The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series Page 78

by Jenika Snow

  “You’re a bad liar, but that’s okay. I’ve clearly been neglecting my little sub, and it’s now up to me to make sure she feels looked after.”

  Chapter 9

  Steel & Eloise

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” Steel sounded guttural and harsh, like he was ready to fuck her into submission.

  “I’m always ready for you, Sir.”

  He made this deep sound that sent shockwaves right to her clit. “You’re such a good girl, so obeying.” He smoothed his hands over her chest. “Tell me what you want. Tell your Dom what you desire.”

  “I want you to fuck me, Sir.”

  He groaned and ran his tongue along her top and bottom lip. She shivered in response, so ready to be claimed by Steel.

  “Please, Sir.” Eloise didn’t care if she begged. Hell, she knew Steel liked it.

  He pressed closer still, and she felt his hard, bare cock against her belly. He’d gotten undressed, and the fact they were both naked in the middle of nowhere made her so horny she could have screamed for him to fuck her already.

  “You want to touch me, to see how hard I am for you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she managed to wheeze out.

  “Do it, baby.”

  She reached between their bodies and grabbed his big, hard, and hot dick. Her mouth dried further. Steel was a big man, and his cock was no different. Even after all this time he still stretched her so damn good.

  “You see what you do to me, how hard you make me?” He had his mouth pressed to hers. “I am so fucking hard for you, baby. You’re making your Sir so primed to fuck you raw.”

  A gasp of pleasure and excitement left her.

  “You feel hard enough to drive nails through steel, Sir.” She felt him grin against her mouth.

  “Only for you.” He thrust into her grasp, and she moaned. She felt pre-cum line the tip of his dick. “Go on, jerk me off. Show me what a good, obedient girl you are.”

  Eloise smeared the slick fluid around the crown with her thumb, breathed heavily as sensations traveled through her, and started jerking him off.

  “I want you right here with me.”

  “I am, Sir.” The words were breathy as they came from her. Steel went back to running his tongue over her lips, and she pressed her hand more firmly on his dick.

  “You want some pain with your pleasure, baby girl?”

  “God, yes, Sir.”

  He groaned against her mouth, and in the next second had her turned around, had his hands on her hips and pulled her back against his erection.

  She felt him spread her ass cheek with a hand and then run the tip of his dick over her slit, bumping her clit with every stroke.

  Up and down, up and down.

  She dug her nails into the bark. “I need the pain, Sir.” He didn’t make her wait long.

  Teel started spanking her ass, harder with each passing second. Every time his palm landed with the cheek of her ass, she felt her pleasure rise. Over and over he erotically abused her flesh, and she felt the blood rush to the surface.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” he murmured and smacked her especially hard that a squeak of surprise left her. Before she could catch her breath, Steel had her turned around again and tore the blindfold from her eyes. It only took a second before her vision cleared, and once it did she saw the arousal covering his face.

  “I want to see those pretty lips of yours around my cock.”

  Her mouth watered, and she immediately went to her knees, wanting to do this, needing to. She clenched her thighs together as the tingling and pressure in her pussy intensified.

  He reached out and ran his thumb along her bottom lip and gently pulled her flesh down. “Suck me now.”

  His shaft was hard and pointing right at her face, and her mouth watered. Eloise wanted that thickness in her mouth and wanted the tip hitting the back of her throat, making her gag, making her eyes water. Not thinking and just acting, she lifted her hand and cupped the heavy weight of his balls, her heart racing at the massive weight in her palm.

  “Don’t make me tell you again, Eloise.”

  She opened her mouth but kept her gaze on his face. When the tip of his erection brushed along her lips, he made another gruff noise and moved his hand behind her head so he could grab a chunk of her hair, making it hurt a little. He pulled her farther toward his dick until she was forced to take all of him in her mouth. Mouth stretched wide and lips wrapped fully around his length, Eloise felt tears start to form in the corner of her eyes.

  “That’s it, baby, suck me until I come.” He tugged at her hair until pleasure and pain coalesced with each other.

  What she couldn’t reach with her mouth she got with her hand. Eloise stroked the root of his dick at the same time as she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked on him hard and thoroughly. Soon he was thrusting his hips forward and retreating, skull fucking her like a wild man.

  Back and forth.

  In and out.

  Harder and faster.

  Eloise was starving for Steel, but she also knew she’d never get enough.

  Chapter 10

  Steel & Eloise


  He wasn’t going to last. Eloise’s mouth was just too damn perfect, and with the pain from the bark biting into her flesh, it was making her so hot and horny. His cock was about ready to explode.

  “You want my spunk?”

  She moaned her answer. The vibration sent pleasure rushing up the length of his cock. She was so perfect. He wanted her. This need for her never faded. If anything, it only got worse. Eloise called to him. They completed each other. Eloise needed to be dominated, to be controlled, and he had to be the one in charge. They were peas in a pod, yin and yang, and all that kind of shit.

  Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he pumped his cock into her mouth and tried to hold back his orgasm, but it was just too much. Eloise was taking him deep in her mouth, swallowing him down. The pain was driving up her pleasure, and he fucked her mouth hard.

