Book Read Free

Fan Girl (Los Rancheros)

Page 28

by Brandace Morrow

  He nods slowly “I did get your texts. Did you forget your seven months pregnant?”

  I shake my head. “No, obviously not. That would be hard to do with a kicking basketball under my shirt.”

  “Then how would you ever think it would be okay to be working twelve hours a day and on the road for four traveling exhausted. I bet you didn’t eat, either. You can’t miss meals, that means the baby is taking from your body and you get weaker, more tired, while you’re on the highway in L.A. traffic with crazy fucking drivers.”

  I walk over to him and hug him. I rub his back with his arms still crossed. “Babe, I’m sorry you worried about me today. It was the first day back, and I had a ton to catch up on. It won’t be like that all the time, but I am still working three days a week, and we live two hours away in traffic. I told you today I need an assistant. At least then I could get some food.”

  He finally unlocks his arms and buries his neck in my hair. “I should have had my assistant bring you dinner, which was my fault. I can’t wait til Reed gets here, and you can go on maternity leave.”

  I pull back and look at him. “Is that the plan, now? I thought I was working longer than that.”

  He studies my face for a long minute. “I’m not telling you what to do, but I know your back hurts, and you’re tired. I hate you on the highway for so long every day. Reed said he would love to work part-time and stay the rest here or at the beach. I would love for you to take some time off and just focus on growing the baby.”

  “I don’t want to take your assistant. I think I’m going to put up something at the visitor’s center. Maybe there’s someone looking for a job that’s local.” I tell him off of the top of my head. I do not want anything to do with Brittany.

  He nods thoughtfully. “That would work. Whatever you want to do, babe.”

  “You still mad?” I ask him.

  He takes a deep breath and sighs. “Just don’t miss any more meals, please. And try to get someone to help you out. Tell me what I can do to make this easier on you. It’s frustrating.”

  I rub his back. “I know, babe. I’ll figure it out.”

  He leads me to the island and sits me down on a stool, then pulls out a covered plate from the warmer. I smile and dig in.

  Chapter 37

  The next day starts out the same as the first. Yoga and horses running in the pasture. Seriously, it’s probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. George gets up from the ottoman on the patio to shadow me as I get ready and eat breakfast. Deklan tells me over eggs and sausage that he got the business account set up for the boys, and they’ve already set up the fans. He’s going to be recording in the basement with the guys, and I’m supposed to come down there when I get home.

  I cannot wait to hear the new music. I’ve loved everything they put out and listen to it on my way to and from work. It seems so interesting to actually see the process.

  I make a flyer and put it on the bulletin board at the gate before leaving for work.

  I watch the clock all night to make sure I leave work at exactly eight o’clock and make the drive in an hour and thirty minutes. George and I go downstairs to the studio, which is a long hallway with doors off of it. I follow voices to the second door and open it to a mass of people. The band is there of course, along with two other guys and one girl that currently has her hand on Deklan’s back as he’s leaning over the instrument panel. Fandy is sitting on one of the couches strumming an electric guitar, not making any sounds since it’s not plugged in. He raises his eyebrows and gives me a chin lift. The other guys are listening to the song and haven’t noticed me yet.

  “Let’s add more bass here and turn down the acoustic for a second,” Deklan says, and I see the girl rub his back and nod her head. Who the hell is this?

  “Hey guys!” I yell over the music. Everyone turns to me and Deklan straightens. The girl lowers her hand and steps slightly behind him. She’s young, mid-twenties or so. Younger than me. Her hair is siren red and she’s got dark honey colored eyes. She’s taller than me, probably five foot eight. Those eyes are not friendly at the moment. Tag, Alan, and Peter give me hugs, and Deklan comes to me after them to give me a kiss.

  I open my mouth in the kiss. Okay, so maybe it was partly for the benefit of this chick who is still behind him but still, yum. He pulls back and says, “Hey, baby. I’m glad you got out of work earlier. Have you eaten? We got pizzas earlier. This is my assistant, Brittany.”

  He turns to her and she gives me a sugar sweet smile that looks like it hurts her teeth and shakes my hand. “Hey there, Miss Dawson. It’s great to finally meet you.”

