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Complete Works of Samuel Johnson

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by Samuel Johnson

  Before Macaulay’s day Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, and Smollett had each contributed something to the novel. During his lifetime came practically all of the best work of Miss Austen, Scott, Cooper, Lytton, Disraeli, Hawthorne, the Brontës, Dickens, Thackeray, Mrs. Gaskell, Trollope, and Kingsley. George Eliot’s Adam Bede appeared the year he died.

  Other prominent prose writers were Hallam, Grote, Milman, Froude, Mill, Ruskin, and Carlyle. In Memoriam and Mrs. Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese were published in 1850, and Browning’s The Ring and the Book came out in 1868.

  As to Macaulay’s relations with his literary contemporaries, it must be understood that he gave practically his whole attention to the times of which he read and wrote, and to the men who made those times interesting. Scientists were making important discoveries day by day, but his concern was not with them, even at a time when Darwin was writing his Origin of Species. It was not clear to him that philosophical speculations like Carlyle’s might do much to better the condition of humanity. He finished Wordsworth’s Prelude only to be disgusted with “the old flimsy philosophy about the effect of scenery on the mind” and “the endless wildernesses of dull, flat, prosaic twaddle.” Although he read an infinite variety of contemporary literature he said he would not attempt to dissect works of imagination. In 1838, when Napier wished him to review Lockhart’s Life of Scott for the Edinburgh Review, he replied that he enjoyed many of Scott’s performances as keenly as anybody, but that many could criticise them far better. He added: “Surely it would be desirable that some person who knew Sir Walter, who had at least seen him and spoken with him, should be charged with this article. Many people are living who had a most intimate acquaintance with him. I know no more of him than I know of Dryden or Addison, and not a tenth part so much as I know of Swift, Cowper, or Johnson.” He turned instinctively to the old books, the books that he had read again and again: to Homer, Aristophanes, Horace, Herodotus, Addison, Swift, Fielding. There was at least one writer of fiction in his time to whom he was always loyal. On one occasion when he had been reading Dickens and Pliny and Miss Austen at the same time, he declared that Northanger Abbey, although “the work of a girl,” was in his opinion “worth all Dickens and Pliny together.”

  What he did for humanity he did as a practical man of affairs, at home alike in the Cabinet and in popular assemblies. While Carlyle in the midst of his gloomy life was toiling heroically to banish shams and to get at the True, the Real, Macaulay, who was reasonably satisfied with the past and the present, and hopeful of the future, was sifting from his vast treasury of information about the past what he believed to be significant in history and important in literature. He had none of the feeling that Ruskin had, that it was his duty to turn reformer, but what he did toward educating his readers he did in the way he most enjoyed.


  Once for all it must be remembered that Macaulay had no intention of being studied as a text-book, and we must deal with him fairly. First we should read the Life through at a sitting without consulting a note, just as we read an article in the Atlantic Monthly or the Encyclopædia Britannica. We should rush on with the “torrent of words” to the end to see what it is all about, and to get an impression of the article as a whole. As Johnson says: “Let him that is yet unacquainted with the powers of Shakespeare, and who desires to feel the highest pleasure that the drama can give, read every play from the first scene to the last with utter negligence of all his commentators. When his fancy is once on the wing, let it not stoop at correction or explanation. When his attention is strongly engaged let it disdain alike to turn aside to the name of Theobald and of Pope. Let him read on through brightness and obscurity, through integrity and corruption; let him preserve his comprehension of the dialogue and his interest in the fable. And when the pleasures of novelty have ceased let him attempt exactness and read the commentators.”

  Macaulay attracts attention not only to what he says but also to the way in which he says it. In examining his style it will be a good plan to ask ourselves whether the writer ever wanders from the subject, or whether every part of the Life contributes something to the one subject under discussion. Naturally we find ourselves making topics, such for example as Johnson’s Youth, His Father, At Oxford. A list of these topics gives us a bird’s-eye view of the whole field and enables us to examine the composition more critically. Has the writer arranged the topics in the natural order? Does he give too much space to the treatment of any one topic? Might any of them be omitted to advantage?

