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Page 17

by Lacy Armendariz

  She sniffed them and held them tightly in both of her hands. “What do you think of Gabriel?” she asked her mother.

  “I adore him. Your father and I both approve of your marriage. We wish you the best. I think you two will be very happy.” Dara put her hand on Staysia’s cheek. “It isn’t easy seeing my little girl all grown up, but at the same time, it is a wonderful thing to watch you fall in love and become such a beautiful and strong woman.”

  “I learned so much on my journey. I became so strong in just a few days. I learned to love in ways I never thought I could. Tristen and Jasper are the most amazing friends. Gabriel is—oh mother, he just makes me so happy.”

  “I know the feeling, Staysia, your father makes me feel the same way. I couldn’t live a day without him, I wouldn’t want to. He didn’t want to let go of you yet, but I reminded him of when we were young and in love. He’s very happy for you.”

  Just then, Cassandra knocked on the door and slightly opened it. “Hello. We’ve come to make you pretty for your wedding,” she said. She walked into the room followed by Emerald. “Your dress, it’s gorgeous!” Emerald exclaimed.

  “Thank you, it was my mother’s.”

  “It is entirely gorgeous. If you sit down, I will fix your hair,” said Cassandra. “This is going to be the beginning of a great friendship. Tristen has told me all about you.”

  “I will leave you three to yourselves. You all will meet us at the island when you are finished?” her mother asked them.

  “Yes, we will be there!” Staysia replied.

  Staysia was getting to know Cassandra and Emerald better, when there was a knock at the door. The door slowly opened and Jasper peeked inside. “Jasper!” Staysia hopped out of her chair and sprinted towards him. She kissed his forehead and hugged his neck.

  “Staysia, you look lovely. I’ve come to give you something. Well, I’ve come to give you something back.” He reached his hand in his pocket and pulled out the yellow stone that Staysia had given him as payment for crossing underneath his bridge. He put it in her hand and closed it. “I won’t be needing this anymore. I have already found everything I have ever wanted. I have found great friendships and I have been reunited with my Emerald.”

  “Oh Jasper, you keep it.” She tried to give it back to him.

  “No, no, no,” he said as he waved his hand at her. “It won’t do me any good anymore.”

  Staysia smiled and held the stone tight in her hand. “Is Gabriel ready yet?”

  “He is in the other room writing his vows for you. We will be leaving soon.”

  “Alright Jasper, I will see you soon!”

  Jasper told Staysia goodbye, blew a kiss to Emerald, and closed the door behind him. Cassandra perfected Staysia’s hair and put her veil on her. It was time for Staysia to write her vows to Gabriel, and then they would be on their way to the island, which wasn’t far at all from where they were.

  “I think I will go outside to write my vows. Meet me out there in a while and I will be ready to go to the island.”

  “You got it, Staysia! We won’t be far behind you.”

  Staysia sat beneath a tree and took the time to write a perfect page of vows in no time. It was all in her mind, she just had to write it down. Cassandra and Emerald joined her soon and the three of them left together.

  They arrived at the island with the sounds of bells and nature in their ears.

  Staysia rode upon Isis until she met up with her father. The beaming faces of the onlookers made her smile. They started down the aisle when the violinists and harpists began to play. With faces aglow, her mother and Layenaya watched her as she carried herself with the utmost grace, arm and arm with her father.

  Gabriel awaited her with his hands clasped together and his broad shoulders back. The smile upon his face was not the ear to ear grin that was usually smeared across his face. He had the smile of a man in love; a man who looked upon the most beautiful face upon Earth, a woman who melted his heart, and floated toward him like in a dream; the sweetest dream. And that is what Staysia was to him. She was a dream; a dream that had come true.

  They stood side by side before the throne of the Sea Child. The ceremony began. Before allowing Gabriel to kiss his bride, he called for the vows. Gabriel would be first. With a glimmer in his eyes and a fidget caused by nerves, he began:

  “Staysia, when your name rolls across my tongue, it always feels like the first time. I will never grow tired of saying your name. When I hear your name in my ears, it is like a new song that I have never heard, and that no one else ever could hear, not like me. It is a secret song that only belongs to me. When you say my name it is like the sound of a fairy’s wings dancing in the wind. Your beauty is like sunshine and silk, like rain and snow. It is like looking into all the seasons of the year at one moment, and indulging in them with one glance of your face. I promise to always make you smile and laugh. I promise to make every day a new day of adventure, as I know you love adventure. I will take you to see things you have never seen. We will discover things never known to either of us. Hand in hand, we will make every day more perfect than the one before. I will love you with everything I have. I will teach the beasts of the forest to bow at your very feet and they will be our pets. I will give you a different flower each day of our lives and if I run out, I will plant a brand new species and name them after you.”

