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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 20

by Charlie Buxton

  "Oh!" she said...and for the first time in her life, Leneria laughed.

  He thrust again.

  "Oh. Ha! What is this feeling."

  He thrust once more.

  "Oh, you wicked man! Commander, I...I... oh my word I'm cumming!"

  "Good," said Angelo. "Cum for me Leneria, cum for... oh gods, I am too!"

  In the sexually heightened atmosphere of the ship, Leneria had experienced, no doubt, thousands of orgasms in human form. However, never had the sensation been connected with the emotions that had begun to stir within her since she'd met Angelo. For the first time ever, she experienced a true and deep orgasm - connected by what might be the beginnings of love.

  "I'm dying," she cried. "I'm sure of it. I'm... oh Commander, how is this possible!?! How is this feeling happening. Ahhh!!!"

  She tumbled over into incoherence, squealing and moaning with blinding ecstasy. Her hips were shaking uncontrollably, her heart was pounding so hard Angelo could feel it against his chest as he sprayed into her. Of course, he wasn't panicked, but simply held her even more closely as she experienced the tremors of true joy.

  What she did next surprised him, in a good way.

  "Oh my, Commander," she said, bending down to kiss him. "I see why you kiss afterward. I do."

  She kissed him hungrily, her hands linked tenderly with his. After a deep, tongue-tangling kiss, she started kissing her way down his neck, then slipped of off his cock and worked her way down his chest, kissing all the way to his somewhat-softening member.

  "I want to taste us," she said.

  Taking his cock in her mouth, she sucked and licked enthusiastically.

  "How lovely we taste," she said.

  "And how lovely you feel," he moaned as his cock began springing to life once again.

  "Oh I love this cock," she said. "I see now why they say that in the movies. 'Cock'. It's so much better than 'penis'. Penis is for the medical suite. Of course, that's where we are, but that's not what I mean. 'Cock' - I love your cock."

  She continued cleaning their juices off of him with her tongue and he was soon moaning from the attention.

  "Oh, but I shouldn't," she suddenly realized. "No. No, I can't."

  She rolled off of the medical couch and stepped away.

  "I need to let you recover. Of course, the sensors say you are fine, but the outlined treatment was for you to take things slowly at first. But, I do want your cock again. I want it so badly."

  She bent down to kiss the tip, teasing it with her tongue.

  "No. No. No," she told herself. "Commander, you rest. I must... I must leave. That's the only way I can. Ha ha!"

  She laughed, giggling like a schoolgirl.

  "I have to go. For your sake. Goodbye."

  She exited the medical suite, leaving an exhausted but beaming Angelo to ponder the transformation that was occurring in Leneria.


  Surprising as it might have seemed to those with a more traditional view of relationships, Angelo and Leneria did not become mutually exclusive right away. Given the frank nature of sexual relations on the ship, Angelo was actually in high demand because of his testosterone driven exploits in the group sex lounge.

  He was so in demand, Leneria had to put him on a ration of sorts - no more than two partners a day until she was sure he was fully recovered.

  In truth, the ration was three - she was saving his third time for herself. Every day he was 'ordered' to return to the medical suite where the doors were closed and where their lovemaking became continually more intense and intimate.

  After a few days of this routine, Marcus invited Angelo for another stroll.

  "There are interesting things, afoot, Commander?"

  "Oh? What kind?"

  "People are sleeping together," said Marcus. "Word of your sleep time with Leneria has spread and curiosity has grown. For the first time in our limited history, our crew has begun seeking out sleeping partners - not just sexual partners."

  "Fascinating," said Angelo with a grin. "Have you tried it, Marcus?"

  "I have," said the chiseled Aquilan. "I have spent the past two nights sleeping with A'nish and Lietseleh. The first night was, distracting might be a good word, I found it quite distracting to be near the stimulation the two of them offered. However, the second night we coupled quite vigorously and fell asleep directly post-coitus. It was a strangely satisfying and comforting rest period."

  "Fascinating," said Angelo.

  The sleeping arrangements continued to evolve. From individual couples to pods which shifted nightly, the small individual sleep cubes were now seldom used.

  By the end of the next week, Angelo's allowance had been upped to back to normal. With the regulating hormones Leneria prescribed, he wasn't up to the non-stop fucking he had been pursuing - but there were certainly ample unions. He decided to continue pursuing the record of bedding the entire ship - finding willing partners wasn't difficult given he was still a desired sexual partner. His number stood at 128.

  Surprisingly, Leneria displayed no jealousy. She actually enjoyed watching him with other women and they had many foursomes (or moresomes) brought about by her becoming so inflamed from watching him.

  Angelo himself suspected he had some tinges of jealousy, but it was hard to measure how much because of the surreal surroundings in which he found himself. Heightened libidos; naked humans of every conceivable variety, and a partner who was both willing and generous to share with others.

