Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17)

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Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC Book 17) Page 19

by Autumn Jones Lake

  Pants releases the girl’s breast long enough to flip Rooster off, but otherwise ignores the taunt.

  To my right, Jigsaw’s shaking with laughter and watching the couple like someone’s going to ask him to write a detailed report on it later. He leans toward me without looking away. “You have any special piercings, Shelby?”

  “What? No. Why?”

  His lips twist in a playful way. “No reason.”

  Rooster leans down, pressing his lips against my ear. “What’d he ask you?”

  I turn to answer, “Noth—” but my words get cut off by a glint of metal from under the girl’s skirt. Ewww, I didn’t need to know how this stranger bedazzles her labia.

  I whip around and smack Jigsaw’s arm. He bursts into more loud laughter.

  “You want to go outside?” Rooster asks me.

  Instead of answering, I shift my body. I throw one leg over his thighs and perch my butt on his lap, resting my hands on his shoulders. He immediately runs his hands up my jeans-covered legs, stopping to squeeze my butt. “What’re you doing, chickadee?”

  I tip my head to the side. “Well, not that.” I lean in and brush my lips over his. “That’s not what you expect of me, I hope.”

  He squeezes me tighter. “No. Why would you ask that?”

  “It seems to be a general theme.” I twirl one finger in the air, indicating the rest of the room. Pants’ performance is the least risqué of what’s happening around us.

  “Never.” He glances over my shoulder. “In fact, I’m considering gouging out T-Bone’s eyeballs right this second if he doesn’t stop staring at your ass.”

  I twist to peek over my shoulder, but he stops me with a hand on my cheek. “Thanks for staying here tonight. I didn’t realize it’d be this raunchy, but I wanted to spend time here before we leave since they helped—”

  “As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.”

  “I shouldn’t take you away from hanging out with the band and—”

  I stop him again, this time with a finger on his lips. “I’ll see plenty of them on the road. It’s fine.” I lean in and give him a quick kiss. “Thank you. For everything.”

  He brushes his knuckles against my cheek for a brief second before gripping my hips and sliding to the edge of the couch. In one smooth movement, he stands, lifting me in the air. Startled, I squeal and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He rumbles with laughter and palms my butt.

  Jiggy flashes an angelic smile—or demonic, considering what’s probably about to come out of his mouth. “Pool table?”

  “No, fuckhead,” Rooster growls, lashing out with his booted foot, kicking Jiggy’s shin as we pass.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

  My question’s answered a few seconds later when something hard presses into the back of my legs. I untangle myself from Rooster and discover he’s perched me on top of the bar. He rests one hand on either side of my hips and leans in. “You want something to drink before we leave the party?”

  “Rooster, you bring us a new bar decoration?” a biker I don’t recognize asks.

  “No. This is my ol’ lady.” The warning in Rooster’s voice can’t be missed.

  “Well, fuck. Sorry, brother.” The man nods to me and returns to flirting with one of the girls behind the bar.

  “We’re leaving?” I ask, curling my fingers in the back of Rooster’s hair.

  “You seem uncomfortable.”

  “I was…am…I guess. I’m not used to having glittery va-jay-jays shoved in my face.”

  He blinks, then bursts into laughter. “Okay.”

  Something awful occurs to me. Why haven’t I thought of this sooner? “Do you…Is that what you did before me?”

  He glances over his shoulder briefly. Another brother has joined Pants and the redhead. It’s quite a show, and they’re attracting a crowd.

  “No,” he finally answers.

  It took an awfully long time for him to answer what should’ve been a simple question.

  Jigsaw sneaks up behind Rooster and slaps his shoulder, shouting, “I did not need to know that Pants shaves his balls.”

  “Then why’d you shove your face up there?” Rooster asks.

  “Good grooming is just the polite thing to do, Jigsaw,” I say sweetly.

  His jaw drops, and his eyes widen for a brief second before his mouth curls into a smirk. “Such a funny little songbird.” He slaps his hand on Rooster’s shoulder. “You planning to lay her out for body shots?”

