the wall and bend forward. His hand on her belly splayed across the entire area, causing heat to seep into her and warm every part of her body.

  For the life of her she couldn’t find the words to say anything in response. His chest covered her back, and she felt his bare skin on hers. He’d removed his jeans already, and she closed her eyes and breathed out at the feel of him. The heavy length of his now erect cock slid against her slick cleft, teasing her with the promise of what the night entailed. The tip of his shaft rubbed her clit every time he shifted.

  His breath blew the tendrils of hair by her face and a gasp left her, almost afraid of what he was going to say. His words, whispered low and husky, slid across the side of her face. “If you knew what was good for you, baby, you’d make sure to obey everything I say.”

  The hand that spanned her belly slid up her ribcage and covered a breast. His forefinger and thumb found her sensitive nipple and started tweaking it. Pulling the tissue away from her body at the same time, he rolled it between his fingers, and Eloise found herself biting her lip to hold in her moan. The taste of blood hit her tongue, and it was then she realized she had bitten her bottom lip. It was pleasure mixed with pain, agony mixed with ecstasy.

  “If you want my cock inside of you, you’ll tell me this pussy is mine, only mine, and I can do whatever the fuck I want to you because you’ll need me to.” He applied more pressure to her aching nipple and then curled his hips forward, bumping her clit once again with the root of his erection. With the dual sensation, her legs started to shake, and she feared she would collapse.

  Smack! Smack!

  The double spanking coupled with his teasing fingers and thrusting hips had an unexpected orgasm creeping up, but before it could wash through her, he suddenly pulled away and she was left feeling bereft. Resting her head on the wall in front of her, she didn’t even bother asking why he stopped, or seeing where he went. His hand was back on her ass, smoothing the pain away.

  “Answer me,” his voice seemed to be everywhere, or maybe she was just losing her mind from the pleasure he was slowly killing her with?

  She licked her lips and blinked her eyes open. “Yes, everything I have is yours. I’m yours.” She was vaguely aware of the sound of something crinkling behind her and then she screamed out in ecstasy as Steel shoved his cock in her pussy without any warning. It was so unexpected, so intense that her knees buckled and she started to go down.

  Steel pulled out of her after only thrusting twice and gripped her waist, spinning her around so she could face him. She let her eyes travel down his chiseled chest, all rippling with hard lines of muscles and ink, and that delicious V that pointed down to a dick covered in latex and glistening from her wetness.

  When she looked back into his eyes, the intensity, the determination to have her, made everything else disappear into nothingness.

  “I’m going to devour you, and you’re going to see what it feels like to be owned by a man.”

  Chapter 7

  Daniella finished off her burger, watching as Demon tugged Deanna out of the kitchen . They were a cute couple, strange yet cute. Licking the mustard off her fingers, she glanced around the kitchen. Considering the club was owned by a bunch of old men, the kitchen had a feminine touch to it.

  She imagined Deanna and the club whores used the kitchen more than the men ever did. Picking up her second burger, which she didn’t care about as her mother wasn’t around to nag her. She hated her mother, more than she hated her father. At the young age of fourteen she’d learned the horrid truth about who her father actually was along with the hatred her mother had for her. Daniella didn’t miss her mom. Years spent on a diet, being forced to do nothing but exercise or try on clothes had scarred her for life. Her father was the lesser of two evils. Zeke, her murdering, crime lord of a father, was by far easier to deal with than her mother. He didn’t give a shit about her weight or what she did with her time or if she liked to eat two cheese burgers rather than a celery stick.

  The years of weight charts, diets, and being compared to every slender girl in the neighborhood was far behind her.

  Biting into her burger, she relished the grease, the cheese, the meaty fat flavor as it ran down her throat.

  “Are you okay?” Shakes asked, walking into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. So, men do come in here after all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I figured this was a woman’s domain.”

  “Not really. Boys need to eat, but the whores wouldn’t be seen in here. They’re good for one thing.”

  “I figured you had to have a reason for calling them whores.” She shrugged. “Not all girls are lucky like Deanna.”

  She liked Deanna. The other woman was nice, a little too nice for a biker club, but Daniella wasn’t one to talk. Her own father wasn’t a nice man and compared to him she was sweet.

