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Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 9

by Alex Grayson

  As if he knows what I’m thinking, his gaze moves to me and his grin turns into a smirk. At his wink, I blush and move my eyes away.

  I really need to get my act together. This day is all about Juliet and James, not my obsessive desire for Enzo.

  Several hours later, I’m sitting at one of the reception tables drinking a glass of the finest champagne money can buy. Juliet would have been fine with a simpler wedding, but James wanted to give her the best of everything. He certainly spared no expense.

  “They really do look beautiful together,” Nikki says wistfully beside me, taking a sip from her own glass. “I’m kinda jealous right now.”

  I laugh and look at Juliet and James on the dance floor. After pictures were taken, Juliet switched out of her wedding dress into something more comfortable. She loves to dance, and it would have been near impossible to do so in her dress.

  I look back at my friend. “I have no doubt there’s a guy out there waiting to give you a day just like this.”

  She snorts as she snags another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “He may be waiting, but that doesn’t mean I am. Can you imagine me being with only one man for the rest of my life?” She has a point. Nikki loves men in a variety. “Besides,” she bumps her shoulder with mine, “I’m betting on you being the next one of us to take the plunge into domestic life.”

  I choke on my champagne, almost spitting it out through my nose. Nikki pats my back helpfully, like she’s not the one who almost killed me.

  “Are you drunk?” I wheeze. “How the hell am I going to get married when there aren’t any contenders?’

  “Oh, there’s a contender alright. A very hot one.”


  “Come on, Lay,” she says, exasperated. “No one here is blind. We all saw the way you two were looking at each other during the wedding. And don’t even get me started on the photo session.”

  I turn in my seat to look at her square on. “And how exactly were we looking at each other?”

  She grins and her eyes dance merrily. “Like you were seconds away from bumping uglies right there in a church full of people.”

  “You’re full of shit,” I huff, snatching up her glass and downing the contents.

  “Uh huh.” She points her finger around the room. “You ask anyone here and they’ll tell you the same thing.” She leans forward and lowers her voice. “So, have you had a second-night stand with him yet? If so, I want details.”

  Rolling my eyes, I face forward again. “First, no I haven’t slept with him again.” I leave out the part where I would have slept with him last night had he not been off playing the hero to his sister’s best friend. “Second, even if I did, you don’t deserve the details. And third,” I look at her out of the corner of my eye, “just because I might want to fuck his brains out, doesn’t mean I want to marry the guy.”

  “Ha!” she snickers. “So, you do want more of his man meat!”

  I shrug. There’s no point in denying it anymore. The man is sex on legs. I’d have to be dead to not want a piece of him.

  “Where is he, anyway?” Nikki asks.

  I look around the room and don’t see Enzo. He’s been mysteriously absent for the past thirty minutes, and I wonder where he went off to. Besides the photo shoot for the wedding party, we haven’t really had the chance to be near each other, which is something I’ve been looking forward to all day.

  He doesn’t owe me any explanations, nor has he made any promises, but I had hoped he would have sought me out after the wedding ceremony. Now that I’ve decided to see where whatever this is between us leads, I’m impatient to get started. I feel like a schoolgirl with her first boyfriend.

  It’s kind of pathetic.

  When I spot Hudson, a friend of Enzo and James, and one of James’ groomsman talking to a leggy brunette, I lean toward Nikki. It’s time I give her shit about her sex life.

  “Speaking of bumping uglies, when are you going to put Hudson out of his misery and give him the time of day?”

  She huffs, her eyes locked on the pair across the room. The brunette says something to Hudson, and he tips back his head and laughs. Nikki’s eyes narrow into slits, her thoughts no doubt on maiming the unnamed woman, and probably chopping up Hudson’s dick into teeny tiny pieces.


  I scoff. She’s so full of shit. Nikki and Hudson have been playing a cat and mouse game for almost a year, since the first time they were introduced. Hudson relentlessly chases, and Nikki runs as fast as she can away from him. She wants him so badly that she’s been trying to replace him with other guys, but something has her spooked. She won’t admit to her feelings, but Juliet and I both know.

