Book Read Free

Never Surrender

Page 1

by Michael Anderle




  Social Links

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Author's Notes

  Series List


  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  To Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  To Live The Life We Are


  Never Surrender

  The Kurtherian Gambit 16 Team

  Beta Editor / Readers

  Bree Buras (Aussie Awesomeness)

  Tom Dickerson (The man)

  S Forbes (oh yeah!)

  Dorene Johnson (US Navy (Ret) & DD)

  Dorothy Lloyd (Teach you to ask…Teacher!)

  T S (Scott) Paul (Author)

  Diane Velasquez (Chinchilla lady & DD)

  JIT Beta Readers

  Alex Wilson

  Jed Moulton

  John Findlay

  Kimberly Boyer

  Keith Verret

  Sherry Foster

  Hank Rothson

  John Raisor

  Ginger Sparkman

  Bruce Loving

  Micky Cocker

  If I missed anyone, please let me know!


  Stephen Russell

  Kat Lind

  Thank you to the following Special Consultants


  Jeff Morris - US Army - Asst Professor Cyber-Warfare, Nuclear Munitions (Active)

  NEVER SURRENDER (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2017 Michael T. Anderle

  Cover by Jeff Brown (

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  First US edition, 2017

  Version 1.00 March 2017

  The Kurtherian Gambit (and what happens within / characters / situations / worlds) are copyright © 2017 by Michael T. Anderle.

  Want more?

  Join the email list here:

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  The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”

  I hope you enjoy the book!

  Michael Anderle - 2017.


  Planet Yoll, Southwest Continent, Remote Canyon – Deadlands

  Due to the weather, it wasn't the best time to be flying. However, the Yollin Ber’knick was happy for the protection and opportunity that it provided the smaller ship to hide from the humans’ superior technology.

  The design of the ship had only two wings, and Ber’knick had to fight the occasional gusts of wind as he stayed low to the ground. He worked to make sure the ship neither lifted high enough that it could be seen on radar, or went low enough to clip the occasional jagged rocks and peaks beneath them. Hitting the ground would result in loss of control, and then a nose plant into the rocks below.

  Ber’knick heard Captain Maek-ven yell from the cargo hold behind him when he had to violently jerk to the left to miss a suddenly appearing peak in front of him. A peak the instruments hadn't shown was coming.

  The pilot yelled over his shoulder, "Well, what do you expect Captain? If you don't provide me a ship with decent instruments, we could all just end up flattened little pies against one of these rock faces out there."

  Ber’knick could hear the captain’s clip-clip, clip-clip as he made his way up to the front of the craft. Soon, the Captain stuck his head into the small cockpit and grumbled, "If we knew that the humans wouldn't be able to track us, I would have used our own ship. However, with limited understanding of their technology, I'm not willing to bet they can't find us. Who knows, the human that's waiting for us could be quite willing to cheat us."

  Ber’knick risked a quick glance back at the Captain before returning his gaze out the windows. He could see the lightning off to the east and veered a little bit more to the west. It might add a few minutes to their trip, but he really wanted to stay away from the sudden downdrafts that a storm would bring. "Do you truly believe this human is on the up and up? Personally, I find it curious that with all of the humans supporting their leader, we found one that is willing to sell us the spice."

  "From what I understand, those humans who are willing to talk admit that this particular human likes the drink himself. It seems he’s prepared to provide the necessary ingredient for the rebellion’s drink so he might be able to purchase it when he comes to Yoll."

  Ber’knick smiled. "If there is ever a person to trust? It's going to be a drug junkie. They will do anything that's necessary to get their fix."

  The Captain knocked on the side of the cockpit’s door, "That's for good luck, and I have to agree with you. That's why I was willing to take this gig. Even those that had no reason to lie, mentioned this person was willing to do anything to get some Pepsi. It wasn't even a very big secret on the base. They just don't believe it's much of a drug, these humans." The Captain shrugged before working to turn around in the small, narrow passageway. He called out over his shoulder, "However, we both know a drug is what you make of it. If this Pepsi is his drug? Then yes, I trust him as far as I can throw him, which is probably pretty far." The captain’s chuckles reverberated off the decking as he walked back to the cargo hold.


