The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 77

by Jenika Snow

  Joker was a dominant man, wanted things his way, but she held the power.

  “I want you.”

  She nodded again, speaking without saying words.

  He pressed his lips against hers, ran his tongue along the seam before plunging into her mouth. She tasted herself, and it was a potent flavor that had her moaning in his mouth.

  “As much as I want you, right here and now, I need you in our bed, spread out for me and submitting.

  Yes, that sounded exactly how she wanted this night to end.

  Chapter 6

  Joker & Amy

  The trust Amy showed him only made Joker more in love with her. She was following him in her car, and as much as he wanted her sitting beside him, the wait only made his anticipation to have her that much greater. He drove all the way back to their place where he intended to make her scream his name.

  Once he pulled the vehicle into the driveway and Amy did the same behind him, Joker was out and moving toward her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

  “I can’t believe you all shook your asses on stage for us,” Amy said giggling.

  “Did you see the way Demon reacted?”

  “I did, but I also noticed they didn’t stay around for long. I think we don’t need any clues as to what he has planned.” She leaned in close and pressed her lips against his neck. “I love you, Joker.”

  “Baby, there are no right words, none strong enough, to describe how I feel about you.”

  She sighed, resting her head against his chest.

  Years of therapy had gotten them to this moment, and Joker relaxed in his seat, calm, happy, content to have her close to him.

  He’d always loved Amy.

  Her past was one of the worst he’d ever heard of, and he’d killed the man who had almost destroyed her. Joker had relished in the destruction he’d brought to the man who hurt her. Zeke had admired his handiwork, and Joker had even worked to kill those Zeke wanted dead.

  “Did you enjoy tonight with the girls?” he asked.

  “You didn’t leave it too long to come and take me,” she said.

  “Blame Demon. He wouldn’t have anyone else shaking their ass for his woman.”

  “Like you’d allow it?” she asked.

  He glanced down at her to see her brow was raised. “You’re right. I’d kill anyone who tried to show you what I’ve already got.”

  She released a little moan, one that he’d only ever heard when he’d been teasing her, driving her crazy. “You know, there’s something I’ve been meaning to try.” She stroked his cheek and slowly, she started to move her hand down.

  His cock thickened as he felt the direction her hand was going. “What are you doing, Amy?”

  “Do you trust me, Joker?” She cupped his dick, running her palm up and down the length.

  “You know I do.” She’d said the exact same words that he spoke many times during sex. It had taken him time to build the trust for her to give herself to him. Fuck, he loved this woman. He loved her more for her strength and her power to endure.

  “Then, how about I give you a little present.” She took his hand, led them back to the vehicle, and once inside she started to work his pants open, flicking the button, then sliding down the zipper.

  “Fuck, baby, are you about to do what I think you’re going to do?”

  “Um, I don’t know. What do you think I’m going to do?”

  His little vixen was intent on sending him into an early grave.

  She pulled his dick out of his pants and ran her hand from the base up to the root and then down again. The smallest of touches from her hand set him on fire.

  “You’re so hard, Joker. What do you think I’m going to do?” she asked.

  “Baby, just put it in your mouth. I don’t know how long I’m going to last if you just keep playing with it.” He’d been the kind of man who knew restraint but right now, he couldn’t do it. There was no way for him to hold in the pleasure. Gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, he hissed out as her lips covered his cock.

  The warmth of her mouth lowered from the head going down until he hit the back of her throat. Her tongue glided over his length, and he pulled up, moaning as she did.

  Amy didn’t stop though. She sucked his dick as if her life depended on it. She slid her hand into his pants to cup his balls. Leaning back farther, he gave her enough access, to give him whatever she wanted to.

  Holding the steering wheel with one hand, he sank the other into her hair, wrapping her curls around his fist.

  She pulled off him. “Am I doing it right, baby?”

  “You’re doing it more than okay.”

  He groaned as she took him back in, only this time she started to swallow his length.

  Joker didn’t know how much longer he could take. Her lips were heaven, and this wasn’t what he had planned. When it came to his woman, he couldn’t deny her anything.

  All she ever needed to do was bat her eyelashes at him, and he was putty in her fucking hands.

  The club knew it as well.

  “Damn, Amy, your lips are fucking heaven.” He thrust his hips up into her mouth, moaning as she swallowed more of him.

  His balls were so damn tight, and he felt the stirrings of his orgasm. “Baby, stop. If you don’t stop I’m going to fill your mouth with cum.”

  Amy didn’t stop, and she wouldn’t ease up even as he tugged her hair.

  “Fuck, baby, fuck.” He came, filling her mouth with his cum. He felt her mouth working his cock, drawing the cum from him, and swallowing it down, every little drop.

  Time passed, and finally she sat up, wiping the back of her hand. “Did you like that?” she asked.

  Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb across her lips before claiming hers in a hot, searing kiss. He didn’t care that he tasted himself on her lips.