  Having examined the larger divisions, we may profitably turn our attention to the parts which constitute these divisions, the paragraphs. First let us see whether he goes easily from one paragraph to the next. For example, is the first sentence of paragraph 2 a good connecting link with what precedes? In looking through the Life for these links, we should make up our minds whether they are studied or spontaneous.

  Then let us test the unity of the paragraphs. Can each paragraph be summed up in a single sentence? Does a combination of the opening and the closing sentence ever serve the purpose? Does one or the other of these ever answer of itself? Has every sentence some bearing on the main thought, or might some sentences be omitted as well as not?

  It will be equally profitable, at this point, to test the coherence of half a dozen paragraphs. Does each sentence lead up naturally to the next? Can the order of sentences be changed to advantage? When the sentences in a paragraph hold together firmly, we should point out the cause; when coherence is lacking, we should try to discover to what its absence is due.

  Then comes the question of emphasis. Let us see whether we can find two or three paragraphs in which Macaulay succeeds particularly well in emphasizing the main point. If we find three, let us see whether he accomplishes his purpose in the same way each time.

  For those of us who are still willing to learn something from Macaulay’s style, it is worth while to study the sentences. Selecting two or three of the most interesting paragraphs, we may make the three tests: (1) Is each sentence a unit? (2) Is the relation of every word to the adjoining words absolutely clear? (3) Does the construction emphasize what is important?

  Then there is the vocabulary. Who does not enjoy the feeling that he is enlarging his vocabulary? An easy way of doing it is to read two or three times such a paragraph as the nineteenth, and then, with the book closed, to write as much of it as possible from memory. As it is not merely a large vocabulary that we wish, but a well chosen one, we shall do well to compare our version with Macaulay’s and see in how many cases his word is better than ours. Have we, for example, equaled “winning affability,” or “London mud,” or “inhospitable door”? Is his word more effective than ours because it is more specific, or what is the reason?

  Before taking farewell of the Life of Johnson there is another use to which we may put the topics. We may use them as tests of our knowledge of the essay. If we can write or talk fully and definitely on each of the more important ones, we are sure to carry much food for thought away with us. The value of a review of this sort is evident from a glance at the following topics: Literary Life in London in Johnson’s Time, Johnson’s Love Affair, The Dictionary, The Turning Point in Johnson’s Life, The Rambler, Rasselas, The Idler, His Shakspere, The Club [His Conversation], Boswell, The Thrales, His Fleet Street Establishment, The Lives of the Poets.

  As we read Macaulay we should be particularly careful to think for ourselves. Mr. Gladstone has said: “Wherever and whenever read, he will be read with fascination, with delight, with wonder. And with copious instruction too; but also with copious reserve, with questioning scrutiny, with liberty to reject, and with much exercise of that liberty.”

  This means that we must follow him up, find out where he got his information, see whether in his enthusiasm he has exaggerated. Then, even if the critics do assure us that he is not one of the deep thinkers, one of the very great writers, we may go on committing his Lays to heart, studying his Essays
, and admiring those wonderfully faithful pictures in his History. More than all else, as the years go by, we are likely to find ourselves indebted to him for arousing interest, for leading us to further reading.


  Among the “hasty and imperfect articles” which Macaulay wrote for the Edinburgh Review was one on Croker’s Edition of Boswell’s Life of Johnson. It appeared in 1831 and gave the writer a welcome opportunity to show the inaccuracy and unreliability of Croker, one of his political opponents. Nearly one half of his space he gave to criticising the editor, and that part it seems wise to omit in this edition; for we care more about Boswell and Johnson. Twenty-five years later, in 1856, when Macaulay had ceased to write for reviews, but sent an occasional article to the Encyclopædia Britannica, he wrote what is generally called the Life of Samuel Johnson. The publisher of the encyclopædia writes that it was entirely to Macaulay’s friendly feeling that he was “indebted for those literary gems, which could not have been purchased with money”; that “he made it a stipulation of his contributing that remuneration should not be so much as mentioned.” The other articles referred to are those on Atterbury, Bunyan, Goldsmith, and William Pitt. One writer calls them “perfect models of artistic condensation.”