  I smile back and hold up my hand. “Actually, it’s Mrs. Thomas now.” The guys go into fits of excitement, and Brittany barely manages to not curl her lip. Yeah, that’s right bitch, mine!

  Needless to say I am not enthused to see that this girl has definite designs on my guy. Given the way he looks, most women would. That’s not debatable. But she’s been his assistant for two years. They have history. Have they slept together? I think, not for the first time. Oh no. Not what I want to think about. Deklan gets me settled at a little table filled with pizzas and Dixie cups. I eat and take in the guys asking for the story of how we managed to get married, and no one has heard anything yet. I swallow the bite in my mouth and say, “Actually, the paparazzi are staking out my shop so I’m pretty sure they got pictures of my ring this morning. If not yesterday.”

  Deklan shrugs. “I’m not worried. As long as they stay outside the shop and don’t hurt you, we’re all good.” Brittany turns to him and puts her hand on her arm, which my eyes zoom in on right away.

  “Don’t you want to keep your life private? Maybe she should be more circumspect in the future.”

  Fandy and Tommy raise their eyebrows as Deklan turns to her with a frown. “No. I want everyone to know we’re married, together, having a baby. I don’t want to hide it like I’m ashamed.” Take that, Brittany!

  She shrugs lightly. “Whatever you want, Deklan.”

  He turns away from her and asks me, “Do you want to hear one of the songs we finished?”

  I nod my head. “I would love to hear something.”

  All of the guys smile at me. They know I’m a huge fan, and the guy who I assume is the producer rolls his chair over to push a button. The room is filled with the sounds of the band and then Deklan’s voice belts out a song about kicking a bully’s ass. I immediately get hot. Maybe it’s because he’s watching me, and his voice is through the speakers. Or probably because I haven’t seen him sing live in what seems like forever.

  Whatever it is, it gets to me, causing me to shift in my seat. He gives a smirk and comes behind my chair, leaning over so he can whisper in my ear. “You’re so wet, aren’t you?”

  I whisper back, “Shut up.”

  He chuckles into my neck and I get goose bumps. “I know that look. What do you think would happen if I sing to you, just you?”

  I think I would probably have an orgasm. “You already did that in Paris.”

  “Yeah, at the venue. Maybe I’ll try it in the shower tonight.” I shiver noticeably and he laughs, straightening up. I focus my eyes and they land on Brittany, who has been watching us and looks like she wants to kill me.

  Is this girl really going to be a problem? When the song is over, I tell the guys it sounds great without sounding like a gushing fool.

  Peter says, “Hey, why don’t we get together tomorrow night? Test out that new grill out there. Tommy can you get a babysitter?”

  Tommy nods. “If it’s cool with Deklan.”

  “Absolutely. My house at five? Ali has off.”

  “Sweeeet!” Alan says. “I can’t wait to try the pool!”

  I laugh at him and the guys pack up various guitars and whatnot around the room. We walk them out, then Deklan leads me up the stairs. I start breathing faster immediately. At the top of the stairs I hear a cough. We both turn to see Brittany standing at the bottom of the stairs. She’s
got one foot on the first step. She cocks her head to the side, I think to look cute, but I’m seeing red. Why the hell is she still here?

  “Did you need me for anything, Dek?” she asks sweetly. I’m openly glaring at her at this point, as Deklan pushes me down the hall.

  He doesn’t look back. “You’re not what I need, Brittany. I’ll call you next week sometime,” he says absently.

  God I love this man. I turn to see him giving me sexy green eyes. After we hear the door slam he says, “You’re all I need, baby. Don’t worry about her. She’ll get it together or she won’t be here anymore.” He knows me so well.

  I put my hands on both sides of his face. “I love you.”

  He moves his head to kiss both of my palms. “I love you too, baby. Now get naked. I’ve got a performance to get to.”

  Smiling, I turn and strip my clothes as I walk from our room to the bathroom. I see in the mirror over the sinks that Deklan is already shucking his boxers. As I turn the water on, he starts snapping his fingers and bobbing his head causing me to burst out laughing. Since he’s naked it’s hysterical. “Yeah, yeah,” he starts.