  “Fuck no.” Rooster shrugs off Jiggy’s hand.

  “Then get her off the bar before someone assumes she’s a fuckin’ party favor.”

  “Aw, such a sweetheart.” I curl a finger, inviting him closer. “Quick question. Is this the kind of thing you two got up to before I came along?” I jerk my chin toward Pants, the redhead, and the new guys who’ve joined their party.

  His gaze shifts to Rooster, who shoots him a death glare.

  “You see,” I say in a teasing, singsong voice. “I asked Rooster, but he took an awfully long time to answer.”

  Jigsaw scratches his hand over the back of his head. “Of course not. In fact, I think he was a virgin until he met you. Yup. Almost positive I heard that somewhere. Choirboy.”

  I break into giggles. “So you two never…?”

  Jiggy makes an X with his index fingers. “Crossed swords? Hell no.”

  “Crossed…ewww.” I groan as the meaning sinks in. “No, I meant have a threesome.”

  Rooster closes his eyes and rubs his temple. “What exactly did I do to deserve this?”

  “Aww.” I loop my arms around his neck again. “I’m just teasing.”

  “You know what? I’m so happy to see you smiling that I don’t even care that you’re busting my nuts over something that probably didn’t even happen before I met you.”

  That’s probably the kindest ‘yes’ anyone’s ever received to such an invasive question.

  He leans in closer. “I don’t want anyone but you.” His dark gaze shifts to the side, his voice a deep growl. “Alone. Where I can focus all of my attention on the only person who matters.”

  “Aww,” I breathe out.

  “However…” He leans down, pressing his forehead to mine, forcing me to maintain eye contact. “If you’re feeling curious or adventurous. If you need something else…” The determination burning in his eyes steals my breath. “…I’m not built that way. Not when it comes to you.”

  “I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Good.” He flashes a tight smile. “We’ve been around this sort of party before and it didn’t bother you so much.”

  I shift my gaze to my lap. “Yeah, but my feelings are way, way bigger for you now. And—”

  He cuts me off with a kiss.

  Loud, orgasmic shrieks pierce through the noise of the clubhouse. Shouts of approval follow.

  Laughing, I pull away from his embrace. “And this is way more, uh, in-your-face.”

  “I can’t even tell anymore.” He shrugs.

  Jigsaw elbows him in the ribs.

  Rooster throws him a glare and signals one of the bartenders over. “You got a few bottles or cans of Sprite back there?”

  “Sure thing,” she drawls. “Coming right up.”

  A few seconds later, four cans of ice-cold soda thunk onto the bar next to me. I glance down as a short stack of plastic cups lands on top of one of the cans like a party hat.

  My vision narrows as I stare at a bead of water rolling down the side of one shiny, green aluminum can.

  The noises around me fade in a sucking rush. My heart slams against my ribcage. Sweat dots my forehead. Suddenly, I’m right back in the log cabin kitchen with no hope of escape.

  Breathe. I can’t get any air.

  “Shelby?” Rooster’s voice sounds so far away. “What’s wrong?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut but that only intensifies the helpless feeling. Air—I can’t draw i
n any air.

  My hands flap uselessly around my face while I gasp and wheeze.

  “Shelby.” Rooster cups my cheeks. My eyes pop open. He’s close. So close, staring into my eyes like the calm inside a hurricane. “Breathe, baby. It’s okay.” He takes a long, deep, exaggerated breath, encouraging me to do the same.

  Tears roll down my cheeks.

  Someone squeezes my hand. “Relax, little songbird. We got you.”

  The frantic drumming in my chest won’t settle down.

  “Shhh. Breathe with me. Come on,” Rooster encourages. “You’re okay, Shelby.”

  I suck in a long, ragged breath. My lungs burn in relief.

  “There ya go,” he praises. “In and out. Nice and easy.”

  I take another breath.

  And another.

  All the sounds and scenery come rushing back with a wallop.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I lean over and rest my elbows on my knees. God, I hope no one else noticed my freak-out.

  Rooster runs a soothing hand up and down my back. “You’re okay.”