  It is interesting to compare the later work with the earlier: to see whether there is any evidence of improvement in Macaulay’s use of English, and whether he gives us a better notion of Boswell and Johnson.


  The book to which we naturally turn first to see whether Macaulay knows his subject is Boswell’s Life of Johnson; not the edition in six volumes by Dr. George B. Hill, scholarly as it is, but some such edition as Mr. Mowbray Morris’s, published by the Macmillan Company in one volume. When we read Boswell the first time, to get his conception of his hero, we do not care to loiter on every page for notes, interesting and instructive as they may be after the first rapid reading. This single volume is so cheap that no one need hesitate to buy it; then he may mark it up as much as he pleases and enjoy his own book. The conscientious student need not feel obliged to read every word of every episode, but may feel perfectly free to skip whatever does not appeal to him, perfectly certain that before he has turned ten pages he will stumble on something worth while.

  The book which will do more than all others to illuminate the life and character of Macaulay is The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, written by his nephew, G. Otto Trevelyan. Harper & Brothers, the publishers, have bound the two volumes in one which is so inexpensive that every school library may easily afford it. Some critics think this Life ranks with Boswell’s Johnson. It certainly is one of the most readable biographies in the English language. Other useful books are numerous, but among them all Carlyle’s essay in reply to Macaulay’s Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson stands out first.


  ARBLAY, MADAME D’. Memoirs of Dr. Burney. (Contains “the most vivid account of Boswell’s manner when in company with Dr. Johnson.”)

  Boswelliana: the Commonplace Book of James Boswell. London, 1874.

  CARLYLE, THOMAS. Boswell’s Life of Johnson.

  FITZGERALD, PERCY, M.A., F.S.A. Life of James Boswell with four portraits. 2 vols. London: 1891.

  LEASK, W. KEITH. James Boswell. (Famous Scots Series.) Edinburgh: 1897.

  STEPHEN, LESLIE. James Boswell (in the Dictionary of National Biography).


  BIRRELL, A. Dr. Johnson (in Obiter Dicta, Second Series).

  BOSWELL, JAMES. Life of Johnson including Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, etc., edited by George Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L., Pembroke College, Oxford, in six volumes. Oxford, 1897. (“Boswell’s famous book has never before been annotated with equal enthusiasm, learning, and industry.” — Austin Dobson.)

  The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides, by James Boswell, Esq. New edition, with numerous additions and notes, by The Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, M.P., to which are added ... 50 engraved illustrations. In ten volumes. London: 1839.

  The Life of Johnson edited by Alexander Napier, M.A., London, 1884, also has several engravings.

  Dr. Henry Morley’s edition of Boswell’s work is illustrated with portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds. George Routledge & Sons, London, 1885.

  BROUGHAM, HENRY, LORD, F.R.S. Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III. London: 1856.

  GARDINER, S. R. A Student’s History of England.

  GOSSE, EDMUND W. History of Eighteenth Century Literature.

  GREEN, J. R. A Short History of the English People.

  HILL, GEORGE BIRKBECK, D.C.L. Dr. Johnson, His Friends and His Critics. London: 1878.

  HOSTE, J. W. Johnson and His Circle. London: Jarrold & Sons.

  Johnson’s Chief Lives of the Poets, Being those of Milton, Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, Gray, and Macaulay’s Life of Johnson, with a Preface by Matthew Arnold, to which are appended Macaulay’s and Carlyle’s Essays on Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1879.

  Johnson Club Papers by Various Hands. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899.

