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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 37

by Jenika Snow

  “What the fuck are you doing, man?” Demon asked.

  Shakes crossed his arms over his chest, not responding right away. “I’m doing what I need to do.”

  Demon shook his head. “I thought we talked about this, and how Daniella was off limits because she is Zeke’s daughter?”

  Shakes didn’t respond right away. He ran a hand over his face, exhaled loudly, and knew that what he was doing was crossing a lot of lines. “I can’t stop thinking about her, Demon.”

  Demon cursed low. “You have to, because she’s a no-go, Shakes. Getting involved with her is not good for you or the club, and I can’t have you screwing things up because you want to get your dick wet. Zeke is a territorial bastard—”

  “It isn’t just about fucking her, Demon.”

  Demon lifted a brow in question, but the look on his face said he didn’t believe that for one minute.

  “It’s true. She’s all I think about anymore, ever since we picked her up. I don’t want to just screw her.” He paused for a minute, about to admit something he’d never said out loud, and one that could get him killed if it got into the wrong hands. “I want her as mine. I want every part of her, and I’ll kill anyone that tries to have her. I want her as my old lady.”

  “Motherfuckinghell, Shakes.” Demon turned away and ran a hand through his hair. “That’s still a no-go.” He turned back around. “On any other occasion, I’d say fuck anyone else and go for what you want, but this is not something you can go after, Shakes.”

  Shakes gritted his teeth. “You can’t tell me what the fuck to do. You’re not my dad, and being the president doesn’t mean you get to bark orders on who I claim as mine.”

  Demon didn’t respond right away, and both of them stared at each other for what seemed like long minutes. “Don’t fucking go after her, Shakes. The club comes first. The club always comes first and you know that. Being with Daniella, touching her, kissing her, hell, breathing wrong in her direction will have Zeke cutting off your dick and feeding it to you before he slits your throat.” Demon cursed again, and leaned forward to rest his palms on the table. “I mean it, leave her be. Zeke will not only kill you slowly, he’ll do damage to the club and I can’t fucking allow that. Understand?”

  Shakes didn’t respond, just clenched his jaw, stared at the man he’d give his life for, and turned to leave. Demon didn’t say anything else; he didn’t even try and stop him. Shakes knew wanting Daniella wasn’t the smart move, but he also wasn’t able to just ignore it. He wanted her, wanted her too damn badly to just listen to reason from himself and his prez.

  He headed past the other club members, down the hallway, and stopped when he got to Daniella’s door. He braced a hand on the doorframe, closed his eyes, and breathed out. He couldn’t betray his club by going against what Demon said, but he also had never felt like this for a woman. This wasn’t about getting pussy. This was about making Daniella his, about having her as his old lady and wearing his patch to let all bastards know she was taken.

  Just as he dropped his hand to his side, he heard footsteps come closer, and then the bedroom door opened. She stood there, right on the other side, her curvy as hell body shouting at him. His dick got hard; dammit, did it get hard. He couldn’t even get wood anymore for the bitches that pranced around the club. But the look of anger on her face didn’t deter is arousal, and in fact, he got harder, loved that she was this little spitfire wrapped up in a schoolgirl outfit.

  Yeah, she’d be his, and damn the consequences.

  Chapter 2

  They had shared one kiss, and from that moment on, Daniella hadn’t been able to think about anyone or anything else. Shakes had kissed her as if he didn’t give a shit who her father was. Zeke had invaded her life one too many times. It was hard for her to forgive him for everything that had happened.

  Staring at Shakes now as he stood outside of her bedroom, she didn’t have any feelings other than anger toward him. She’d been talking to Boom. Out of all of the men and women, the young prospect didn’t treat her like a plague that could erupt at any moment.

  The whole club treated her as if the leverage Zeke had on them was her fault. It wasn’t her fault that her father was a complete and total bastard.

  “What do you want?” she asked, glaring at the man.