  Every new thing with Amy was like a step toward victory. She was constantly growing in confidence. The demons she had fought all her life had started to disappear.

  Joker loved her no matter what. Even if she never got rid of her demons, he’d still love her.

  “I love you, you know that?”

  She smiled at him. The smile that reached her eyes lit up his whole world just to see.

  “I know. Why do you think I just did what I did?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “I wanted you to spend a little more time on me.” She took his hand and pressed it between her thighs. Her pussy was soaking, and she wriggled on his hand. “I need you, Joker.”

  His woman never went without.

  Chapter 7

  Joker & Amy

  Before Amy knew what was happening, Joker had her out of the car and they were striding into their home. After the front door was shut Joker pulled her body in close to his and started kissing her at the same time he walked them backward and into the kitchen.

  “This is about you, and I’m going to make sure you feel so fucking good, baby.” Before she knew what he was doing he had her lifted off the ground and placed on their kitchen table. A gasp left her at the sudden movements, but then he had her naked from the waist down in a matter of seconds, and was on his knees in front of her.

  “This is about you, and licking this sweet little cunt while you scream out in pleasure will be so fucking good for me too.” Joker placed both his hands under her ass, pulled her so her lower half hung off the edge of the table, and blew a stream of warm breath along her pussy.

  The feel of his tongue on her exposed flesh had her eyes involuntarily closing and her head falling back against the table. A moan left her and a groan came from him, vibrating against her body.

  “That’s it, give it to me. I won’t torture you for long, baby.”

  His tongue did wicked things to her body, and she curled her fingers into her palms. Joker ran his tongue up her center, sucking her wetness off and causing more to come. He was so incredibly slow with his ministrations that she
found herself pressing closer to him, trying to tempt him to give her more, to fuck her with his cock instead of his tongue.

  She reached down and grabbed handfuls of his hair, pulling him closer to her.

  “Fuck me, Joker. I need that big cock of yours.” She opened her eyes and blinked several times.

  And then as if his words did something to him, he removed his mouth from her and leaned back, looking at her. The arousal still pounded through her bloodstream … she needed so much more.

  “You want what I have to give you?”

  She nodded.

  “Then place your arms above your head and you will keep them there.” His tone brooked no argument.

  Amy did as he asked because this was what she wanted. She wanted her man to dominate her, because he was the only one she trusted in this capacity.

  When she clasped her hands together he moved back between her legs and resumed licking her. The act was so erotic, that she knew she’d come soon enough. His tongue moved up and down her slit, teasing her nub on the upstroke, and pressing minutely into her hole on the down-stroke.

  “Yes, Joker,” she gasped the words out. Her legs shook with the need to come. She was close, but Joker was holding off. And then he pulled away from her, quickly undid his pants, and pulled his cock free. He placed it at her entrance, and in a swift move he was buried deep inside of her body. She gripped her fingers together, keeping them above her head like he’d ordered. It felt so good to be filled by him.

  Air left her lungs in moans and gasps, and she couldn’t stop thrashing her head back and forth.

  “Yes, I’m going to come,” she all but screamed out, and Joker started fucking her harder.

  In and out.

  Faster and harder.

  He was a madman as the sound of flesh slapping together filled the room, as the sight of sweat lining his brow filled her visions.

  “I’m close too, baby.” But he slowed and her orgasm dimmed before it peaked.

  “Please, Joker, oh God, please.”

  “Do you want to come, baby girl? Do you want me to let you get off?”

  She knew what he wanted. He wanted her to beg for it, more than what she had already been doing, and by God she was not above it. Because this was the type of man Joker was, and the man she was madly in love with.

  “Please. Please let me come.” The words left her on a whoosh of air and she locked gazes with him. The look he gave her had her entire body tightening and had her pussy clenching around him until he grunted.

  “God, I fucking love you.” And then he started fucking her hard and fast, his fingers clenched tightly into her body.

  She came explosively, stars dancing in front of her vision and her blood pressure rising. “Joker,” she cried out his name and bit her lip hard enough she tasted blood.

  “That’s it, baby,” he grunted out the words and she felt his whole body tense. He came, filling her with his cum, stretching her pussy so good it hurt, and claiming her in only the way Joker could.

  When both of them were sated Joker sagged against her and moved his hands under her body, holding her close to him. They stayed like that for several moments, and then Joker pulled back and cupped her cheek.

  “Hey,” he said and smiled, her big strong biker so gentle with her even when he was dominant.

  “Hey yourself.” She cupped his cheek in return.

  “I love you.”

  She smiled. “And I love you.”

  “I want you to have my baby.”

  His words took her back for a second but then joy filled her. They’d been through a lot of shit and if not for Joker being there for her and helping her get through the rough patches, she didn’t know what she would have done.

  “But no rush. I don’t want to freak you out—”

  “I want that too, Joker.” She smoothed her fingers over his cheek. “I want to have your baby.”

