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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 43

by Jenika Snow

  “Yes, I want to cum. I need to cum, Shakes.”

  “Are you going to give me everything I want?” he asked.


  “I can fuck any part of you?”


  “Your mouth?”

  “Yes.” She cried the answer out. The single word echoed off the wall.

  “Your pussy?”

  “Yes.” This time she spoke the word on a sigh.

  Leaving her pussy, he pressed her large breasts together.

  “Your tits?”

  “Yes,” she said, this time giggling.

  He pinched her nipples and her giggling turned into a moan.

  “How about your ass?” he asked.

  She paused. “What?”

  “You’d let me fuck your ass, wouldn’t you, baby?”

  “You would want to fuck my ass?”

  “Yes. I want to fuck every single part of you, Dani. You’re mine, and I’m going to mark every single inch of this body as my own. No man will ever have you, and you’ll not be able to ever forget about me.”

  He gently bit down on her clit, causing her to scream in pleasure rather than fright. Shakes was going to make sure that by the time Zeke found them, Daniella couldn’t live without him. He knew for a fact, he couldn’t live without her.

  Chapter 11

  “I’m not any good for you, baby.” Shakes said, almost as if he spoke to himself. “The world I live in should scare the hell out of you.”

  And it did, he knew that. His mouth was by her ear and his hands were on her breasts. His body was still primed for her, just as hers was for him.

  “I should have left you to your pretty little life, but I crave you so fucking . Never have I wanted something as much as I want you, Daniella.” He emphasized his point by pressing his erection against her. A mewl escaped her. “I admit I’m a selfish bastard because, even though I know this is wrong on so many levels; I can’t stop. I won’t.”

  She didn’t want him to stop. “Please, Shakes, please take me. I don’t care about all of that other stuff. I just want you to ease this burn you started inside of me.” She turned her face toward him and pressed her mouth to his. Thankfully, he kissed her back. His tongue slipped into her mouth at the same time the head of his dick pressed into her opening. She lifted her hips, knowing that she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please—” Her words were cut off when he slammed into her in one swift, fluid move. She broke the kiss and threw her head back, groaning in pleasure. He was like a wild man, thrusting, pumping, bringing her so close to the edge, and then stopping right before she went over. Her pussy was so wet for him, and the sound of his skin slapping against hers reverberated in the room.

  “So wet and tight.” He growled against her neck and picked up speed.

  Soon, she was falling over the edge into mindless, blissful completion. Her hands grappled for something to hold on to, to anchor her to reality. She gripped his wide shoulders, felt her nails dig in, and screamed as another smaller orgasm wreaked havoc on her body and mind. Just as the high started to slowly dwindle, she found herself flipped on her belly. He lifted her ass until she realized what he wanted, and that he wouldn’t stop until he had her back there. Daniella couldn’t stop herself from giving him everything.

  Palms flat on the mattress and legs spread wide, she waited for him to make his next move. Her vagina still convulsed from the after tremors of her orgasm. With her chest still on the mattress, her ass was high in the air, his for the taking. The thought of letting him back there, with his massive erection, should have scared the hell out of her. All she felt was the mindless pleasure of wanting more.

  Daniella closed her eyes when she felt his fingers skate over her slit and gather her cream.

  “You are mine, every part of you.”

  “Yes,” she breathed out.

  There was no tensing, no worries about what was going to happen next as he spread her juices over her anus. The sheets were tightly fisted between her fingers, and he repeated the action, over and over, bringing her closer to begging him to fuck her ass, probably what he wanted from her. She thought he would push right into her, but when he covered her back with his chest and kissed the shell of her ear, she blinked her eyes open.

  His fingers teased her vagina and she swallowed back her moan. Of course, the fear of pain was present, but his soft touches and soothing voice told her that he would be a gentle, but dominating lover. He had already ensured her pleasure above his by bringing her to climax three times and he still had yet to find his own release.

  “You’re so responsive to my touch. Will you be this responsive when I’m buried deep in your ass?”

  A shiver shook her body. She didn’t answer, couldn’t. The sting of his hand coming into contact with her ass had her gasping. The pain was a sharp contrast to the pleasure he had just delivered.

  “Answer me.” His voice was thick like honey, but not nearly as sweet.

  “I do. I want to feel you in my ass.” She felt herself blush, not because she had said the words he so desperately wanted to hear, but because she’d meant them, each and every one.

  “I am so hard for you. Do you feel what you do to me?” He lifted off her back and she felt his erection slide across her ass. The desire to close her legs, to shield that part of her was strong, but the need to actually feel him in her ass was stronger.

  “Y–Yes, Shakes.” She wanted to tell him to do it, to beg him to end her misery and quit taunting her. She was so wet back there now, so primed to take his cock in her ass even though they had no lube. But he continued to make sure she was properly soaked for him. Over and over, he kept pressing his finger into her anus, pushing her fluid inside of her, coating the rim, and make her writhe even more for him.

  “Ready for me, baby girl?”

  She nodded. “God, yes.” In the next second, he was slowly pushing all of his hard inches into her, gently, slowly, thoroughly. Tears stung her eyes, and she started to feel the burn of being filled completely. It was like nothing she’d ever felt.

