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Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 16

by Alex Grayson

  I dip my head. “That’s why I’d want her to come on board.”

  She wiggles her ass back against me. “Well, I think it’s a great idea.”

  I nuzzle my face in her neck. “Wanna know what else I think is a good idea?” I murmur, sucking a piece of skin into my mouth.

  She moans and tilts her head to the side. “I think I can guess.”

  “Turn around, baby, and ride my cock.”

  The water sloshes over the edge of the bathtub, soaking the floor, as Alaina shimmies around and straddles my lap. Resting my head against the wall, I help guide her down over my rigid shaft. With my eyelids half-closed, I watch as she lazily uses my body to fuck herself.

  As many times as we’ve had sex since we’ve started seeing each other, you’d think our sex drive would have dwindled some. But it’s just the opposite. No matter how much I try to sate the lust I feel for this woman, nothing quells the hunger.

  And I don’t think it ever will.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I look at the woman sitting on the swivel stool like she’s lost her mind. It’s the only logical explanation. She has to have gone crazy. That or she’s playing a cruel joke on me. I brace myself, expecting some camera crew to come bursting in the room yelling, “You’ve been punked!” I refuse to believe what she’s saying. There’s no way.

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Miller, but you have to be mistaken,” I tell her, shaking my head slowly. “You must have used the wrong sample. Or maybe the tester thingy is broken.”

  “I assure you that the results are correct. And you’re the only patient here at the moment who’s given a urine sample.”

  “But how could this happen?” I protest.

  Her eyes dance as she smiles wryly at me. “You’re thirty years old, Alaina. I’m sure you know how these things work.”

  Her mocking attitude irritates me. I ball my hands into fists on my thighs.

  “I’m on the pill! I just got off my freaking period! We’ve used condoms until recently!”

  My words become hysterical, but can you blame me? I’ve always wanted kids, but I expected to be married before I became pregnant, and had love from the father. I know Enzo cares for me, I just don’t know how deep those feelings run. I do know he hasn’t told me he loves me. Of course, neither have I. And lord help me, but I do love that man.

  “Contraceptives are never one-hundred percent effective. You know this.”

  “And my period?”

  “It’s not uncommon to have some bleeding while you’re pregnant. Especially in the first trimester.”

  “But doesn’t that mean something’s wrong with the baby?”

  The thought has a whole new bout of anxiety running through me. As much as I’m not ready to become a mother, thinking there could be something wrong with the baby scares me even more.

  Dr. Miller rolls her stool over to me and places her hand on my thigh.

  “I’m sure your baby is just fine. There are several reasons why women bleed after becoming pregnant. Many of them are no cause for concern.” Getting up from the stool, she walks to the laptop sitting on the counter by the sink. “Even so, I’d like to do an ultrasound to get an estimation on how far along you are. If there are any underlying issues, we’ll find them.”

  Numbly, I nod, still in shock that I’m carrying a human being inside my body. I look down and rest my hand on my abdomen. It’s weird to know there’s a baby in there and not feel any different.

  Dr. Miller says something to me, but I only half listen. I don’t realize she’s left the room until another nurse comes in a few minutes later pushing in a machine.

  “Congratulations!” she says, beaming at me. I’ve never seen her before, so she must be new. “Dr. Miller will be back in a moment. In the meantime, why don’t you lay back?”

  I’m on autopilot as I do what she suggests. A moment later, my doctor comes back in the room, wheeling her stool over to the machine. The nurse hands her a towel and a tube of gel before she leaves the two of us alone.

  “I’m going to pull down your waistband some and slip this towel underneath to keep the gel away from the material.”

  Once she’s finished, she flips open the cap to the gel. I jerk when the cold lubricant hits my lower stomach.

  “Just relax, Alaina. You’re doing great,” she says calmly, patting my arm.

  I feel like an idiot. It’s not like I’ve been diagnosed with some type of deadly disease. It’s only pregnancy. Yeah, I came in today for a pill refill to prevent exactly this, but hey, I’m still alive and healthy, and apparently, it’s now my job to keep the tiny being inside me alive and healthy too.

  I jump even more when she sets the wand looking thing to my stomach and a loud whooshing sound fills the room. My eyes bounce to the monitor, but all that’s there is a grainy black and white picture. I’ve seen sonograms on TV, but I’ve never seen one in person.

  She wiggles the wand a bit and presses down hard right above my pubic bone. A light thumping noise joins the whooshing sound.

  “There she is,” Dr. Miller comments, a smile in her voice. “And that’s her heartbeat.”

  I squint and try to find what she’s looking at.


  Pointing to the screen, she says, “Right there. You see that tiny white blip that looks like a bean? That’s your baby.”

  All I can do is stare at the screen, utterly captivated. Having Dr. Miller tell me I’m pregnant was shocking enough, but actually seeing the proof in the form of my baby, is nearly overwhelming.

  My thoughts move to Enzo, wondering how he’s going to react to this news. Being surprised is a given, but will he hate me? My thoughts move to the woman who tried to trap him years ago. Will he think I did the same thing? Will he think I did this on purpose? Will he never want to see me again? And worse, will he not want anything to do with our child? I refuse to believe he wouldn’t want to be a part of his baby’s life. But really, how well do I know him? Not enough to know how he’s going to react.

