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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 75

by Jenika Snow

Hannah laughed. “It would be interesting to see if you could use your own mouth.”

  Nerd laughed along with her, and she felt happier than she had in weeks.

  “Marry me,” he said, startling her.


  “Wow, I shocked you there. Marry me.”

  “You’re proposing?”

  “I was going to propose in the garden. I had a whole thing planned with homegrown flowers, food, and music. I don’t care for any of that. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me.”

  There was no doubt. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”

  He surprised her even more as he pulled out of her, going to his jeans. Sitting up, she became aware of his cum spilling out of her, and she closed her legs.

  Nerd came back to the bed, showing her the simple diamond ring. “I saw it a few months ago and knew it would be perfect for you. There’s no one else I want in my life.” He slid the ring onto her finger, and she was shocked to see it was indeed a perfect fit.

  Kissing his lips, she rested her head against his.

  There was nothing else in the world she wanted.

  Chapter 26

  Several months later

  It was crazy to think that in only a few months she’d found a center in her life she hadn’t known she could have, had the love of a man and moved in with Nerd.

  Looking at herself in the mirror, she smoothed her hands over the simple white lace dress.

  I’m getting married today.

  It was insane, that was for sure.

  Hannah knew Nerd would have done whatever she wanted where the wedding was concerned, but she didn’t need nor want anything lavish. All she needed was a few people as their witnesses, the officiate to oversee the ceremony, and each other. The party afterward would of course be wild and crazy, just the way she liked it anymore.

  She loved the club, the family bond they had, and wouldn’t want her life any different. It was weird to think that after all she’d been through, and thinking she’d never be able to be happy again, she had found that perfect medium in her life.

  Taking a deep breath, because she knew she could very well pass out from being so lightheaded and nervous.

  There was a knock on the door and she turned just as it opened. Deanna came in, a smile on her face. “Someone wanted to wish you good luck and to congratulate you.” Deanna pushed the door open and Patty walked in. Hannah couldn’t help the warmth she felt at seeing the woman that had healed her so much.

  She didn’t hesitate to move toward the other woman and hug her. “Thank you for coming.” Hannah pulled back. “Will you be at the party after this is all said and done?”

  Patty smiled wider and nodded. “A chance to party with a real life MC? I wouldn’t miss it.”

  The three of them laughed, and then the room got quiet.

  “Are you nervous?” Deanna asked.

  Hannah could only nod. “But not about marrying Nerd. That feels right, good, and perfect. I’m just nervous in general.”

  Patty rubbed her arm. “Totally normal.”

  “You’ll do fine,” Deanna said and held the door open. “But it’s time to go or we’ll be late.”

  Hannah’s heart started beating a little harder.

  “I’ll see you afterward,” Patty said, and Hannah nodded again, her heart feeling as if it was in her throat.

  I can do this.

  I can do this.

  I can do this.

  At least that’s what she kept telling herself, but truth was she was pretty damned nervous.

  Mrs. Nathan Derek Slayer.

  She kept saying that over and over in her head, unable to fully process the fact she was indeed married to Nerd.

  “Come here, baby.”

  She smiled at the sound of Nerd’s—her husband’s voice. Yes, they might have done things fast in this whole moving in and getting married situation, and some might see it that way, but to them it had been the right time. To them that was all that mattered.

  Nerd pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

  “You ready to party like it’s 1999?”

  She couldn’t help it, she started laughing until tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

  He wore his leather MC vest but had spruced things up by wearing a clean white T-shirt under it and even a new clean pair of jeans. But she loved that he didn’t feel the need to change, and she loved him exactly the way he was … just as he loved her, faults and all. They weren’t perfect, but being happy didn’t mean someone had to be perfect. It just meant they had to know what they wanted.

  And they did.

  What they wanted, what they needed, was just the love of each other.


  Nerd stared out at the clubhouse garden watching his woman as she pulled out weeds that had been growing between the flowers. He didn’t like it when she was on her knees, unless it was pleasuring him. Taking a final sip of his coffee, he made his way outside. It was late evening, and the sun was starting to set.

  They had been married for a year, and in that time, Hannah had gone from strength to strength.

  From the moment he first saw her, he’d known there was a fire inside of her. With Patty, with the club, and with himself, they had been able to pull her out of the darkness into the light.

  “What have I told you about doing that?” he asked, coming toward her.

  Hannah turned, putting the trowel she was using down and pressing a hand to her slightly swollen stomach. “Your daughter likes me doing this.”

  Seeing her swollen with his kid did something to Nerd. He wanted to pick her up and carry her back to his bedroom, take care of both of his girls.

  “I’ve noticed you’ve been using our daughter to stop me from being annoyed.”

  She giggled. “It works though.”