  He asked her about it one day when they had retreated back to the medical suite. The concept of jealousy was one which was nearly impossible for her to grasp.

  "I will be fascinated to observe how this trait develops in future generations of our kind," mused Leneria. "Monogamy among true Aquilans would be - what is the term - sinful? While our kin tend to congregate in in local areas, there are those who travel great distances while dormant to reach other colonies. Should a male and female meet while traveling in opposite directions along a migratory route, it would be rude if not fatal for them not to copulate and replenish their energy. Even in the nebula clouds, refusal is unheard of - no matter what the ability of the lover."

  "So, there are better and worse lovers among your kind?" asked Angelo.

  "Absolutely. You have seen our kin having sex. There are millions of points of contact on their surfaces akin to human nerves. Multiply the number of ways each of those nerves can be stimulated - there are indeed good and bad lovers."

  "How would I stack up as an Aquilan?" asked Angelo as he pulled her into an embrace.

  "I suppose you would have a C Average as a whole," said Leneria with a sigh as Angelo slid easily into her.

  "C?" he said with a thrust. "You think I'm a C?"

  "Perhaps C-plus," she said as she began to meet his motions. "Personally, I would give you at least an A, if not a frequent A-plus. But speaking of grades, we must not take too long tonight. I sit the exam tomorrow and I must be well rested."

  "I'll do my best, my lady," said Angelo.

  The one interesting aspect of their lovemaking was that, although they had shared many group sessions with others - the only time they ever had sex together was in the privacy of the medical suite. The specialness of their unions seemed to demand privacy - though that was soon to change.


  The next day, Angelo kept busy working with the engineers - with several sex breaks - but he found himself missing Leneria a great deal. They generally would see each other at least a few times during the day - but she was fully isolated with her final examination.

  She had already passed over twenty preliminary examinations. This was her first attempt at the final test.

  The difficulty of the final medical examination was legendary, one which fewer than five percent passed. Leneria was to take it with the assistance of holos and even synthetic cadavers in the medical suite.

  He made his way to the dinning lounge and declined a few offers of mealtime sex awaiting her arrival.
  At last, he saw her, she sort of shambled into the room - eyes bloodshot, hair unkempt. She looked beyond exhausted. However, her eyes lit up when she saw him and she went running to him, throwing her arms around him and pulling him into a passionate kiss.

  "I passed," she sighed. "It was so difficult, but I made it through."

  "Well, well, well, Dr. Leneria. How wonderful."

  "Do you know the part that almost tripped me up?" she asked.

  "I couldn't imagine."

  "Bedside manner," she said with a half smile. "I knew I was failing the situation, but I remembered your tip. I began to echo empathy to the patients in the simulation and it came easier than I imagined. Now, I'm starving."

  She ate voraciously, having built up a huge appetite throughout her grueling day. Once she was finished, they were surprised to be approached by several women - Menaea at the lead.

  "Greetings Commander Telegin, Leneria," she said. "Leneria, we all wish to congratulate you on your medical degree. We understand what a difficult feat it was to accomplish here in isolation. If and when the day comes when you attend advanced medical school, we look forward to the heights you will undoubtedly achieve."

  "I thank you," said Leneria. "Though I must wonder if there is another purpose to your visit."

  "You are most perceptive," said Menaea. "We were wishing to inquire about why your sexual unions with Commander Telegin are always in private. Commander, your insight is also welcome."

  Angelo was uncertain how to answer, and he could tell by Leneria's blush that she also was at a loss.

  "Well," Leneria stammered. "You see, with the Commander there is an intensity about our lovemaking and I find myself possessed with an unexplainable urge to keep our unions... self-contained, for lack of a better term."

  "Intensity?" asked Leneria. "By intense, do you mean better? Is the quality of your copulation of a higher quality."

  "Oh, undoubtedly," said Leneria. "It exceeds the best sex I have ever experienced and..."

  She drifted off and blushed profusely.

  "What? Why do you stop?" asked Lietseleh, who was also part of the group. "It seems as though you are withholding information from us. What is it like?"

  Leneria gathered herself and finally found the will to muster the words she barely dared to say.

  "It is the best... it is the best sex I have experienced since...since..."

  Again, Leneria couldn't finish her sentence.

  "Since when?" whispered Menaea.

  "Since before I transferred my consciousness into this human form."

  A great hush had fallen over the room. All eyes were on the two of them.

  "How?" asked A'nish, who had joined the conversation. "How does he do this? I have partnered with him many times, and while his technique has improved immensely - and while his energy was unparalleled in his life-threatening session - it has never come close to something along those lines. Commander Telegin, would you care to elaborate?"

