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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 53

by Jenika Snow

  The girls ranged in weight, height, and ethnicity. They had big tits, small ones, had lush assess, and barely there ones. But men liked women in all shapes and sizes, all skin colors. They didn’t give a fuck as long as her pussy could squeeze their dick off, and she knew what the hell she was doing.

  They looked good, clean, but he’d have his back alley doctor check them out real good, make sure they weren’t carrying anything that could get passed to his clientele and give him a bad reputation. He was known for having the cleanest fucking girls around.

  He stopped at the last girl in line. Her head was down, her hands behind her back, and he could tell there was something wrong. Not only did she tremble slightly, but when he reached out with a finger under her chin to lift her head, she flinched. He lifted her head anyway, saw her eyes widen, the tears streak down her face, and he saw red when he noticed the way her lip was all fucked up. It was bruised all the way up her cheek, busted, swollen, with dried blood along her mouth and chin.

  He turned her head to the left, and then to the right, taking in the bruising on the other side of her face as well. She whimpered when he gently touched her cheek. She had the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, and they were currently staring at him with tears filling them. He turned her body, saw she had her hands bound, and everything in him tightened. He could see the red, raw marks from where the rope dug into her skin. She’d struggled to get out of them, that was clear.

  Looking at her face again, he didn’t do anything but stare at her for several seconds. “What’s your name?”

  She looked around with just her eyes, didn’t answer right away, but when he saw her throat work as she swallowed, and he saw her lick her lips, he knew she’d answer.

  “Alessandra,” she said on a whisper and winced as she spoke. He knew that had to be painful for her.

  “Did they hurt you?” he said softly, so only she heard. She looked over his shoulder at the men, looked back at Zeke, and finally shook her head.

  “Not them. Others did.”

  He nodded once, let go of her chin, and turned to face the two motherfuckers. “Why is she beat up?” Zeke asked, keeping his voice neutral.

  The guys looked at each other, and finally, the one that had been driving answered. “We picked her up with the other girls. She was already beaten when we got her, but she started struggling. We had to show her there wasn’t any need for that.”

  “So you put your hands on her as well?” Zeke said, still keeping cool as he took a step toward them.” You took an unwilling woman that was already hurt and hurt her more?” Zeke was in control, but he was enraged.

  “We had to get the job down. She was making a scene.”

  Zeke reached in his suit jacket, grabbed his Glock, and without even blinking, put a bullet in each of those pricks skulls, right between their eyes. Blood splattered across the concrete, and he stared at their lifeless bodies on the dirty ground. Taking a deep breath, he tucked his gun back in his suit, turned to face the women, and saw they all had wide eyes, but otherwise didn’t move. They weren’t screaming, weren’t looking like they were afraid he was going to shoot them next.

  He stepped close to them again.

  “No one will lay their hands on any of you. When you say no, it means no, and if a motherfucker thinks to take from you that which you are not willing to give, know that working for me means you’ll be protected.”

  The girls visibly relaxed.

  “And I only want women that are here because they want to be here. I don’t deal in sex-trafficking, nor do I let my girls get raped, and I sure as fuck don’t allow them to get beaten.”

  The girls looked over at Alessandra, but he was already looking at her.

  “I’ll have my doctor check you all out. After that you can clean up, get something to eat, and rest for the remainder of the night. Then I’ll have things explained to you. I work things here my way, and I want them done a certain way.” Zeke gestured for one of the guys to show the girls inside. The other two guys started loading up the dead bodies in the back of the van, and then they were driving it away from Dominion.

  When Alessandra started making her way toward the club, he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. She was tense, her head still downcast.

  “Look at me,” he said, his voice deep. There was something about her, something that had his body coiled tight. It wasn’t because she’d been hurt, but there was something, when he looked at her, that tugged at his protective side. He wanted to kill anyone who had touched her and put that fear in her eyes.

  “Who touched you? Tell me their names.”

  She didn’t answer right away, but he saw how her throat worked as she swallowed, could practically smell her fear, hear her heart racing.

  “You’re safe now.” He reached behind her, undid her hands, and without thinking, he had her wrists in his hands, rubbing her skin. She winced and he gentled his touch.

  But the longer she stared at him, the more he felt that protective instinct in him to make sure she was never hurt again. He also realized she wouldn’t tell him anything. But Zeke would get it out of her. He’d find out who hurt her, who had made her feel like this.

  “Get checked out and cleaned up, Alessandra. And don’t worry, I’ll find out who the fuck did this to you.”

  One of his men came back out and helped her inside, but before she disappeared into Dominion, she looked over her shoulder at him. His chest tightened at the look of vulnerability in her eyes.

  He reached for his cell, turned his back on the now closed door, and called the people he knew that would find out what he wanted. He might have men under his thumb that would die to get the job done, but the truth was that he trusted the Soldiers.