  He pulled her in even tighter, stood, and just held her suspended, his strength immense.

  “It’s you and me against the world, baby.”

  Yeah, it sure was, and God did that feel good.

  Chapter 8

  Steel & Eloise

  “I said I wasn’t going to enjoy looking at any other guy,” Eloise said.

  Steel still wouldn’t listen as he pulled her along behind him. They had exited out of the back of the strip club, and now they were walking toward his car. Eloise had been looking forward to girls’ night. She didn’t need the male strip club, but whatever; it had been fun. Also, she loved how it annoyed Steel, and he went all Dom on her ass. There were times she disobeyed him just to make him put her in her place. There was nothing better, for her, than the feel of his hand on her ass, punishing her.

  Even now as he was leading her away, she was getting wetter, knowing it was only a matter of time before she felt him.

  “You still went, and I saw the way you were looking at me. I was your piece of ass. Did you enjoy my show?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Good, now it’s time for you to put on a show for me.” He lifted up a blindfold, and she pressed her thighs together to try to control her need for him. What was it about Steel that made her so wet?


  “Do you trust me, Eloise?”

  “Yes. You know I do.” She licked her lips and stared into his eyes. This man she loved more than anyone—and anything.

  “I can see it in your eyes, you want to get fucked, don’t you, baby?” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

  She couldn’t resist, and so licked his thumb, and he groaned. “I need you, Steel.”

  “Suck it.” He pressed his thumb inside her lips, and she sucked him in deep, wishing it was his cock so that she could give it all the attention he deserved. Reaching out, she cupped his dick, rubbing him through the denim of his pants. He was so long, thick, and big.

  He pulled his thumb out of her mouth, and she turned around.

  Steel placed the blindfold over her eyes, and she shivered as the darkness closed around her. The trust she had in Steel was absolute.

  He helped her into the car, and she had to rely on all of her other senses to trust him. Steel entered the car and turned over the ignition. They were pulling away from the club, and she pressed her hand against her pussy.

  “Don’t touch yourself, Eloise. You know that is my job, and I take it very seriously.”

  She moved her hands.

  Every part of her was so sensitive. Her breasts felt heavy and her pussy slick. She wanted him, and going out tonight had only stirred the monster within him.

  “Do you know what you do to me?” Steel asked.

  He’d asked her that question many times, and she loved the answer. She consumed him. Every part of his day, he thought about her. She was the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing he thought about when he went to sleep. Nights of being wrapped in his arms warmed her up.

  “I’ve got an idea.”

  “Eloise, you belong to me. That means you don’t get the pleasure of seeing another man’s dick. Not only that, I have told you if you need anything you should come to me.”

  “It’s a girls’ night.”

  “And you should have encouraged them to go to the movies.”

  She could have, but all of the girls had agreed it was time to keep their men on their toes. They were bikers, used to a life of being unpredictable. She didn’t want that. No, she wanted Steel to be kept on his toes, to always be wondering about her. She was never going to risk another woman taking her man, not that it was ever possible. Steel loved her, and she loved him.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “Good, and now you’re going to take your punishment.”

  She shivered. What did he have in store for her?

  The excitement consumed her.

  They drove for what felt like miles but was in fact only a few minutes. The car was parked and he climbed out, helping her out as well.

  The sounds of the night surrounded them, and her pussy was on fire. What did he have in store?

  “Do you trust me, Eloise?” he asked again.

  “You know I do.”


  They started to walk, and she knew they were not heading toward their home nor the clubhouse.

  Suddenly, she was pressed against a tree, and rope was being tied around her wrists.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I’m going to give you a punishment you’ll never forget.”

  They were out in the open, and she trusted Steel, so they were either near the clubhouse or their own home.

  Both of her arms were bound, and she was held against a tree. Biting her lip, she tried to hear everything Steel was doing.

  “You’re so beautiful in tight jeans, and this shirt brings out your eyes,” Steel said, fingering the fabric. “However,” he tore her shirt open and pulled it down her arms, “with you, I think you look much better naked and completely at my mercy.” He tore the fabric off her arms followed by the bra. Her tits spilled out, and he cupped them, rubbing the tips with his fingers, creating a delicious glow of pain from his touch. “Fuck me, Eloise, you look so fucking sexy. You drive me crazy.” He pressed his face against her neck, and he sucked on the skin, groaning as she melted against him. “You’re perfect for me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He fingered the button of her jeans, and he must have knelt down as his warmth was gone.

  The blindfold was still on her face, and the rough bark of the tree rubbed against her back. This was so damn hot, and she was on fire for him.

  She stepped out of her clothes, and Steel ran his fingers up her body, stroking between her thighs. “What is this I’m finding,” he said, stroking over her pussy. “You’re so wet, Eloise. Have you been thinking dirty thoughts about your Dom?”


  “I’m wondering if you didn’t do this on purpose?”

  “No, I didn’t, Sir,” she said, the lie easily spilling from her lips.


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