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Page 17

by Rosanna Leo

  “What if I don’t want a relationship right now? What if I…just want sex?”


  “Yes. Mind-numbing sex. What if it’s all I can handle right now?”

  Any man with half a brain would probably high-five him right now, but it wasn’t quite the response Alex was looking for. Still, it was something. “Then I’ll give it to you, until you let me give you more.”

  She let out a breath. “Good Lord, Alex. What won’t you do?”

  “Nothing. If it makes you come, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Just tell me what you want.”

  She steeled herself and looked him right in the eye. “When I was with you, at Covet, I felt alive. I felt desired. Maybe it was the music. Maybe it was just the booze, but I want to feel it again. Doing what we did, knowing anyone could have discovered us, it was like all my senses came to life. Like a mask had been lifted off my face. I could smell for the first time, see for the first time. It sounds dumb.”

  “No, it doesn’t. You deserve to feel that again.”

  “I want to.”

  His heart beat out of his chest. “Consider it done. Come to Covet tomorrow night. Alone. I’ll make sure you feel desired.”

  “A booty call, huh?”

  “That’s not what this is. Let me be clear. This isn’t just about hooking up. I want to get to know you, Dana, but if this is all I can have right now, I’ll take it. I’ll show you we can have it all.”

  “I see.”

  “I want to make your fantasies come true.”

  She paled and looked at her lap. “I’m not sure even you can do that.”

  “Give me a chance.”

  She stood.

  “Dana. Will you come to Covet?”

  She walked over to the elevator. He followed her.

  “Answer me.”

  She turned and her face crumpled. “Alex, you don’t want to get involved with me. You really don’t.”

  Cupping her cheek, he murmured, “I know what I want.”

  When their lips met, it was electric. Sparks of light and energy coursed through his frame. Suddenly, the world was lit with her brightness and scented with her perfume. He wanted to drink her in and keep her close.

  He needed her.

  When she whimpered into his mouth, he knew she needed him too.

  Deepening the kiss, he took control of her mouth. As his tongue tangled with hers, he dragged her up against his body. Her breasts strained against his chest. Her leg moved next to his. Alex’s lungs expanded and yet he couldn’t seem to get any air.

  She was his air and he gobbled her down.

  When they both seized a breath, she whispered his name. It was the most wonderful sound he’d ever heard. He wanted to hear it again and again.

  She lay a hand on his pecs. “I need to go.”

  She was even more beautiful with her lips so swollen. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, desperate to touch her in some other way before she disappeared. “Are you sure you can’t stay?”

  “I’m sure.” She pressed the elevator button. “My friends are waiting for me.”

  He tasted her lip gloss. It might have been candy flavor but it tasted like manna. “Tomorrow night, then.”

  “It’ll have to be late. It’ll be Anise’s last day in Vegas and I want to make the most of it. Hopefully she’ll be talking to me by then.”

  “I don’t care how late it is. Just come to me.”

  “Tomorrow night.” The elevator door opened. She got in.

  “One more thing.”


  “Don’t wear any panties.”

  As her jaw dropped, the elevator door closed.

  He rubbed his lip. She’d nibbled on it and it still stung. He didn’t mind. He fucking loved it. She’d wanted him enough to put her mark on him, whether she realized it or not.

  Dana might like to think there was no future for them, but she couldn’t be more wrong.

  If anything, they were just getting started.


  As Dana rode the elevator, she tried to compose herself.

  This isn’t just about hooking up. I want to get to know you, Dana.

  Alex Markov of Markov Development. New York nightlife trend setter. Hope of Las Vegas. Every man wanted to be him and every woman wanted to be fucked by him, or so she’d heard.

  He wanted her.

  Her. Little old her. Born in Henderson, Nevada. Educated in the public school system. Her mother Trudy was a teacher and her father Sam was a truck driver. They’d worked hard to provide a stable home for her and Anise but their daughters had had to work too. Dana had chased every scholarship and had studied her ass off to graduate top of her class. Now, she was at the top of her profession, but she was fully aware there were plenty of others waiting in the wings only too happy to see her fail.

  She hadn’t had everything given to her, like Alex had. She’d read his bio. The Markovs were both university professors, the famous kind. The sort that worked the lecture circuits. It was an understatement to say he had been raised in an affluent home. He came from money, probably old money.

  He could buy anything, anyone, he wanted.

  And he claimed to want her?

  Rubbish. He was fooling himself.

  “Let me guess. He wants a big wedding, a minivan, and two point five children too.”

  Still, she’d been swayed by all his talk about being attracted to her. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t cave?

  His touch had destroyed her common sense. Every hair on her body had stood on end. The earth had rocked under her feet and she knew it had nothing to do with fault lines. If he’d asked her to run away with him in that moment, she would have thrown on her comfiest shoes and torn up the pavement.

  Somehow, even as she’d walked toward his admin office, she’d known she wanted to kiss Alex. In fact, she’d fallen asleep the previous night hoping she would once again feel his lips on her skin.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  Tommy: Dana, please. Just talk to me. There’s something you need to know and I want you to hear it from me.

