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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 41

by Jenika Snow

  She shrugged him off. “Shouldn’t we get going? I don’t want Zeke to find us and kill you.”

  Shakes let out a sigh. “I wish this could be better.”

  “It could have been better. It would have involved waiting, but neither of us could wait, and so we’re on the run from my dad. I get it. Believe me, I do.” She bit her lip, resting her head against the window. “It shouldn’t have to be like this.”

  He moved some of her hair off her neck. “I know, baby. We’ll get what you want. We’ll be able to be together, and your father won’t get to say shit.”

  Daniella nodded. What else was she supposed to say? It was her hope even though she knew deep down, Zeke would kill Shakes before he saw her happy with the MC member.

  “Come on, we may as well get on the road.” She opened the door to the hotel room, and they made their way down to the reception. Daniella waited for him to pay for the room before they went to his bike.

  Riding the Harley was going to be hard for her. After last night, her pussy was incredibly sore. Shakes climbed on, handing her a helmet, which she took without argument.

  Straddling the bike, she gripped his waist.

  He took off, and they rode to the nearest car sales lot.

  “Stay here,” Shakes said.

  Daniella didn’t like his attitude but stayed put until she spotted the telephone. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out some change, then walked the short distance to the payphone. She didn’t trust turning her phone on and Zeke being able to trace it. He had many ways to find out where someone was, and after she’d turned off her cell she’d taken out the battery to make sure there had been no signal.

  It seemed strange even seeing a payphone in this day and age, but then again this was a shitty motel in a seedy little town. Putting the coins in the slot, she dialed Zeke’s number. For the first couple of seconds, the phone rang. She was about to hang up when he picked up.

  “Hello,” Zeke said.

  Just hearing her father’s voice had her heart racing.

  “Hello?” She closed her eyes, resting her head against the glass.

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s me,” she said, talking quietly.

  “Dani?” Zeke asked, sounding worried, but also angry.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Where are you?” he asked, frantic.

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Is Shakes there? Put him on the fucking phone.”

  “Why can’t you talk to me?” she asked, upset that he wouldn’t talk to her, that he wanted to talk to Shakes right away to probably threaten him.

  “He shouldn’t have fucking taken you, Dani. He knows he did wrong, and that’s why he ran. He knew I wanted you safe.”

  “You don’t think I’m safe with Shakes? He cares about me.”

  “He’s a rough fucking biker, Dani. Shakes doesn’t know how to love.”

  Daniella laughed. “I guess that makes the two of you then doesn’t it, Dad?”

  Silence fell after her words. She wanted to cry. Was it possible that she wanted Zeke to love her? For so long she’d been used to hating him, and now she didn’t know what to make of it. She’d just lost her virginity and she couldn’t talk to anyone about it. Daniella had nothing.

  “I love you, Dani.”

  It surprised her that he’d even utter those words, given the type of man he was. “You’re a worse person than Shakes. At least he’s taking the time, and risking everything for me. What did you do? Oh that’s right, pass me off as if I were nothing, leaving like always.” Daniella didn’t realize she was crying until Shakes turned her to him. She didn’t even care that he’d caught her talking to her father.

  “Baby,” he said, holding her close.

  “Dani, is that him?” Zeke asked, as if he didn’t know.

  She ignored him, keeping the phone against her ear but pressing her face against Shakes’ shirt. His warmth surrounded her, and for the first time since in a long time, she felt safe.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I called him.”

  Shakes took the phone from her, placing it to his ear.

  “What the fuck are you doing with my daughter,” Zeke said, shouting.

  “We’re safe,” Shakes said. “You can stop hunting us.”

  She winced as Zeke made no move to tone down his voice.

  “I’m never going to stop hunting you, you stupid piece of shit. Your days were numbered the moment you took Dani. You’re a dead bastard, Shakes. Fucking dead. I’ve got everyone hunting you.”

  The more Zeke spoke, the more the tears fell. There was no chance for her and Shakes. If they were caught, Zeke was going to kill him.

  Taking the phone from his grip, she cut her father’s tirade off.

  “You’re never going to find us. I love Shakes, and I’m sticking with him. If you really loved me you’d let me live my life, happy that I found someone.” She placed the phone back in the cradle before he could respond.

  “Why did you call him?” Shakes asked.

  “I thought I could get him to stop trying to find us and to call off his goons. I didn’t want for us to be on the run all the time.” She shrugged. “I guess we really don’t have a choice anymore.”

  Shakes cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. “I love you too, Dani. This is crazy of us, I know, but I wouldn’t change it for anyone or anything. We’re running together.”

  She swallowed down the ball of emotion that seemed to be clogging her throat. “Did you find a car?”

  “We’ve got a car and a trade.” He dangled some keys from his finger. “Are you ready to really go on the run with me?”

  “Yes. Can we stop at a drive-thru or something? I’m starving.”

  “Your wish is my command, lady.”

  She giggled, and they walked toward the car. It looked like a really shit car, but Daniella didn’t mind. That phone call she’d just put through to her father was the last one. She didn’t want Shakes to die because of her, nor did she want to lose him for anything.

