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The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Complete Series

Page 86

by Jenika Snow

  “Why’d you have to go and do that?” he said in this low, frighteningly calm voice.

  “Craig, please,” she said softly, her voice barely a whisper. “Craig, you don’t have to do this.”

  But despite knowing she could have said those words all day long, she also knew they fell on deaf ears.

  “I do have to do this, because if you don’t want this, if I can’t have you, no one will either.”

  The fear coursing through her was like nothing she’d ever felt before. She glanced down at where her cell was, still lit up, still connected to Vengeance. Could he hear her, did he know what was going on?

  She had one chance to try and make it known before Craig went even more off the deep end.

  “Vengeance, Craig has me. I’m at the flower shop right now.” She screamed the words, hoping they were loud enough he could hear her on the phone.

  Craig cursed and turned to see the phone on the ground. He brought his foot down, smashing the cell, and turned back around to face her. His expression was dangerous.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” And then he brought his fist to her face, and the darkness was the last thing she remembered.

  Chapter 12

  “Did you call your sister?” Weasel asked.

  Vengeance stared at his friend. “Why do you want me to call her so much?”

  “I figured you should. She’s your family, after all.”

  “You’re serious? After everything she said, and the shit she was talking about. You’re fucking crazy.” Vengeance shook his head even as he felt a spark of guilt. Renee had said some shit and so had he. There had been some regrets along the way, which he’d expected. Releasing a breath, he glanced around the clubhouse.

  The only guys around were the ones that didn’t have wives. He was waiting for his own woman to arrive. They had found a small place a couple of days ago and were waiting for the go ahead to move in. He’d been saving up enough money to move out of the clubhouse for a long time now.

  Constance had kept her job at the florist shop as Julie hadn’t wanted to let her go. The call had come as a surprise to her, and they had been enjoying a picnic when the conversation had happened. Afterward she’d been so happy. “I like working at the florist shop because I love the people that come and go, the customers who need me for something. It’s not something I want to spend the rest of my life doing, but I really do enjoy it.”

  So she’d been able to do what she wanted to do he’d paid for her to have a brand new car that he didn’t have to worry about breaking down.

  Thinking about their place and the plans he had filled him with excitement. Even though he was a fully grown man, he felt like he imagined a kid at Christmas did. Only his wishes were going to come true, and be a whole lot dirtier.

  He had known deep down that there would come a point when he wanted his own space, and that time was now. The moment they got their place, and moved in, he intended to fuck her in every single one of the rooms, on the work surfaces, to have the entire place covered with memories of them. When they did eventually have kids, and he felt they were in his future sometime soon, he didn’t want Constance to forget how much he loved her. Just the thought of a future with Constance was enough to make him smile. Never had he felt this kind of love for another person. It was consuming.

  “Don’t you want Constance to get to know your sister?”

  “I don’t know. Constance doesn’t need that shit.”

  “Call your sister, Vengeance. You know you want to and you know you need to.”

  Vengeance sighed. There had been many times over the past couple of years when he had wanted to call her, to find out if she was okay, and of course that had never happened. There was always some reason not to, some excuse to keep him from doing it. “I’ll call her when I’m ready, and not until then.”

  Shaking his head, he was just getting up about to head out to surprise his woman when his cell phone rang.

  Hearing her screams scared the shit out of him. “Vengeance, Craig has me. I’m at the flower shop right now.”

  Looking at Weasel, he saw the brother had heard. “I knew there was something fucking shady about that bastard.”

  He didn’t wait around for Weasel. Craig was about to know exactly who he was fucking dealing with.

  Pain exploded inside Constance’s head as she tried to open her eyes. The feeling made her moan even as she knew she had to be quiet.

  What the hell happened?

  In the distance she heard the sound of humming, and like a wave it all came rushing back.

  Craig following her, the words that spewed from his mouth.

  She was in a home, apartment of some kind. His residence, she gathered.

  He’d hit her, knocked her out, and now she was somewhere she didn’t recognize. As she tried to move her hands she couldn’t. Glancing down, taking care not to make any sudden movements, she saw that her feet were bound together, as were her hands. They were also connected in a loop so there was no way for her to move.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried not to make a noise, and when the sound of Craig grew closer, she looked across the room and saw him humming to himself in the kitchen. They had to have been in his apartment or something. She was laid on the sofa with a cushion underneath her head. Her heart began to pound.

  I’ve got to get out.

  Had Vengeance heard her? She’d tried to let him know that Craig was there. She knew something was off about that guy.

  “Ah, I see you’re awake,” Craig said, alarming her as he watched her from the kitchen.

  She didn’t say anything, and then she saw that his entire apartment was covered in pictures of her. Not just pictures. There were clothes, and other trinkets that she just now realized were missing.

  Biting her lip, she returned her attention to Craig, who smiled at her.

  “It’s so good that you’re awake. I was worried you wouldn’t wake up for a second there. I worried I hit you too hard.”

  What the fuck?

