Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17)

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Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17) Page 18

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “Figure we’ll put everything in the truck and drive around to meet the others at the food court. That okay?”

  “You…I…I don’t know what to say.” I rush ahead to open one of the doors, which earns me a scowl, but for God’s sake, he’s already wheeling around my luggage. I can at least open the dang door for him.

  He loads the two suitcases into the back seat. They take up almost the entire space.

  Inside the truck, he hands me his phone, open to a map of the mall. “Are there any shops you want to visit while we’re here?” He fires up the truck and guides it around the massive, sprawling building to the far side, and slides into another spot.

  “Are you volunteering to do more shopping with me?”

  “Yes. You’ve been on the road for a while. Is there anything you need or you’re running out of? Something you want?”

  I glance at the map again. “I’d actually like to look for a new pair of yoga pants.”

  A positively feral grin lights up his whole face. “Can I watch you try them on?”

  Laughing, I hand the phone back to him. “There’s a store near the food court.” I pin him with a stern look. “I’m buying them, though.”

  “Agreed. You’re buying your own pair of yoga pants.”

  I squint at him. “Why do I feel like we’re agreeing to two different things?”

  “We’re not. You’re buying a pair of pants. I heard you.”

  “Okay.” Still keeping an eye on him, I unbuckle my seatbelt. “You got a hat or something in here? Now that you told me the story’s been all over the place, I’m nervous. That saleslady looked at me funny and I was scared she recognized me.”

  “Ah, shit. I’m sorry I didn’t think of that.” He curses under his breath as he twists in the seat, searching the back of the truck. “Not my vehicle, or I’d have something,” he mutters.

  “It’s fine. I have my sunglasses.” I search through my purse for a ponytail holder. “I’ll stick my hair up. I usually get photographed with it down.”

  “You’ll be with three bikers and two ol’ ladies. Anyone who bothers you is going to wish they hadn’t.”

  I laugh, remembering how fierce Heidi can be. “Shoot, you think Heidi’s packing her ballpeen hammer?”

  “Probably. Trinity’s pretty lethal too.”

  “I’m not exactly a melting snowflake, you know.”

  He leans over and kisses my cheek. “You’re right. You’re not a snowflake. You’re a motherfuckin’ blizzard.”

  “I like that.” I search my purse again, pulling out a small notebook. “I want to stick that in a song or something.”

  “Will I get credit?”

  I scoot closer and brush my hand against his cheek. “Absolutely.”

  “You snookered me.”

  Rooster’s eyes widen with phony indignation. “I what?”

  I point to the bag in his hand. “I said I was buying my stuff. You’ve done enough for me already.”

  “We agreed you were buying a pair of pants.” He nods to the bag in my hand. With the one pair of pants I purchased. “And you did.”

  Next to me, Trinity covers her mouth and laughs. “He’s got you, Shelby.”

  “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think that stuff is even for you, Shelby,” Murphy adds. “Rooster likes the way yoga pants feel on his balls.” Murphy shapes his hands into a V in front of his crotch. “He thinks they present his package in an appealing way.”

  “Did you just say balls to my girlfriend?” Rooster shoves Murphy. By the way the two of them keep trying to wipe the smiles off their lips, they’re both close to bursting with laughter.

  “I was talking about your balls, so I figured that was okay.” He pokes at Rooster’s bag.

  “Is there something you need to share?” Wrath squints at Murphy. “Why are you so concerned with a brother’s balls all of a sudden?”

  “Good grief.” Heidi takes my bag and hands it to Rooster. “You guys have fun discussing your balls. We’re going on ahead.”

  “Again, it was Rooster’s balls, not mine,” Murphy shouts.

  The girls walk faster, giggling so hard they both bump into me. “Whatever,” Heidi says over her shoulder.

  “As if they’re going to let us out of their sight.” Trinity slows to a more normal pace. “Especially you, Shelby.”

  “No kidding. Rooster said the story’s all over the place. I’ve been afraid to look.”

  “Don’t worry,” Heidi says. “We won’t let anyone bother you.”

