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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

Page 13

by Burns, Rachel

  “Thank you, Father.”

  Then the voice was gone. I felt very vulnerable laying in bed completely naked, leaning up against a completely naked man as a completely naked baby sucked at my nipple.

  “My mother will come. You can talk to her.” He smiled brightly and then his smile faded. “She just won't understand you. She speaks a different language than yours.”

  “Doesn't she speak your language?”

  “She hasn't been able to learn it. We have sounds in our language that are different from anywhere else. She and my father have never been able to talk like we are now.” He looked sad at the end.

  “But didn't she teach you her language?”

  “My father forbid it.”

  “Do your parents love each other?”

  “Yes, they do. Where there is no love, there can be no child.”

  “That is different on earth. Your way is better.” I gently pet Seeker's little head while I stared at him. He looked just like Aide. With his purple eyes and his hair was the same reddish brown. He was big for a newborn baby and so hungry. “Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as he is? He looks just like you.”

  Aide was laughing at me again.

  “I think it was better when you didn't understand me. You didn't laugh at me then.”

  His shaking got a lot worse.

  “Aide, stop that. Make yourself useful and get me something to eat.”

  He stopped shaking and I worried that I had overstepped a line. “Of course, Melissa. I should have thought of you sooner. I'm sorry. We will go to dinner and show off our baby. I will get your clothes.” He got my original clothes, the ones I had wore before I was pregnant.

  He had trouble dressing me because the baby refused to let go of my breast. In the end I had stick my little finger in his mouth to get him to let go. Aide quickly laced me up while I sang to the baby who promptly fell asleep in my arms.

  “That was pretty easy.” I smiled at the sleeping baby in my arms.

  “You thought that was easy?”

  “He could still be screaming.”

  Aide opened the door and we walked out as a family to the dining room. All the slaves that past us dropped to floor after peeking at the baby. We had never pasted this many on the way to anywhere so I assumed that they were trying to meet us so they could see the baby.

  The intercom announced us. King Aideyoung, Queen Melissa and Prince Seeker. I wondered if it did that every time we came in and that I just hadn't noticed it before because I couldn't understand it.

  I was all smiles as I walked in with the baby in my arms and Aide had his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he was beaming with pride. He men all laughed and congratulated him. The women gave a collective awe.

  The three of us sat down on the throne. Aide started right in feeding me, satisfying my hunger. I drank more water than ever before and Mayra had to bring more water and food. The baby woke up and needed to be fed again too. I was embarrassed to feed him here with everyone watching, and they all were – men and women alike.

  Aide continued to feed me. I was sucking more and more eagerly from his finger. I felt him shift in his chair. I was making him uncomfortable in a good way. His finger in my mouth and the baby sucking on my breast and Aide strong chest were driving me nuts.

  “Aide, I'm sorry but I think I need you again. Don't be mad.”

  He slipped his little finger into the baby's mouth and he let go and Aide held him in his arms and I sang a lullaby to him. Seeker fell asleep in his hands and he smiled at the baby before he gave her to Mayra who had already cleared away all of our dishes.

  Aide grabbed me under my arms and laid me down on the table with a devilish smile. He let go of me to open his pants. He stuck a finger into me. I was already very wet for him. He grinned even bigger and thrust into me, rocking my body forward.

  I cried, repeating how much I love him and told him how good it felt to have him inside of me. I didn't scream or moan as I usually did. This moment was just so precious. I was whimpering under his strong movement. I looked down because I wanted to see him thrusting into me and disappear only to be removed and driven back into me. There was milk was dripping out of my breast. I looked up at Aide. He opened his eyes as I looked at him. He followed my gaze to my breast. His mouth was on it in an instant. He was sucking the milk out of my breast just as expertly as his son could. My hands flew to his head and dug into his hair. It felt different when he did it.

  His hands moved to my hips holding me tightly in place to receive his penis again and again as he thrust. His mouth was attached to my breast. I sobbed enjoying being so connected with him. My pleasure was building and my breathing became louder and louder. I came loudly still whimpering under him.

  He let go of my breast and threw his head back as he too came inside of me.

  I wiped my eyes and laid my arms around him as his own breathing slowed.

  “I so sorry. I don't know what overtakes me. I just needed you so. At this rate we will have a new baby every other week.”

  He laughed again.

  “You can't get pregnant while you are breastfeeding, Melissa,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Are you sure? I thought that was a myth?”

  “It works here. A good thing too or you probably would be.”

  I whimpered again as he pulled out of me. He reached for the sponge in the bowl of water that a new slave was holding out to him.

  He cleaned my breasts first. My nipples were sticking out obscenely. He stared at them for a long time as he grinned happily. He washed in between my legs. After he washed himself, he helped me to my feet but I couldn't stand anymore.

  He sat down and drew me to his chest. Mayra brought him the baby who was still asleep.

  I fell asleep on his chest.

  I couldn't have slept very long because the baby was still sleeping when I woke. I looked up at Aide and felt my face go scarlet.