  The burn and sting of the tip of his shaft pushing through the tight ring of muscle had her squeezing her eyes shut. When he was completely inside of her, he didn’t move. She knew he was letting her body get accustomed to his girth, and for that she was thankful. His hands gripped her ass, squeezing intermittently as if it was agony being still. Maybe teasing him at that moment wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but his slowness was like torture. She pushed back against him, telling him without words that she was ready. He hissed under his breath and gripped her hard.

  “You’re tempting something dangerous, Daniella.”

  Maybe she was. She knew who Shakes was, knew the real man behind the hardened exterior he showed everyone. Even deep down, even though he as gentle with her, he was still dangerous. She knew he only went by Shakes now, not by his real name…Tristan Grieves.

  He may have showed her a dominating side, one that hinted that he liked things much darker, rougher, but he had gone slow with her, been gentle, and made sure her pleasure came first.

  Shakes started moving in and out of her and soon the burn of pain was replaced by something far more pleasing. Each time he pushed into her that desire heightened. His groans behind her were enough to have her nearing yet another orgasm, but it was his hand reaching in front of her and his finger rubbing her clit that had her screaming out. She pressed her face into the mattress and cried out in delightfully erotic pleasure. One thrust, two thrusts, and on the third one he buried himself balls deep and cursed loudly. His language was crass and vile, but it reflected the strong emotions she was sure he felt right then. She couldn’t fault him for that.

  When he pulled out of her and wrapped his body around hers, she let herself slip into an endorphin-filled coma. It was then, when the darkness was creeping up on her that Daniella let herself fully be owned by this man.

  “You’re mine, and I’ll take down anyone that tries to take you from me.

  Shakes wrapped his arms around Daniella, and held her until she breathed evenly and fell asleep. Running his fingers up and down her back as he breathed heavily, he thought about his journey, and how dangerous it really was. Was he doing the right thing taking Daniella away from everything? He knew the club and especially Zeke would not hurt her, but that didn’t mean that taking her away from her life wasn’t wrong. If he was a better man, he would have done the right thing and left her alone, let her live her pretty little life and found a nice boy to be with. But he wasn’t good, wasn’t decent, and he was making her irrevocably his.

  He moved to his side, Danielle making soft sounds as he pulled away from her. Shakes looked down at her as she rolled onto her belly, her eyes closed, and her mouth slightly open as she slept. He went to the bathroom and cleaned up, grabbed a washcloth, and came back in the room to clean her up. She was already asleep, not even waking when he gently washed her.

  After he slipped on his boxers, he grabbed his gun and went over to the chair by the window. Sitting down, the curtain pushed slightly aside so he could watch outside, he let himself feel the emotions that were buried deep in him. Never had he felt such strong feelings for another human being, and he knew that he would never let anything harm Daniella, nor would he let anyone come between them. So, he’d protect her, watch over her, and make sure knew that he’d leave a trail of bodies and blood in his wake making sure her world wasn’t turned upside down because of him.

  Chapter 12

  For three more days, they traveled, only stopping for gas, food, and the need to use the toilet, before they stopped for sleep. Shakes wouldn’t stop until he couldn’t keep his eyes open. Daniella offered to drive for him but he wouldn’t let her. She stayed a passenger, waiting for their new life to start.

  In the last three days, she’d found herself forgetting all about her father, and the MC that they’d left behind. Not once did she look behind her to think about who had been ordered to follow her back to her dorm or home. Maybe that was foolish of her, but she tried to stay optimistic.

  When they came to a small town with a ranch outside of city limits that was for sale, Shakes suddenly stopped.

  “That’s it,” he said.

  She turned to look at the rundown ranch. “We can’t live there?”

  “Why not? We’re a family. I can work hard, and we can make that place work for us.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to be cheap to buy, Shakes. Wouldn’t that open up suspicion?”

  “No,” he pointed to the sign. “It says rent or own.”

  He drove past the ranch, and they made their way into town.

  “Before we left I drained my bank account. I’ve got enough for us to stay there for over three years, Dani. Don’t worry.”

  “Three years? How much money did you have?”

  “I got us enough to get us by. I’m not crazy, Dani, I know what I’m doing.”

  He parked on the side of the road in the center of town and Daniella stayed in the car while he went and talked with the realtor. She looked around her. It was a small town, and it was busy. There was a library, and she thought that it might be an option for her to work there. The supermarket was another place. She could work as a waitress as well. She wanted to, no, needed to help make this work, and if that meant blending in, making money to help with their survival, then so be it.

  Ten minutes later, Shakes came out. He looked very happy.

  “The house is not actually the main ranch. A rancher and his wife own it. He’s known for working with cattle,” Shakes said. “We’re heading up to take a look around the place. There may even be work in it for me, which is good since it’s off the grid.”

  Daniella wasn’t excited about living in a small town on ranch land. They would have been better off going to the city and getting lost. However, she wasn’t about to question Shakes. He’d know about these things a lot better than she would. She didn’t have the first clue what to make of running away.