  Trinity pats her own cheeks and grins at me. “My fuck-off face is cocked and loaded.”

  “Ooo!” Heidi stops dead and pivots to the right. “Can we stop here? I want to look for a pair of boots for Alexa. She’s already growing out of her last pair.”

  “If you two have another girl, she’s going to have a fabulous wardrobe from day one,” Trinity says.

  “I know, right?” Heidi nudges Trinity’s shoulder. “Since certain aunts spoil my kid rotten.”

  Thankfully, the store has adult sizes too. I’m browsing through rows of shoes when an inky-blue western boot embroidered with gray stars and flowers is thrust in front of my face.

  “Those are pretty.” I tip my head back to look at Rooster. “A little girly for ya, though.”

  “Cute.” He shakes the boot, drawing my attention to them. “Do you like them?”

  I do very much. They’d caught my eye when we walked in but I’d been afraid to look at the tag. “If I say yes, are you going to buy them?”

  “Sir, here’s the size seven.” One of the salesgirls sets down a box on a bench behind us.

  “How about that?” Rooster tips his head toward the bench. “If you like them, will you try them on for me?”

  “Do you need help?” the salesgirl asks.

  “No, I’m fine,” I sigh.

  “Those are so pretty,” Heidi squeals. “They’re LOKI blue too.” She plops down on the bench next to my box and strips off her shoes.

  “I thought you were looking for boots for your daughter?” I ask.

  “Momma needs new shoes too,” she says without looking up from the pair of hunter-green ankle boots she’s about to try on.

  Murphy’s watching her with laughter on his lips, shaking his head. “She really doesn’t.”

  “See? Like Heidi said. They’re club colors.” Rooster nudges me toward the bench. “I didn’t see any boots in this color down in Texas.”

  I drop down next to Heidi and open the box. Inhaling the fresh, leather scent, I unwrap the boots. Damn, they’re pretty.

  Rooster drops down on one knee and holds a boot out to me.

  “Look at you,” I tease to calm the fluttery sensation in my belly. “My own Prince Charming. But with a cowgirl boot instead of a glass slipper.”

  “I’m a King, baby, not a prince.” He lifts his chin in a hurry up sort of way. “Come on, slide that pretty little foot in here.”

  The boots are nice and snug. Rooster helps me with both and I stand, pacing a few steps back and forth. They’re perfect, really.

  “They’d match that silver dress you have, wouldn’t they?” Rooster asks.

  “Such good fashion sense.” Murphy slaps Rooster’s chest.

  Rooster ignores him, still focused on me. Yup. These would look and feel a hell of a lot better on stage than the black heels I’ve been wearing with that dress. But I hate having Rooster drop even more money on me today.

  I drop onto the bench and tug at the left boot.

  “They kinda rub my heel a little,” I say in a low voice.

  Rooster squats in front of me, helping me pull the boot all the way off. “Want to go up half a size?”

  “No, that’s okay.”

  He leans in close. “It would really make me happy to see you wear these on stage. If they honestly don’t fit or you don’t like ’em, say so. But if you’re just worried about me buying them for you, don’t.”

  Why is this so hard for me to accept?r />
  He brushes his knuckles under my chin, forcing me to meet his questioning eyes. “Tell me what’s going on. I bought you boots down in Texas and you were okay with it.”

  “That was different.”


  I blow out a breath and stare at the ceiling, thinking of a way to put it into words without sounding awful. “Back then, what we had was a hookup. I wasn’t sure I’d actually see you again. So, it felt more like a memento of a hot fling.”

  He doesn’t so much as chuckle at my completely lame explanation. “And now?”

  I shrug, uncomfortable exposing myself like this in the middle of a damn shoe store. “Now, you’re my…partner. I love you. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  His eyes widen. He swallows hard, then swoops in and brushes a soft kiss over my lips. He sets the box down with a muted thump and grasps both my hands in his. “You don’t know how much I love hearing you say that.” He squeezes my hands gently. “But here’s the thing. I’m your man.” He pauses, waiting for an acknowledgment, I suppose, so I nod. “And I really like spoiling my woman.”