  He helped her to her feet and tugged her close, claiming her lips. “I worry about you.”

  “Lots of women have been having kids all over the world. I can’t just stay in, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for you to come home. I’m not like that. I’ll never be like that.”

  Nerd released a sigh. “I know, baby.”

  Pressing his hand to his woman’s stomach, he chuckled when he felt their daughter kick.

  “Even she’s telling you that I’m right. It’s so beautiful.” With the sun starting the set, the garden seemed to come out in its own. The flowers were brighter, more beautiful. The sky filled with different shades of red and oranges. It was peaceful, tranquil, and it was theirs. The whole club enjoyed it, but to Nerd, this belonged to Hannah.

  “I love you, Nerd,” she said. “So much. I’d be lost without you.”

  “There is no world for me without you.”

  Kissing her neck, they watched the sunset together. Their happiness knew no bounds, and two souls had finally found each other.

  ALL OR NOTHIN’ (The Soldiers of Wrath MC, 6.5)

  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © June 2016 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: June 2016

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  All or Nothin’ is a novella featuring a “Where Are They Now” look into the lives of Demon
and Deanna, Joker and Amy, Steel and Eloise, and Shakes and Daniella.

  Because these are stories about past characters, this is not a standalone, and all previous books in The Soldiers of Wrath series should be read first.

  Chapter 1

  Demon & Deanna

  Demon had never thought his life would be filled with so much happiness. He never thought he’d have a good woman by his side, a female he loved so fucking much and would do anything for. And he sure as fuck never thought he’d have a son.

  He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched his old lady, Deanna hold their son. She fed him, humming softly to Ty and running her fingers through the light tuft of hair on his head. It had been several months since they’d brought him home from the hospital and he was doing so damn well. Every day Demon couldn’t believe what a lucky fucking bastard he was to have Deanna and Ty in his life.

  “You going to watch me in silence or come in here and change his poopy diaper?”

  He lifted his gaze from Ty and looked at Deanna. She was staring at him, smiling. “What?” he said and straightened.

  She was finished feeding him and fixed her shirt before standing and walking toward him. With Ty on her hip, their son smiling a big gummy grin as he looked at Demon, all he felt was love.

  “You’re not getting out of changing a poopy diaper again,” she said, chuckling.

  “You’re just so much better at it than I am.” He winked at her. “How do you know he even needs changed?”

  She snorted, kissed Ty on the head, and handed their son to him. And then the smell hit Demon. “Oh shit.”

  “Exactly.” She patted him on the shoudler and moved past him but stopped before she disappeared down the hallway. “I’d just give him a bath and be done with it all if I were you.”

  “You sure you want to go out tonight?”

  Deanna just lifted her hand and waved.

  He stared at her over his shoulder. She grinned and left him standing there with Ty pulling at his hair and babbling in his ear. Looking back at the baby, he exhaled. “Well buddy, it’s just you and me. Mommy thinks I got this down, but what she doesn’t know is I’m scared shitless sometimes.”

  Ty cooed.

  He kissed the baby on top of the head. Hell, even the shitty diapers, sleepless nights, and not getting the kind of sex he used to have with Deanna, Demon wouldn’t change this life for anything.

  “You sure you’re up for this?”

  Deanna looked over at Eloise and smiled. “Girl, I have been ready for this since we brought Ty home.”

  Eloise, Daniella, Elena, and even Amy had come out for a surprise girls’ night out. But Daniella, being pregnant with Shakes’ baby, was due any day now, and she was worried she’d have the baby right here in the middle of the strip club.

  “I can’t believe I am actually at a strip club,” Elena said, but her eyes were wide and she had a smile on her face.

  “Look at me,” Daniella said, her hand on her oversized belly. “I am about to pop, look like a beached whale, and I’m about to see dicks swinging around.”

  All the girls laughed.

  They weren’t drinking, and their men knew where they were at—although they had been pretty annoyed over that fact. They were here to let loose and have a good time, and if that meant half naked, buff men in thongs dancing around stage ensured that, well, Deanna was all for it.

  The lights dimmed and all the women in the club started to holler, screaming for the guys to come out.

  “Oh God, I feel like I’m in Magic Mike,” Eloise said.

  Deanna smiled and stared at the stage. She had a sexy man at home, they all did, but this was just exciting. Getting out of the house was good for her too. Since bringing Ty home, and all the stress of him being a premature baby and not knowing how well he would do, Deanna needed this.

  The music started playing and the room erupted in even more chaos. The first show was a man dressed as a cowboy, wearing only a thong, leather chaps, a hat, and holding a lasso. He gyrated his hips in tune to the music, and the women held their hands out, dollar bills shaking in front of him.

  Deanna laughed and clapped as the song ended and he left the stage.