  I will not feel anything for you. I don’t care that you make me melt. You mean nothing to me.

  “I wanted to see you.” He leaned in close and she smelled the musk of his leather and the oil that had rubbed onto him from messing around with his bike. She had watched him from her bedroom window before he came to her, and she hated herself for doing so.

  “Why? Do you want to threaten me now as well?”

  “Boom had no right touching you.”

  “Boom is the only one who’ll talk to me. He wasn’t touching me. We were talking. That’s what happens when friends get to know each other. They talk, they laugh, and they hug.” She opened her arms wide, trying her hardest to express herself. “Haven’t you ever had a friend?”

  “No, and I don’t want one. Boom’s not your friend. You don’t talk to him.”

  His overall domineering attitude had pissed her off. This ordering her around he liked to do, stopped now.


  She tilted her head to the side, glaring at him. Shakes didn’t scare her. None of the men in the Soldiers of Wrath MC scared her. They could kill her, but she didn’t really give a shit about what happened to her and hadn’t for a long time. What was the point in worrying about dying when she didn’t really care about living in the first place? Her life had become a constant taking of orders. She took orders from her mother to exercise, not to eat, to become more beautiful. Zeke told her what to do, where to go, and what to see. Now, she was taking orders from the Soldiers of Wrath. She wasn’t allowed to leave the clubhouse, talk to the men who were there, or even have a life.

  What was the point?

  Daniella watched girls her own age living life to the fullest, loving every single second of it; yet, what was she doing? She was studying. That was what her life had come to: studying. She didn’t look forward to anything anymore.

  There was a time, a couple of years ago, when she’d started to prepare for college that she thought life would be different, that Zeke wouldn’t be part of her world. Her ideals were soon shot down and she’d learned to close off everything that actually mattered to her. Zeke didn’t care, her mother didn’t care, and now the club didn’t care.

  Don’t feel sorry for yourself.

  “What did you just say?” he asked.

  “Fuck off, Shakes. Fuck off and bug someone else.” She took a step back into her private room, but he stopped her, shoving his way inside. He slammed her door closed.

  His dominant display didn’t do anything to cheer her up. It was all just a show.

  “Wow, you big man you. You can push your way inside my room.” She clapped her hands, trying to fill her voice with sarcasm. The truth was, she was tired. It was exhausting constantly putting on a show. The attitude, pretending not to care, it was all fake, just a show so that no one would find out the truth.

  She was hurting.

  What kind of person wasn’t afraid of death?

  There were many who’d beg to be allowed to live. Daniella? Not so much. She didn’t know if she’d beg for death if pain were involved, but if pain was not involved, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t.

  Daniella had been in emotional pain for a long time, but no one had ever cared to look. Shakes stared at her without saying a word. When she could no longer stand to look him in the eye, she spun around, about to go back to her bed to study.

  She didn’t get far. Before she even took a step, he was on her, spinning her around, and pressing her up against the wall.

  He didn’t speak at first, slamming her against the hard plaster. In the next second, his lips were on hers, and all thought left her mind. He gripped her wrists, placing them above her head as he ravished
her mouth. There wasn’t anything good about his touch. Shakes took from her, devouring her mouth as if he had a right to it.

  Daniella caved. This kiss almost made her want to risk both their lives. Zeke would kill Shakes if he ever caught them together like this. Daniella’s life was a big deal to Zeke’s kind of life, but probably not for the reason most fathers cared about their daughters, or at least that’s how she felt. To her father, he needed to protect her all the time. Her father had a lot of enemies, which made her an easy target. Their life wasn’t easy for either of them, but she managed. Barely.

  Shakes bit her bottom lip before pulling away. They were both panting and Daniella had her legs pressed together.

  “Boom doesn’t go near you, Dani. You’re fucking mine. You’ll always be mine.”

  Licking her lips, she stared into cold eyes that were once again filled with lust. She snorted. “You mean I’m yours until you wake up and realize who my father is?”