  My gaze lands on the box again. “They would be pretty with that dress.”

  “Good. Done.” He presses a quick kiss to my cheek.

  Heidi returns and slips off the shoes she’d been trying on, murmuring a few words to Murphy. He grabs her box and heads to the register.

  Rooster raises his eyebrows in a see-no-big-deal expression.

  “Yeah, but they’re married,” I whisper.

  He shrugs and holds out his hands for the boots.

  The six of us regroup outside the store. Trinity links one of her arms through mine and one through Heidi’s, pulling us ahead of the guys. “Can we please find the electronics store now?”

  “Sorry,” Heidi says. “It’s just nice to shop in person instead of online for a change.”

  Trinity chuckles. “You make me feel old.” She turns to me. “What’s wrong? Those boots are so pretty. I thought about trying them on too,” her lips curl into a playful smile, “but I wasn’t sure we were at that matching outfits level of our friendship yet.”

  I burst out laughing. “I think I could handle it.”

  “No, seriously. Everything all right?”

  I still haven’t been able to wrap my mind around Rooster’s spoiling his woman comment. “He’s already done a lot for me. I don’t want Rooster to think I’m some gold-digger.”

  Trinity winces. “That term needs to die already.” She slows her relentless walking pace and pulls me to the side against the railing overlooking the first floor of the mall. “Shelby, you’re a lot younger than me, and I don’t know what kind of men you’ve dated before.”

  “A lot of selfish jerks. Immature—”

  “Right,” Trinity continues. “Well, let me tell you this—real men, good men—aren’t keeping score. They’re not resentful. They provide for the people they care about no matter what.” She flicks her gaze over my shoulder where I assume the guys are close to catching up with us. “Rooster’s a provider and a protector.”

  “All of our guys are,” Heidi adds.

  “He’s also smart. If you were trying to fleece him, he’d sense it. He seems to really care about you.” The honesty in Trinity’s eyes and voice stuns me right before she delivers her final knock-out. “Let him.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Well, fuck, brother. I had no idea your ol’ lady was famous.” Ice flaps a glossy tabloid in my face. “One of the girls brought it in.”

  This is my punishment for deciding to spend our last couple days in Virginia at the clubhouse? Really?

  “What a relief you’re not a subscriber to Gossip Club magazine, Prez.” I roll my eyes. “I said she was on tour. We were at the arena when it all went down.”

  The clubhouse is quiet now, but the atmosphere is festive. Girls move around, straightening up the place. Brothers stock the bar while heckling each other and eyeing the club girls.

  “I don’t pay attention to country music,” Ice says.

  Sure. He has way too many porn stars to look after. “Yeah, I didn’t either.”

  Shonda brought our stuff up to our room with Shelby, and as the girls bounce down the stairs together, Ice studies Shelby a little too closely for my liking. “You’re really taking an ol’ lady at your age?”

  I hadn’t realized Ice and I were at the sharing-our-hopes-and-dreams-for-the-future stage of our relationship. “I’ve plowed through enough bunnies to know she’s a keeper. The one. Thanks for the concern, though.”

  “The one.” He scoffs. “Well, news says she’s about to be a huge star.”

  Can’t say I care for what he’s implying there. “It’s not like that. We met before she started blowing up.”

  “She seems nice. A real stunner too.” He slaps my back. “Happy for you, brother.”

  “Thanks.” I hope that’s the end of the conversation. Part of me remains tense, worried next he’ll ask if she’d like to star in a celebrity sex tape or something.

  He’s quiet, watching the girls stop to talk to Trinity and Heidi with more interest than I’d expect. Doesn’t he have more important things to do elsewhere? Bunnies to fuck? A club to run? Porn to upload?

  Oh, wait—that last one was supposed to be my job.

  “I’m sorry all this shit took me away from finishing up Anya’s project. I have a couple days before we—”

  “Nah, I think she’s all set. Don’t worry about it.” He pauses and rubs his hand over his chin. “On second thought, maybe take a look before you go. Make sure it’s all right.”

