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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 79

by Jenika Snow

  “Yeah, because you’re in labor.”

  “So? Women have been doing this for a long time.”

  This was not going how she imagined her labor to go. She expected Shakes to keep his shit together while she panicked. This was just a horrible nightmare.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes. Of course.”

  He was lying.

  “How about you call my father. I’m sure he’d want to know I’m labor.” She ran her hands across her stomach. He kissed her head and disappeared out of the door.

  “First baby?” the nurse asked, smiling.

  “Yes, is it so easy to see?”

  “The dads are always a little frantic. It’ll get easier.” Daniella couldn’t help but find it funny that the nurse spoke her own thoughts. All parents were the same when it came to childbirth.

  “I hope so.” If her father was here he might be able to keep Shakes in line, or at least keep him busy and his mind off panicking.

  “What are your credentials? Why are you not dealing with my daughter? She’s in labor, and you’re sitting around doing nothing about it.”

  Daniella dropped her head into her hand. Getting her father had been a huge mistake. Why did she even try to make this an easy process? Shakes and Zeke stood at the base of her bed, glaring at the doctor and nurses.

  “I’m really sorry. Where they come from this is not a normal everyday occurrence. Please, forgive them,” Daniella said.

  “Forgive us? They should be lucky I don’t have their jobs for this.”

  “Dad, enough,” she said.

  Over and over he went, badgering the poor doctor and nurses. He was giving her a headache just by listening to him.

  “I’m the one that is pregnant. I’m the one that is having a baby. Could you please stop hassling everyone? I can’t stand it.” Daniella let out a breath and rubbed her stomach.

  Her father came to one side of her, while Shakes came to her other side.

  “What is it?” Shakes asked.

  “We’re about to have a baby, and it’s no different from any other woman. Please, just stop being so demanding and protective, and just concentrate on me. You’re a real sweetheart when you do that.”

  Shakes leaned in and kissed her.

  “I know what I’m doing, honey,” Zeke said.

  “Dad, please don’t be your usual bossy self. Try to be a regular father who doesn’t kill people, okay? I don’t think I can handle you threatening my doctor. I need him to get this baby delivered.” She nodded, trying to get her father to agree.

  “You’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.” She held onto Shakes’ hand as another contraction hit, harder than the last and far more painful. This one hurt a hell of a lot worse than the last.

  Relaxing back on the bed, she panted, trying to gain her composure. “What were you doing tonight?” Daniella asked, looking toward her father and trying to focus on something other than the pain.

  “I was with Alessandria.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she wanted to come tonight but I told her to stay at home. She’ll come after the baby is here.”

  Daniella nodded.

  Shakes gripped her hand, and she kissed him.

  “He lost it,” Daniella said, laughing. “I’m going to be able to torment him for the rest of his life over this.”

  “You torment me enough as it is,” Zeke said.

  “It’s what we’re here for, to be tormented by the women in our lives.” Shakes grinned.

  “See, baby, you’ve got to get used to it.” She chuckled.

  Another contraction started to build up, and she gripped both men’s hands as the pain consumed her. She cried out, whimpering. “Oh. God.”

  She didn’t know if she could stand another contraction, not if they were only going to get worse. They were getting closer together and more painful.

  Come on, little one. Come to Mommy and Daddy.

  Chapter 13

  Shakes & Daniella

  Shakes was in fucking pain just watching his woman in labor. He wanted to be the one to make her feel better, to make her not be in so much agony. Hell, he was wincing just watching the expressions on her face when she had a contraction.

  “God,” she said, her face covered in sweat as she glared at him. “You have no idea how much this hurts. I should hate you for doing this to me,” she said, but he knew she didn’t mean it, the pain making her say this shit. He held her hand and she squeezed it with a force he’d never felt from her before.

  “The baby will be here soon,” he said, trying to ease her. “You’re doing so well, Daniella baby.” He brought their conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. He looked back at where the doctor was getting ready to deliver their baby.

  “I can’t wait to meet the little one,” she said, the smile on her face genuine.

  Shakes pushed the strands of her hair away and smiled back.

  “God, here comes another one.” She groaned the words out and tightened her hand in his.

  “You’re doing so well, Daniella.” The doctor was the one to speak as he positioned himself at the end of the bed, getting ready to deliver. “You want to see your baby being born?” the doctor asked Shakes.

  Shakes felt sweat cover his forehead, his nerves so fucking strained. He nodded though and leaned to the side to look between Daniella’s legs. Damn, he felt like he’d pass out for how lightheaded he was.

  He’d called the club and he knew they were out in the waiting room with their old ladies. Although they knew they were having a little girl, Shakes was still scared something would go wrong. He couldn’t help the worry but tried to play it cool for Daniella’s sake.