  They drove back to the ranch, and when they arrived, she saw another truck sitting in the gravel driveway near the house. There was a man and woman standing on the front porch. The woman held a young child on her hip, and they were both smiling, clearly watching them with interest. She wasn’t used to being greeted with a smile. Weren’t they suspicious of strangers? Maybe Daniella had been around Zeke too long, and she’d grown up not used to trusting people?

  Climbing out of the car, she walked into Shakes’ arms as they made their way up to the house.

  “Hi, I’m Bernie Dawson, this is my wife, Leslie,” Shakes said, introducing them.

  Daniella plastered a smile on her face, trying to be convincing, but the truth was that this was weird as hell. She felt lightheaded, with sweaty palms and a racing heart. She was nervous, anxious, and didn’t know how this would play out in the end.

  “Hello there, I’m Sean Pitcher, and this is my woman, Tatianna. We’re the owners of the Pitcher’s Ranch,” the guy pointed to the cattle off in the field. “We raise award winning cattle.” He grinned wider. “So, Joan called and you’re interested in the ranch?” Sean said, taking the lead.

  Daniella smiled at his wife, and stayed near Shakes side. She was so damn scared that she’d get something wrong, act totally unbelievable, and she feared they’d somehow know her. Of course, the latter was ridiculous seeing as they were so far away from her home; no one would know who in the hell she was.

  They entered the house, and she was surprised to see it was beautiful and modern inside.

  “I know the outside needs a lick of paint, but we take care of everything else. It’s structurally sound, and the….”

  Daniella ignored him as he spoke with Shakes, and started looking around the house. This could be her place. She walked into the sitting room to see a small couch, and chair sitting around the television. There was a fireplace toward the back wall. Moving to the dining room, there was a large table with chairs.

  “The house comes with furniture?” Daniella asked.

  Shakes gripped her hip, and she looked up at him. He smiled down at her.

  “Yes, I was hoping to employ a rancher to help me with the cattle,” Sean said.

  “I’m also looking for work, Mr. Pitcher. I’d appreciate it if you’d consider me. I’m a hard worker.”

  Shakes sounded so…normal as he spoke with the man. He’d even changed his clothes, now wearing a button down shirt to hide his tattoos. He looked almost normal. She listened to Shakes lie about the fire that took away half of their belongings, and ruined their life. They were two normal people looking for work and a way to move in.

  Twenty minutes later, Shakes lifted his hand in goodbye to the couple, and they entered their new home for the weekend.

  Daniella took a seat in the sitting room, staring at the fireplace. It wasn’t burning but in her mind she saw the flames getting higher.

  “Baby, what’s the matter? You’ve gone all quiet on me.” Back was the hard, razor-edged voice man she’d grown to love.

  “I don’t think this is right. I’m not sure about this.”

  “Dani, look at me; you’re panicking. You don’t need to panic. We’re going to be fine. I know you were probably thinking we’d stay in the city but we can’t. Demon would be expecting that. Your father would be expecting that. Zeke’s hold is far and wide, and although this place may not be permanent either in the long run, we have a lot of distance between everyone and everything we know. We could make this for the time being.” He brushed his hand over hers. “I’ve got no choice but to do this here, and now. Your father won’t have men here. In the city, he’s got more eyes than the fucking government.”

  “How did you know that was what I was thinking?” she asked.

  “I know you, Dani.” He ran his fingers up and down her thighs. “I know you, and the Soldiers know I’d go to the city. I can’t risk that, not with you.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared down at him. “This is perfect.”
She glanced around her. “It’s a really beautiful home, and I know this might be a passing moment. I know we might have to uproot if we’re found.”

  He nodded and smoothed his finger over her cheek. “Yes, we might. I won’t lie. But right here right now…It’s our home.”

  “Are you really going to work on the ranch?” she asked.

  “For you, I’d do anything.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

  Daniella followed him back out to the car. They drove into town to grab some groceries, and some clothes. Shakes wasn’t panicking about money, but she was cautious on the stuff she picked up. She didn’t want to risk them being out of money before they were settled.

  Once they were back at home, she started on dinner while Shakes set the house up for them to be together. While she stood at the stove, she couldn’t help but smile. For many nights growing up, she would fantasize about her life outside of her father’s hold and his rule. She’d picture herself standing in a kitchen, baking, cooking, being loved by a man who enjoyed her fuller figure, and not having to worry about her father trying to control who she saw.

  She would call upon those moments when life seemed a little too hard.

  Finishing up the red sauce to go over the pasta, she jumped when Shakes wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Hey, baby, is this what I could get used to?”

  “Scaring me at the stove?”

  “No, holding you, coming home after a long day at work, to be able to have you in my arms because our life is normal.” He pressed his face against her neck. “Fuck, baby, this is what I wanted. I’d have bent over backward to make Zeke happy just to be with you, but he wouldn’t have it. None of them would have allowed it.”

  A moment of silence passed. “You miss your club?”

  He exhaled, and she was surprised to feel him nod behind her. “Of course. They are my family, what I’ve known for so long. The MC runs deep in my veins, but I love you, and am willing to risk everything to be with you.”


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