  Staysia couldn’t speak with a parting of her lips and a deep breath in. Her eyes stung and she was choked up from the words Gabriel had spoken. She closed her eyes and opened them again. She looked into his eyes and smiled, before running a finger underneath each of her eyes. With another long inhale, she began to speak.

  “The day I met you, Gabriel, I was amid a battle with our little friend, Barthesus. Though he was very intimidating back then, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. You later brought it to my attention that I had completely forgotten about him when my eyes met yours. It is true, I did forget about him. I forgot because I knew from that moment that you weren’t just another man with a handsome face and a pleasant smile. You were the man my mother had told me about before either of us had ever met you. I learned that you were from Gnome Hills and I did not know what to think of you. I did not know if I could trust you. It wasn’t until you were gone that I realized I already knew you. It had been such a short time that we had spent together, but I did know you. You weren’t just Gabriel from Gnome Hills anymore. You were Gabriel from a special place in my heart. The place that told me everything would be alright, despite my troubles. You kept me going and made me smile, even when I had to hide that smile for the sake of keeping up my guard. I will never put up that guard again. I will trust you and love you forever.”

  “You may kiss your bride.” The Sea Child pronounced.

  Gabriel did not hesitate at all to whip his arm over her shoulder and grab the back of her neck. This kiss was much longer than the others. So long it made the guests wonder when it was going to end. And when it did, they gazed into one another’s eyes and stayed that way for a moment longer. After that, the guests cheered.

  The reception would follow. Staysia met people she had never met before, and highly esteemed immortals, gods, and the families of gods. She met the guardians of the forest, who were known as Forest gods. Without them, the trees would not grow as they did. Things would die, like plants, flowers, and animals.

  The warmth and quiet of the forest had always calmed her and nurtured her spirit. So naturally, she was taken by the Forest gods and knew her new acquaintances would become her friends as time went on.

  She met plenty of fish women and men who worked for the Sea Child, and she even met Willow herself. She was a beautiful woman, a beautiful woman with a fin as feet when in water, and feet when out of the water, and gills on her neck. She wore various shells around her neck and pearls on her wrist.

  The reception was filled with soft music and couples arm in arm. Heads on one another’s shoulders while on the dance floor. Eyes gazing into one a
nother’s while laughing and talking. The wedding reminded the couples of their own weddings, or for some, weddings that were to come. That is how it should be, and that is how it was for the good people who attended the wedding.

  Of course, Jasper and Emerald did not go so easily un-noticed. They made quite an appearance, with their troll love and appeasing, yet boisterous personalities. Yes, eyes were upon them as they danced with one another and met new people. As they walked hand in hand and stared daringly into one another’s eyes.

  It was time for Gabriel and Staysia to have their dance. The song they chose was called The Color of Love. It had a peaceful low tone. A fish woman sang the song. She had the most soothing voice. The bells that cheered in the background sounded of peace and the newness of life that Staysia and Gabriel had ahead of them.

  Gabriel looked into her eyes and said, “I love you, Staysia.”

  “And I love you.”

  “Words cannot describe the way you make me feel.”

  “Oh, I think you did a wonderful job of it when you said your vows. They were amazing,” Staysia said.

  “I hope so. I tried to put my feelings into words, but there is still so much unsaid. I am glad I have forever to try to tell you more thoroughly. I am going to need it.” He twirled her around and threw her body down in a dip, where he kissed her. The people around them ooh’d and ahh’d when he did. When the song was finished, Gabriel announced that he had something to say aloud.

  He looked around the room at the people who tried to look over one another’s shoulders and stood on their tiptoes to see him. Gabriel laughed and stood on a chair. He put his arms out and the people laughed. He went from the chair to the table and the people laughed again. He looked around the room and smiled that wide smile of his.

  People listened intently as he told the story of the fairy princess who had given him his horse. He told of how the horse found Staysia when she needed him. He told them all about Staysia’s request of him to name the horse. Staysia smiled and held her hand over her mouth. She shyly surveyed the room and the people that eyeballed her.

