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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

Page 11

by Burns, Rachel

I made my hand movement for water.

  Aide snapped his fingers and off went our servant woman. He continued to feed me. Keeping the baby happy seemed very important to him. I wondered about my spanking from before. What had he spanked me for? I had made sense at the time. I said something mean about myself and he spanked me but how could he have known?

  I was being ridiculous. He spanked me because I was whining and because I was annoying him. I was annoying myself too for that matter. He was so caring about everything. I should be more thankful.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me.” I looked into his purple eyes as they softened as he smiled at me. He really did love me.

  He leaned down to me and kissed me on my forehead.

  I finished my bowl of food and slowly drank the water the servant woman brought me. Why didn't she have any clothes on, I wondered? I leaned into Aide and looked down at my tummy. It seemed bigger again. At this rate the baby would be due in a couple of days.

  We would be a family then. I wanted to know what I was to him. Maybe if I asked him? We were both getting better at reading thoughts out of each others eyes. I wanted to hear that he would keep me forever but that probably wasn't true. He had known how my body would respond to him better than I had. He was most certainly an experienced lover Maybe this wasn't even his first child. I took a sip of water so no one could see that I was crying again.

  Would he just take the baby and throw me away after the baby was born? I hide my head in his chest and let my hair cover my face. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a woman complaining that a man had stolen her food, directly from her plate. Her voice sounded so familiar.

  I peeked out at her. I knew her, she had been in a class with me in my first year. We had gotten along really well. It had been a class about the history of movies. I had sat next to her and made jokes about Rosebud. I sat up straight and looked at her.

  Our eyes met. She remembered me too. I got up and wanted to go to her. Her eyes fell to my stomach. I stopped and laid my hands protectively over my baby.


  I turned and looked at Aide. He held his arm out for me to return to his knee. I couldn't risk the baby. I wasn't sure if it could survive a normal spanking. He had been gentle enough about the spanking when we were alone but in front of others he would have to show that he had me under control.

  I went to him and sat down. “I want her to be properly feed. She is a very nice girl.” I looked at her and not at Aide.

  He said something and she bowed down before us. “Thank you, Melissa.”

  Aide tensed. Every muscle in his body grew hard. I looked him in the eye. “Where I come from it would have been very rude if she hadn't addressed me and thanked me.”

  He nodded.

  “I knew it. You can understand me. I bet you have been since you got your earring.” I looked at it closer. It must be changing the things I said into his language. “I have to get one too, don't I?”

  He smiled at me.

  “I'm scared,” I whispered.

  He pulled me closer and continued his work. I thought about that terrible machine that shot the bug things into the ears. It made sense to put them in the cartilage part of the ear. It could change the vibrations in the ear but I was afraid of the pain.

  The pain of birthing baby seemed to be just around the corner too. I had known a lot of pain here. The spankings, losing my virginity, the public embarrassments and the bathtub burning from the red light. I wasn't a chicken or anything but if pain could be avoided I would choose that route.

  Giving birth to this giant's baby was probably going to hurt, a lot. And if no one was allowed to touch me than who would catch the baby when it came out? Or would it be strong enough to rips it way out of my body? Was that the my purpose to be here as a baby carrier? Of course I would be willingly to die for our baby but I would rather be there to see him growing up.

  I could ask him all of my questions if I had a bug thing put into my ear. But would I like the answers or would I regret it?

  He helped me to my feet. Court was over and it was lunch time. He steadied me. I was feeling a little dizzy. He slowly walked me to the dining room. He spoke with the intercom on the way there. That usually meant that he wanted something.

  “I'm really thirsty.” I was surprised at how dry my tongue was. He helped me walk to the throne seat in the middle. He was very relieved when we were both seated. I fell back into his chest. The baby was moving around so much it was making me sick. I grabbed his hand and laid it on my stomach. He smiled at the baby. I hoped I wouldn't be sick.

  “Water please.”

  He reached for my goblet and gave it to me.

  “Thank you. He is awake and wants to play. Will you play with him while I drink?”

  He gave me a look that clearly said he would love to.

  “What is she pregnant now?” Tanya said. She and Kate were the only naked ones left. All the others had clothes. Their men gave them mean looks as they talked across the room to each other.

  “That means she must have been pregnant before she came here. I guess she wasn't a virgin after all.” Kate smiled at the idea of that.

  I gasped at her meanness. I was crying again but that wasn't anything new for me. I turned into Aide's chest to hide away from her mean words.

  Aide said something to their men. I looked up at him and then I peeked at their men. They looked shocked. Especially Kate's man.

  I knew it. They were going to be punish. Aide had understood them. I didn't want to see anything like that. I was already so dizzy from baby's kicking.

  The doctor came running in. He was next to me in a flash. He listened to my heart and I heard the two women screaming in pain and it was all too much for me.

  I woke up in my own bed. I felt next to me to see if Aide was with me. He was. I pulled him closer. “What happened?”

  “Shh, Melsa.” He whispered in my ear and I knew it was him next to me. I slowly turned into his arms so I could look at his face. He lifted his head a little. He had been laying on my hair again.

