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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 30

by Jenika Snow

  “You want her bad, Shakes, and you’re eating yourself up by staying back.”

  “You all told me to stay back.”

  This was true, but even so he knew how Shakes felt. He felt something fierce for Eloise, didn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t have her in his life. She was his obsession, his addiction, and he knew he wouldn’t let her go. He couldn’t, not now that he’d had a taste of her.

  “Yeah, because that’s what’s fucking smart. Zeke will kill you if you go after her. That’s the only saving grace, the only fucking thing that redeems his sadistic ass.”

  “Yeah,” Shakes said and inhaled the cigarette before flicking it out the window. “Let’s just fucking report on this bitch and get the fuck out of here. The sooner we get rid of that cunt the better off Daniella will be.”

  He saw the lights flick off in the house, glanced at Shakes once more, then started the SUV and drove off. Shakes was in for one fucking rollercoaster ride, especially if he went after Daniella. The look on Shakes face, the intensity, possessiveness, told Steel that Shakes wouldn’t listen to reason, and would most definitely go after Daniella.

  The poor bastard was sure as fuck in for one hell of a ride, and he’d better hold on tight.

  Chapter 10

  “So, this is where I live,” Eloise said, waiting for Deanna and Amy to enter. After Steel left yesterday, Deanna drove her to where Amy lived. She loved both women even though she didn’t know them very well. They were both sweet, lovely, and oh so nice. She couldn’t ever recall getting along with anyone so easily. Their men banded all three of them together.

  “This is a nice place,” Amy said, stepping inside.

  Both women removed their jackets as Eloise closed the door. “Erm, should we let the prospect up?”

  “Nah, he’s happy downstairs. He can keep an eye out and tell our men what’s happening,” Deanna said.

  “He’s going to tell our men what we’re doing?”

  “Of course. Didn’t you know they know everything?”

  Amy chuckled while Eloise headed toward her fridge. “Do you guys want a drink?”

  “I do,” Amy said. “I’m so thirsty.”

  “How’s Joker anyway? I’ve not seen much of him around the club,” Deanna said.

  Looking toward the two women, Eloise smiled as they sat on her sofa. She’d never had girlfriends before.

  “We’re doing good. He’s taken half of my clothes as it is.”

  “Finally, you’ve been hinting at him long enough.”

  “He doesn’t want me to feel pressured by him. Joker wouldn’t pressure me,” Amy said.

  Taking three sodas out of the fridge, she walked into the living room. She handed both women their drinks, taking a seat in her chair.

  “So come on, spill,” Deanna said, turning to her. “You and Steel?”

  “Um, I really don’t know what to say about Steel and me.”

  “Nothing?” Amy asked.

  “I don’t know what we’ve got going on. I mean, I owe him a lot.”

  Deanna and Amy shared a look.

  “What?” she asked. “What is it?”

  “What exactly do you owe Steel?” Deanna asked.

  “Well,” she ran fingers through her hair in an effort to stall the conversation. “I used to work at Markam’s. Well, a couple of nights ago the manager, erm, he kind of attacked me. Nothing really happened though. Steel was there to stop it.”

  “Attacked you?” Amy asked, whispering the words.

  “Nothing happened.” She wished she hadn’t said anything.

  “Eloise, you should have reported it.” Deanna leaned forward.

  “Can we talk about something else? I’ve already argued with Steel about it. Besides, he took care of it.” She didn’t even want to think of what Steel had done to take care of it.

  “I don’t like this,” Amy said. “If there’s a guy out there—”

  “Seriously, it’s nothing. I trust Steel and he took care of it.” She smiled. “Then he took care of me.”

  Both women looked like they wanted to say more. After several tense minutes, they relaxed, smiling. “He took care of you?” Amy asked.

  “Well, he’s very intense and…dominating.”

  “Oh,” Deanna said. “Please, do tell.”

  Eloise giggled. “He likes to take charge in the bedroom. We’ve only been together a couple of times, but he’s made an impression.”

  For the next hour, Eloise relaxed as she listened to Amy and Deanna talk about their men, Joker and Demon. She found she had a lot in common with the two women. They were nice, strong, but vulnerable. A strange combination to have for biker women.

  A cell phone going off stopped their giggling.

  “It’s me,” Amy said. She grabbed her cell phone out of her bag and looked down at it. “Joker, Demon, and Steel are on their way over here.”

  “We’re not doing anything wrong,” Deanna said, sitting more comfortably on the sofa. “Let them come up and order us around. Demon looks so cute when he gets all red in the face.”

  “I doubt he’ll like being described as cute,” Amy said.

  “Cute is not a word I’d describe Steel.” Eloise had a lot of words to describe her man, cute wasn’t one of them.

  “Well, we’re here now and they can be mad at us all they want. I’m not going anywhere until I finish my drink,” Deanna said.

  “We sound like a couple of women drinking wine. We’re only hanging out having a soda.” Amy started laughing.

  During their laughter, someone banged on the door.

  Amy and Deanna let out a childish giggle. “Don’t let them in, Eloise.”

  Shaking her head, she made her way toward the door and opened it. Leaning against it, she smiled at the three intimidating men.