  Walking under the falling water, I wet my hair with a huge smile on my face as he circles me talking about needing me, loving me, and asking for us to stay together forever. He slows down the last third of the song and gets to his knees kissing my stomach as he hits the high notes. I move out of the water so that my eyes are trained on him. I love it when he scrunches his face up on those notes. The acoustics in the shower are flipping incredible, and I think he’s never sounded so good. His hands skim lightly behind my knees before he stands and moves me over to the built in bench. He sits, turning me so that my back is to him and guides me down.

  I move my legs wider so that they’re on the outside of his and sink onto him as he croons softly, his lips brushing the outside of my ear. I close my eyes as goose bumps cover my body. Deklan holds my hips, sliding me back and forth as I lean against his chest. He grabs the body wash that’s set on the bench and squirts it between us filling the room with the smell of apples. The soap works quickly, causing a more fluid slide to our bodies.

  Deklan moves his hand from my hip to the sensitive bundle of nerves that has gone into hyperdrive since I’ve gotten bigger. I turn my head, watching drops of water move down his face. “I’m not going fast enough, you won’t get off,” I point out.

  My breath hitches as he circles his fingers over me. He smirks, moving his hand faster, the tattoos on his bicep seemingly alive. “I’m just waiting for you, Ali. You coming tight around me is enough to set me off. Do it.” And just like that, I do.

  Chapter 38

  The next day, Deklan and I are at Babies R Us when they open, with a prepared list. Not nearly as overwhelmed as the first time we walked in. We get the four ounce pink and purple Dr. Brown bottles, three different kind of pacifiers, a sterilizer, pacifier holder clips, the dishwasher cage things that hold everything to be washed, a portable bathtub, baby soaps, lotions, little bitty fingernail clippers and nose suckers, thermometers and bath towels. We pick out a personal baby carrier, and I die laughing when we try it on Deklan. I want the maroon one with the flowers and he wants black, so we get both. If he’s going to wear our kid, he can get whatever he wants.

  I don’t find a diaper bag that I want, so we move on to the car seats. I already did my research so we grab the red Britax infant car seat and four bases. Two for our cars, one for the truck just in case, and one for Nola. We have to take a break and checkout then, because the cart is full. When we get back inside, we get the breathing monitor I researched, the video monitor, then grab the stroller. After that, it’s another trip outside.

  Next is two pack and plays, one for Nola, one for our room, and we get a portable rock and sleep thing that is elevated and folds up easily to carry around. We get the Adan and Anais receiving blankets I’ve heard rave reviews for, and burp cloths, washing cloths, booties, hats and mittens. Out to the car again. By this time we’ve been in the store for two hours. One more trip for a breast pump, Boppys, floor mat toys, and a swing.

  We take our loot to Chili’s and pig out on appetizers. It takes Deklan twenty minutes to get recognized. Or at least for a teenage girl to get the courage to come up and ask for an autograph. He gives it, and poses with her for a picture before we get our order to go and leave. When we get back to the house, Deklan doesn’t want me to carry anything at all and instructs me to go put my feet up in the living room. I roll my eyes but go and text Della:

  Ali- Party tonight?

  Della- Hell yeah! Babysitter is confirmed!!!!!!!!

  Ali- YES! Hey WTF is up with Brittany?

  Della- … Dek’s assistant. What did she do?

  Ali- She wants my man and doesn’t seem to care that he’s married.

  Della- She’s always been all over him, I don’t think she’s done anything with him though. She seems too desperate. What did he do?

  Ali- He made it clear he didn’t want her, but they’re together all the time

  Della – He married you

  Ali- this is true.

  Della- She’s not coming tonight is she?

  Ali- Nope. Thank God.

  Della- Good. Don’t worry. Dek is hooked. I know it feels like you’re a balloon but I’m sure he still wants you.

  Ali- Thanks a lot bitch :D

  Della- LOL love you girl

  Just then I get a call from a number I don’t recognize. It's a girl named Darcy who saw my post in the Visitor's center and wants to interview for the job. I set it up for the next day.