  Thinking about Zeke filled her with regret. Her father loved her. She knew he did but she couldn’t bring herself to be his little girl anymore. What he did with his life and the way he killed, it was just too much. She’d seen first hand what he was capable of. There was a time when she’d be sitting at the
stairs waiting for the front door to open. She’d run into his arms and he’d stop her mother saying nasty shit to her.

  That all changed when her mother left and she learned the truth. There was no more running toward him, in fact she spent more time running away from him.

  “What are you thinking about?” Shakes asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “Stupid shit.” She never bonded with anyone, least of all men. After everything she’d seen her father do, she had a hard time trusting them. “Do you want some?” she asked, pointing to her burger.

  “Nah, you eat it.”

  He moved toward the fridge, pulling out a carton of Chinese food. She hadn’t known how old the food was and didn’t want to risk food poisoning.

  Taking a bite of her burger, she didn’t like how he sat close to her. He pulled a chair right next to her so that his thigh grazed hers.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m eating.” It wasn’t a hard question.

  “No, I mean what are you doing tonight?”

  She stared at her food, losing her appetite at how close he was. “Erm, what do you mean?”

  “When you’ve finished your food what are you doing?” He spoke slowly, taking his time to pronounce every single word.

  “I’m not thick.” She snapped the words out, hating the way he’d spoken.

  “I had to ask you the same question twice.”

  “It’s not my fault. I’m going to eat my burger, do the dishes, and go and study.”

  “You’ve just come from college. Don’t you ever have time off?”

  “Time off is for people who don’t want to do well in life.” She didn’t believe that. Some people were just handed really bad deals out of life.

  “This is coming from the pampered princess of a crime boss.”

  “What? You think I’ve had it all handed to me on a plate? I can do and say whatever the hell I want?”

  “Yeah, princess, I do. I think you’ve got life really fucking easy actually. You’ve not got to fight for a single thing. All you’ve got to do is click your fingers and you get exactly what you want.”

  Daniella snorted. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Putting the burger back onto the plate, she started to push away from the table. Shakes surprised her by putting his hands on the chair, stopping her from moving.

  The strength he showed should have sent her running as far away from him as she could get. Instead, she simply stared into his beautiful cerulean blue eyes. She liked his eyes. They made her feel safe and warm when everything around her was cold, as totally cold as the arctic.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, licking her suddenly dry lips.

  “Tell me how I don’t know what I’m talking about, princess.” His voice was deep and rough.

  “You don’t know me, Shakes. Don’t try to pretend that you do.”

  “Then tell me about yourself, princess. Tell me about Daniella and why she gets pissy when people think she’s had life easy.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but like so many times before, she forced them down. Nothing good could come from tears. They made a person weak. Tears didn’t solve problems, they didn’t make anyone feel good. It was a useless action for a useless emotion.

  “I don’t need to talk to you.”

  He let out a sigh, but he didn’t back away like she’d hoped he would. Shakes leaned closer, invading her space. “You’re right. You don’t need to talk to me but you’re not a bitch, are you, Daniella?”

  She gritted her teeth, refusing to talk to him.

  “It’s okay, baby, I see it in your eyes. You’re not this bitch you portray. I imagine it’s very fucking lonely being Zeke’s daughter. No boys will ever want to get close to you. They’d be afraid of getting their asses blown off.”

  It was hard for her to swallow and her tears were still welling up.

  “You have no one to talk to. What do you have, Daniella? Your books?”

  “Why are you doing this?” She didn’t sound strong anymore. No, she sounded weak, pathetic, everything her mother hated.

  He reached out, pushing some of her hair off her shoulder. “Why am I talking to you?”

  “If my father knew—”

  “Your father will never know because you’re not the type of girl to go running to daddy, are you?”

  She licked her lips, staring into his blue eyes. “It’s hard,” she said. “It’s hard to always be tough.”

  “You don’t have to be tough around me.”

  “You’re the enemy.”

  “I’m not your enemy, Daniella.”

  “I don’t like being called princess. I’m not a princess. It’s not easy knowing I’m going to school, and he’s killing people or doing something.”

  “If your father knew I was talking to you right now like this, he would kill me,” Shakes said.

  “Why are you risking it? No one else ever has.”

  “They’ve never risked it for you.” He stroked his fingers over her cheek.

