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Her Cowboy Bears (BBW MMF Menage Shapeshifter Romance)

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by Tabitha O'Dell

  “Oh crap,” I mumbled. Ophelia had been right. They were taking off in the night. But why?

  I had my coat on before I even realized I was moving. I kept telling my feet to stop, to stay put and go to bed, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t any of my business, but I had to know what was going on and I made my way downstairs just in time to see the riding off into the night through the kitchen window.

  Now what? I silently asked myself.

  The answer should have been to go back to bed and forget what I saw, but I couldn’t do it. I had to know exactly what was going on and suddenly I was outside and racing for the stables myself.

  I’d only been there a week, but I’d already gotten very good at saddling the horses and I was out of the barn in minutes, following in the direction my two bosses had gone. I had no clue where I was headed, but I was about to find out.

  I had lucked out – the moon was full and it was easy enough to follow the tracks in the bright light. That was one thing I didn’t think I’d ever get over – how bright the moon was out in the country. It was just enough light to see by to keep my horse trotting along through the pasture.

  My bum was sore by time I’d found the other two horses, but they’d been left tethered to a tree by a watering hole and I did the same with mine. I had no clue where I was going, and I couldn’t see ahead of me where the ground started to roll with hills, but a strange noise caught my attention just before I gave up.

  I couldn’t place what it was, and I wasn’t sure if it were animal or human, but I had to find out. With my cowboy boots on and my jacket pulled tight, I climbed the closest hill and froze when I discovered what was waiting on the other side.

  It wasn’t Eli or Austin, or anyone human for that matter. What I discovered were two huge bears rolling around in the dust. They snarled and snapped at each other, their claws and teeth bared, and I realized that the two ranchers must have been out there somewhere hunting for the bears.

  That’s where they’ve been going, I told myself as I watched them scrap. They probably didn’t want to scare us by admitting there were bears roaming the property.

  But that thought died instantly when the bears stopped fighting. There was no winner, no loser, but something totally different and totally unexpected.

  “No...” I mumbled to myself when the bears stood up on their hind legs. For a second I thought they’d seen me and were coming to attack me, but instead they started to change.

  It was impossible, it was crazy, it had to be a hallucination brought on by a lack of sleep. Bears didn’t just change!

  But that was exactly what they did. Their fur melted way and left tanned skin and strong muscles. Their snouts shifted and transformed into human faces, and their claws became fingers. They weren’t men, they weren’t bears, but something in between.

  “How you feeling?” I heard Eli ask Austin as the two men stood naked in the moonlight. Their voices were faint, but I could just barely make out what they were saying

  “A lot better,” Austin said. “Sometimes I just need to blow off steam.”

  “There are other ways to do that,” Eli said and then everything got a whole lot crazier.

  I thought I’d seen everything, but suddenly Eli’s lips were on Austin’s and the two men were kissing. Not just gently, but hot and furious kisses that awoke a strange fire within me.

  “Oh shit,” I said, but I realized too late that I’d actually said that out loud.

  The kissing ended instantly. They were suddenly staring right up to where I was hiding at the top of the hill and I didn’t know whether to run or scream or what. All I could do was stay frozen in place while they made their way up to me.

  “Caitlyn,” Eli called to me as he made his way up the hill. It was a cold night, but he was still completely naked and didn’t appear to notice the chill at all.

  “Stay away from me,” I called back and finally found my footing. I moved to run, but the men were faster than me and I barely made it ten feet before they blocked my path.

  “Please don’t be afraid,” Austin said as he raised his hands to stop me from running.

  “We won’t hurt you,” Eli assured me. “We just want to talk to you about what you saw.”

  “You’re monsters,” I spit out, unable to think of anything else to say. “You’re bears, or monsters or something!”

  “Actually, we prefer werebears,” Austin said. “And we don’t hurt people. Ever.”

  “But... how?” I managed to mumble as they slowly but surely walked me back to the clearing where Id first seen the bears.

  “It’s an old curse around these parts,” Eli informed me. “Punishment early ranchers got for settling land that wasn’t theirs to take.”