  “Was that normal?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “For a woman to be so wanton after giving birth.”

  “No, Melissa, that is just you.”

  “What's wrong with me?” I was so embarrassed again.

  “Melissa, only a woman who truly loves her husband could act like you do. I am so glad I found you. I feel that you and no other woman in the whole universe could love me as much as you do. A man in my position can never know if a woman loves him or his title. You were already pregnant with our love child when you found out that I was King.” He had such a serious look in his eyes.

  “But you have a father. Normally the father in the King and the son is a Prince.” I laid my hand on the baby's head.

  “Yes, normally that is true but because my family has control over so much of the universe, my father and I divided up the universe in two. I am so glad I got the half with your planet. When the meteorites started falling and killing so many on your planet we went to see if we could find some survivors for the men on board. Girls are very seldom born. Most people have one child a son. I would love the idea of having a daughter. There hasn't been a princess in over ten generations.” He smiled as he looked deeply in my eyes.

  “I'll try to give you a daughter too. We are definitely on the right track.” I glanced over at the table.

  He laughed and became very serious again. “One day when my father dies I will have control over the whole of the universe. I am glad that I have son to share that burden with me.”

  I pulled the baby out of his arm and held him close to my heart. “But we have to let him be a little baby first.”

  “Of course, Melissa.” He was laughing at me again.

  “Does that mean that I am the Queen of the Universe?”

  “Yes, with my mother.”

  “That sounds like a lot of responsibility. What if I mess up?”

  “The sole job of a Queen is to obey the King. That and to provide an heir but you already did that. You can't mess it up. You are doing everything perfectl

  I burst into tears.

  “Melissa. What's wrong.”

  “But I disappointed you so that time when I didn't listen to you and we all took off.”

  “Hey, you have already been punished for that and forgiven. I know you won't do it again. And I heard you fight against the women and comfort the other woman. Even when you were bad you felt bad about it and you took your punishment so well. You are truly the Queen and a good role model for the others.”

  “What can they learn from me?” I asked as I shook my head.

  “You are seated in a room with the seven of the universes most important officials. The other seven are on my father's ship. You show the others how they should act towards their men. For you it comes naturally. The others have to work hard on their relationships. Some were just pretending to love their men to gain their trust so they could run away from them.”

  “No,” my jaw dropped. I looked around. It was true only Francesca and I had clothes on today. “But doesn't it hurt them to be away from their men?”

  “It only hurts if you truly love your husband.”

  “That is just so sad.” I leaned into his chest and cried again. “I'm sorry, hormones.”

  He laughed at me again.

  Day 14

  Two days later we were waiting in the dining room for his parents to arrive. I was walking up and down behind the throne to get the baby to settle down. I rocked him and sang to him. He was just about to fall asleep when the intercom announced that his parents had arrived. I was so very nervous.

  Aide stood smiling facing the door and everyone else was looking that way too. They came in. His father was even bigger than he was. His mother's eyes looked for the baby in my arms. I was hidden behind the throne. All the others in the room stood and bowed as they walked by.

  They went to Aide and hugged him. Their greetings were very loud. Seeker was living up to his name and looking for the sound.

  “Melissa come here. Say hello to my parents.” He held his arm out in an arch, wanting me in it.

  I shyly stepped forward to him. I bowed to them and said hello. I looked at Aide to see if he was happy with me. His eyes were laughing at me again but the rest of him was well behaved.

  “This is my Melissa. She is from Earth just like mother.” He pulled me in closer to him. “And this is our son Seeker.” He touched the babies head gently with his fingertips.

  I looked at his parents as their eyes flashed from me to the baby and back again. Aide was the spitting image of his father except that he had some red in his hair too, like his mother who had long wavy red hair and blue eyes she was very pale. If I had to guess I would say that she was Scottish.

  “Do you want to hold the baby?” I asked his mother as I held the baby out to her.

  “She is being very generous. I rarely get to hold the baby,” Aide teased.

  His mother reached out to take the baby. She went to the nearest seat and sat down and looked at the baby and spoke to Seeker in French. She was French. A language that I spoke. I squatted down next to them and whispered to Aide's mother about the baby. I told her that he had almost slept through the night last night and everything else I could think of.

  She started firing off questions at me. Most I couldn't answer. She wanted to know what Aide was to me. I answered that he was my husband. I pointed to the Aide father and told her that he was her husband.

  Aide grabbed my arm and pulled me away from her. “What are you saying to her?” He looked like he was going to slap me.

  “She just asked me in what relationship we were to each other and she wanted to know about the baby. I didn't do anything wrong,” I insisted.

  I looked at the other King. He had his arms folded as he glared at his wife.

  “I don't understand what I did wrong? You said I could talk to her.”

  “Only when I can understand you too.”

  “Then I'll teach the computer her language. I even have a book in her language with me that she could read.”

  “No, if I can't understand you, you can't talk.”