  I sit up, blinking at my surroundings. No one’s paying attention to our trio. Rooster’s studying me intently. Jigsaw’s watching me with a serious expression I haven’t seen on his face often. They’re arranged around me in a way that provides a pocket of privacy.

  My mouth twitches into a shaky smile. “Phew. Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” Rooster runs his hands over my arms. “Can you tell me what brought that on?”

  For a second, my mind’s completely blank.

  “The Sprite.” Shivers run all over my body. “That asshole ruined my favorite soda.”


  So much for a night of relaxation and letting go. First, the sex show from my brothers. Then Shelby’s panic attack.

  Although, if she was going to have one, here was probably the safest place to do it. No one noticed. And even if they did, no one would dare say anything and make her uncomfortable.

  “She okay?” Jigsaw asks as I step into the hallway.

  I leave our bedroom door open so I can keep an eye on Shelby in case she needs me. For now, she’s a small, still bundle under the heavy comforter.

  “I think she’ll be all right.” I close the door until it’s only open a crack, hoping our conversation won’t disturb her.

  Jigsaw’s antsy, rubbing his hands together, curling them into fists, shifting from foot to foot. “I should’ve cut more fingers off that son of a bitch.”

  “I’m really regretting turning him over to Jackson now.”

  “I know why you did it, but yeah. It sucks. What if that happens to her while she’s on tour? Thank fuck she was here. With us. With you, I mean.”

  I fight to keep the smile off my face. This is why Jiggy’s been my best friend for so long. He’s ready to dismember anyone who hurts his family one second, worried about my girl’s feelings the next. Under all his scary indifference, he’s a sensitive soul. Way, way down.

  “Her doctor said something like this might happen. I’ll see how it goes. If she has another episode, I’ll call one of the doctors she recommended.”

  “You two are so couple-y now.”

  I wait for him to add some detail to the observation. “Your point?”

  “Nothing. It’s good. You still planning to go get the thing tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, if you’ll give me a ride.”

  “What are you going to tell Shelby?”

  “That I have an errand to run. She’ll be safe here.”

  “She doesn’t know?”


  “All right.” He slaps my shoulder. “Text me in the morning.”

  “You gonna go downstairs and check out Pants’ sack again?”

  “No, dick.” He waves his hand at the bedroom door. “You want me to sit by the bed and watch you two sleep?”

  “Only if you read us a bedtime story.” I grin at him.

  “See you in the morning, fucker.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The utter joy of being alive and free courses through me, pulling me awake.

  It takes a second to remember where I am.

  And what’s happened.

  Today, I feel lighter. Optimistic.

  I peel my cheek off Rooster’s arm and slowly sit up. His eyes are closed, but he reaches for me as I slip out of bed. “I’ll be right back,” I whisper.

  The thick, soft carpet silences my steps as I tiptoe into the bathroom. I take care of business and splash some water on my face, but don’t bother looking in the mirror.

  I’m alive. That’s all that matters.

  In the bedroom, light spills around the edges of curtains covering the high, rectangular windows. The air-conditioner kicks on. Cool air drifts over my shoulders.

  Rooster’s still sprawled on his back. The thin white sheet covers him from the waist down, except for one big foot and part of his leg poking out. A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. A surge of love and a whole lot of lust speed through me. This big, beautiful, sexy man rescued me. Risked everything to find me.

  Last night, when panic nearly consumed me, he patiently helped me breathe through it, then tucked me into bed.

  I’m bursting with the need to be close to his body. Enjoy every inch of him.

  At the side of the bed, I run my fingers over his leg.

  A sexy hum rumbles from his chest but he doesn’t open his eyes.

  I want to wake him in a special way. Lavish attention on him. He won’t mind, right? What guy would be upset about that?

  Carefully, I shift the sheet to the side. Black camo boxer-briefs block the path to what I’m after.

  Softly, so I don’t disturb his slumber, I press my knee to the mattress on my side of the bed and crawl over. Kneeling next to him, I take a moment to absorb his perfect rugged beauty. Thick hair, all tousled from sleep. Beard. Broad, sturdy shoulders. Hard chest. Chiseled abdominal muscles. So, so carefully, I place a knee between his thighs and bend to kiss his stomach.