  Angelo felt like he was painted into a difficult corner. Here he was with creatures who placed a premium on sex, but showed a primal aversion toward emotion. How could he to tell them the reason for the amazing sex he had with Leneria was because of their inherent emotional bond?

  He couldn't.

  "I think..." stammered Angelo, "that perhaps Leneria and I have simply had more time together."

  "But that doesn't make sense," protested Menaea. "You and I were very frequent partners. Though I certainly enjoyed our times together, we hit a plateau of pleasure that was rarely exceeded."

  "We must observe you," insisted Lietseleh. "You have undoubtedly discovered some new technique that you are unaware of during the impaired state of sexual pleasure. Yes, we must see it now."

  "No, but..." protested Angelo.

  "We really couldn't," sputtered Leneria.

  There was no room for argument. A large table was soon cleared in the center of the dining lounge and padding magically appeared. They were invited to take the place of honor. Well over two-thirds of the ship, all who weren't on duty or otherwise occupied, gathered 'round.

  "I must tell you again," said Leneria, "if you are hoping for another display like the orgy the Commander performed a while ago..."

  "No," said Lietseleh. "We wish to observe this miraculous sexual coupling you speak of. Stop dallying and proceed."

  "Fine," said Leneria in a bit of a huff.

  She turned to Angelo, bringing him into a deep and slippery kiss.

  He had planned on telling her to just focus on him and forget everyone else - but he soon realized that if anyone would need to focus it was him. Leneria's focus was one hundred percent entirely on the activity at hand and her attention soon had him entranced as well. The touch of her lips on his - the way her breasts crushed against his chest - that was all it took to make the room of 200-plus naked Aquilans melt away.

  It was not the sexual Olympics Angelo had displayed a few weeks prior. It was better. There could be no doubt about that. No porn vid could compare to the raw heat emanating from their union, no sexual actors - no matter how good - could match the primal eroticism they shared with each other (though there werecameras on display, so there would be a vid now).

  The crew watched, mesmerized, as Leneria responded with exhilaration to each touch and kiss of Angelo - and he responded in the same fashion same. Their lovemaking played out like a perfectly choreographed erotic ballet. Each move seemed to be countered by another one. Their motions were marked by a marvelous artistic fluidity.

  Leneria, in particular, had become especially vocal in their sex and it seemed with a willing audience her volume increased even more. As they pushed each other to greater and greater heights of pleasure the only sounds in the dining lounge were of the two lovers and their passion. Every other person present watched in stunned fascination and wonder as they became witness to a new sort of union - one borne of passion, not pure physical lust.

  As for Angelo and Leneria, the rest of the ship barely existed. They eventually found themselves with Leneria on top, riding him with erotic intensity.

  She detected the tell-tale sign in his breathing and his movement.

  "Are you close, Angelo?" she gasped out in a sultry voice. "Don't hold back. Fill me up, I want to feel you inside of me. Cum for me, Commander."

  Moments later, Angelo did just that. He cried out her name and his moans of rapture echoed throughout the silent room.

  "Now you," he whispered as the last blast filled her up. He still had enough stamina left after his orgasm to pound into her the few more times he knew it would take to send her skyward.

  As vocal as she had been in her lovemaking, Leneria's orgasm was just as silent - but no less intense. She gasped in desperate breaths, her face a contorted mask of pleasure as several waves of pleasure rolled through her body. When she was done, they continued kissing...and smiling.

  It was then that they remembered where they were. Still atop Angelo, Leneria turned to Lietseleh and the other women who had initiated the request.

  "So," she said, panting. "That's what it is like with the two of us. It is quite lovely, wouldn't you say?"

  "Oh yes," agreed Lietseleh. "It was exponentially more intense in some way. Though I must say, qualitatively, I could not detect any different technique in your sexual motions."

  "No," agreed A'nish. "I saw very little difference between this and the times I have shared with the Commander."

  "It was their focus," said Menaea quietly. "They were entirely focused upon each other. I have never seen such... dedication, I suppose is the word."

  "We thank you," said Lietseleh. "It was a generous gift for you to share such an intimate moment."

  Angelo and Leneria dismounted from the table and walked hand-in-hand out of the dining lounge. They were not met by applause, but by something more respectful. The Aquilans simply remained silent and acknowledged their passing with silent nods.


  137. That was where the num
ber stood - and it appeared it would remain there. Angelo had two weeks remaining aboard ship and his (admittedly juvenile) goal of bedding the entire ship's complement of women - 164 total - had come to a screeching halt.

  The resistance had started slowly at first. The partners that Angelo had approached had of course been courteous, but if Leneria had been anywhere in the vicinity - they had insisted that Angelo couple with her - so they could watch. Leneria reported similar behaviors of reluctance.

  It wasn't a terrible blow, really - it meant that they could couple several times a day which certainly had its amazing rewards.


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