  “Zeke,” Demon said in a bland voice.

  “I need the Soldiers to find out some information for me, and I need it to be a priority.”


  Shakes was making his woman a milkshake when his cell phone rang. Her pregnancy was starting to affect her appetite; she already had morning sickness and was craving certain things. That very morning, he’d been pulled out of sleep by the sound of vomiting. Rushing out of bed, he’d held her hair back as she threw everything up. He’d hated it and couldn’t handle the helplessness that came over him. There was nothing he could do to help her, or to take the pain away, and that he hated more than anything else.

  “Shakes here,” he said, pouring the shake into the tall glass.

  “The brothers need you,” Demon said.

  “Wow, that was quick.”

  “Well, Zeke’s got a job for us, and the only one qualified is you. I wouldn’t phone if we didn’t need you.”

  “What’s the job?”

  “A girl was taken against her will, he wants to know who took her, where she’s from, everything.”

  “You’ve not got any other information, a simple background check?” Shakes asked, staring across the kitchen. He was alone, and all he wanted to do was go back upstairs, and crawl into bed beside his pregnant woman.

  “We don’t want to alert any authorities in case we’re the ones that end up the bad guys.”

  “Dig without being noticed.”

  “It’s your best quality.”

  “Fine, I’ll get started tomorrow after I’ve settled Dani.”

  “Morning sickness?” Demon asked.

  “Yeah, it’s really bad. Did Deanna suffer with this?” Shakes asked. He’d not been around pregnant women often enough to know what to expect.

  “Yes. It was really bad. I worried she was going to end up in the hospital; it got that bad. Just be there, rub her back, and make sure her hair is out of her face. They hate it if you let them throw up on their hair. It really bugs them.”

  “Will do. I’ll report back as soon as I know something.”

  They ended the call, and Shakes made his way upstairs thinking about Zeke. It wasn’t like his father-in-law to request information on a woman. He wondered what the bastard would want that infor
mation for.

  Entering their bedroom, he saw Dani reading. She glanced over her e-reader and smiled at him. “You love me.”

  “Obviously. I don’t go and make milkshakes for just anyone.”

  “The only reason you made it is because you don’t want to go out and buy me one.”

  “Fuck, I’ve been busted.”

  She put her e-reader down before taking the glass from him, taking a sip. “It’s delicious.”

  “See, I can do something with my time.” He climbed into bed beside her, running his hand across her stomach. “Our little guy causing you some trouble?”

  “He wants milkshakes and anchovies, which is weird. I don’t even like anchovies, eww.”

  Shakes chuckled. “We’re going to be amazing parents.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I know so. We’re going to be amazing, and we’re going to love our kid no matter what.”

  Dani smiled, and from that smile alone, Shakes knew he was going to get a good fuck tonight.

  Three weeks later

  “I look fat,” Dani said, complaining her ass off for the hundredth time as Shakes pulled the car into the Soldiers of Wrath clubhouse parking lot.

  “No, you don’t. You’re not even showing.” The last couple of weeks he’d been busy locating all the shit that he needed to give to Demon. It hadn’t been hard to do but Zeke hadn’t just wanted to know where Alessandra was taken from, and the men involved. He’d wanted to know everything.

  Shakes wasn’t a miracle worker and he’d needed time to collect everything.

  “Look, Deanna is further along, and she’s not complaining.”

  “You’ve not even seen her yet. For all you know, she could be complaining.” He unbuckled his seatbelt, climbed out of the car, and rounded the vehicle to her side.

  “I don’t care about her, baby. I love you, and I’m telling you, you’re beautiful.” He took her hand, helping her out of the their car. Before they made their way toward the group of bikers, he grabbed the envelope with information. He could have gone straight to Zeke, but he didn’t see the point. Demon asked for the information, and it was up to him to pass it on to Zeke.

  Wrapping his arm around Dani’s back, he walked with her toward the men who were his brothers. His ink was blacked out, and he didn’t ride with them, but they were his brothers. What had started out as pure selfish need on his part to have Dani had, in fact, been the biggest and best turning point in his life. He loved Dani, he loved his life, and soon, he was going to love his child.

  Demon and the guys turned toward them. It was the first time Dani had been to the clubhouse since they’d gotten married.

  “Daniella, welcome to the family,” Demon said, giving her a hug. They were both embraced as friends and family to the club.

  He didn’t see how it could get any better than that.

  THE WAY I LIKE IT (The Soldiers of Wrath MC, 5)

  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © December 2015 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: December 2015

  Edited by Editing by Rebecca

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Running from her old life, innocent Elena finds herself thrust into the world of alpha bikers, domination, and freedom. Controlled her whole life, she jumps head first into the safety Striker offers, and she doesn’t look back. When Striker realizes Elena is running from a twisted family and arranged marriage, he offers to help her. It isn’t about Striker being noble; he’s selfish and sees the natural submissive in her.