  I twist my head to look at her. “What’s the deal between you two, Nikki?” I keep my voice low, genuinely curious but not wanting to set her off.

  Her brows knit together, and she worries her bottom lip. Her eyes dart around, looking for something, before moving to me. “I knew him before.”

  I rear back in surprise. “Really? How?”

  She shakes her head, her gaze moving back to Hudson. There’s undisguised longing in her expression before the look is gone. “It was a long time ago,” she murmurs. “It’s no longer important.”

  I want to ask her more, but I get the sense her lips are sealed tight. Something happened between the two, and whatever it was, it was big.

  I perk up in my chair when someone enters the room from one of the doors in the back. Enzo saunters across the floor with his guitar strapped around his back. His black jacket and bowtie are gone and the first two buttons on his shirt are undone, showing a glimpse of tanned skin beneath. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to right below his elbows. He looks divine in his altered garb.

  Excitement makes my stomach jittery. I’ve only ever heard his songs on the radio and seen his concerts on television, so the thought of seeing him play live sends pleasure through me.

  The band James and Juliet hired step to the side when Enzo walks onto the small stage. I originally thought it was strange that Juliet and James didn’t use Phenix as the band for their wedding, but she explained James was never close with the other band members. They were Enzo’s friends, not his. And they preferred a band known for softer tones, not the hard rock Phenix preferred to play.

  Enzo’s smile is genuine as he walks to the microphone. He taps it a couple of times before he begins talking.

  “Hey, folks.” His deep voice rumbles through the room. “I’m sure most of you know who I am, but I won’t be jaded enough to think you all do.” The crowd laughs. “I’m Enzo Bishop, and up until recently, I was the lead guitarist and part-time vocalist for the band Phenix.” There are a few murmurs, and he holds up his hands to quiet everyone. “Yes, yes, I’m no longer a part of the band, but that’s not what this is about. Tonight’s about my best friend and his lovely new wife, Juliet.”

  I move my eyes at the same time he does to James and Juliet, who are still standing in the middle of the dance floor.

  “I’ve known James for what feels like my whole life,” Enzo continues. “And never in a million years did I think he would marry. He swore up and down while we were growing up that he’d never attach himself to one woman. I swear the man broke out in hives at the thought.” The room fills with laughter again and he waits for it to quiet down to resume his speech. “I don’t think there’s another woman out there who could’ve tamed him enough to change his mind like Juliet did. And I don’t think there’s a man out there as lucky as James is to have found a woman to put up with him.”

  He grins as another round of laughter begins. James scratches his nose strategically with his middle finger.

  Enzo reaches back and brings his guitar in front of him. “When he told me he was getting married, I knew it was serious. I was actually in the middle of writing a song I had planned for Phenix, but decided to keep it for this occasion instead. It’s a bit different than I’m used to. So, without further ado, James and Juliet, this o
ne’s for you.”

  His fingers are smooth, and his movements are natural as he begins to gently strum the strings. He looks over the crowd, his gaze momentarily stopping on me before moving back to Juliet and James.

  He tilts his head toward the microphone and begins to sing, his voice alluring and soulful. I relax back in my chair, feeling his voice in my bones.

  This isn’t the typical type of song Phenix plays—they’re a rock band—so it’s strange to hear him play something so soft and slow. The lyrics are filled with beautiful words of eternal love and everlasting friendship. They make my chest ache for something I’ve always wanted, but thought was out of reach.

  Hearing Enzo sing in person is dazzling. I’ve been to my fair share of concerts, but those don’t compare to what I’m witnessing right now. Playing a guitar isn’t just natural to him, it seems to be a part of who he is. Which makes it hard to believe he’s giving it up.

  As he continues to serenade Juliet and James, his eyes keep flickering to me, and each time they do, it feels like the words leaving him are meant for me. It’s a fanciful notion, being as we barely know each other.