  “I don’t give a fuck who your father is.”

  “No? Then why haven’t you been near me? You kissed me the last time and then nothing came of it. You made me think we were friends, but the truth is: we’re not, are we?” He held her captive and she couldn’t go anywhere.

  “I’m not afraid of your father.”



  “Then why haven’t you come near me?”

  She expected him to pull away and for his senses to return. What she didn’t anticipate was for him to press his body against hers. He held both of her hands together in one of his and he glided the other one down her body. The back of his fingers brushed over her breast before moving down to cup her pussy. Even through the thick fabric of the jeans, she was shocked. She’d never been touched so intimately before.

  Daniella was still a virgin and it had nothing to do with her lack of desire. There were plenty of times she’d wanted to just blow caution to the wind and fuck the first man she saw. Instead, she’d been aware of her father’s presence. Everyone knew who she was, and they gave her a wide berth because of that.

  He rubbed between her thighs and Daniella couldn’t keep the moan from escaping her lips.

  “I’m not afraid of Zeke, nor do I give a shit about the fucking club. The only reason I’ve stayed away is to give you chance to get used to me.”

  She laughed. “You want me to get used to you by not spending time with me?” She couldn’t help it. The excuse he’d given her was ridiculous.

  “I’ve had club business to take care of. You’re mine, Daniella. I was giving you a chance to enjoy your freedom. When I make you mine, there really is no getting away from me.”

  He moved his hand upward and slid inside her jeans, going straight for her pussy. Daniella didn’t try to fight him off. She craved this, needed his touch more than she needed anything else in her life. He grazed her clit but he didn’t stop there. Shakes moved farther down and she tensed up. She should tell him to stop, but she couldn’t…she wouldn’t. The truth was she wanted Shakes desperately, craved him, and longed for him. He frightened her on a different level, on a level that should have had her staying away, but instead had her anxious for more, ready to live dangerously.

  “I know you’re a virgin, but don’t worry, baby. I’m not going to pop this cherry with my fingers.” He slid back up to touch her clit. “That’s why I backed away. I want to take you as mine, Dani. I want to claim your mouth, pussy, and ass for my own. All I can think about is shoving my dick so deep inside you that you can’t think straight. I want to spunk all over your body, so you smell like me and no one else. I can’t stand for other men to touch you. You’re mine, Daniella. No one else’s and you weren’t ready to deal with that.”

  She’d deal with it now. Daniella was soaking wet from his words and his touch. She wanted him. Maybe Shakes was the man who didn’t give a fuck about who her father was. At least she knew one thing, she was happy to risk her father’s wrath for him.

  Chapter 3

  “You’re mine, Daniella, say it,” Shakes demanded, staring at her, looking at a face that was innocent in a place full of vileness and filthy fucking monsters.

  “I can’t say that,” she said softly.

  “You can and you will, because I see the way you look at me, the way you watch me. You want me as much as I want you, and why fight that shit?”

  She swallowed, not responding right away.

  He cupped her cheek, stared at her delicate face, one that would be corrupted by him, no doubt. “I want you at my place, in my bed. I just want you, Daniella.”

  She exhaled slowly, and her pulse beat rapidly at the base of her throat. He stared at it, watched her flesh jump up and down wildly in that small spot. He wanted to lick it, drag his teeth along it, and suck at that spot. Damn, he wanted her.

  “Get your shit together, meet me downstairs by the backdoor. Try to go unnoticed, because I‘ll pick you up and take you to a hotel. That’ll be a hell of a lot safer than my place if this all goes to shit.”

  “Shakes, this is bad; it could end very badly.”

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Yeah, it’ll probably end really fucking badly, but it’ll be worth it, no matter what.” He kissed her again, hard, possessively. He stroked her tongue with his, loved that she mewled and melted right against him. She’d put up a resistance before, but now she gave into him, submitted just like he wanted. “But I’ll make sure you’re okay. Nothing and no one will take you from me,” he said with so much determination that he heard her gasp. “I’m going to go talk to Zeke, talk to your old man about you being mine. If this needs to be done this way, it has to be done now, Daniella.”