  “My head hurts.” She croaked the words out. Her throat felt like it was being rubbed raw by sandpaper.

  “Oh, you were being difficult, but I get it. You’re not used to having a gentleman taking care of you, but I’m going to help you with that. You see, Constance, my sweet, you were always supposed to be with me, and well, I can’t have that stupid fucking biker hurting you anymore. I mean, his grubby disgusting hands touched you. I already had to deal with that fiancé of yours, and we both know he had no right to be near you, let alone marry you.”

  She frowned. “Brando?”

  “Yes. You don’t have to worry about a thing now. I’m going to take care of you, just like I always should have. It’s fine now. You don’t have to be afraid at all.” He stroked her cheek, and it took every ounce of strength not to pull away from him. The guy was delusional.

  Oh my God. He’s been obsessed with me since I was with Brando.

  He’d created some kind of fantasy, a life where they were together. This was … scary. There was nothing right about this, and it made her sick to her stomach.

  “What did you do to Brando?” she asked.

  Craig tutted, and she froze as he soaked a rag in a basin. He wrung it out and moved toward her. She flinched, but he pressed it against her temple. “You don’t have to worry, darling. I’m taking care of you, and you’ve got a few cuts here. I may have hit you a little too hard. You’ve got a lot of blood but you don’t have to worry. I think you look beautiful no matter what.”

  Okay, she was starting to fucking panic. Had Vengeance heard her? God, there was no way she could be with this man.

  “Brando?” she asked.

  “Your meddling parents and Brando had to go. I had someone run them off the road.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I was in that car.”

  “Yes, you shouldn’t have been though, Constance. I thought you’d be somewhere else at the time. If I had known you would be in the car too I wouldn’t have touch
ed it.” He tsked, like this was her fault. “You’ve become a bit of pain for doing stuff you really shouldn’t do, but don’t worry. I know how to cure you of your failings so you’re as perfect as I want you to be.”

  Oh God. Vengeance, where are you?

  Chapter 13

  Vengeance had gone to the flower shop, although he knew Craig wouldn’t have stayed there, but he had to start somewhere. But before he’d left, trying to figure out where in the fuck Craig could have taken her, his brothers showed up.

  Demon, Joker, Steel and Sakes all rode up in an SUV. Striker and Nerd, as well as Tryk, and the prospect Brash, came in another vehicle. And then there was Weasel rolling up on his Harley.

  Vengeance ran a hand over his face and walked over to the other Patches. Demon rolled down the driver’s side window, glaring at him, looking pissed and serious as fuck.

  “They’re not here, yeah?” he asked it like a question, but it was clear they all knew Craig wouldn’t have been dumb enough to stay here.

  “You know where the fucker might have taken her?”

  Vengeance glanced over at his Harley, thinking, trying to remember if Constance had told him anything about Craig.

  “He works at the cemetery where Constance goes, but other than that I don’t know shit about him.” He exhaled, feeling so fucking pissed, but worried as hell, too. “I need to get back to the club and look him up, see what I can dig up. I need to do that shit now.” He was starting to worry. Although he was pretty sure the prick wouldn’t hurt Constance because it was clear he wanted her, if he was desperate…

  “No need to go back to the club,” Tryk said from the other SUV.

  Vengeance turned around and walked over to where the man sat in the back. The Patch already had his laptop out and booted up.

  “I only know his first name, but he works at the Solemn Hearts Cemetery right in town. Think you can work with that?”

  Tryk nodded. “No problem. Give me a few.” He started typing away at the laptop, the screen having this blue glow lighting up the interior of the SUV.

  It seemed like hours, but it was only a minute at the most before Tryk sat up straighter.

  “Found the fucker.” Tyrk turned the laptop around, and sure enough Tryk had gotten the full name and address of the little prick.

  “It’s a start. Now let’s go find the little asshole and beat the living shit out of him before burying him six feet under.”

  The sound of water running was what roused Constance. She blinked her eyes open, the blurriness dissipating after a few seconds. She’d been moved, but she had no idea when or how Craig had done it without her knowing.

  But then she realized that the pain in her head had made her so drowsy, and before she knew it darkness had swept her under.

  On instinct she lifted her hands, meaning to rub her eyes, try and get the sleep and fuzziness out of them, but the clank of metal on metal had her stilling. She tugged her arm again, not sure why she was so surprised she was locked up. Constance glanced to the side and saw that her hand was attached to the metal bedpost with a pair of handcuffs.

  She pushed herself up on the bed, her heart racing again and her head pounding with this dull but constant ache. How in the hell would she get out of this? Even if Vengeance had heard her, how in the fuck would he find her?

  She’d never told him Craig’s last name, never said anything more than where he worked.

  Could he find out where he lived that way? Would he even think to look here? Maybe this wasn’t Craig’s house?

  God, she was freaking out. Beads of sweat coated her forehead, and she knew no amount of struggling would get her hand undone.

  And that water … what was with the sound of the running water?