  Out on the dance floor, James has Juliet wrapped in his arms and they sway gently to the music. They gaze at each other like they’re the only two people in the room, which I’m sure to them, they are. It’s heartwarming to watch them together.

  Nikki says something to me, but I ignore her as I bring my eyes back to Enzo, only to find him looking at me again. As he finishes one of the most stunning songs I’ve ever heard, he keeps his gaze locked on mine. I couldn’t look away even if I tried.

  The crowd claps once the last cord is played. Enzo inclines his head in acknowledgement, and without a word, walks off stage. I get up from my seat, sensing he’s about to finally come for me. Excitement drums in my stomach, and I press my hand to my mid-section.

  “Go get ‘em, tiger,” Nikki says with a mock growl.

  I laugh and shake my head as I step around her, my eyes focused on Enzo as he puts his guitar down on a chair behind the stage. He looks up and our eyes meet. I beeline straight for him at the same time he heads for me. I stop and my insides plummet to my toes when a beautiful blonde intercedes him. Her smile is big and bright as she says something to him, then puts her hand on his lower stomach as she leans up to kiss his cheek. He smiles down at her when she pulls away.

  Whoever this woman is, they know each other well. And from the way she’s standing so close to him and the look in her eye, there’s no doubt they’ve been intimate, and if not, the woman wishes they were.

  The thought turns my stomach sour. I try to shake it off. I’ve got no right to be upset about Enzo’s past. Lord knows he wasn’t a monk before me, just as I’ve had lovers, too. I knew going into this he’s had multiple partners. If not from James’ stories, then from the many pictures in magazines portraying his conquests.

  He says he’s changed, that he no longer wants that type of life, but what’s to say he won’t change his mind? I have no idea where his and my relationship is heading—if you can even call what we have a relationship. I just know, on my end at least, I don’t want to be labeled as only a bed partner. When I gave in to him, I was giving in to the possibility of something more than a physical relationship. Now I wonder what his thoughts are.

  Am I just another one of his conquests, and once he tires of me, he’ll toss me to the side? Am I simply a warm body to slate his lust until a better one comes along?

  Or does he want something more?

  The better question is, do I want to take the chance of being one of the former, when I so badly want to be the latter? And can I handle it each time I see one of his past lovers?

  He looks up right then and our eyes meet. He must see something on my face because he suddenly frowns. He says something to the blonde without looking away from me. She turns around and glances at me, and wouldn’t you know it, the full front view of her is just as stunning as the side view. They both start heading toward me, and I’m tempted to bolt. There’s no fucking way I want to meet one of the women he’s slept with. I hold still when everything in me screams to run in the opposite direction.

  He doesn’t stop until he’s at my side with his arm wrapped around my waist. Leaning down, he whispers in my ear, “You okay?”

  I give him a tight smile and nod. “Sure.”

  His brows wrinkle as his eyes bounce back and forth between mine. After a moment, he clears his throat and, with his arm still around me, faces the blonde.

  “Alaina, this is my sister’s best friend, Heidi,” he introduces. “Heidi, this is Alaina.”

  I wince, feeling like a fool. This woman isn’t one of his old lovers. They seemed so familiar because they’ve known each other for years. According to Enzo, she’s like a sister to him.

  As I take her in, my words from our conversation last night filter through my mind.

  You may think that, but I can almost guarantee you she doesn’t.

  Then I remember the way she stared up at him adoringly when she first walked up to him. It would be natural for her to feel brotherly love toward the man who’s been a part of her life through his sister, but what she feels isn’t brotherly. Men are blind when it comes to these things. This girl wants Enzo. It’s in the way she looks at him and in the way she holds her body, as if she’s begging him to look at her.

  The thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I’ve never been insecure, but I’m not overly confident either. This woman is beautiful in a way I’ll never be.

  Even so, I hold out my hand and offer a genuine smile. Maybe I’m projecting something that isn’t really there, and Heidi does only think of Enzo as a brother.