  “Our women are here,” Demon said. She recognized both men from the photos that Deanna showed her yesterday at work.

  Stepping out of the way, she watched the three men enter.

  “You’ve been behaving?” Steel said, stepping forward. She noticed there were some bruises on his knuckles when he reached out to touch her cheek.

  “I have, but you don’t look like you’ve been good,” she said, pointing at his hands.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “I see that.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head, and drawing her closer. “I want those lips.”

  She couldn’t believe how easy she gave herself up to him. It wasn’t so long ago that she’d turned him away.

  His lips melded to hers and she was too weak to deny him. Opening her lips, she moaned as the instant bolt of pleasure attacked her. He slid his tongue into her mouth. Releasing the door, she wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the taste of him in her mouth.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “I missed you, too.” Opening her eyes, she smiled at him.

  “I can see that.” He brought his hand down from her cheek, to slide across her nipple. She gasped, staring into his eyes. He was fast becoming her drug of choice.

  “Has there been anyone else?” Eloise asked. She didn’t know what to expect with him on the road.

  “Have I fucked anyone else?”

  She nodded.

  “No, baby. The only pussy I can think about is yours. You’re the only one I want.” He silenced her with his lips. She didn’t like how easy she was giving herself over to him. Steel knew how to work her body.

  Eloise didn’t fight her need for him. In that moment, all she cared about was the pleasure to be had at his touch.

  Someone clearing his throat made her pull away from him.

  Turning around, she saw Joker sitting with Amy on his lap and the same with Demon and Deanna.

  “Well, we’re here and I don’t see a reason for us to go back to the clubhouse yet. Let’s order food here,” Demon said.

  “I’m game,” this came from Joker.

  Amy and Deanna nodded in agreement.
“Do you mind us crashing here for food?” Deanna asked.

  “Not at all.”

  Closing the door, she was surprised when Steel waited for her. He held on to her hand as they walked toward the only available chair. Steel lowered himself into the chair before tugging her down onto his lap.

  “Well, what should we order?” Demon asked.

  “Pizza with cheese, lots of cheese,” Joker said.

  “You always ask for too much cheese,” Amy said.

  She watched the couple smile and whisper to each other. The red tint on Amy’s face was not hard to miss when Joker leaned in and started to whisper to her. They were a lovely couple and Eloise couldn’t help but wonder exactly what she and Steel were doing.

  Eloise stared at the Harley’s that drove down the street. Steel and the rest of the guys and their old ladies had just gone, and here she was, feeling content, but also itchy with need. Steel hadn’t been able to stay, saying they had club business to attend to. She didn’t know what it was about, didn’t want to know either, but she saw the look of violence on his face, in the way he held himself.

  She knew that whatever he had to talk about concerning club business it had to do with his scuffed up knuckles and the blood on his shirt. It was a little frightening to think about what he did, where his club was going, and how they were associated with illegal activity. She’d asked herself if this is what she really wanted, if being with Steel was the right move. But the truth was he made her feel alive, made her desires not feel wrong. He took control, showed her that with pain came pleasure. She couldn’t think of herself without Steel in her life, and that was probably the scariest part of it all.

  Going into her room, she shut the door, stared at the computer, and knew that one day soon she’d actually have to tell Steel what she liked. He knew, or at least he was good at giving her what she wanted, but what would he say if she actually told him she wanted pain with her pleasure, wanted to be spanked so hard welts showed up on her ass, on her back and thighs? What would he say if she told him she wanted to be restrained, her hands above her head, his hand prints, bruises on her body?

  God, she was sick, or maybe she wasn’t really sick at all, she just hadn’t found the right man to show her that what she felt was okay? Maybe she’d finally found that one person to show her that pleasure and pain could be one? Yes, Steel had certainly opened her eyes, and she didn’t want it to end, didn’t want it to stop. She wanted more, so much more, and being with Steel made her feel okay to want all of that and more.

  And that made her smile, and had her cheeks hurting because she was deliriously happy, and she hoped nothing took that away from her.

  Chapter 11

  One month later

  Steel sipped at his whiskey while watching Eloise work around the clubhouse. Deanna had taken her under her wing and the men adored her. She was a great little barmaid and since they’d been together, she’d blossomed. He noticed she smiled a hell of a lot more now than ever before. There was something that she was holding back from him. He sensed it and deep in his heart, he knew she was still afraid.

  In the last month, he hadn’t held back from her, giving her most of what he could but he was holding back a little. Part of him was worried that if he was to let go and show her the true man he was, she’d run away screaming.

  He’d spanked her ass to the point that she’d bruised, crying out for him to go harder. After she’d taken his hand and begged for more, he moved up to the flat edge of a brush. She’d been dripping wet. What really had her going was being held down, controlled as he fucked her, spilling filthy words into her ear. She didn’t fight him, at least not to get him to stop. No, Eloise kept trying to get him to go harder, deeper, to take her more forcefully.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Shakes asked, taking a seat.

  “Nothing.” He didn’t look away from Eloise. She bent down showing off her ass that underneath the jeans she wore, was bruised from his play.