  "And I'm telling you," Ecaterina said to Christina, "I don't care if you can fight Aunt Bethany Anne to a standstill! You will change into your wolf form; I don't want these people knowing you are a human child."

  Nathan looked around the area. He had selected this canyon since it had good defensive features. He had three different guns trained on the central location where they would accept the gems and money in exchange for the special spice necessary to make Pepsi.

  At the moment, he felt it was pretty damned hilarious that Bethany Anne was using a drink she hated to help fund some of their efforts. Using local currency, definitely currency which had been cleaned, through this effort, was pretty smart.

  Trust Bethany Anne to use something she despis
ed to further her plans.

  "Follow the money," Nathan murmured.

  Ecaterina walked up to him as she eyed their young daughter, now in her wolf form running around the small canyon. "Follow what?"

  Nathan reached out and put an arm around his mate, "One of Bethany Anne's quotes from way back, she always said 'follow the money, ' and now we are doing it again."

  Ecaterina smiled, "I remember that comment; she would use it all the time. Whenever you wanted to figure out something, or why someone was doing an activity you didn't understand, you just needed to follow the money."

  "Right," Nathan agreed. “Now, we have the spice, and are about to trade it for currency that she needs, that we all need, as we continue to build our base of operations here in the Yollin system. I find it funny as hell that Pepsi is the product that is helping her accomplish this and not Coca-Cola."

  Ecaterina took two steps towards their daughter and yelled out, "Christina Bethany Anne Lowell! Get your furry tail over here. I did not say you could go that far away." There was a yip of acceptance, and their daughter turned and started loping back towards the two of them. Ecaterina turned around and smirked at her mate, "I blame you for this."

  Nathan chuckled, "You blame me for what? Naming her Bethany Anne? That's all on you and Aunt Bethany Anne.” He looked around for a second, “If she is taking after her namesake?" Nathan pointed to himself, "Don't blame me."

  Ecaterina opened her mouth to argue but realized it was rather fruitless. Truth be told, Christina was acting just as much the independent young girl as Ecaterina had when she was a child.

  However, neither Ecaterina's parents, or her brother, had come with them through the Annex Gate. Therefore, there was no way for Nathan to confirm that Christina was acting like her mother.

  The three Lowell’s had heard the airship before they saw it come over the boulders and small hills in the distance. The pilot was keeping fairly low to the ground, and Nathan smirked to himself, "That is some great flying, for all the good it's going to do him."

  Ecaterina just nodded her agreement.


  "The ship’s scopes are showing three warm bodies at the landing zone, and three guns pointed to where we expect to land," Ber’knick told the captain over the intercom system.

  Capt. Maek-ven weighed the information before pressing the button and asking, "Can you give me any more details on the three warm bodies?"

  The answer from the pilot was quick, "Yes, two humanoid and bipedal. One animal, four legs. Much smaller than the two humanoids."

  "Sounds like one of their dogs,” the captain said aloud.

  His security chief, Ster-hel, looked over at him. "You mean like those that the Empress has with her most of the time? That white four-footed dog?"

  The Captain wanted to roll his eyes, Ster-hel seemed to be fascinated. No, not fascinated, he appeared to be mentally unstable about acquiring one of those types of animals. "I could not tell you if it is the same one. I guess we will find out when we get there."

  The ship’s engines started to whine, a rising crescendo as their pilot slowed them down and directed more energy into slowly landing the craft. For all of the pilot’s bitching, Capt. Maek-ven felt the cost of the ship was appropriate. The technology on it might be a little old, but it did fly very well and was in good shape. He turned around and walked forward, slapping his hand on the button to open the hatch on the ship. The hatch lowered to the ground as the pilot gave the all clear over the intercom.

  Ster-hel, weapon out, went before the Captain. The idea which seemed to be true no matter what species you were, was trust and mutually assured destruction.