  What did he want? He was driving her around the bend.

  She didn’t have a single moment to spare for Tommy. Right now, it was hard enough dealing with Alex.

  Don’t wear any panties.

  Lord help her tomorrow night.

  Alex had the potential to devastate her if she got too close. Dana couldn’t afford that kind of heartache, and especially not now when her heart already seemed made of spider webs. It was fragile, and one breeze could send it spiraling into nothing.

  She had to protect herself.

  And yet, even as the warning bells sounded in her head, she knew she would go to him. She wanted to see what he would do. She wanted him to touch her and taste her and mark her.

  She wanted him, period.

  Discretion was the key. She’d already arranged to spend the entire day with Anise and the other ladies, and didn’t want to spend it fielding questions about Alex.

  When Dana had stormed out of the Fendi shop, she hadn’t gone far. She’d loitered outside the store, waiting for Anise and the others to finish their shopping.

  When Anise had come out of the store, she had walked up to Dana and put up a finger. “What happened between you and Tommy…I want you to know I’m sorry. But I’m not ready to talk to you right now and I hope you’ll respect that.”

  Dana hadn’t said a word.

  Anise had left with Bea and Jessica in tow. Knowing them, they would urge her sister to relent.

  She knew her sister wouldn’t stay mad forever. How could she? They’d pulled the same stunt, after all.

  The elevator reached the ground floor and she walked on shaky legs toward the lobby. Bea and Jessica were waiting for her there. They had planned to catch a magic show at the Luxor that evening, although Dana already knew she wouldn’t be able
to concentrate on the illusions.

  Anise was nowhere in sight.

  “She isn’t coming?”

  “No,” said Bea. “Give her time. She’ll come around.”

  “Yeah,” said Jessica. “I think the emotions are finally catching up to her.”

  “Should I go talk to her?”

  “No.” Bea shook her head. “She’s okay. I checked on her.”

  “So, she’ll talk to you but she won’t talk to me.”

  “It’s not that.” Bea rubbed her arm. “Anise is just feeling sorry for herself. She told me she wants you to come out with us tonight.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. It’s been a turbulent week. You deserve some fun.”


  Jessica gave Dana a funny look.


  “Sorry. It’s been driving me crazy since you came back from Alex’s office.” Jessica walked over and rubbed the area around Dana’s mouth, like a mother wiping chocolate off her kid’s face. “Your lipstick’s smudged.”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  “Someone’s a good kisser,” mused Bea. “I hope he’s good to you. If not, your sister will cut him down like a lumberjack who just ran out of wood.”

  Dana giggled. She didn’t doubt it.


  The next day was a quiet one for Dana and the other women. Bea and Jessica both realized they hadn’t picked up any souvenirs for their family members yet, so they headed off in separate directions to do some shopping.

  Anise slept late, something she rarely did. Dana texted her before noon to see if she wanted to grab lunch, but her sister said she wanted some alone time. Something about nursing a headache. Dana texted her a few times.

  Dana: Can I bring you anything?

  Anise: I have some headache pills.

  Dana: Are you still mad at me?

  Anise: I’m not mad at you. I just want some time to mope.

  Dana: I could mope with you.

  Anise: Thanks, but I want to be on my own. Love you.

  Dana: Love you too. Feel better.

  Anise was still cooped up that evening and Bea and Jessica decided to call it a night and get started on their packing. After dinner, everyone hunkered down for the evening. After wishing them a good night, Dana headed to her own suite.

  When she entered, she found a large gift box waiting in her sitting room. The rectangular box was wrapped in shimmery lavender paper and a massive silver bow sat on top.

  Without even checking, she knew it was from Alex. The wrapping paper was too beautiful to be from anyone else.

  Swallowing hard, she unwrapped it, taking care to fold the pretty paper. At home, her mother had always saved wrapping paper, in case it could be reused, and Dana had always done the same, hoping she was saving a tree somewhere.

  Inside, a store sticker held the layers of tissue paper together. It said “Delilah.” She recognized the store name. It was one of the upscale ladies’ shops in the Vice shopping concourse. Dana had walked by it but had never gone in, knowing the items were far too expensive for even her shopping budget.

  A tiny card lay inside on top of the item.

  I hope to see you in this tonight.


  She tugged at the layers of tissue, revealing a swathe of exquisite red fabric. Gasping, she removed the garment from the box and held it up. The gown was ankle length and had fitted long sleeves. It might have appeared modest if it weren’t for the fact there was a daring slit at the side. The slit went right to the hip. Some delicate ruching ornamented the top of the opening.

  Alex had told her not to wear panties, but she didn’t see how one could possibly wear them in a number like this.

  It was the loveliest thing she’d ever seen, but she knew wearing it would take her right out of her comfort zone. To say nothing of the fact it cost far too much. She couldn’t accept it.

  The phone in her suite rang, making her jump. “Hello?”

  “Did you get my gift?”

  “Alex.” She cleared her throat. “It’s gorgeous, but I can’t accept it. It’s too expensive.”

  “You will accept it. Do you remember what I asked?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “Good. I want you to trust me, Dana. Can you do that?”


