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Never Surrender

Page 25

by Michael Anderle

  There was no time for regret, only massive effort. The ArchAngel flipped, turning her tail over as her front dodged under the Cossik’s rear. The two huge ships danced in space.

  “FIRE EVERYTHING!” Bethany Anne sent.

  The ArchAngel released everything in her forward armament into the rear of the ship. The Cossik tried to twist itself, wanting to get the Human ship back under her broadside weapons.

  The effort, valiant as it was, still allowed twenty-two percent of the ArchAngel’s missiles to make it through the Cossik’s defenses and slam home into the Dreadnought.

  But, twenty-two percent in this effort was more than the designers had ever expected to reach that location, all in one moment of time, from such a close ship. Who would ever expect a ship of their size to be able to maneuver like a much smaller ship?

  The Yollin Super-Dreadnought Cossik cracked.

  The ArchAngel kicked in her engines, damage reducing them to only eighty percent power, to move the mighty Leviathan Battleship out of the vicinity. Explosions ripped through the Yollin ship as it started to disintegrate.

  The Cossik exploded as the ArchAngel turned, aiming herself at the next Dreadnought, which had changed its previous track and turned in the ArchAngel’s direction.

  It was time for ArchAngel and her crew to find out just how good she was.

  Yollin Super-Dreadnought Bridged-ael

  Admiral Thlock-den stayed silent as the information from the Cossik ceased. The information on the video monitors showed she was gone and now that damned enemy ship was heading in their direction.

  He watched as the first of the Yollin ships started exchanging fire with the usurpers of the Yollin crown. While he noticed a couple of early victories, it was obvious that the aliens hadn’t won due to surprise in the battle for Yollin’s home system. They really were that good.

  Even with superior knowledge of the enemy, his people were getting ravaged.

  He hoped the Empires Broken was successful and he was thankful that the Human’s main ship was in this system.

  They would be victorious, but the cost was going to be very high. He sighed, rubbing his mandible in frustration.

  They might win back the world, only to lose it to another alien group who would want to attack them while they were weak.

  Yollin Super-Dreadnought Empires Broken

  Captain Drak-ehl confirmed the tricky aliens couldn’t bring the Annex Gate back up. He looked around at his team and smiled, “When we open the gate, allow our ships to transfer, then let us move forward. Remember, keep ourselves at a dependable speed to protect our ships and we are going to hit the aliens hard. Do not fire on any Yollin ships unless they attack.”

  He received confirmations from those on his bridge and the other ships over the communications link.

  He turned to his second and spoke, “Transfer.”

  Yollin System

  The little probe detached itself from the large super freighter that went through the commercial gate into the Yollin system. It wouldn’t be noticed in the bulk of the massive ship. It went silent and checked the information that was supplied by the Bounty Hunter.

  The King’s armada was trailing behind the little probe by five solar turns. The job of the probe was to confirm the information and bring back anything that was outside of normal parameters.

  It moved into the system, looking for the alien military ships that were supposed to be here.


  QBBS Meredith Reynolds Military Operations Room

  “Well, damn.” General Lance Reynolds said, his voice calm. “We found the third Yollin Super-Dreadnought.”

  Bethany Anne looked over at the screen her father was reading and frowned, “That’s here, right?”

  He nodded, “Yup. Seems that our information on the Super-Dreadnoughts might have been a little light.”

  “Something I need to speak to E’Kolorn about,” Bethany Anne commented.

  “Sir,” The communications specialist turned in her chair, “we have communications going from the Planet to the new ships.”

  “Put it on the speakers, Erika,” Lance told her.

  “…And I’m telling you, Captain Drak-ehl, this IS Defense Minister E’kolorn! Your ears must be full of Bistik shit. You need to realize the challenge here was legitimate. The world IS run by the aliens, and it was according to…”

  There was static for a second when another voice interrupted, “You must also be under the alien’s sway, former Defense Minister. Unfortunately, as the highest commanding officer, I will have to remove you from office.”

  Bethany Anne looked at her father, who shrugged.

  “Remove me? My ass! You are an idiot,” E’kolorn spit back, “If you keep this up, you are going to lose too many Yollins in your fight with the humans. If you think that pitiful excuse of an armada is going to do much, you are truly the most inept Dreadnought Captain Yoll has!”

  “Even if I am the most inept, I still rank above your alien-kissing ass, E’kolorn.” Captain Drak-ehl replied, “Expect us to be down there soon, you have much explaining to do.”