  “Here comes the head,” the doctor said and started saying medical jargon to the nurses. Shakes stared in wonder and awe when he saw his little girl’s head. She had a thatch of dark hair, just like him, and he felt his grin widen.

  “Keep pushing, Daniella,” a nurse said.

  “You’re doing great,” another nurse said.

  He tightened his hold on Daniella’s hand.

  “Want to see your baby, Daniella?” the doctor asked, and Daniella rose up with the help of the nurses. Daniella started crying as the doctor brought a mirror so she could see the baby’s head.

  “A couple more pushes and your baby will be here.”

  And then Daniella was pushing. After what seemed only like a few moments Shakes watched in fucking awe as his daughter was born into the world.

  She was so tiny, her body pink, her mouth open as she gave a shrill cry.

  The nurse took their daughter, started checking her, weighing her, and after several minutes they brought their baby over to them.

  Shakes couldn’t help it. His eyes started watering.

  “Five pounds, nine ounces,” the nurse said. “She’s a little thing.” She handed the baby to Daniella.

  Daniella held their daughter, and Shakes reached out and smoothed his finger along her tiny brow.

  “What should we call her?” Daniella asked.

  They’d been going back and forth on names, but ultimately he was letting it be her call. “How about we go with what you wanted?”

  She smiled. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  She looked down at their daughter and smiled wider. “Welcome to the world, little Harley.” She kissed their daughter on the forehead. “She looks like you, Shakes.”

  Yeah, she did.

  “Hopefully she’ll grow out of that.”

  Daniella chuckled.

  “I’m going to tell everyone the good news.”

  Daniella nodded.

  He gave her one more kiss and left. Shakes headed toward the waiting room, and when he stepped through the doorway, he saw all the denim and leather taking up the space. That filled his heart that his family was here for this. Everyone faced him, anticipation clear on their face.

  “Five pounds, nine ounces, and we
decided on Harley for her name.”

  There was a loud chorus of cheers. The guys came up one at a time: Joker and Amy, Steel and Eloise, Striker and Elena, and finally Demon and Deanna.

  Everyone took a step back for their President. Demon clapped him on the back, the grin wide on his face. “Welcome to fatherhood, brother.”

  Shakes couldn’t help the fucking grin he sported on his face.

  And then Zeke stepped up to him and the room went silent.

  Zeke stared at him a second before speaking. “I know you’ll take care of my girls,” Zeke said in a low voice beside his ear. “If not I know where to find you.” Zeke clapped him on the shoulder, but Shakes knew Zeke could be a cold motherfucker when it came to protecting what was his.

  “No worries. I’ll protect my girls with my last breath.”

  Zeke nodded once, and Shakes knew they were on the same level concerning this.

  Shakes would be ready to beat some assholes down if they tried fucking with his little girl. “She’s not even going to think about dating until she’s at least thirty.”

  The crew started laughing.

  The Soldiers were all family, and his little girl was now part of that connection. She’d always be protected; not just by him, but the men that were here right now.

  Yeah, no little motherfucker would think about messing with her, and damn did that put his worry to rest … at least a little.

  Chapter 14

  WILD RIDE (The Soldiers of Wrath MC, 7)

  Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Copyright © May 2017 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  Digital Edition

  First E-book Publication: May 2017

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Constance lost the only family she had in a fatal car accident. It also left her blind in one eye. With her life seeming like an endless, broken record, she’s never really felt she is living.

  But then she meets this hardened biker, one who is so unlike anyone she’s met before. He makes her feel alive, like there’s more to life than just going through the motions.

  She feels desire for him, and the things she wants him to do to her should make her blush. But all she feels is heat … so much she’s burning alive from her need.

  Vengeance lives the MC life. That means he works hard and plays harder. But when he comes across a woman, this fragile, innocent female, something in him awakens.

  He wants her instantly, but not just in a filthy way. He wants to protect her, keep her safe. It’s clear she’s been hurt, and not only because he knows she’s lost her family.

  But when Constance starts to feel happy, loved even, she realizes someone has been watching her. They want her, and if they can’t have her they’ll make sure no one does.

  Constance is strong in her own right, but it’s up to Vengeance to protect the woman he loves. It’s up to Vengeance to make sure his old lady stays by his side.

  Chapter 1

  Vengeance stared down at the club whore who was sucking on his dick like it was her favorite lollipop. He couldn’t remember her name, and nor did he give a shit about it. All he was interested in was blowing his load right down her throat and watching as she swallowed.

  “Now that is a beautiful sight,” Weasel said, entering the room.

  “Her mouth is the best.” Vengeance groaned as the bitch swallowed him. He was only thinking about the feeling. As shitty as it was, she was a vessel for him to release in. Even as she was gagging she didn’t try to get away, and he just knew she was trying way too hard to impress him.