  “Get your stuff, Daniella, and do what I say. I’ll make sure shit works out.” But that was an empty promise, because he didn’t know how in the hell this would go down. “You want this, right baby?”

  She was silent for a moment. She licked her lips, looked at him with this intense gaze, and finally nodded. “I do, but I’m afraid for you.”

  “Don’t be afraid; just do what I say,” he kissed her again, then turned and left her room. Shakes headed down to the bar, and once seated at the sacred wood counter, he took a moment to just gather his thoughts.

  It had been damn hard for Shakes to pull away from Daniella, but he had, and now he was suffering for it. He’d left her in her room, wet, soaking for him, and he was hard as a fucking rock, even with all this shit on his mind and what he was about to do. Sitting at the bar at the clubhouse, he was thinking about his next move.

  He lifted his gaze, stared at the mirror behind the bar, and knew what he wanted to do, what he had to do if he wanted to be with Daniella.

  “Hey, brother, do a shot with me?”

  He looked over at Dark, the club’s Sergeant at Arms, and shook his head. “Nah, got someplace I need to be.” He stared at the tatted up MC member, watched as he took a bottle of Johnnie Walker and tipped it back, drinking several shots in one go.

  “You going to pick up some pussy?” Dark asked, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, and looking over at Shakes.

  “No, but it’s important shit.” He needed to get his truck, get Daniella, and then after he dropped her off at a hotel, he’d go talk to someone that might rip his dick off for just stepping inside his place of business.

  “You need backup?” Dark asked.

  Did Shakes need backup? He wasn’t going to risk the club by getting them involved, or risk the club knowing what the fuck he was about to do. Demon and the club were already up his ass about leaving Daniella alone because the repercussions with Zeke could be bad shit, but he couldn’t.

  He didn’t even know why he cared so much about one female, but the fact was seeing Daniella, thinking about her, hearing her voice, smelling her hair, all of those things and more had him obsessed with her. He couldn’t allow another man to be with her, touch her…fuck her. No, he’d fucking go crazy, hurt someone, kill them because Daniella wa
s his.

  He pushed away from the bar, grabbed his keys out of his pocket, and headed toward the front door.

  “Where you off to in a hurry?” Demon asked, coming out of the meeting room with a cigar hanging out of his mouth and a stack of folders in his arms. Ever since he’d taken up with his old lady, their president only had eyes for Deanna. Before that, Demon had fucked any female that walked by, but he supposed love really did change people.

  Hell, look at Shakes. He hadn’t even fucked Daniella, hadn’t done more than kiss her, yet he couldn’t get hard with anyone else. It was like she was his drug, and only she could give him the high he wanted and needed.

  “Out,” Shakes said.

  Demon took the cigar out of his mouth and glared at him; Shakes knew the president understood something was up. “What aren’t you telling me?” Demon asked in a deep, serious voice.

  “I just have shit to do. If I need you, I’ll call.” But he wasn’t going to call the club, sure as hell not for this. If they knew what he was doing, they’d either try and stop him or kick his ass for going against club orders, but he had to do it. He had to do this to make sure Daniella was his. If he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he’d have to take the next step. That would be a hardcore decision, a pretty big step that might ruin his position with the club and cost him his life.

  Shakes was actually here, had fucking come to speak with Zeke about taking Daniella as his. He’d picked her up in the back of the club, dropped her off at a hotel instead of his place, and as much as he’d wanted to just stay there and fuck her, claim her as his, he knew he needed to do this first.

  He’d driven to one of the many clubs Zeke owned, got past the Fort Knox-like security he always had around him, and now sat in his office staring at the man that could have his neck slit before Shakes knew it was about to happen.


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