  “And we have a treat for five special ladies tonight,” the announcer said, and the spotlight shined right on Deanna, Amy, Eloise, Daniella, and Elena. Deanna’s heart stopped as she looked around.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Eloise asked.

  “I don’t know, but I have a funny feeling about this,” Amy said, smiling and shaking her head.

  And then the stage lights flashed on, the music started and their men came on stage in only G-strings.

  “Oh. My. God,” Daniella said, but all of them pretty much murmured the same thing.

  Deanna felt her eyes widen when she saw Demon, Joker, Steel, and Shakes, and Striker start dancing. They thrust their hips out, their cocks barely restrained by the thin material of the thong.

  The club was erupted in a chorus of shouts and whistles, and Deanna couldn’t help but feel pride.

  “This is unexpected and a little strange,” Eloise said,” but damn do our men look good up there.”

  Yeah, they do.

  Chapter 2

  Demon & Deanna

  What the fuck was he doing? Demon swung his hips from side to side, trying to get into the beat of the music. Throughout the whole of his adult life, he’d been feared, respected, and had women panting after him. Deanna comes into his life, and he’s so fucking pussy whipped that he was now flashing his junk for all to see.

  None of his boys could stand to see their women watching another man’s dick. He was more than happy with what he had, and he was going to make sure that Deanna was screaming his name. But he wanted Deanna happy, and he’d do anything to ensure that.

  Jumping down from the stage, he shoved the table out of the way, grabbing his woman and tugging her up against him. She hadn’t lost all of her baby weight yet, and she was so fucking soft. He wanted to keep her pregnant, wanted her full with his babies.

  Deanna had turned into a horny woman, but what he couldn’t stand was living with the fear of what could happen. He almost lost her and Ty. There was no way he’d live with himself.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked but was giggling.

  “I’m giving you the time of your life.” He pressed his thigh between her legs, and started to rub over her crotch. “Are you wet for me?” he whispered against her ear.

  “Who is looking after Ty?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


  “Zeke—he stopped by to spend time with Daniella. When he realized she was out, I took advantage, making him take care of Ty. He’s going to be a grandpa soon enough, so I may as well put him to good use.”

  She had wide eyes and looked worried, but Demon wouldn’t have left his son with a man he didn’t trust.

  Zeke was many things, but a cruel father wasn’t one of them. Over the time they’d known each other, Zeke had shown him as much. Demon had witnessed how much he loved Daniella, his daughter. Zeke was a force to be reckoned with, and yet to his little girl, he was like melted chocolate.

  “Come on,” he said.

  Demon knew the owner of the strip club, and he’d already arranged it so that he could use the office. Weaving his way around the tables, he pulled Deanne behind him.

  Once inside the office, he pressed her up against the door, slamming his lips down on hers. She melted against him, and he shoved his fingers into her hair, holding her tightly in place. Loving her mouth, he listened to her moan, and he plundered her with his tongue.

  Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, he kissed down to her neck, nibbling over her pulse.

  “It’s supposed to be girls’ night,” she said, panting.

  “It is girls’ night, only you’ve got me to fuck at the end of it.” Releasing her hair, he ran his hands down her body, cupping her tit
s, which looked ready to explode out of her shirt. Pulling the straps down her body, he flicked the catch of her bra and captured one of her nipples.

  There was no milk as she had expressed it earlier for Ty. He didn’t mind. His son needed to be well fed.

  Flicking one nipple, he teased the other before leaving them to open the catch of her jeans.

  “Your ass looks so fucking good in these pants.” He gripped her hips and turned, pressing her back until her ass hit the desk. Lifting her up onto it, he roughly tugged off her jeans. “Spread those pretty thighs for me.”

  “What has come over you, Demon?” she asked, her voice breathy from her pleasure.

  It felt like they hadn’t fucked in such a long time. He’d given her time to recover from giving birth to Ty. It had been fucking stressful, and it had made him sick to his stomach and so damn worried. If he was being honest with himself, he was terrified that if he tried to fuck her, he might have hurt her.

  “I want you. I can’t wait anymore.”

  “I’ve told you it has been safe for weeks.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. I’m the judge of what is better for you, not some pansy-ass doctor with a limp-wristed handshake.” The moment the doctor hadn’t given him a firm handshake, Demon had found someone else to assess his woman. The club was part of him, but Deanna was his whole world. He could live without the club, and he’d walk away if ever he had to, but Deanna, she was his for life.

  Kneeling down before her, he saw her pretty pink pussy. Her clit was swollen, and she was soaked.

  “Have you missed me, baby?” He swiped a finger through her slit, touching her cream. “Fuck, Deanna, you’re dripping wet.” Demon didn’t give her a chance to respond as he flicked his tongue from her cunt up to her clit, circling the hard bud.


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