  The communications ceased.

  “Well,” Lance said, “he is either a good liar or really believes in us.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’s smarter than this Captain Drak-ehl thinks he is.” Bethany Anne admitted, “MEREDITH!”

  “Yes, my Empress?”

  “Command all ships that are not presently connected to us to stand off at least one hundred kilometers, immediately, or risk losing their ships.” She winked at the comm’s specialist who was still watching the two work. “Reynolds?”

  “Yes, Empress?” the EI responded.

  “Tell those in the Arti-sun group it’s time they earned their pay. Let’s hope all of the work that they, you, ADAM and TOM have done pays off, big guy.”

  “Are you going to use the weapon?” Reynolds asked.

  “Yes, the ESD is going to be fired. We don’t have any other ships to attack that Super-Dreadnought without substantial losses. You’ve confirmed we are within tolerance on that bad boy so get this fucking rock turning in the right direction post haste.”

  All through the Meredith Reynolds, commands were being issued. Those inside were told to move to their designated ‘under attack’ locations, those on the outside docks were provided large, protected rooms further inside.

  Those who were outside of the large asteroid base were provided instructions on what a safe distance would be, and where the danger was coming from. Although, if they couldn’t figure that out, Bethany Anne wasn’t sure they were bright enough to be operating a spaceship in the first place.

  Commercial Gate 221 - Yollin Space - Outer Third Ring

  It had taken several turns for the Ixtalis to learn to trust the human named Dan Bosse. It took just as long for Dan Bosse to trust the Ixtalis enough about their own devices to allow them to confirm the medical information he had provided.

  Ixtelina was annoyed. Their people had placed devices in their bodies that could be used to kill them. From a very practical standpoint, she could understand her superiors desire to be able to remove a threat to the larger group. From a very personal standpoint, she was pissed off.

  She had moved Ixgurl from the ship over to the humans medical to confirm he had the same medical anomaly and he did. It seemed that the upper management in their group considered all personnel expendable.

  The three of them were rather silent, waiting for the queue at the Commercial Gate to clear up when the alarms in their ship started ringing.

  Ixtelina waited for the official report, but she had a good idea from looking over Ixgurl’s shoulder.

  “A gate has been created, and multiple Yollin military ships have gated into the system, Leader,” Ixgurl said.

  “Pull us out of the queue,” she told him, “But don’t go too far, I want to see what happens.” She pulled up a screen next to her, “Also, make sure you document the information about the Yollins having a tempo
ral gate, I don’t ever remember them having that.”

  “No,” Ixgalan said over his shoulder, “We don’t have any information on that.”

  “Well,” Ixtelina said, “that is a new bit of information we know. Plus, if the Yollins have it, assuming the humans don’t disappear in the next few days, they will have it as well.”

  “Shit,” Ixgalan said, a small smile on his face, “There goes the neighborhood.”

  “Yeah, but whose neighborhood,” Ixtelina said, “I guess we will find out shortly.”

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds

  Marcus was the first to yank open the door into the Arti-sun operations room, breathing hard, “I’ve got,” pant, pant, “to get back,” pant, pant, “into shape!”

  William, coming in behind him a moment later laughed as he put a hand on Marcus's shoulder, “Dude, you were probably never in shape. I think the term physically-fit rocket scientist is an oxymoron.”

  Bobcat yanked the door open and raced in himself, “Shit, I would have bet I beat Marcus here for damn sure,” he pointed at the scientist, “See! He’s wheezing horribly right now.”

  William looked over, “You stopped to pee, didn’t you?”

  “Well,” Bobcat walked up and looked at a few of the screens, “If it all goes to shit, I don’t want yellow pants, it’d be embarrassing.”

  Marcus looked over, “You peed before getting here, too?”

  “Nah,” William started hitting the screens next to Marcus, “we’re bullshitting you.”

  “How in the hell,” Marcus asked as he double checked to screens, “are you two not gasping for breath?”

  “We pointed out to Bethany Anne that if we ever needed to run somewhere quickly, it would be good if we could actually run,” Bobcat answered, “I suggest using that exact argument, in case you’re wondering.”

  “Yes,” Marcus answered, “I think I have enough video proof that running wasn’t good for my health.”