  Climbing into the passenger side, she watched Shakes slide in behind the wheel, and couldn’t help laughing.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “You’ve got no idea how crazy you look in a car.” She placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

  “You’re used to me straddling my bike.”

  “Pretty much. It’s going to take some getting used to.” He shuffled behind the wheel, and Daniella looked out of the window.

  “It’s something for us to laugh at,” Shakes said.

  He turned over the ignition, and they were travelling far away from her father, The Soldiers of Wrath, and her past.

  Shakes reached over and locked their fingers together. Giving his hand a squeeze, she smiled at him. “We’re going to be okay.”

  “I believe you.” She leaned over, kissed his cheek, and squeezed his hand, showing that she trusted him. Together, they could make a go of this life without fear from her father.

  “I’m going to drive for a while. If your father was able to trace the call, I don’t want to give him the chance to catch up with us, before we eat food.”

  “Okay.” Every time she thought they had a chance, Shakes changed her mind. “Are you mad at me for calling my dad?”

  “No. I saw you walking toward the phone booth. If I was mad, I could have stopped you at any time. I decided not to. He’s still your father, and I’d have preferred to be with you at home. He wouldn’t accept that; so, we’re making the most with what we have left.”

  Yes, they did have to make do with the hand they were dealt.

  Shakes left Daniella in the diner while he made his way to the payphone just outside of the restaurant. When he turned to look at Daniella, he saw her sipping at the coffee that he’d just gotten for her.

  Putting some change into the phone, he dialed the clubhouse’s main line.

  They would be out hunting for him very soon, if
not already, and he needed to apologize to them. He’d tossed their phones when they’d checked out of the motel because tracing their location was a very real threat. Could they run forever? He didn’t want to, but he’d do it for her.

  Last night with Daniella had been amazing. She’d been a virgin, and he’d fucked some beautiful women in his time, but Daniella was one in a million, a female that owned him. He was far from virginal, and yet last night, a virgin had been perfect for him.

  “Hello,” Joker said, answering.

  “Hey, Joker, it’s me.” He heard some commotion in the background as his ex-brothers shouted who was on the phone. They had to be his ex-brothers. There was no space for him in the club anymore. He’d quit the club the moment he took Daniella.

  “Shakes?” Demon said, coming on the line.

  “Yeah, Demon.”

  “What the fuck have you done? You piece of shit. You bring Daniella back right now. She’s not worth this shit.”

  On and on Demon kept yelling at him, telling him exactly what he should do, and what he shouldn’t be doing.

  “I do anything now and I’m a dead man.”

  “Shakes, you’re a dead man fucking walking right now. Zeke is going to hunt you. He wants us to hunt you.”

  “And you’re not going to do it?” Silence met his question.

  Letting out a sigh, he watched as Dani talked to the waitress who came toward their table. She was laughing and smiling, looking so damned happy. She deserved a hell of a lot better than him. He loved her though, and he couldn’t let her go.

  “Zeke will kill Deanna and my kid if we don’t find you.”

  Shakes rested his head against the glass much like Dani had when talking to her father.

  “Shit, man, I’m sorry.” That confirmed it. If he went back home, he was going to be a dead man instantly.

  “Come home.”

  “I can’t. I like Deanna, but I love Dani and I’ve promised her that we’d be together. I can’t give her what her father can, but I’m better for her.” He didn’t doubt that he loved her, and a part of him felt like a piece of shit for turning his back on his brothers, but he had to do this. Dani was the woman for him. It was bad luck her father was one of the deadliest men around.

  “Shakes, you’re fucking dead,” Demon said. “And my woman is dead. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

  “Tell Deana I’m really sorry. I never wanted anything bad to happen to her or to you. I love the club.”

  “But you love this woman more?” Demon asked, his voice hard.

  “You can’t be serious.” This came from Joker in the background.

  “I’m serious.” Shakes didn’t want Deanna or her baby killed. “Keep looking for me. Zeke won’t just kill Deanna for no good reason.”

  “When we get you, we’re handing you over to Zeke,” Demon said.

  Shakes couldn’t help but laugh. “If you find me. Don’t forget boys, I’m the hardest guy to find, because I know how to stay hidden.”

  He hung up, and made his way back into the diner. Daniella was eating a burger when he got to the table. He’d made her wait a good two hours before he’d fed her, but they were not at risk of being found anytime soon.

  “How was your phone call?” she asked.

  “Fine.” He was tempted to tell her about the threat to Deanna’s life but then thought better of it. If she knew Deanna was in danger, she’d try to take her place. He knew he was being a selfish prick right now, but he was already in deep. Daniella was what was important to him, and he wasn’t going to risk her just to save another woman. The waitress brought over his order. He stared at Daniella, questioningly.

  “I told the waitress what you wanted and to keep it until you made it back.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, and a hint of arousal struck him. He finally knew what it was like to grip that hair, and fuck her roughly.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.”

  “About what?”

  “Are you sore?”

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red.

  “Erm, it’s fine. It’s better that we’re no longer on the bike. The car is easier.”