  I looked at him and started crying. “I don't want to get an earring like yours.”

  His hands went to my face. He even looked a little disappointed.

  “What if you say things I don't want to hear? What if they upset me so much that I would lose the baby? I'd rather life with the uncertainties than hear something that will hurt me.”

  “Melsa . . .” he started scolding me.

  “Wait. We can play a game.” I was beaming up at him. I guess this is what people meant when they talked about mood swings. “I can ask you a yes or no question and you nod for yes and shake your head for no. Okay?”

  He smiled at my idea.

  “Are you going to keep me after the baby is born?”

  He gasped and nodded. His whole face told me that he was disturbed that I had thought otherwise.

  I sighed relieved. “Do you love me?”

  He nodded and pulled me close.

  “Then that is all that matters. The rest will fall into place.” I fell back to sleep.

  Day 10

  The good news. I didn't have to throw up this morning. The bad news is that I have gotten even bigger. My stomach resembled a turtle's shell. And just like a turtle I can hardly move. Aide moved me the way he wanted me. He fed me in bed. A luxury I could get used too, especially in my condition.

  It got very funny when he lifted me into the bathtub because I kept floating to the surface of the water with my tummy sticking out. Aide washed and talked to my tummy. He laid his hand on my tummy and the baby kicked at his hand. It was fun and cute for them but it left me with bruises on my tummy. Aide tried to kiss them but the baby kicked him in the mouth.

  “Our little monster. He will keep us on our toes.”

  Aide gave me a funny look.

  “You want to know why I think the baby is a boy, don't you?”

  He smiled and nodded.

  “I could be wrong but the baby
is just so strong. The way he moves. He is so quick. He is more like you than like me. I guess that is why.”

  He smiled at me and said something but I didn't understand it.

  Aide cleaned me very carefully. I returned the favor. He was hard by the time I finished. He had a very serious look in his eyes. I smiled at him because he looked like he was worried about hunting me. He flipped me in the water and entered me from behind before I even knew what was happening. His penis was gently moving in and out of me. He had one hand on my shoulder and another holding my stomach. He he gained speed I started gasping and panting in pleasure.

  Aide was so careful not to hurt me or the baby. I loved him so much and told him so, several times.

  He called my name out as he came. He withdrew himself and washed me again. I wanted to wash him again too but he shook his head. Aide was probably hungry too. He had hardly eaten anything before. He just concentrated on feeding me.

  I was so sleepy that I drifted off in the tub. Aide was scolding me as I woke up. I tried not to but I had to close my eyes again. I yawned and he jumped out of the tub with me in his arms. He laid me down in bed wet. I shivered as he covered me up. I fell right off to sleep.

  Just as I thought I was even bigger than this morning. Aide was dressing me again. He was smiling as he tried to pack my breasts in the bodice. I rolled my eyes. I didn't think it was that funny. They were big to begin with. Now I looked like a monster. He finished and looked proud of his handiwork. Then came the skirt. It made me look fat. The roundness of my stomach was just so obvious and big.

  “Are any of the other women pregnant?”

  He shook his head.

  “Why me?”

  That question made him smile. I figured that he was either laughing at me or he was happy about his own potency.

  He picked me up and carried me off again. I wasn't sure if it was lunchtime or suppertime.

  He was carrying me around because he didn't trust me not to fall asleep. He went into the dining room with his head held high.

  I leaned into him and whispered, “Are you showing me off.”

  He rewarded me with a huge grin and a nod.

  “If you ever get really fat. I get to carry you around and show everyone too.”

  He laughed as he scolded. “Melsa.”

  He sat down and the others all sat down too. He said something and the men all smiled at their women.

  There wasn't any food on the table and there weren't any servants around waiting to serve us.

  The doctor came in with his bug gun. He made a speech and the men all looked thrilled. I could guess what he was saying. I had noticed that all the men had their bug things already. It was the women's turn. I leaned into Aide eyes frightened.

  The doctor went to the first woman. It was Tanya. He held the gun up to her and she thought the worst. Her man was holding her still. She screamed and kicked. I was peeking at her from Aide chest. She screamed even louder when the bug went into her ear. Tanya was saying all kind of choice words. She had yet to realize that her man could understand her.

  I thought for sure that he would lay her over his knee but he held her close and spoke softly to her. She sobbed on his chest. The doctor had already moved on to the next woman. She was screaming in pain too. Her man held her tight. She just cried and cried. Francesca was next. She was already shaking but she was holding onto her man's hands. She knew what was happening. I watched her closely to see if it really hurt that bad or if it had been the shock.

  She whimpered and cried into his chest. He was holding her hands very tightly. She was crying. I was shaking as the doctor moved closer to me. I felt tears rolling down my face. Aide said something and the doctor moved on to the next woman.

  I looked up at Aide. He laid his hand on my stomach. I laid my head on his chest. Francesca was still crying. The other women were all screaming too.

  After the last one was finished. The servants brought in the food. I had been so hungry but now I felt like being sick.