  As if she’d screamed that out loud, a door right outside of the bedroom opened. She stilled, her heart stopping, her focus on the partially ajar door. It was pushed open a second later and Craig stood on the other side, a white towel tossed over his shoulder, and his shirtsleeves rolled up his forearms.

  She stared at that towel, heard the sound of water, and her panic rose tenfold.


  He was going to make her wash herself in front of him. God, this was getting worse by the minute.

  Craig came closer and she tried moving back, but she could only go so far before he was standing right beside her, this glint in his eyes that made her skin crawl.

  “You’re dirty,” Craig said, his lids at half-mast, this almost disgustingly aroused feeling coming off of him.

  She started shaking her head, her fear rising, her breath coming in short pants. God, this wasn’t happening.

  He had her uncuffed and hauled off the bed before she could react. He pulled her into the bathroom despite her struggling, and although he wasn’t that large of a man he was strong. When they were in the room the first thing she smelled was lilacs. She nearly gagged, knowing he had scented the water, or maybe he wanted her to wash herself with it. The room was foggy, humid from the heat and water, and she struggled more fiercely.

  “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” He tossed her forward and closed the door, locking them in. “Undress,” he demanded, staring at her, making her feel sick.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Do you want me to take your clothes off then?” The way he said it was like he wanted her to defy him, wanted to be the one that tore the clothes from her. He took a step closer and she retreated one.

  “No,” she said again and started taking off her clothes. He watched her with this sick satisfaction.

  “He’ll come for me.”

  Craig grinned. “If he knows where to find me he can sure try and take you from me.”

  Chapter 14

  Constance ached all over and turned her back to him, slowly taking her clothes off.

  “Come on, Constance. Time’s wasting,” he said.

  “I’m hurting,” she said. Craig caught her arm, and she cried out from the shock of pain that his touch created, from the disgust she felt for him.

  “You’ll do exactly as I say, otherwise I’m going to make you get on your fucking knees and suck my dick until you swallow every last drop of cum.”

  She didn’t even question why he hadn’t forced that in case he actually made her do it.

  “I have spent a long time thinking about this moment, and wanting to see you strip to show me what has always been mine.”

  Closing her eyes, she gritted her teeth and kept trying to remind herself that she was in a very dangerous position, one she really needed to be careful of.

  You can do this.

  Just strip.

  See, you’re down to your bra and panties. Yay.

  It didn’t matter; Vengeance would come and she would be safe. There had to be a way for him to find her, and she was hoping, praying, and if anyone was listening they would help her. They would make this asshole pay.

  “You knew Brando well?”

  Craig snorted. “No. He thought he was good enough for you, and we both know that asshole could never give you what you wanted, what you needed.”

  She pulled on the bra, unsnapping the lock, and then wriggling it down her body. Next, she got rid of her panties, and she hated that there was nothing else for her to remove.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  Come on, Constance. You’re better than him. You can do this.

  Turning toward him, her hands clenched into fists, she forced herself to take his stares, and to know that one day very soon, like today, she was going to gouge out his eyeballs and smash them. Even the thought of it grossed her out but she liked to pretend she could do something like that.

  “You are so beautiful. I always imagined what it would be like to be here like this, worshiping your body.”

  She turned her head left and caught sight of her reflection. Bruises covered her face, and some dried blood was stuck in her hair. “How did you move me from the sofa?”

  “I knew you’d be thirsty and
difficult. I wanted to get that pasta from the supermarket you love so much. I put a sleeping pill in your water, and you went out like a light. Once we bathe, I’ve got a special dinner planned for you, and then we’re going to make love.”

  When all of this was over, she was going to need an Oscar for her performance. A small amount of vomit filled her mouth, and it sickened her that she swallowed it down. One step at a time, and right now she had a psychopath intent on making her his little love slave. He reached out, and she froze as he placed his hand on her stomach. She tensed up, wanting nothing more than to throw his hand off her body, but she stopped herself.

  The last thing she wanted to do was to give him a reason to hurt her.

  “Go on. Get in the water. You do smell a little.”

  She didn’t wait for him to tell her twice and climbed into the bath, grateful for the bubbles that were around her, keeping her safe.

  Come on, Vengeance. Please be on the way, or…

  Maybe if she was nice and got talking with him, it might stop him from hurting her. “This is really nice. Thank you.”

  “I thought you would like it. The lavender is there to help you relax.”

  “It’s lovely. I love the smell.” She ran her hands through the water, looking around the edges of the tub, wondering if there was a weapon. “So, erm, how have you been?”

  “It has been really busy. There has been a lot of leaves to clean up around the graveyard, and you know I don’t like to leave messes.”

  “Is that what you do? Make sure everything looks amazing.” She forced a smile to her lips. “You do an amazing job.”

  “It’s morbid but it’s something I really have to do. I also feel that I’m respecting those that have passed.” Even as he spoke she remembered his confession and that he’d caused Brando’s death. He’d gotten that driver to run them off the road that night.

  “Why did you never say anything?” she asked. “Brando could still be alive and so could my parents.”


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