  He wasn’t impressed.

  His rock-hard cock started to deflate, and even Weasel took pity on him.

  “Babe, he’s not interested,” Weasel said, slapping her ass. “Go and find another brother to swallow whole.”

  She pouted but didn’t argue, which he was relieved about. The last thing he wanted to deal with was a moaning bitch who thought she could get what she wanted.


  “No biggie. You looked done with it.”

  “I was in the zone, and then as quick as fuck, I was out of it. What is it about these females that I cannot stand?” he asked.

  “You’ve been spending way too much time with the old ladies, that’s what.”

  Vengeance shook his head. “Nah, that’s not it at all. I don’t care what they have to say. I’m not interested in that kind of shit. You know that.”

  Weasel sat down on the bed, grabbing an old porn mag and flicking through it. In the meantime, Vengeance pushed his dick back into his pants and sighed. This shit wasn’t working for him.

  “I didn’t say you wanted to settle down and have an old lady of your own. The sluts just don’t do it for you. Let’s face it. Half of them want shit that you’re really not interested in giving them,” Weasel said. “We’ve seen what the good women are like.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the bitches.”

  “I know, but they’re not the like the old ladies. Face it, Vengeance, that woman will have a cock balls deep inside her pussy in no time. For fuck sake, she’d be begging for the men to train her, banging her until she can’t even feel shit down there anymore.”

  “What’s your point?” Vengeance asked.

  “Just once wouldn’t you want a woman who you don’t know has been with thousands of other dicks before you? It’s not a big deal, I get it, and a woman is entitled to screw as many men as they want. But, some women like their men to be devoted to them. You know, not to be thinking about another woman they fucked a few years ago.”

  Weasel kept on talking.

  In the back of Vengeance’s mind, he had been thinking about it a lot lately. More than a lot. It was constantly on his mind. Watching the couples that had gotten together. It meant something to them, or at least, it had meaning to them.

  He’d never known a woman who could settle down with him. He was a hard ass who liked living in his own way. He didn’t give a shit about anything or anyone. The club was all that mattered, and for the past thirty-plus years, it had always been that way.

  Now, however, shit was changing.

  He was getting old. It had to be the main reason that life just seemed … dull. Screwing club pussy held no appeal.

  “You got a woman or something?” he asked.

  “Or something?” Weasel chuckled. “Dude, I don’t have shit but the club and the whores that are willing to suck my dick. I mean, who in their right mind would turn down a woman who would suck cock like she’s afraid it’ll disappear?” Weasel stood up and made his way to the door.

  “Why the fuck did you come in here?” Vengeance asked.

  “To screw with your head, brother. It’s what I love to do.” Weasel gave him a wink and then left.


  Moving toward the window overlooking the clubhouse parking lot, Vengeance saw several club whores in different stages of undress. There was a bonfire off in the corner, and several of the guys were hanging around. There were the ones that liked to party but brought nothing in the way of fun. They simply turned up for the free booze and free pussy.

  There was a time he would have lived for this shit.

  When had life stopped being fun?

  It was dark out by the bonfire, but t
he security lights were more than enough to light the grounds. The Soldiers of Wrath Clubhouse. His home, and his very life. He would give everything for his Prez. Even step in front of a bullet for him if he had to. Demon was one hell of a leader, fierce and loyal.

  Vengeance’s birthday was tomorrow. He was turning the ripe old age of forty-five, and he was feeling every single one of those years.

  What did he have to show for it?


  His life had been partying, fucking, fighting, and riding the open road.

  There was nothing left in his life now.

  Get your head out of your fucking ass, and stop being a moaning bastard.

  He turned to the door, needing to get some fresh air. He was tired of the smell of booze, stale cigarette smoke, and sex. It had its unique feel of depression about it. That’s what was wrong with him.

  He was depressed. Another year older, and life was the same old shit.

  Men around him were risking everything, loving life, relishing the time they spent with the women they loved and the kids they had helped create.

  That was another thing. He didn’t have any kids.

  Every bitch he slept with, he made sure to bag his dick up. He hadn’t wanted any consequences along the way. The only problem was now his life was completely empty, and he was having a lot of hard revelations right now.

  Leaving the clubhouse was easy. Ignoring anyone who wanted to talk to him, he straddled his bike and headed right out of the clubhouse parking lot.

  He didn’t care where he was going, only that all of his troubles fade away. The last thing he wanted to be thinking about was life, and what little he actually had of it. Life was not about having regrets. It was about living life to the maximum, and that was exactly what he’d done.

  Constance Belling stared at the gravestone of her dead parents and her dead fiancé. They had been gone for six months now. Putting the roses on each gravestone, she stared at their names, and not for the first time wondered why the hell she had survived. She had been in the car with them when it had overturned and plunged into a lake.


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