  “Something’s going on in that head of yours; I know you.”

  “Are you ready to tell me where you’ve spent the last month?” Steel asked.

  Every other night Shakes would leave the clubhouse and not return for a day or two. Glancing at his friend, he saw Shakes’s lips pressed together.

  “Until you’re ready to talk about that shit, stay out of my business.” Steel tipped his glass to his lips. He was buzzing, and there wasn’t a chance of getting Eloise home. His room wasn’t going anywhere at the clubhouse. He’d take her there.

  “You know where I’ve been, Steel,” Shakes said, whispering the words.

  He turned to look at his friend. “You’re going to get yourself killed.”

  “One of us just killed her mother. Everyone around her has abandoned her. I’m not going to do that.”

  “Out of all the women you could play with, why her? She’s going to cause you trouble. Her father will castrate you and laugh while he’s doing it.”

  Shakes shrugged. “There’s something about her. She’s strong even after everything she’s been through. I’m not going to abandon her.”

  “She’s not your responsibility.” Steel tapped his glass, waiting for Eloise to fill it up again. She smiled at him, her sweet smile that he adored. Grabbing her hand, he kissed the inside of her wrist. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Are you drunk?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not drunk. I’m fine.” He winked at her, loving the way she rolled her eyes. Counting up all of her punishments, Steel had an idea for when he got her into bed that night. He was going to push her just a little further. Two things would happen, he’d either break her or find out what she was hiding. He had a feeling they were two of a kind, only she wanted pain while he wanted to give it out. She was his perfect match.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  He tugged her down, drawing her lips to his. “Miss me?”

  “I do.”

  Steel watched her walk into the back.

  “What’s going on there?” Shakes asked.

  “If Demon or Zeke finds out what you’re doing, you could be killed or lose your place in the club. I hope you’re prepared for that.”

  “I’m not doing anything. Believe it or not, Steel, I’ve not touched her.” Shakes got up and stormed off.

  “What’s his deal?” Demon asked, taking a seat.

  “Nothing as far as I can tell,” Steel said, sipping at his drink once again.

  “Eloise is a good woman. Deanna speaks highly of her.”

  “She also allows us to crash at her place to order a shit load of pizza.” Steel laughed, hitting Demon’s arm. “You don’t need to go listing Eloise’s good points; I know them.”

  “Have you made sure Hanson’s not getting any ideas?” Demon asked.

  Steel paused with the glass against his lips. “What?”

  “It has been over a month. He had the guts to attack his own employee. I’d go and just give him a little reminder of what happens when he messes with us.”

  “You think he’s stupid enough to try something like that?”

  “I don’t know what he’s stupid enough to do.” Demon shrugged. “Why you kept him alive is beyond me.”

  “I couldn’t just kill him. He owns that fucking store. His death would come back to the club. I did what I had to do.” It didn’t mean he hadn’t thought about paying a special visit to the fucker, to give him a reminder of what it was like to have his ass kicked. “I’ve drunk too much. I can be an idiot, but I don’t have a fucking death wish.”

  “Good for you, I don’t have anything on right now. Come on, I’ll drive you.”

  He followed Demon out of the clubhouse, climbing into the car. There was no way he’d ride bitch for his Prez. The only one to ride at Demon’s back was going to be Deanna.

  “What’s going on with Shakes?” Demon asked as they pulled out of the compound.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Zeke was clear in his instructions. Daniella is
off limits. I’d hate to punish a brother because he’s not listening.”

  “It’s not my business, Demon. You’ve got a problem with Shakes, take it up with him. My dick is sticking with Eloise. My woman knows exactly how I like my sex.” At least, he was going to step it up when he got back home. He only hoped she didn’t run screaming from him when he did.

  They pulled up outside of Markam’s. Climbing out of the car, he made his way inside. A slender blonde was serving a customer at one of the counters. “You seen Hanson?” he asked.

  “He’s in his office.”

  “Between us, sweet thing, he behaving himself?”


  “Good. That’s what I like to hear.” He moved down the aisle toward the back office. Steel’s anger returned recalling Eloise’s terrified scream. She’d not wanted the bastard near her, yet he’d tried to touch her.

  He couldn’t kill Hanson, but he could hurt him, hurt him a hell of a lot.

  Opening the office door without knocking, he watched as Hanson jumped up from his seat the moment he clocked his gaze on him.

  “Hey, fucker, long time no see.”

  “What do you want?” Hanson asked.

  “I’ve come to make sure we’re still clear on what we’d talked about?”

  “I’ve not said anything to anyone.”

  Steel advanced into the room, reminded of the pain this bastard tried to inflict on Eloise. Reaching out, he twisted his arm at an odd angle. The pressure was enough to make him uncomfortable but not enough to snap the bone. “I’m just giving you another friendly warning. You come near Eloise and you’re going to be dealing with something far worse than a beating, do you understand?”


  Satisfied he’d gotten his message across, he gave a friendly wink to the woman on the counter, walked out of the store, and went back toward his car. “Time for us to go home.” He hoped Eloise was waiting for him. His cock thickened at the thought.


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