  “You got it.”

  “Have you ever considered how much attention your relationship might bring the MC?” he asks, eyes still on my girlfriend.

  “It’s crossed my mind a few times,” I answer carefully.

  “If her tour’s going through Mississippi, I’d stop to visit Priest and introduce Shelby around. Let him get to know her so he’s feeling more protective of her than resentful if a spotlight lands on the organization.”

  Well, fuck. Now I can’t even be mad about him eyeing Shelby. It’s solid advice. Insightful. Since Ice has years in the club and acting as president under his belt, he’s in a position to be more knowledgeable than I am about our national president’s quirks.

  “Thanks. I was planning to stop by and talk to him. Pay my respects. I wasn’t sure if I was going to bring Shelby or not.”

  “Definitely bring her. Valentina will probably love her, and that always goes a long way with Priest.”

  Another helpful bit of advice. “Thanks, brother.”

  “I’m sure Z would’ve told you the same thing. Priest’s sweet on his ol’ lady.” His lips twist in an amused or irritated smirk—hard to tell with Ice. But it’s true. Lilly’s one of the few ol’ ladies outside of the Mississippi charter to have Priest’s patch on her ‘property of’ vest—something some of the old ladies in my charter haven’t taken well.

  “He’s always happy when his officers settle down,” Ice mutters.

  This conversation gives Ice’s single status new meaning. “He give you a dad speech about taking an ol’ lady of your own?”

  He blows out an annoyed breath. “Only every time I see the old goat.”

  How the fuck does Priest have time to keep tabs on the financials and arrest records of all the charters around the country and worry about his officers’ love lives? “You and Anya seemed pretty close the other night.” I must be feeling cocky from my impending departure, otherwise I’m not sure I’d poke around in that particular hornet’s nest.

  He gives me a heaping dose of side-eye. “You’ve noticed there’s a bit of an age gap there, haven’t you?”

  Well, fuck. Ice might be the first one-percenter I’ve ever known to voice that concern. “Yeah, because no biker’s ever dated a younger woman before.”

  Not so much as a chuckle out of him. “He won’t welcome a porn star as an ol’ lad

  “Why the fuck not?” More than half the clubs earn their money from running strip clubs. Well, that might be an exaggeration. Most of them use the strip clubs as a way to launder dirty money from other ventures. But we’re earning good money producing porn. I scratch the side of my head. “Isn’t it Lost Kings legend that Priest shot a brother for disrespecting Valentina when they were dating?”

  He bursts out laughing. “You advocating I shoot our national prez?”

  “Fuck no. I’m just saying, no one should question you. Besides, she brings more money into the organization than some patch holders do. Priest should respect that, if nothing else.”

  “Solid point. Money definitely changes his perspective.” He taps my shoulder. “Thanks, brother.”

  “Doctor Rooster, at your service.” I salute him.


  I really don’t think I’m a prude. I mean, I love sex. Especially sex with Rooster. But I’m not used to seeing other people having sex. Right in front of me.

  Unfortunately, that seems to be the theme at the clubhouse tonight.

  And I’d thought the upstate New York clubhouse was wild.

  In the chair to Rooster’s left, the big guy I’d met earlier—Pants—has a mostly naked redhead grinding on his lap like her life depends on it. His face is buried in the crook of her neck and he appears to be whispering stuff to her. One hand’s cupping her extremely generous bare breast and the other one’s tucked up somewhere under her tiny pleated skirt.

  Not that I’m staring. But it’s kind of hard not to look. They’re so close, Rooster could shift his leg a few inches to the left and easily turn their party into a threesome.

  I cough and huddle closer to Rooster, who doesn’t seem to notice the free show. “Are you guys filming tonight?”

  He glances down, confusion clouding his eyes. “No. Why?”

  I discreetly lift my chin in the grinding couple’s direction. “Beauty and the beast over there. Seems like a waste not to get that on film.”

  He turns his gaze their way. A quick smirk curves his lips. “Yo, Pants! You auditioning for a part in one of Anya’s movies?”


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