  Johnsoniana: Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., by Mrs. Piozzi, Bishop Percy, and others, together with the Diary of Dr. Campbell and extracts from that of Madame D’ Arblay, newly collected and edited by Robina Napier. (Engravings and various autographs.) George Bell and Sons, London, 1884.

  JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The Idler. In the series of British Essayists.

  Lives of the Poets. A New Edition, with Notes and Introduction by Arthur Waugh, in six volumes. Scribner’s Sons, 1896.

  London. In Hales’s Longer English Poems.

  The Rambler. In the series of British Essayists.

  Rasselas. Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, or Henry Holt & Co.

  The Vanity of Human Wishes. In Hales’s Longer English Poems and Syle’s From Milton to Tennyson.

  The Works of Samuel Johnson. In nine volumes. Oxford.

  LECKY, W. E. H. History of England in the Eighteenth Century.

  PIOZZI, MRS. Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson during the Last Twenty Years of his Life. 1786.

  Same, in the cheap National Series. The Cassell Company.

  Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1788.

  STEPHEN, LESLIE. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century.

  Dr. Johnson’s Writings (in Hours in a Library, Vol. II).

  Samuel Johnson. Dictionary of National Biography.

  Samuel Johnson. English Men of Letters Series. Harper & Brothers. (Cloth or paper.)


  BAGEHOT, WALTER. Thomas Babington Macaulay. (In Literary Studies.)

  BREWER, E. COBHAM, LL.D. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. The Historic Note-book.

  CLARK, J. SCOTT. Thomas Babington Macaulay. (In A Study of English Prose Writers.)

  GLADSTONE, W. E. Gleanings of Past Years.

  HARRISON, FREDERIC. Lord Macaulay. (In Early Victorian Literature.)

  MACAULAY, THOMAS B. Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Trevelyan edition, in two volumes. Longmans, Green, and Co.

  The History of England from the Accession of James II.

  Works. Complete edition, by Lady Trevelyan, in eight volumes. Longmans, Green, and Co.

  MINTO, WILLIAM. Manual of English Prose Literature.

  MORISON, J. COTTER. Macaulay. (In English Men of Letters, edited by John Morley.)

  PATTISON, MARK. Macaulay. (In the Encyclopædia Britannica.)

  STEPHEN, LESLIE. Macaulay. (In the Dictionary of National Biography; in Hours in a Library.)

  TREVELYAN, G. OTTO. The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, in two volumes; also two volumes in one.


  BESANT, WALTER. London in the Eighteenth Century.

  HARE, AUGUSTUS JOHN. Walks in London.

  HUTTON, LAURENCE. Literary Landmarks of London.

  WHEATLEY, HENRY B. London, Past and Present.

  VI. C

  1800. Born.

  1814. Sent to boarding school.

  1818. Entered Trinity College, Cambridge.

  1822. Graduated as B.A.

  1824. Degree of M.A. Elected Fellow. First public speech.

  1825. First contribution to the Edinburgh Review: essay on Milton.

  1826. Called to the bar.

  1828. Commissioner of Bankruptcy.

  1830. Member of Parliament for Calne. First speech in Parliament.

  1831. Speeches on the Reform Bill. Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson.

  1833. Member of Parliament for Leeds. Essay on Horace Walpole.

  1834. Essay on William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Sailed for India as legal adviser to the Supreme Council.

  1837. Penal Code finished.

  1838. His father died. Returned to England. Visited Italy.

  1839. Elected to the Club. Member of Parliament for Edinburgh. Secretary at War.

  1840. Essay on Lord Clive.

  1841. Reëlected to Parliament for Edinburgh. Essay on Warren Hastings.

  1842. Lays of Ancient Rome published.

  1843. Essay on Madame d’Arblay. Essay on the Life and Writings of Addison.

  1844. Essay on the Earl of Chatham. (The second essay on this subject, and his last contribution to the Edinburgh Review.)


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