  “And they passed it down. Both our fathers carried the cursed gene and we ended up like this,” Austin explained. “So we bought a ranch together to be able to be ourselves. Together.”

  “So you are gay,” I said. That was a whole lot easier to swallow than the whole werebears thing.

  “Not exactly,” Eli said. “We prefer the term pansexual, or even bisexual, if you prefer.”

  “Huh?” I asked.

  “We don’t care about gender,” Austin went on to explain. “All we care about is sexual attraction.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Um, so you won’t hurt me? Should I just go back to Chicago now or something?”

  “Of course not,” Austin said. “Unless that’s what you really want.”

  “We actually had something else in mind,” Eli said.

  “Like?” I asked.

  “Like maybe the three of us...” Austin began before he said his fingers around my curvy waistline. “Have a little fun.”

  “Me?” I asked, somehow more shocked by that than anything else. Werebears or not, they were the hottest men I’d ever known and back in Chicago I couldn’t even get a date. Now they both wanted me?

  “We have to admit you caught our eye when we read your application,” Eli said. “We both prefer our women to have a little something more.”

  “Curvy women make the best lovers,” Austin agreed before his lips met the flesh of my neck and sent a shiver down my spine.

  “I... I’m not sure I’d be as good as you want...” I tried to admit. “I’m not... experienced.”

  “Even better,” Eli said. “To be your first, now that would be something very special indeed.”

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. Two men, two werebears, and they both wanted me? I should have laughed in their faces, walked back to my horse, and rode all the way back to the airport, but instead I only mumbled, “Okay.”

  There was no denying that I was nervous of what I’d just said yes to. I was scared, confused, but above all else – I was excited.

  Austin’s kissed were gentle as they moved down my neck. He eased me into what we were doing with the most supple, delicious caresses of his lips and I was moaning before we’d barely even gotten started.

  While Austin kissed down my neck, Eli worked the zipper of my coat and slipped it off my arms. I worried that I would be cold without the thick down jacket, but the heat coming off the two men was more than enough to keep me warm while their hands began to explore my curves.

  “You really are beautiful,” Eli moaned as he kissed across my shoulders, then down my spine while Austin worked the buttons of my plaid shirt.

  I was at a complete loss for words. I’d never been even close to a situation like this and I let the two men guide me as they slowly, methodically slipped off my clothes and it wasn’t long before I was as naked as the two of them.

  But while they were hard and confident in their nudity, I couldn’t stop from trying to cover myself with my hands.

  “Don’t,” Austin said as he took my hand in his and placed it on his already hard cock. “You’re beautiful. Don’t ever forget that.”

  That was easier said than done, but it became possible as both men explored my body with their hands. Gently they massaged me, forcing moan
s out of my lips as fingers met my breasts, my bum, my neck, and then slowly began to trace their way to my inner thighs.

  “Are we really your first?” Eli asked before his lips met mine in a hot and hungry kiss.

  “Yes,” I admitted. I was ashamed of being a virgin at twenty-three, but it only made Eli and Austin more excited.

  The night was cold around us, but the heat coming off their bodies kept us warm. While they kissed and caressed me, I found the courage to run my fingertips down Eli’s muscular chest and then I turned my attention to Austin and did the same.

  Their muscles were harder than I expected and touching them ignited a fire in my belly. I really did want this, more than anything I wanted this, and when they laid out my thick jacket and helped me onto it, I complied readily.

  The jacket was thick and soft and with both men beside me, I had never felt more at ease and more nervous at the exact same time. With gentle kisses, Eli worked his way down the swell of my belly and kissed across my thighs until I opened them for him.

  “I bet you taste delicious,” he moaned as he kissed across my thighs and worked his way to the exposed lips of my sex.

  I didn’t answer him, he didn’t give me a chance to. Instead he slid his tongue along my silky folds and sent a wave of pleasure crashing over my body.

  While Eli made love to me with his mouth, Austin took my nipple into his mouth and began to suck.