  “My sweet!” Gabriel got Staysia’s attention. “My sweet, there is someone who would love to meet you.”

  Staysia looked around the room. “Someone would like to meet me? Who would like to meet me?” she asked.

  “Who would you like to meet?”

  “Who is it?” she asked eagerly.

  “If I were to tell you that you could choose someone, just one someone. Who would that someone be? Someone you have never met before?”

  “Well, I don’t know,” Staysia put a finger on her chin as if it would help her think more clearly. She put her finger in the air. “Why, the Mother of the Fairies of course!”

  “Good choice! That is who has come to meet you.”

  “The Mother—is here?” She looked around for her. “Where is she?”

  The people ooh’d and aah’d again, their mouths agape. They were looking behind Staysia. She got the feeling the Mother was behind her and turned around slowly, almost afraid to look. The Mother of the Fairies walked toward her. The people had been looking upon her exquisite beauty, and perhaps the pink glow that hovered over her and around her body.

  The train of the Mother’s light blue gown trailed behind her. She stood to be a bit taller than Staysia. Her golden wings fluttered gently beyond each of her shoulders as she walked. She carried a smile across her lips and kindness in her eyes. Her face was aglow with fairy dust. Her blonde curls fell past her waist and bounced behind her. The Mother looked directly at Staysia. She stopped when she stood in front of her.

  Staysia stood face to face with the Mother. She didn’t know what she should say, or what she should do, so she just gazed at her—she just admired her beauty. Finally, the Mother smiled a kind smile directly at Staysia. This made Staysia feel a little more comfortable. She felt even more at ease when the Mother brushed her cheek with the back of her hand. And finally she spoke.

  “You are a beautiful girl, Staysia, and you have come so very far. I was honored to help you along the way. But I don’t think you needed me at all. It was all in you.” She glanced at Gabriel, Tristen, and Jasper. “You and your friends, that is.”

  Staysia paid the Mother a curtsy and said, “I am so pleased to finally meet you. You have always been my protector, whether you knew it or not. As a little girl, I imagined you were there with me any time I needed someone.”

  “I knew, and I was there.”

  Staysia just smiled at the Mother, her eyes filled with tears.

  “I wish you the very best. You deserve the very best.” She spread her arms out and looked around. “Everything and everyone you have gained in your life were always meant to be yours. This day has been awaiting you. I will always be with you, still.”

  “I am so honored. You are such an exquisite and delightful being.”

  “Now, I believe Gabriel has chosen a name for his horse that he would like to share with you.”

  Staysia turned and looked at Gabriel and smiled, showing her teeth. Gabriel rubbed his chin as he began to speak. “I have decided to name this beast of mine a name that is not so common as Blackey or Midnight. I have named him Spartacus.” He took in a deep breath and looked at Staysia nervously. “Is Spartacus alright?”

  Staysia laughed slightly. “It is perfect!” she concluded.

  Gabriel took another deep breath and put his hand on his heart. He put his head back and looked at the sky. He sighed with relief and looked at Staysia. “That’s a relief!” They laughed together.

  “Yes, Gabriel, you have done well with the name.” The Mother said. She turned to Staysia. “Now, I must be on my way.” She put her hand on Staysia’s chest. “You keep me in here always and I will always be with you, just as I am now.”

  “I will. Always.” Staysia smiled and waved to her. She watched her until she faded away and was gone.

  * * *

  Once all of the guests had gone, Staysia wasn’t interested in a getaway with her new husband. No, she had just discovered the most beautiful place she had ever known. She had everything she wanted right there on the island. She had her parents, her new friends, and she had Gabriel.

  They stayed right there where they were. Of course, they had many journeys together after that. They built their home and had many little children. The trolls were no longer looked down upon. They looked up to Jasper and became cheery little beings of peace. The bridges were not guarded anymore, and neither were the forests and cities forbidden to the trolls.

  Spartacus was no unicorn, but he was nonetheless a hopeless romantic just like Gabriel. He found love in Isis and they had little uni-horses and lived a long and happy life with Gabriel and Staysia.

  That is the end of my story, but the love that was found went on forever. Immortality is a precious gift when eternity can be spent with those you love. No empty holes needed be filled, no broken hearts to be mended. Joy and peace reigned with Staysia and her family. The hope that was born with the Sea Child brought unity to the people on his sixth birthday; unity and happiness that will never cease.




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