  The Dom in him wants her in his bed, wants to control her in every way. As Elena realizes the kind of relationship Striker wants reaches out to the dark desires she has deep inside, she knows she wants to explore all he has to offer. Her feelings for him grow into something deeper, more intense, and Elena wants nothing more than to accept this new life with Striker, even if it’s totally foreign and frightens her.

  When they find that her family is still after her, Striker and the Soldiers of Wrath MC, a group of dangerous and violent bikers, know they must protect her at all costs. Elena chooses to put her life in their hands. In the end, will Striker want more than just a willing submissive to warm his bed and sate his appetites?

  Chapter 1

  Striker stared around Dominion, and for the first time since he’d been coming to the club, he was bored. He looked across the club and nothing inspired him. Zeke was nowhere to be found, and he imagined he was with Alessandria. Ever since that fucker had gone and fallen in love, he was rarely seen at the club.

  “Can I help you, baby?”

  He turned to see one of the waitresses standing by his table.

  “No, babe. I’m good.”

  Why had he come here? He couldn’t find any kind of release, nor would it ease the darkness within his soul.

  Taking a sip of the strong whiskey, he stood and made his way toward the private backrooms where the real action was displayed. He held his drink tightly against him and entered one of the rooms that had a glass similar to an interrogation rooms where he was able to observe, but those being observed didn’t know he was there.

  Two men stood on either side of a woman, one fucking her ass, the other her mouth. From what he saw of her body, she was covered in red welts.

  Saliva dripped down her chin, and the guy who was taking her ass was slick with her cream. The sight was dirty, raw, and damn fucking sexy. His cock stayed flaccid. He loved it when a woman accepted a good fucking and relished the feel of a man’s cock inside her body, no matter what hole he used.

  It had been a long time since he’d fucked a woman who wanted to take it without getting paid first. He wasn’t an idiot, and he knew the women at Zeke’s club were not just there because they wanted to; they were paid to be there. When they came onto him, and accepted his dick, it was a pay day to them.

  He stared at the woman getting fucked by the two men in the other room, and he knew she wasn’t there just for money. She belonged to the two men who were claiming her.

  What the fuck was happening to him? He was turning into some kind of pussy, and it fucking annoyed him. More and more men from the Soldiers of Wrath were finding their soul mates, and he wasn’t talking all hearts and flowers; they really were. Demon had Deanna, Joker claimed Amy, and even that fucker Steel had a woman, Eloise. Shakes and Daniella were together, against all the odds. Zeke had been determined to kill Shakes for taking his only daughter.

  Everyone around him was proving that happiness could be found, but he knew there was no happiness for a sick, sadistic bastard like him.

  Drinking the last of his whiskey, he suddenly lost his appetite for fucking, and for being at Dominion. Exiting the private room, he placed the glass on a waitresses serving tray, and made his way out of the back of the club. He wasn’t in the mood anymore.

  As he stepped out of the club, Zeke and Alessandria were arriving. Striker wasn’t surprised as he watched Zeke open the door and help Alessandria out of the car. Zeke didn’t stop there, he placed his hand on her hip, holding her as they moved toward the entrance that was also Striker’s exit.

  “You’re leaving?” Zeke asked, making his way toward him.

  “It’s not my scene right now.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at the two.

  “Not your scene?”

  “I’ve got to head out.” Nodding at both Zeke and Alessandria, he made his way toward the bike he’d parked in an alleyway. Climbing on, he fired up the engine and took off toward the Soldiers of Wrath clubhouse. Even riding his bike didn’t release any of the tension building within him. He was damn bored with everything.

  Life was just a straight line, no happiness or love, and just plain old crap day in, and day out.

  The ride was over before it even began, and he parked his bike along with the rest of his brothers. Climbing off, he ran fingers through his hair, and simply stared around at the one place he belonged.

  Fuck, what was going on with him?

  He was turning into some kind of pussy, thinking about where he belonged.

  “What brings you back to the club so early?” Weasel asked. The brother was smoking a joint and getting his dick sucked by a club whore.

  “I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  Weasel glanced down at the dyed blonde’s head. “You can have a go after me, if you want? We’re filling her up with cum and making her all kinds of nasty.”

  “It’s hard to fill her up with cum when you’re always bagging your dick.”

  Weasel placed the joint between his lips and wrapped her hair around his fist. He tugged her head off and slammed into her mouth. “I’m not bagged right now, and she’s going to swallow every single drop. She’s already sucked four of the brothers. I wonder how long it will be before she’s full with our cum. Wonder if it’s fattening or laced with calories.”

  “You’re fucking nasty.”

  “Nasty for a nasty bitch who loves cock.”


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