  Shakes hadn’t given the bike a thought. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. What’s happening now? What do we do?”

  “We’re going to have to spend the next couple of days stopping in hotels. I know it’s not ideal but the more distance we put between ourselves, your father, and the club, the safer it will be for all of us.”

  She took a bite of burger and Shakes picked up his own. This really wasn’t the best situation for either of them.

  “When we’ve put some distance between us, we can settle down. Find a place, and we’ll be okay. I’ll get a job,” he said. God, he was really doing this, really rung off and risking everything.

  “I want to work as well.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “We’re no longer in a world where it’s dangerous for me to work. If we’re going to do this together, then that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” She looked up and Shakes was lost once again.

  He wasn’t about to tell her that the world was dangerous even though they ran, in fact it was more dangerous because of that. They’d never be safe, and he had to keep looking over his shoulder. Zeke would never stop trying to find her. Daniella had ruined him for every other woman. No, she wasn’t beautiful in the classical sense, but she made him stop to look and take notice. It would have been easier for him if he didn’t want her, but she’d ensnared him, consumed his thoughts.

  “Do you know how to work?” he asked.

  She shot him a glare. “I know how to work. I’m not lazy.”

  “I didn’t say you were lazy. I don’t see Zeke allowing his little princess to work.”

  “I started working in a restaurant near the college. I worked three weeks before Zeke put a stop to it.”

  “I’ve noticed you don’t call him dad very often. Why?”

  She put her burger down, and turned to stare at him. “He’s not been much of a Dad to me.” She bit her lip. “It’s hard to call a man who kills without care a father.” She picked her food up and started eating. “I believe he killed a guy who wanted to ask me out.”

  Shakes froze and stared at her. “What?”

  “One of the guys who worked for him was nice to me. I overheard him telling one of the other guards that he wanted to ask me out. The next thing I know he’s no longer working for my father. Then I overheard a conversation that Zeke had the guy killed. None of the guards were allowed to touch me.” She smiled over at him. “I guess he doesn’t want me to find someone for myself.”

  “He cares about you,” Shakes said.

  “No, he doesn’t. He only cares about improving himself. I’m happy we’re running away together.” She reached over and took hold of his hand. “Thank you for taking a chance with me.”

  That confirmed it. He wasn’t going to tell Daniella that Deanna would die if they didn’t find them. Shakes would live with it. He didn’t have a choice.

  Chapter 9

  Something was definitely up with Shakes after he came back into the diner from making a call. He seemed harder, had this edge to him, and the tenseness in his body was tangible. But she wasn’t going to pry, not just yet. She knew how dangerous this was, but she’d gone into this fully knowing the risks. If Zeke found them, he’d kill Shakes and put her in a box where she’d never be free again.

  Resting her head on the back of the seat she stared at the scenery passing them by. They’d been driving for hours, and the scene before them was nothing but trees and nothingness. She knew her father would chase them until they were found or he died. Zeke was resilient, and when he wanted something he didn’t stop until he got it. Then again, there wasn’t much that he’d been denied. A dangerous man, he had people at his beck and call that could dismember a person and no parts would be found. He was a sick bastard, one that she’d shared blood with, and if she were being hon
est, was a little scared of.

  Looking over at Shakes, she stared at the man she loved, the man she was throwing everything away for. What if he decided this wasn’t going to work, that she was too much trouble? He had given up everything: his club, his life…everything. She wished she had a mother she could talk to about this, but she hadn’t seen or spoken to her mom in a very long time. It wasn’t as if her mom had been there for her anyway. She’d been horrible to Daniella, verbally abusive, and made her home life unbearable. But Daniella had taught herself to close off to that abuse, to not let it shape her, not let it make her be the person her mother had claimed Daniella was.

  Was she this beautiful girl that thought she’d get the most gorgeous man, a man that would only have eyes for her? No, she’d never had delusions like that. She was overweight, or so her mother had constantly told her. Wearing glasses, having a body that most guys saw as chunky, fat, unattractive, had made dating hard enough with Zeke being in the way. And although she hated him for the life he lead and how he smothered her and exerted his powerful, she saw a small glimmer of the love he spoke of frequently.

  He wasn’t a good man, not in any sense of the word. And although she despised him, hated what he did and the fact he thought he could control her just because he’d been a sperm donor, and just because he decided one day he wanted her in his life, she also could see that he did care for her.

  It pissed her off even more.

  “You’re thinking pretty hard over there,” Sakes said, keeping his attention on the road. “You want to talk about what’s on your mind?”

  Did she? Daniella wouldn’t know if he’d really want to be bombarded with what she thought about her father. Hell, she didn’t really want to talk about him. He’d already sucked up so much of their time together, and put this hard edge to trying to be with a man she loved.

  Looking over at him again, she stared at his profile. He had a strong, square jaw and the day or so they’d been on the run—God, that sounded like they were fugitives—he hadn’t shaved. “I sometimes wish my mom hadn’t been the way she was.” She saw him shift on the seat, his body tense. “I just wish I had a mom that cared about me, that wanted to hear what I had to say, and didn’t cut me down at every opportunity.”


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