  “Hi, Heidi. It’s nice to meet you.”

  My hopes are dashed when the smile she gives me is forced. It’s not openly disdainful—she wouldn’t want to give herself away to Enzo—but since I’m a woman and I know how women think and act around men they want, I have no doubt this woman is mentally clawing my eyes out.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Alaina,” she says with a sugary sweet tone, I’m sure for Enzo’s benefit. Dismissing me right away, she looks back at Enzo, her smile turning sincere once more. “I was hoping you would dance with me.”

  “Actually,” his arm tugs me closer, “I believe I promised this next one to Alaina. But hit me up before the night’s over.”

  He did no such thing, but I have no plans to call him out on it. Nova smirks at the crestfallen look on Heidi’s face.

  Enzo thought I was joking when I told him last night that I hated the name Heidi, but I really do. It’s petty, I know, but I’ve never liked the name. It screams entitled bitch. Of course, that could be because there was a Heidi in high school that liked to torment people who she felt weren’t of her class.

  “Where’s Allison?” Enzo asks, perusing the room and pulling me from my thoughts. “I want to introduce her to Alaina before the night ends.”

  Heidi shrugs and glances around. “I don’t know. She was over at the refreshment table a few minutes ago.”

  “We’ll catch up with her later.” He lets go of my waist and grabs my hand. “After I’ve had you in my arms on the dance floor.”

  I flush and butterflies swarm in my belly. I really like the idea of dancing with Enzo. From her tight-lipped expression, Heidi doesn’t.

  Too bad, bitch, he’s mine, Nova growls and bares her teeth in my head.

  It’s amazing how much Nova and I are in agreement lately.

  Enzo leads me to the rapidly-filling dance floor, and he spins me in place. I laugh as I settle my arms around his neck, and he pulls me so close my breasts are smashed against his chest. We’ve only been together for a few minutes, but his shaft is already turning rigid against my belly.

  “It’s about fucking time I get my hands on you. You’ve been driving me wild in this dress all day.”

  His words make me want to rub against him like a cat in heat. I’ve been on edge since last night, even after
I fantasized about him in bed and had a visit from my little vibrating friend.

  I play with the hairs on the back of his neck. “You clean up pretty nice yourself,” I tell him. “And besides, you’re the one who’s stayed away all day.”

  He grins, and his dimple pops out again. How have I never noticed it before?

  “Think anyone would notice if we slipped into a closet somewhere?”

  I giggle. “Probably not, but there’s no way it’s happening. It took me too long to get into this dress. Once I come out of it, it’s not going back on.”

  “I’m okay with that,” he says smugly.

  My lips quirk up. I look around the room when I feel the heat of eyes on us. My gaze zeroes in on Heidi standing at the edge of the dance floor. There’s another woman with her, and they’re both looking at Enzo and me dancing. There’s a stark difference between the two. While the other woman looks on with a pleased smile on her face, Heidi’s expression looks irate. I feel an immaturish urge to stick my tongue out at her.

  Ignoring her, I look at the other woman. There’s no doubt in my mind she’s Enzo’s sister. She has the same eyes and nose as him. If I thought Enzo was handsome, then his sister is breathtaking.

  I bring my attention back to Enzo. “Heidi has feelings for you,” I inform him nonchalantly.

  His brows jump up in surprise before they lower into a frown. “What are you talking about?”

  “I thought she was going to yank out all of my hair and stomp on my face while we were talking to her.”

  He actually chuckles. “I’m sure you’re wrong. I’ve known her since she was seven years old or something. I bet she’s just worried you aren’t good enough for me.” He tosses me a wink.

  “Yeah, no, that’s not it. I know women, Enzo, and I know what jealousy looks like. She hated me as soon as you put your arm around me.”

  “Or maybe,” he dips down and runs his nose up my neck, stopping at my ear. Goosebumps break out on my arms, “you’re the one who’s jealous. Haven’t we had this conversation before?” He pulls back to look at me. “Just admit, you don’t like other women looking at me.”


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