  “No, no one ever has.” She didn’t want anyone to risk their lives for her. Daniella knew she wasn’t worth it.

  “Come out for a ride with me on my bike tonight.”

  “Why?” she asked. She’d never been on a bike before. Zeke would go mental to hear her even thinking about it.

  “It’s time to start living outside of that box he’s got you trapped in.”

  Her heart was pounding inside her chest.

  “Shakes, I need a word.”

  Demon was in the doorway to the kitchen. She wondered why he was in the kitchen after taking Deanna out a couple of minutes ago.

  “I’ll be back,” Shakes said.

  She nodded, watching him leave. The two men started talking in hushed voices so she couldn’t hear anything.

  Go on a bike with him?

  I can’t do it. Zeke would go insane.

  It had been years since she called him dad.

  Biting her lip, she tossed the burger into the trash before washing her plate.

  Her cell phone buzzed inside her pocket making her jump.

  Pulling her phone out, she saw Zeke had texted her.

  Zeke: How are you?

  Daniella: Fine.

  She went to pocket her phone, but it buzzed again.

  Zeke: Are they treating you well?

  Frowning, she stared at the message wondering why he even cared. He’d made them pick her up.

  Daniella: How are the fat business men?

  It took several minutes for him to respond. She was already making her way out of the kitchen toward the front door. No one was around to stop her.

  Zeke: It’s business. I wish you were here. I miss you.

  Daniella: They’re treating me fine. I could have stayed at school.

  Zeke: You need to learn how to take a break. What are you doing?

  She was tempted to tell him exactly what she was doing but decided against it. Getting Shakes into trouble wasn’t ever going to be her intention.

  Daniella: Studying.

  Zeke: What?

  Daniella: The reproductive process. Tutor says practice makes perfect. Do you agree?

  Zeke: What’s your teachers name?

  Daniella: I’m not telling.

  This was the first time they’d had any conversation.

  “No, please, I swear I didn’t do anything.”

  Staring at the phone, Daniella felt sick as she recalled the man begging for his life.

  Zeke: You’re my little girl. I care. Tell me your teacher’s name.

  Daniella: I’ve got to go. Busy.

  She would have added something derogatory about him killing people but decided against it.

  “I went looking for you in the kitchen,” Shakes said.

  Putting the phone into her pocket, she offered him a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wait around in the kitchen. You’re taking me for a ride?”

  “Yes, I’m taking you for a ride but first you
need this.” He grabbed a helmet, and she groaned. “You’re wearing this. If it’s your first time on a bike. I’m not going to risk your safety.”

  “This is cruel. I thought this was supposed to be fun.”

  “It is fun.” He slid the helmet over her head, hitting the top. “There, it looks cute on you.”

  She stuck her tongue out, watching as he straddled the large machine. The bike was huge and she wouldn’t trust it if it was under her.

  “Climb on, princess.”

  “I don’t want to climb on.”

  “Get on.”

  Rolling her eyes at his bossy words, she climbed on. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she squealed as he revved the engine.

  “Are you ready for this, baby?”


  She didn’t get time to finish what she was saying before Shakes took off out of the compound. When they first started riding, she kept her eyes closed, not daring to open them. The minutes passed, and she finally opened her eyes. She wished she didn’t have the helmet on.

  The helmet restricted the freedom of the air on her face.

  All too soon their ride was coming to a close as Shakes pulled up outside of a garage. They were close to the grocery store.

  Daniella climbed off the bike. Her legs now jelly so she leaned up against the wall.

  Tugging the helmet off, she giggled. “That was totally amazing.”

  Shakes stepped closer to her. “Glad you liked it.”

  He stood right in front of her. His hands landed on either side of her head.

  “Why did you take me out for a ride?” she asked, licking her lips. She wasn’t going to complain. The bike ride was the best experience of her life, not that she’d had all that many experiences.

  “So I can do this.” He cupped her face, tilting her head back.

  She gasped as he slammed his lips down on hers. His tongue plundered her mouth, stroking over her tongue. Shakes deepened the kiss, rubbing his cock against her mound.

  There was nowhere for her to turn to or run to. He surrounded her, consuming her mouth.

  Shakes bit her lip, pulling away. “I couldn’t do that with everyone looking. We’re under strict rules to keep our hands off.”


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