  “Hmm.” He shifts. His fingers brush over his abs briefly. I lift my gaze, watching him for a few seconds.

  Still asleep.

  Backing up a few inches, I hook my fingers in his briefs and tug them down just enough to free—perfect.

  Consider me lumberjill, here to take care of this case of morning wood. I grip his cock—rock hard, hot, and silky smooth. Desire pools low and insistent in my body. But I really want to take my time. I stroke him once, enjoying the feel of him under my fingers. My center aches for him, reminding me how long it’s been—nope, I’m staying right here in this moment.

  I lower my head and trace my tongue against the underside of his cock.

  He wakes with a sharp inhale that fades to a low, rumbling groan. “Oh, fuck. What are you doing?” he rasps, reaching to push my hair off my face.

  I feel like it should be self-explanatory. But maybe he needs a better demonstration. My hands tremble as I caress his velvety, soft flesh. “I wanted to wake you up in a special way.”

  “You did.”

  I kiss the tip of him, my tongue darting out for another taste. He groans a second time and falls back against the pillows. I shift closer, curling over to take him deep in my mouth. My tongue flattens against him. His hips jerk, and for a second I choke. He eases down and I continue.

  His hands ball into fists at his sides. More curses spill from his lips. I glance up, admiring the way his stomach muscles clench and quiver. He plants his elbows in the mattress, lifting himself so he can watch me better. I’m a performer, after all, so I put on a good show.

  He groans, his head falling back. “Shelby, baby. Fuck.” After several minutes of me savoring the taste and feel of him, he reaches for me. “Please. Come here.”

  But I’m having too much fun. I suck harder, working my hand and mouth in a rhythmic motion that leaves him shaking. There’s something so satisfying about having my big, powerful man under my spell that I can’
t stop.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groans, tangling his fingers in my hair. “That’s it. Right there. That’s so good.” He groans again, throwing his head back and lifting his hips. More appreciative noises rumble out of him. “Best way I’ve ever woken up.”

  Breathing hard, I pop my mouth off him but keep sliding my fist over his flesh at a lazy pace. “I couldn’t resist. You looked so sexy all sprawled out.”

  “Mmm.” He grazes my cheek with his fingertips. “Come ’ere.”

  The sleepy-happy-sexy smirk is too inviting to ignore. I kneel, straddling his legs, but keep my hand moving up and down.

  He sucks air between his teeth and curls his finger, beckoning me closer.

  With my legs tight to his body, I shuffle my way forward, resting my hand on his chest for balance. When I’m close enough, he pulls me down for a kiss.

  I twitch my hips, brushing my center against him, and another sexy humming noise rumbles from his chest. He clutches my ass and rocks me back and forth. Desperately hungry for every inch of him, I trail my lips over his cheek and along his jaw, burying my face in the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking. A little lower, I graze my teeth over his nipple. His whole body shudders.

  “Please.” His voice is a hoarse, urgent whisper. “Make my morning complete. Ride my dick.”

  “It’s like you read my mind.” I grip him tight and lower myself, humming with pleasure as his cock grazes my sensitive skin.

  “Hang on.” He flings his arm toward the nightstand, desperately reaching for the drawer. “Wait a sec.”

  “It’s okay.”

  He freezes and slowly slides his gaze over my body. “Are you sure? I’m really not in a position to talk this out with you.”

  Laughing, I bend down and kiss him again. “I’m sure. I want you. All bare and hot. Inside me.”

  “Fuck.” He squeezes his eyes shut and groans.

  “Is that a yes?” I tease, leaning forward and bracing my hands on either side of his head. “Hmm? Is it?” I roll my hips.

  He squeezes my thighs. “Fuck me, woman. Stop teasing.”

  Slow enough to drive us both insane, I lower myself, closing my eyes to relish the delicious, stretching sensation. “Oh my God. You feel so good.” I wiggle and brace my palm against his chest, whispering a string of curses to rival his own.


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