  “I’m about to come, so you better swallow every single drop of this, baby.”

  She murmured something against his cock.

  Steel smiled and then groaned as the first wave of his cum flooded her mouth. Like a good, hungry little sub, she swallowed him down and lapped up his cock.

  Eloise milked him dry, and he let her continue to tease his cock until he couldn’t stand it anymore and pulled out of her.

  She stared up at him. Her eyes were glazed, her lips puffy from being wrapped around his cock. She was so horny. He imagined her cream was dripping down her thighs.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” he asked.

  “You know I am. I need you, Sir.”

  Nibbling her lip, she bowed her head, looking ever part the submissive woman. His cock twitched, and even though it would be some time before he actually got it up again, he knew he’d be fucking her well into the night. This next time was all about her.

  Releasing her binding from the tree, he held onto her and slowly lowered her to the ground. He tucked his cock away and moved between her thighs.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “You’re my entire world. You’ve got no idea what I feel for you.”

  “I’ve got an idea, and I still love you anyway.” She lifted up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Now, lie down and keep your hands behind your head.”

  “You’ve gone all bossy again.”

  “Don’t forget who is in charge here.”

  “I won’t, Sir.”

  He shoved her thighs open and cupped her naked pussy. She was soaking, dripping wet, and his mouth watered for a taste of her. Sliding two fingers inside her, she stretched around his digits, and he thrust them inside her. This was one of the things he loved about Eloise, she was always so responsive and ready for him. Kissing her lips, he slid his tongue down her neck, sucking each beaded nipple into his mouth. He bit down hard, making her arch up and scream his name.

  Steel loved it when she was cry
ing out for him. The pleasure and pain combining to send her over the edge.

  Lavishing each nipple with equal attention, he also added a third finger inside her wet cunt.

  She kept arching up, trying to make him go deeper inside her, but he held off, forcing her to wait.

  “I need you, Sir,” she said.

  “I know, baby.”

  He kissed down her body, biting the flesh of her body, relishing her gasp of pain.

  That’s right, baby, it’s all me.

  Finally, he released her creamy cunt and held her thighs open wide. Staring down, he saw the jewel of her clit and took it into his mouth. He sucked her clit hard, using his teeth to gnaw a little.

  She writhed beneath him, panting, begging, and filling the air with her delightful sounds.

  Releasing her clit, he flicked his tongue down to fuck inside her tight cunt. One, two, three, he pulled out, and went back to her clit, enjoying every moan, every quiver, every shake.

  Her body was the best way of finding out if he was doing something right.

  Spreading the lips of her sex open, he tongued her clit, going from her hole to her clit, circling her bud, and then sliding back down to plunder her pussy. The taste of her was exquisite.

  He would never get bored of the taste of her.

  She truly was amazing.

  “Are you going to come for me, Eloise?” he asked, muttering the words against her pussy.

  “Yes, Sir, please, let me come.”

  “Come for me, Eloise. I want to hear you scream for it.”

  He used his finger, pushing inside her and twisting them so that he stroked over her G-spot. He flicked, sucked, and tongued her clit until she gave him exactly what he’d been waiting for. Her pleasured screams were exactly what he wanted.

  Only when she begged him to stop by screaming out her safeword, did he do it.

  Releasing her slowly, he moved up her body and smiled down at her. “Hey, beautiful.”

  Her cheeks were nice and flushed.

  “This has to be one of the best nights with you.”

  “Maybe I should shake my naked ass more often.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t think so. I didn’t like the way those other women were staring at you. You’re all mine, not theirs.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve only got eyes for you.”

  Eloise lay next to Steel, her body sore in all the right places, and her head lightheaded for the pleasure that still coursed through her. She loved Steel so much, and even if he was hard around the edges, and she knew he could be very dangerous to the wrong people, she also knew he’d never hurt her. He’d always protect her, love her unconditionally, and without him in her life she felt like she was missing a part of herself.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” she said softly. With her head on his chest she heard the steady beat of his heart, and it lulled her.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” he said in return.

  She rose up and looked at him.

  He pushed a stray piece of hair off her shoulder and smiled at her. “You’re my everything, and I’d kill for you, baby.”

  She knew this, all of it, and she loved hearing Steel tell her this. He told her a lot, and it cemented her love for him, made her feel as if she had the world in her palm.

  “And you know I’d rip a bitch’s eyes out that thought she could have you.”

  Steel grinned. “Even though I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body, the fact you said it makes me pretty fucking proud.”

  Oh she would have no problem going up against someone who thought she could take Steel from her.

  “But you don’t ever have to worry about any other bitch, because you’re my number one girl.” He grabbed her hand and placed it right over his cock … his hard cock. “You’re the only one that can make this monster stand at attention, and nothing will ever change that.”

  She grinned, her body lighting up for her man. “That better be how it is.”

  “Now, let me see that ass, baby girl, because I’m going to make it nice and red with my belt.”

  “Yes. Sir.”