  The unknown scares the shit out of me.

  “Her heartbeat is nice and strong.”

  I glance at the doctor. “Her? You can’t tell the sex already, can you?”

  She laughs as she wiggles the wand around some more. Every so often, she presses a round control on the machine.

  “No. I always start out using the term ‘her’, until we know for sure. I refuse to use ‘it’. It just seems so impersonal.”

  I look back at the monitor as she turns quiet for a few minutes, steadily pressing the controls.

  “You look to be about seven weeks along.”

  I jerk my eyes to her. “Are you sure?”

  She nods. “There’s no way to know for certain, but the measurements indicate seven weeks.”

  If I’m seven weeks along, then I must have gotten pregnant the night we first met in the bar. It’s bizarre to think I’ve had a baby growing inside me this whole time.

  I don’t remember much after that besides Dr. Miller handing me a few shiny pictures with arrows pointing to my baby and advising me to start taking prenatal vitamins. I stop at the front desk and make an appointment for next month.

  I’m in a haze when I climb in my car. Instead of starting the engine, I stare out of the window in stunned silence for several moments. My thoughts are all over the place. How my life is about to drastically change. How Enzo’s life is going to change.

  Not wanting to go home yet, and desperately needing someone to talk to, I head to Juliet and James’ house. Stiffly, I get out of the car and go up to the front door. James answers, his smile falling when he sees my ashen face.

  “Alaina? What’s wrong?”

  The last thing I want to do is tip him off and have him call Enzo to inform him something’s the matter, so I plaster on a fake smile.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m a bit tired.” At least that’s true. The last week I’ve slept fitfully. I wonde
r if that’s a pregnancy symptom. “Is Juliet busy?”

  His eyes narrow, jumping back and forth between mine. After a moment, his expression smooths out and he steps to the side.

  “She’s in her office. Go right on back.”

  “Thank you.”

  I step over the threshold and beeline it to the hallway where Juliet’s office is located. At the mouth of the hallway, I turn back when James calls my name.

  “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  “Positive,” I answer, keeping my tone light.

  Juliet looks up from her computer when I enter her office. “Hey, you. What are you doing here?”

  I close the door behind me and go to the small love seat she has against one wall. Plopping down, I bury my face in my hands. My shoulders heave as I try to reign in the tears threatening to fall.

  “What in the world, Alaina?” Juliet states, rushing over to sit beside me. “What’s going on?”

  It takes several deep breaths before I have my emotions under control enough to look up at her.

  “I just found out I’m pregnant,” I whisper, my voice breaking on the last word.

  Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. “Say what?” Disbelief making her voice come out as a screech.

  “Shh….” I hiss. “I don’t want James coming in here.”

  It takes her a minute for the shocked look to fade from her face. A hell of a lot sooner than it took me when I first found out. I’m still in shock.

  “Okay, okay.” She takes in a deep breath, reaching for one of my hands and uncurling my fingers. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know,” I murmur. “I have no idea what to do in this situation. I’m fucking lost.”

  “You plan to tell Enzo, right?”

  “Of course I will. I could never keep something like this from him.”

  “What do you think he’ll say?”

  I worry my bottom lip. “I don’t know. That’s one of the things I’m struggling with. I can’t anticipate his reaction.” Licking my lips, I ask, “You know about Karen, right?”

  “Yeah. Enzo mentioned what she did to him.”

  “What if he thinks I did the same thing?” I whisper my fear.

  She squeezes my hand. “I’m sure it’ll be a shock at first, but after it wears off, he’ll be fine. He knows you’re nothing like that woman.”

  “You can’t know that for sure,” I argue.

  “And you can’t not know that for sure,” she counters. “Enzo cares for you, Alaina. This may not have been in either of your plans, but I can’t see him lumping you in the same category as Karen.”

  “I really hope you’re right.”

  Her expression turns thoughtful. “How far along are you?”

  “The doctor thinks I’m seven weeks.”

  “Hmm…. That might be why you were sick not long ago. And even I’ve noticed you’ve had a monster appetite lately.”

  The thought has crossed my mind. It would also explain why my breasts have been extra sensitive. I chocked it up to lingering effects of PMS, but obviously I was wrong.

  “When are you going to tell him?” she asks, her voice quiet.

  “I don’t know.” That seems to be the answer to a lot of questions today. “He’s supposed to come to the house tonight.”

  “I think the sooner, the better. I don’t see you being able to hide this from him. You’re practically sweating bullets just sitting here, and your face is pale. He’s going to know something’s up.”

  I nod, knowing she’s right. I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions very well. Especially when it comes to big things like this. He’s going to know right away that I’m hiding something.

  All of a sudden, I’m yanked forward by Juliet as she pulls me into a hug so tight, I can barely breathe. When she pulls back, she’s wearing a smile so big her eyes squint almost closed.