  There was no way the three little guns up in the rocks would harm the airship enough to keep it on the ground. However, it could probably kill the Captain, and that was enough. Now, his security guy, Ster-hel, could probably kill at least one, if not both, of the adults out there, but more than likely the Captain and Ster-hel would die at the same time.

  Ster-hel gave the all clear, and Capt. Maek-ven continued down the ramp and set his foot back on Yollin soil. He looked around at the location where the human wished to meet.

  He was impressed with the selection. It stopped any significantly larger ships from being able to land and also offered plenty of locations to hide guns. The human had to understand that they would have enough technology to find additional bodies, should there be any here. So far, he seemed to be playing on the up and up.

  Capt. Maek-ven had paid attention to the information that was available on the humans, and he could see that the other was a female of their species. Considering how close they were, they might also be in a relationship.

  That would be even better if both were junkies for this drink. Perhaps he could get spice that he could plant, given enough time.

  Unfortunately, this exchange was for spice that would not sprout. He would still try to take the product to a geneticist to see whether or not they could yank enough DNA out of the spice to propagate it for him.

  It took Ster-hel and Capt. Maek-ven another few minutes to make it over to the three beings. Well, two humans and ...

  "What is that?" Security officer Ster-hel pointed toward the animal.

  Capt. Maek-ven wanted to palm his face in frustration. If his security officer blew this opportunity to purchase the drink’s necessary ingredients, he would personally shoot one of his toes off.


  Christina was enjoying running around in her four-footed form. She didn't mind being in her wolf form at all during this episode. It was rather fun when aliens mistook her for an ignorant beast.

  For whatever reason, she was advanced for her age, intellectually along with the ability to transform her body. Aunt Bethany Anne suspected her intelligence was a byproduct of the upgraded genetics from her parents and the nanocytes that helped mold her body in her mother’s womb.

  Her ability to transform was most likely due to her mom and dad’s advanced nanocytes. Both of her parents were completely loyal to her aunt, the Empress, and enjoyed the benefit of ‘being turned up to 11’ when they spent time in the Pod-doc.

  Christina watched the ship land and had to agree that whoever the pilot was had done a good job. It took them but a moment for the back landing ramp to disengage from the ship and lower to the ground.

  After a few moments, someone came out with a weapon and looked around. Christina watched as the Yollin carefully checked out the area before heading a few feet in their direction and looking around again. Obviously a security person of some type. He turned around and yelled back to the ship. Seconds after that, another Yollin came out – this one looking like he was in charge.

  She sat down on her haunches, her tongue hanging out, as the two of them headed in their direction. It wasn't long before the one in front pointed at her, and asked what she was. Christina turned to look up at her parents, wondering what they would answer.


  It annoyed Nathan that the first words out of their contact’s mouth sounded like a verbal attack on his daughter. "Nathan," Ecaterina gently whispered, "now is not the time to become an overprotective daddy. We have an operation to accomplish, and you need to keep your anger in check."

  "You wouldn't have to tell me that right now–" Nathan turned keeping his voice down as well "–if the two of you had stayed up on the Meredith Reynolds."

  "I am not spending the next 20 years of my life waiting for you to come back from operations. Perhaps if you have to keep your family in mind, you won't try too many risky activities."

  While technically true, allowing the family members to come along on the operation wasn't a significant burden.

  Christina's aunt had made sure that the little girl had incredible armor created just for her. Plus, she had a new type of repulsive harness using gravity around her chest that, according to Jean Dukes, would stop projectiles.

  Nathan hoped they never had to test it, especially here in the middle of nowhere.

" Nathan pointed down to his daughter "–is a small version of a wolf. It is an animal that comes from our home world. Now, if I have assuaged your curiosity,” he nodded to the captain, "perhaps we can continue with our deal?"


  For once, this whole operation looked like it was on the up and up.

  From a security standpoint, Ster-hel thought this was a great resolution. The longer the human and his Capt. talked, the more time it gave Ster-hel to try and figure out the difference between the animal the Empress had around her and this one that was near the two humans. As far as he could tell, they didn't look too dissimilar.


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