  Five minutes later, Deklan comes in and asks me if I want to see all the stuff they brought back from the O’Brien’s. I do, so we walk down to the barn. The boys are hanging up bridals and leads in the tack room and jamming out to old Irish songs.

  “Oye, Jonny. It’s the Mr. and Mrs. come to callin'.” Sean grins at us.

  “What’s up, guys?” Deklan asks, doing the guy handshake, pat on the shoulder thing cool guys do.

  “Just unpackin' the loot,” Jonny says.

  “I wanted to show Ali what we brought back. There’s some cool stuff in there,” Deklan replies.

  “And sure there is. Come this way.”

  They lead us out to the toy garage. Inside they show me a four wheeler, a golf cart with a little bed in it like a truck, a vacuum for the main walk through of the barn, an automatic milker for the goats, and a poop vacuum for the pastures, among other places it can be used.

  “The O’Brien’s, they couldn’t do a lot of manual labor, so they invested in things that made their lives easier,” Sean tells me. I think it’s genius. Who knew there were such things?

  After showing appreciation for their haul, we go back in the house to eat our lunch, then go to the farmer’s market to stock up for the barbeque tonight.

  By six thirty the guys are boozed up and lounging around the patio after eating. Bobby and Stacie came too. Sean and Jonny were invited, and are already part of the family. Nola was invited too, but she’s got a date. We start a fire in the fireplace, even though we don’t need it for the heat. Deklan comes back from being inside with a guitar and sits down next to me on a couch.

  He starts strumming, and I see Bobby grab his ever present camera from a side table. I’m watching Deklan in shock. He never sings for fun. He starts playing the cords for Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together, and my whole body rushes warm. That’s the song he sang in the shower last night. To say it was amazing is an understatement. He sees my expression and smiles as he glances down at his hands working the strings.

  His body is angled toward mine as he starts to sing. I put my head on the back of the couch, because I can’t hold it up anymore. The guys are laughing and sing backup at certain parts. His voice is so clear. During the high parts of the song, he scrunches his face up and you can see the barbell in his tongue. He doesn’t stare at me the whole time, just glances at me every so often. Della is definitely recording it, her phone hasn’t moved
at all since she picked it up. She’s beaming, as am I, but I think for different reasons.

  That voice seems to vibrate my heart, to hear him singing it right next to me, his knee pressing into my leg. I am a puddle. That’s all there is to it. Fandy gets into it, tapping his leg and shaking his head. His dreads are going everywhere, flying around his face.

  After the last note of the song, Deklan leans over and kisses me whispering, “Love you, baby.”

  Fandy says, “Hell, yeah. Let’s do another one. Remember when we were in Pete’s garage singing cover songs constantly. I miss that shit.”

  “What do you wanna do?” Deklan asks them.

  Tommy jumps up and runs to the kitchen, coming back seconds later with spoons. Peter rubs his hands down his jeans and Alan clears his throat.

  Tommy says, “Rocket Man.”

  Della puts her hand on her chest, and her eyes flood with tears, but she never puts down the phone. A song about being alone and missing his wife. My eyes get misty as Deklan plays the song automatically. After that, Peter picks Try, about picking yourself up and trying again. After that song Deklan looks from Fandy to Alan and back. Alan picks Mine by Taylor Swift. Deklan gives him a look and strums for a second, then picks it up, just as Alan is sticking his hands out for the guitar.

  Della and I are bobbing our heads and mouthing the words. The guys sing backup and Tommy starts tapping the spoons together on his knee in lieu of drums. Fandy picks Alicia Keys If I Ain’t Got You, which hearing Deklan sing, gives me chills. Peter picks Limp Bizkit’s Behind Blue Eyes.

  Deklan turns his eyes to Sean, who seems surprised to be included, but quickly asks, “Do you know Nickelback’s If Today was your Last Day?”

  All of the guys nod their heads, and Deklan starts it. It’s a good message that goes with their motto of you only live once. I love watching Deklan sing, especially from only a foot away. All of the cords in his neck standing out, so freaking hot.


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