  “Aide, I can't, not even water.”


  “I'm sorry.” I felt my temperature shoot up. I raised my fingertips to my forehead. “Aide.” I tried to reach for him but I felt like I was falling away from him.

  I woke up in bed again. I looked down at my tummy. The baby was still in there and growing strong. My tummy was even bigger than before. I looked for Aide. He was listening to my music on my laptop. I hoped he approved. I didn't want him to take it away from me. I hummed along and he looked over to me. He set the laptop down and raced over to me.

  “Melsa . . .” He grabbed a bowl of food as he sat down next to me. He dipped his finger in and held it out to me. I licked it clean. He got me more. I ate until the bowl was empty. I looked around if he had another bowl.

  He laughed at me again and spoke to the intercom. I could always tell the difference because he spoke loud and clear to them.

  “I hope you ordered more food because I'm starving.”

  He nodded and smiled.

  I laid back and waited for my food. “I'm so hungry.”

  Our servant came in with our food. She brought a whole tray full. I smiled and sat up ready to eat. The baby started in kicking again. I had to lie back down. We all watched him moving in my stomach. He would kick and my stomach would push out. He moved his foot back in and then the bump he made was gone. He was kicking and moving. It started to hurt. I gasped, arching my back in the hopes that that would give him more room to move around.

  “Is he okay?” I had tears in my eyes as I asked.

  Aide spoke to the intercom again. I was sure he was calling the doctor. He ran into the bathroom and called the bathtub out. I stretched my arms out to him. “I have to throw up again.” I told him.

  The doctor came in as I was hanging over the toilet. Aide looked worse that I did. He was holding onto me.

  As soon as I could I looked up to him. “I don't think I can stand up, on my own.”

  He nodded and picked me up. He laid me in the bathtub and held my hand as the doctor started in with his red beam. The baby was still kicking up a storm.

  Aide hand tightened on mine as the red beam came closer to my stomach. The doctor sighed relieved. Aide looked at the machine. He too sighed. I wondered what he saw. He leaned in and kissed me again.

  “Is everything okay?” I wiped a tear away.

  He smiled and nodded. The doctor moved the beam upwards. He stopped over my breasts and spoke with Aide who nodded at him. He continued upwards until he had finished.

  The doctor and Aide talked a bit. Maybe it would be better to get a bug translator.

  Aide lifted me out and held me in his arms until I was dry. He carried me to bed and laid me down. He picked up a bowl of food and looked at me encouragingly. I shook my head. “Soon, I promise. I realize that the baby needs food. I will eat as soon as I can.”

  The doctor talked to Aide and Aide nodded. Aide sat down on the bed with me. The doctor bowed and left us alone. The servant woman still stood in the living room watching us.

  Aide looked worried as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me, got up and left. I cried as he left. The servant woman came forward and poured me some water. She set it down on the nightstand and backed away from it.

  I picked it up and took a little sip. I had to lie down afterwards exhausted from drinking a sip of water.

  The door opened and Aide came in with Francesca and her man.

  “Hello, Melissa,” she smiled and looked up at her man who nodded approval at her. Aide said something to her and she nodded and then smiled at me again. “They want me to tell you that you are being very brave about everything but it is in the baby's best interest that you remain in bed until it is born.”

  I looked at Aide with tears in my eyes. “Of course, I will. I'll do whatever is best for the baby.”

  He smiled at me but he was talking to Francesca.

  “The baby is already very big. In a couple of days it will be over.
” She looked at her man. “What do you mean with over?”

  He gently ran his finger up and down her cheek, as he answered her.

  “With over they mean when the baby is born.”

  Aide spoke with her again.

  “They want to know if you have any questions?”

  “Lots,” I answered. “What did the doctor say as he was giving me a check up?”

  Aide started rattled this and that off. I watched Francesca's face as he spoke. She got red at the end.

  “The baby is a boy just like you said and your body is . . . doing what it has to to make milk for it.” She was very red once she finished. So was I.

  “Why is the baby growing so fast?”

  “They think this is perfectly normal. He doesn't understand why you insist that it is moving along so quickly.”

  “On earth a baby normally needs 270 days to grow before it can be born,” I explained.

  The traded shocked looks with each other. They hadn't expected that. I had kind of figured that Aide didn't understand the concept of months and years. They only pertained to earth.

  “Who is going to help me when the baby is being born?”

  Aide stepped forward and took my hand as he spoke.

  “He and he alone will be there for you.”

  “No midwife.”

  “They don't understand the word, Melissa.”

  “The doctor?”

  “Only if there are complications.”

  Her man was explaining everything to her.

  She nodded wide-eyed, shocked at what he said. “It is a husbands place to be there for his wife in her time of need.”

  The word husband interested me the most. Then it hit me that he would be alone with me. What if I acted like a baby and disappointed him.

  “Have you ever delivered a baby before?”

  He smiled and shook his head.

  “Do you know how? Because I don't.” I was sure that I was wide-eyed myself.

  He smiled. He didn't look worried.

  I looked over at Francesca before she could leave. “How is your ear?”


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