  “I can’t believe it.” She’s damn near jumping in her seat, but thankfully, she keeps her voice down. “I’m going to be an aunt. I’m going to spoil this baby so rotten.”

  I choke on a strangled laugh. “God, I still can’t believe it.”

  “You’re going to be such a great mom.”

  “I hope so,” I respond.

  “Just think about all the shopping we’ll get to do. All the cute little outfits we get to pick out.”

  Her words send a tiny thrill through me. I may be frugal with the fortune I own when it comes to buying things for myself, but I know that I’ll go overboard with my child.

  We spend a few more minutes talking about all the things I’ll need to buy for a baby. By the time our visit is over and I leave, I feel marginally better. I’m still nervous and anxious about becoming a mother, but there’s definitely a new spark of excitement and anticipation forming.

  As I drive across town to my house, I can’t help but send up a silent prayer, hoping Enzo feels the same way.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I pull up to Alaina’s house and let out a sigh of relief when I see her car in the driveway. I’m earlier than we planned to meet, but I couldn’t wait after the message I got from James. I was at the studio and was supposed to be there for another hour, but when we paused for a break, I checked my phone. The ringer was down, so it wasn’t until a couple hours later that I got the message from James saying Alaina came by the house and was acting a bit weird.

  When I called to ask him for more details, he said she left a bit ago. He said there was a look in her eyes that concerned him. I told the guys an emergency came up, and I left right away.

  Getting out of my car, I swiftly walk up the steps and let myself inside with the key she gave me when she was sick. The house is quiet when I enter. Just when I open my mouth to call out her name, I find her at the bank of windows that faces the backyard. She’s just standing there, looking outside. From her reflection in the glass, her expression is contemplative.

  She doesn’t move as I approach, but her eyes meet mine in the glass. I stop when my chest is pressed against her back, and I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “James called you, didn’t he?” she asks, her tone soft in the quiet room.

  “Yes. But he didn’t say much. Just that you seemed off.” I rest my chin on her shoulder and look at her reflection. “What’s going on?”

  She doesn’t answer right away. Just places her arms around mine so we’re both hugging her stomach as she rests her head on my shoulder. Her eyes close and she pulls in a deep breath.


  “I’m pregnant.”

  It takes a moment for her words to register. I freeze, shocked into silence. My arms unconsciously tighten around her waist, and for that first moment, pure elation grips my heart and squeezes it in the best way possible. Images of Alaina and a little baby that has her eyes and my hair takes hold in my head, like a movie reel sliding across the backs of my eyes.

  Her lovingly staring down at our baby in her arms as she feeds him nourishment from her breast.

  Sitting in a rocking chair singing lullabies.

  Laughing when our baby says momma for the first time.

  Hovering over her like a protective mother as she takes her first steps.

  Lying on the couch with our child sleeping on her chest.

  Those images slam into me so fast. I squeeze my eyes shut, half of me wanting to hold onto them forever. The other half wishing they never came.

  Because what my head showed me isn’t possible.

  I drop my arms and they fall limply to my sides. Anger replaces the euphoria, hot and fucking smothering.

  Losing the heat of my chest, Alaina turns around, worry and uncertainty bringing a frown on her face.


  My jaw clenches at the wariness in her tone. Damn straight she should be wary. What the fuck is her game, claiming she’s pregnant? Looking into her eyes, I know she’s going to try to pawn the baby off as mine.

  “How long?” I grit be
tween clenched teeth.

  How the hell can she do this to us? Just when I find the woman of my dreams, a woman I wanted to have a future with, she ruins it with lies. She’s just like fucking Karen. The question is why? I know she has money. She told me of the fortune that was left to her. She has twice the amount of money I have. That can’t be it. I’m no longer in Phenix, so I highly doubt it’s for fame. What other fucking motivation is there?

  Her frown deepens. “How long what? How far along am I?”

  I blink away the red fighting to cloud my vision.

  “How fucking long have you been spreading your legs for another man, while doing the same with me?”

  I give the girl credit. She’s a damn good actress as she rears back as if I slapped her.

  “What?” she demands as she feigns disbelief. “This baby is yours, Enzo.”

  “How long have you been fucking someone else, Alaina? Who the hell is the father?” I yell the last question.

  The knot that’s steadily growing in my chest tightens, damn near suffocating me.

  “I don’t understand, Enzo. How in the world can you ask me this?” she asks, her eyes flaring wide with heat. “You know I’ve only been with you. I’ve only been with you for the last year.”

  I laugh sardonically and lean toward her. “You wanna know why I know you’re lying?” I keep my tone even, despite the way my heart feels like it’s in a vice grip. “I can’t have kids, Alaina.” Leaning back, I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. “So, you tell me right fucking now how the hell you can say you’re pregnant and claim it’s mine.”

  “What?” she gasps, her hand flying to her chest. “That’s not possible.”

  “I had a vasectomy five years ago.” I smile mockingly at her. “Remember the woman I told you about? Karen? I had a vasectomy after the shit she pulled.”

  She blanches, her face going white. She cups a hand over her mouth, and for a moment, it looks like she might throw up. I block out the concern wanting to surface. This woman no longer deserves my sympathy.


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