  Chapter 11

  Shakes & Daniella

  Daniella stared at the TV, the tub of ice cream resting on her belly and the spoon halfway to her mouth. But before she took another bite she put the spoon in the tub and put the ice cream aside.

  “Shakes,” she called out.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Can you bring me some water? I think I ate too much ice cream. I’m not feeling well.”

  Shakes was by her a few minutes later, a glass of water in his outstretched hand. “What’s wrong?” he said, worry clear in his voice and on his face.

  “I’m fine, if you consider being as big as a whale okay.” She was teasing, of course. She was so happy to be pregnant, even if her feet were swollen, she couldn’t exactly see them anymore, and her boobs were huge and sore.

  “Baby, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He sat down beside her and grabbed one of her feet. “Lay back for me.”

  She did as he said, sighing when he started rubbing her feet. Closing her eyes and not stopping the moan that spilled from her, Daniella let herself sink farther into the cushions. “You can’t possibly know how good that feels.”

  Shakes chuckled and continued rubbing her feet for the next ten minutes. It was only when the baby kicked that she realized she’d woken up. Placing her hand on her belly, Daniella started rubbing, the little jabs a little more painful than usual.

  “Hey, you okay?” Shakes said, the worry back in his voice.

  “Yeah. The little one is just really rolling around in there.” She smiled and opened her eyes, hoping to ease his worry. “Help a big pregnant lady up so she can pee?”

  Shakes helped her up, and she kept a hand on her belly.

  “Man, the baby is really having a field day in there.”

  “Maybe I should call the doctor?”

  She shook her head. “Shakes, I’m fine.”

  “Well, maybe I should call your dad.”

  “Why? All he’ll do is hover over me and worry about me, like you are.” She smiled and leaned forward, rose on her toes, and kissed him.

  Making her way toward the bathroom, she shut the door, and just as she was about to sit down to do her business a gush of wetness soaked her panties. Oh. God. Had she just pissed herself? Looking down, she saw the clear fluid dripping down her inner thighs. Snapping her head up and looking at her reflection in the mirror across from her, she knew what in the hell was going on.

  “Oh shit. Shakes.” She screamed out his name.

  The bathroom door flew open and slammed against the wall.

  “What? Everything okay?” Shakes looked scared as hell as he scanned her body, his focus stopping on her legs. “Baby, you couldn’t make it to the toilet?” He was all seriousness as he asked, not making fun of her, but looking confused. It was only after a few seconds that realization covered his face. He looked at her again, his eyes wide. “Oh fuck. Is this it, Daniella?”

  She nodded, knowing her eyes were just as wide as his. “This is it. The baby is coming.”

  Shakes wanted to drive safely, but fuck, he was scared as hell. “You still doing okay, baby?” He glanced over at her. She looked calm, collected. She looked the total opposite of how he felt.

  “Shakes, calm down. I’m fine,” she said and smiled, but he saw the way her face grimaced after she spoke and saw her hold her belly. “I’m good. It’s just a contraction.”

  He took a turn and cursed when he came up on a red light.

  “Don’t break any traffic laws. It’s not like the baby will be born in the car,” she teased.

  Fuck, he hoped not. No way did he want his woman giving birth to his baby in this filthy fucking SUV. “Hold it in.”

  She looked over at him shocked, and he realized how fucking insane it sounded when he said it.

  “Hold it in?” And then she laughed. “I’ve never seen you this fran

  Yeah, he was pretty fucking frantic right now. Hell, he even had beads of sweat on his forehead.

  He just hoped he got to the hospital in time.

  Chapter 12

  Shakes & Daniella

  “Help. We need some fucking help. My wife is having a baby.”

  Daniella frowned as she stared at Shakes. Considering she was the one about to give birth, shouldn’t she be the one going crazy? Shaking her head, she followed behind him, gripping her back. The most embarrassing thing to have happened to her was her water breaking, and Shakes thinking she’d peed herself. Seriously, what kind of guy thought that?

  “Come on,” he said, rushing back toward her with a chair to roll her in.

  A nurse came toward her, and Daniella smiled at her.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “My contractions are about ten minutes apart.”

  “Let’s go and check you out in triage.”

  The next fifteen minutes were surreal as Shakes rushed around, ordering, growling, and generally being a big pain in the ass.

  Gritting her teeth, Daniella grabbed her husband’s hand as the doctor looked to see how far she was dilated.

  “You shouldn’t worry. I’d say we’ve got a good while to go yet. This one is not ready to come out just yet.”

  “What?” Shakes growled the word, making Daniella wince.

  “Seriously, honey, quiet down.”

  “Check her again,” Shakes said.

  “That’s fine, thank you.” She tugged on Shakes’s arm, glaring at him. “Seriously. It’s bad enough that a stranger is looking at my vagina, but you’re demanding he look again. I’m the one that has to have a human being coming out of me. I can’t believe you.” She grinned, because deep down she liked seeing him this frantic. It was cute.

  “I want him to be sure.”

  “They know what they’re doing, Shakes.” Daniella frowned. “You’re sweating.”


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