  “I’ll tell you what isn’t good for your health,” William moved a screen, confirming the ESD parameters were exactly how they’d been modified after the last testing two weeks ago. “Firing a fucking sun at somebody for the first time. That alone will make you piss in your pants if it doesn’t make you faint right away.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Bobcat asked, checking the numbers that William had just reviewed, “C’mon, I’ll bet you three ounces of gold we are standing here after we punch that button.”

  “You are speaking metaphorically, right?” Marcus asked.

  “What? No, why?” Bobcat asked.

  “Because Bethany Anne or Lance has to give the approval. We aren’t punching any buttons,” Marcus answered.

  “Well, yeah, I knew that,” Bobcat argued, “I meant when the ESD fires, we will be standing here, with our thumbs up our butts, just fine.”

  “I’ll take your three ounces bet,” Marcus answered.

  “What? NO!” Bobcat answered, “I’ve changed my mind! We won’t be standing here.”

  “Hell no,” William replied, “the bet is the bet, oh wise beer sage.”

  “Shit.” Bobcat answered, “Ok, I’ll give you a chance to earn back a little of what you’ve lost.”

  The other three engineers, usually the ones to help run the Arti-sun, stood in the back of the room - eyes open in shock listening to Team BMW’s comments as their hands flew over the controls.

  “Reynolds!” Bobcat called out.

  “Yes, Bahse?”

  William bitched, “How the fuck did you get Reynolds to call you boss?”

  “I didn’t,” Bobcat replied, smiling.

  “I’m not calling him boss, I’m calling him bahse,” Reynolds replied. “Each of you has confirmed all information, are you signing off on the settings?”

  “Yes,” Bobcat replied, stepping back from the screen.

  “Yes,” William agreed, stepping back.

  Marcus was still looking at screens.

  “Dude!” Bobcat called out, “Answer the Gott Verdammt question already.”

  “Fine!” Marcus grumped, “Yes.” He turned and stepped away from the screen. “Now I can’t see everything I want.”

  Bobcat leaned over to Markus, “Just for the record, this still counts as here.”

  Marcus looked at his friend and winked.

  “Excuse me, sirs?” Arti-sun Engineering Specialist Hui called out from behind the trio. They all turned around, “Sorry! We didn’t say hi when we came in.” Bobcat reached back, hand out, “I’m Bobcat.”

  The woman blushed, “Oh, we know who you are,” she answered as she took his hand and gave it a shake, “I was just wondering what ESD means?”

  “Yeah, me too,” Marcus asked. “I suppose I can be entrusted with the super-secret name now?”

  Bobcat shrugged and looked to Marcus, “Why do you think I know?”

  Marcus just stared at his friend.

  “Ok, I know. I’m just wondering why you think I know.” Marcus didn’t say anything, just stared more at his friend.

  “Wow, playing weird psychic today will be Dr. Acula.” Bobcat murmured before answering Marcus with a smile, “I just asked Bethany Anne.”

  “That’s it?” William interrupted, his face annoyed.

  “Sure,” Bobcat admitted. “She said I had to tell anyone else who wanted to know they needed to go to her for the answer, but she said if we ever fired it, I was good to say what I know.”

  Marcus finally caved, “Well, spit it out then!”

  Bobcat winked at the woman, “Eat Shit and Die Beam.”

  Everyone’s laughter overwhelmed Marcus’ groans.

  Yollin Super-Dreadnought Empires Broken

  “Ignore the tiny ships leaving their base,” Captain Drak-ehl stated, “We will make one pass to ravage their ships with a full barrage of missiles. We will drop our shields, fire missiles, shields up and then turn to come close. By then, what remains of their ships will be amassed. From there, it will be a slugfest but,” Captain Drak-ehl stood up and made a large show of looking around space before sitting back down, “they don’t seem to have a capital ship left to fight us with.” He shrugged his shoulders, “That’s such a shame.”

  The chuckles on the bridge had continued for a few moments before they all got back to work.

  Yollin Super-Dreadnought Bridged-ael

  Admiral Thlock-nel had to take over command of the ship from his control room after Captain B’rehk was killed when an explosion caused a fire on the bridge.

  He knew the alien’s ship was just as hurt as his own. Neither ship was going to survive this fight. Now, both massive beasts were simply slugging it out. Neither had the capability to move much anymore. If he could get this ship up to twenty percent power with patches out here in the middle of nowhere, he would be damned lucky.

  One of the side wings on the other ship was gone, lost in an explosion that had engulfed a good portion of the rear port side. Fighters were flying in and around both ships, trying to do their little pin-pricks and kill each other as the behemoths ignored them.


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