  “But you are being so unfair. She is your mother and she hasn't talked to anyone in years. We have laws against that on earth. It called cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “I'll show you a punishment.” He pulled me to his throne and pushed me over his knees. Up came my skirt and down came his hand.

  “Don't you ever argue with me again.” Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack,

  smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  Tears were running out of my eyes. This was definitely not the first impression that I wanted to make. I tried not to fight him. But my hands were pounding against his legs. I didn't feel that I deserved this spanking and I wasn't about to help him in any way.

  Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. “Stop it, you brute.”

  “I explained very clearly that it is your job to obey me. You didn't and then you even wanted to explain to me the error of my ways. You” smack “will” smack “obey” smack “me!”

  He was hitting so hard that the fight went out of me. I stopped hitting him and just cried over his knees. I couldn't believe how cruel and controlling he could be. He spanked until I was completely limp hanging over his knees. I could hear the baby crying. I just wanted to hold my baby and cry in the corner. He pulled me up so I was resting on his chest. I sobbed heart broken.

  “Shh, Melissa. It's okay.” He was breathing heavy from overexertion.

  His mother was scolding him as she held Seeker in her arms.

  “I can understand her and she is mad at you.”

  He landed another swat on my backside. “Melissa, do you honestly want to go for another round? I will spank you until I believe you have learned your lesson. Right now, I have my doubts.”

  “I want my baby.”

  “I think we need to talk first.”

  “Please. He is crying for me.”

  “Then let's make this a quick talk.”

  I nodded against his chest. I had a hand laying on each of his shoulders.

  “She isn't allowed to talk to anyone without my father's permission. If we can't understand you, you can't talk. Is that clear?”

  I nodded again. “But I offered to make the computer understand us.”

  That got me another smack. “That is my father's place to decide, not yours.”

  “But how could he know that I could do that? I had to make the offer first.”

  He pushed me down over his knees again and wailed at my backside. I just laid there and took it. He quickly pulled me up to his heart again.

  “I just feel very strongly about this. It is cruel to her.”

  He had me over his knees again. This time he took a lot more time with his spanking. When he stopped I didn't say anything more. I just leaned into his chest, defeated.

  He motioned for the baby. I took him and feed him with everyone watching. I didn't look at anyone but the baby as I feed him and sobbed.

  Aide was madder than when we had tried to run away. I bet he wished that he had never given me the listening device thing. “If I have to spank you again I will use the whip. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, too sad to answer.

  “Are you going to give me anymore problems?”

  I shook my head.

  After a bit the baby fell asleep. Aide stood us up and walked us out of the room. He was talking to his father but he had an eye on me the whole time. We seemed to be taking a tour of the ship. Aide said this and that.

  My mother-in-law looked so sad too. I just couldn't even pretend to smile. My frown was too heavy. The tour stopped in our room. My mother-in-law was holding the baby again.

  I got the book that we were reading in French class at the moment. It was a funny and nice book. I gave to my father-in-law.

  I looked at Aide and explained that it was a story told just for fun and what it was about. I told him that I would like to give to my
mother-in-law as a present and asked for their permission. His mother was eyeing the book longingly. She could see by the title that it was in French.

  I turned away from them so they could decide.

  My father-in-law called his wife to him. He was saying this and that. Aide didn't look to pleased with me. My mother-in-law looked like she couldn't understand her husband of who knew how many years. The whole thing was so sad and so wrong.

  The men sat down and talked again while my mother-in-law stared longingly at me.

  I got out my laptop and started typing as fast as I could about everything I knew. It wasn't much so it went quickly. I set my laptop down and went to sit by Aide. I made a motion with my head to the laptop. My mother-in-law paced with the baby up and down until she passed the laptop she read and nodded. She was being too obvious about everything. I tried to distract the men but my father-in-law wasn't used to a mere woman asking questions. It annoyed him so I stopped. My mother-in-law was pacing again, thankfully away from the laptop.

  The men were finished talking and the visit was over. They were leaving now and going off to a planet that was making problems. They were kings but their job sounded a lot more like they were the police.

  Aide took the baby from his mother and gave him to me. He left closing the door and we were locked in. I erased what I had written on my laptop and changed the music to something sad. That was the kind of music that fit today.

  Aide came back in with a whip. He laid it down on the bed and took the baby from me and laid him in his little bed that was next to my half of the bed. Seeker continued to sleep. I didn't say anything as he undressed me. I avoided his eyes.

  “I warned you? Was it worth it?”

  Tears were already flowing from my eyes as I nodded. That got him even more mad. He pushed me down so I was kneeling and laid my body over his half of the bed and whipped me soundly. I tried to be very quiet so I wouldn't wake the baby but the more he hit the harder it was to be quiet. I bite into the blanket. He didn't show any signs of stopping. I got a feeling that he would hit until I did cry out. The stubborn streak that had been with me all day still wouldn't leave me. Not even when he concentrated his blows to the very sensitive spot where my bottom meets my thighs. The spanking somehow radiated pain to my fingertips and to my toes.


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