  “Oh,” I moaned, my voice filling the night air as pleasure grew within me. The men knew exactly what I needed and soon I was writhing in pleasure while their lips and hands gave me everything I never thought I needed. It was perfect, it was insane.

  It was just the beginning.

  “Are you ready?” Eli asked as he removed his tongue from my lips.

  “Yes,” I managed to moan to him, my breathing hard and heavy with excitement. With my thighs open and my body ready, I could barely stand to wait for him any longer.

  He was gentle, slow, and careful as he pressed the tip of himself to my waiting lips. I didn’t know what to expect – save pain – but when he entered me it wasn’t the blinding agony that I expected. Instead it was a strong heat that rippled through my body and made me grit my teeth.

  “So tight,” Eli moaned. “So tight and hot.”

  “And beautiful,” Austin said as he stroked my hair. “Are you ready for one more?”

  “Yes,” I moaned for him. I wanted them both. I wanted the fullness of having them take me together. It was taboo, it was naughty, and it was so hot that I could feel my orgasm coming at just the thought of it.

  I opened my mouth readily for Austin and shivered as he slid himself between my lips. I’d never even given a blow job before and the taste of him on my tongue was different than what I’d expected. Salty, hot, and raw, it was a sexier flavor than I imagined and while Eli thrust into me, I bobbed up and down on Austin and the three of us were joined as one.

  Desire ebbed and flowed through my veins and it only got better when I watched the two men above me begin to kiss while they took their pleasure from my body. It was hot and raw and only made me want more, need more, and without having to ask for it, that was exactly what I was given.

  While Austin’s fingers massaged my breasts, Eli’s thumb found the nub of my clit and gently rubbed against it until my hips began to buck. I was close, so close, and I wanted to come so bay that it hurt, but the two men – my werebears – kept me on edge until I thought I was going to lose my mind.

  Finally, mercifully, Eli gave me what I needed to climb over the edge of my pleasure and find my release. I’ been so close for so long that I thought I might pass out when my orgasm finally claimed me, but instead I rode high on the peaks of pleasure while both men watched me lose myself in it.

  “My turn,” Austin said as he stroked my hair once I’d finished. I wasn’t sure what he meant, not at first, but he took hold of my hair and controlled my movements as my lips slid up and down on his hard, thick shaft.

  There was a shudder in my mouth, soft and barely noticeable, but then suddenly I felt the sticky saltiness of his release as it slid down my tongue and throat while he held me in place.

  He didn’t release me until he was finished and I’d swallowed every drop he had to give me, but I didn’t care. It was naughty and dirty and so unlike e that I loved every second of it.

  But we weren’t done yet. Eli was still inside me, thrusting and grunting as he took complete control of me. With Austin finished, Eli leaned over the curves of my body and thrust hard into me.

  He was forceful, rugged, and so hot as he slammed himself deep inside of me. The last of the pain I’d felt had disappeared and only left exhausted pleasure in its wake. He took exactly what he needed from me, and his lips met mine as he let himself go deep inside of me.

  Hot, exhausted, and raw, Eli rolled off of me and Austin came to join us on the laid out jacket. The stars above us were countless and beautiful, but they didn’t compare to what we had just shared.

  “That was amazing,” I finally managed to moan.

  “You were amazing,” Austin said as he kissed across my bare shoulder. Even after we’d finished, both men were still so warm and I didn’t even think about the need for a jacket.

  “Perfect,” Eli said. “I can’t believe we were lucky enough to have you come out to the ranch.”

  “Me too,” I said as I cuddle into their arms. I knew three months was a long time, but I already had a feeling I’d be calling Alana in the future to tell her that I wasn’t coming back to Chicago. Not with Eli and Austin in Wyoming.

  Also by Tabitha O’Dell

  Secretary to the Billionaire Bear

  Alpha and Beta Billionaires

  Ruled by the Billionaire Bears

  Romanced by the Highlander Bears

  The Billionaire Bear Club

  About the Author

  Tabitha is a thirty-five year old writer from Maine. She loves stories about wealthy bachelors and big, beautiful women like herself. She enjoys writing in her spare time and hopes to share her stories with like-minded readers like you!




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