  “This evening is going to be all about you. You’re in charge.”

  “I get to call all the shots?”

  “Every last one, but I’d like you to keep the dress. As for the rest of the night, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Any words she had dissolved at the tip of her tongue.

  “When can I expect you?”

  “Soon. I just need to freshen up.”

  “Good. Don’t be long. I can’t wait to see you.” He hung up.

  Dana stood still for a moment, fingering the fabric of the gown.

  She could do this. There was absolutely nothing holding her back.

  In the corner of her suite, the minibar hummed.

  She knew for a fact the maid had restocked it with several new tiny bottles of Bailey’s and wine.

  “No.” She’d been clear with Alex about what she needed from him, and she didn’t need any liquid courage. “It’s just sex. No emotions, no ties.”

  Determined to have the night of her life, she raided her shoe collection for a suitable pair of heels.

  Chapter Nine

  “So.” Standing at the Covet VIP suite bar, Marissa sipped her Bloody Mary. “That woman you introduced me to. Dana. She seems nice.”

  Alex leaned his elbows on the bar and played dumb. “She is nice.”

  “You like her.”

  “You noticed?”

  “I’ve always had a head for detail and I can see you’re smitten.”

  “I didn’t realize I’d made it obvious.”

  “To anyone else? Probably not.” Marissa smiled. “But I know you. It’s good to see you getting back in the game, Alex. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Do I?” He glared at his glass of water. The ice cubes floated around in the glass. He poked at one of them with the tip of his finger.

  “Yes, you do. It’s been too long.”

  “It’s only been a year.”

  Marissa cocked her head. “Don’t go there. I knew Shannon, and I know what she put you through, and it started a lot longer than a year ago.”

  Harsh memories made his eyes sting.

  “I don’t like to speak ill of the dead,” Marissa continued, “but that woman had some major trust issues.”

  “I know.”

  Alex had tried to allay Shannon’s fears. Anytime she accused him of sleeping around with a staff member or flirting with a woman in one of his clubs, he’d assured her it wasn’t the case. He’d been devoted to her, and even after he’d recognized the relationship had failed, he’d still remained faithful.

  She’d just never believed him.

  Could he have done more? Probably, but he’d grown tired of defending himself, had become weary of the endless scenes and arguments.

  She’d demanded his trust but had rarely demonstrated her trust in him.

  Maybe that was why he craved it so much with Dana.

  “Are you going to stick around tonight?” Alex asked Marissa.

  “You know me. I may design nightclubs, but they’re not really my scene.” She finished her drink. “Besides, I connected with an old friend here in Vegas. I’m off to his place.”

  “Ah. A man. Interesting.”

  Marissa gave him a look. “I deserve to have some fun too.” She stood on tip-toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Have a good night, Alex.”

  When the bouncer opened the door for Marissa, Dana was on the other side, standing with Viola. She exchanged a few words with Marissa. Dana then sucked in a breath and her eyes darted around the room, looking for him.

  A rumble sounded from somewhere deep in Alex’s gut. She’d worn the gown, although most of it was currently hidden un
derneath a beige trench coat.

  She was nervous.

  He strode toward her. “Dana, you look beautiful.”

  “Hi.” Her gaze traveled from his grey trousers up to his pinstriped shirt. “You’re not so bad, yourself.”

  Her face was flushed and her lips were parted. Gloss made them shine. Her perfume, that cloying mix of powder and fruitiness, teased him.

  She looked absolutely edible.

  He’d intended to bide his time, to drive her crazy with want, but he needed to taste her. Curling his fingers at the back of her neck, he took possession of her mouth. Needing to steal her every gasp, he nibbled at her lips. She yielded immediately, her hot tongue gliding against his in sweet urgency. Their kiss deepened as she placed her hand on his chest, trailing it down to his belt.

  When they finally fell apart, he fingered her coat lapel. “Cold?”

  “Not really. I’ve just never worn a dress like this.”

  “May I see it?”

  She hesitated, but then allowed him to ease the coat over her shoulders and down her arms.

  She was a vision in red. The gown hugged her body, a perfect fit. Tight nipples strained against the fabric. And that slit. It showed off her long legs to great advantage, drawing his eye toward the tantalizing crease at her hip.

  Alex kissed the line of her jaw and whispered, “You are so fucking sexy.”

  A soft breath tickled his ear. Fighting his lust, he escorted her inside.

  She nodded toward their nook, where one panel of the curtain was tied back in invitation. “I see no one has claimed our booth yet.”

  “That’s because I reserved it.”

  “You thought of everything.”

  “Believe me, I’ve thought of nothing else.” He led her to the bar. “Would you like a drink?”

  “No alcohol tonight. I’ve had enough for a lifetime. Maybe just a sparkling water.”

  Alex motioned to the bartender and ordered her water.

  Her nerves reappeared momentarily when she noticed how some of the other guests appraised her. His guests tended to dress to impress but everyone paled in comparison to Dana. The gown fit her like a second skin. Just looking at her made his throat itch and his palms sweat.


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