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Page 12

by Laura Marie Henion

  Victoria felt her arm grabbed and pulled into the back door of the police department.

  "I've fucking had it with you! What the hell do you think you're doing? Do you realize what you have done? How could you stand up there and beat up Tod, Don, and your family for that asshole and his political agenda? Damn it, Tory!” Peter yelled at her. She knew he would react this way.

  Warren told her if she were convincing enough, her family would have this reaction, and they would hate her. Bret had already spilled the beans to Victoria about the corruption in the police department and on the board. He named at least ten individuals that could end up with charges on federal offences. This information would come out as soon as she could prove Bret had something to do with her father's murder.

  Uncle Patrick, Brian, and Steven joined them in the hallway.

  "I'm sorry that the truth hurts, Peter. I was shocked myself, but the evidence is clear. I just hope my own family isn't involved in some way."

  "What? Now he's got you believing we're the bad guys?” Peter obviously wanted to rip Bret's head off, and he nearly got his chance when the department exit door opened.

  "Are you all right, Victoria?” Bret asked.

  Victoria could hear the growls coming from her family behind them then Peter lunged forward, aiming for Bret. He punched him in the jaw, sending Bret against the metal door. Steven stopped Peter from doing further harm, along with Uncle Patrick. Both men held him back.

  "Bret, are you okay?” Victoria asked.

  "I'm fine. It's you I'm concerned about. You ready to leave with me?"

  "I'm fine, Bret, and ready to go back outside."

  "Don't bother coming to the firehouse, only family and friends are coming,” Peter added, and his uncle tried to interrupt.

  Victoria reached out to Bret. “That's fine with me.” She took Bret's hand and walked out the door.

  * * * *

  Everyone remained silent for a few seconds. Then Peter looked at his uncle and Steven. “I can't stand that guy. What does he have on Tory? What?"

  "I don't know, son. I just don't understand."

  Steven placed his hand on Peter's shoulder. “Nice right hook to the jaw.” He smirked.

  Peter smiled then stretched his hand and knuckles. “You think so? I should have gone for his nose."

  They began to laugh.

  "That would have made a pretty picture on the front page news,” Patrick added.

  "Let's get back outside, Mom's probably worried.” They headed out the back door.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 8

  "That stupid son of a bitch thinks that he can get away with this? I'm gonna fucking kill him, but first, I have to get rid of you.” Ronnie Chappa lay in the trunk of the car. The killer continued his tirade and wrapped Chappa in the blanket but not before smiling at his latest victim.

  Ronnie's eyes widened with fear. There wasn't a thing he could do but just lay there, hands and mouth bound.

  "Killing you right now is going to be risky.” He knew many people on the force were looking for him. Chappa was a cop even though he was a bad one. He was still top priority in the small, shit-ass police department.

  The killer walked around to the driver's side of the car and started the engine. Anger flowed through his veins. He thought he would explode. Instead, he focused on the task at hand. He was determined to send a clear and frightening message.

  The night was dark and cloudy, overcast but warm, evidence that the summer temperatures were here and soon, some record heat waves. He turned on the radio to hear the report.

  "Officer Ronnie Chappa is still missing, and the police department has no leads. If anyone has any information, please call our tips hotline."

  He flipped open his cell phone, pretending to dial the number.

  "Oh, yes, I know where he is. He's right here, the stupid fuck!” He started laughing, a sick, spine tingling laugh as he enjoyed the ride to the police department.

  "Right under their noses—what fun this will be."

  * * * *

  Victoria stopped Bret from kissing her. She had to spend the entire afternoon with him, hurt her family, and destroy her future with Steven, and for what, a corruption case and Federal charges for ten community leaders and still no proof of her father's killer.

  Convincing Bret to drop her off at home, he accepted her excuse of a migraine and reluctantly left. The migraine wasn't entirely a lie. The damage she caused today would take millions of apologies and physical proof she was working undercover for the good guys.

  She closed the door and walked to the kitchen to fill the kettle with water. Her thoughts remained on this afternoon and Peter's right hook to Bret's jaw. One for the good guys and she had to pretend it had angered her.

  The living room was dark. She thought about turning some lights on but didn't bother because she wanted to hide. She was ashamed for what she did today. Her heart ached and it was a terrible feeling she began to know too well.

  Her cell phone rang, and she retrieved it from her purse to answer it.

  "Hi, Investigator Warren. Yes, everything went exactly as planned."

  "You were fantastic, Victoria, even Colt was convinced. He's all ready to arrest those ten individuals tomorrow. Once they're arrested, we'll pull in Collins for questioning, and hopefully, the interrogation process will make him talk."

  "I hope I didn't do all this, hurt my family and friends like this, for nothing?"

  "Don't say that, Victoria. Without you, we wouldn't have put a stop to the corruption and money laundering, nor would we be able to convict Bret Collins. He owes the government millions, and besides that, you know your father wasn't having an affair. Bret was the one who took the picture."

  "But we still don't know what their relationship was."

  "We told you. Linda Delaney was into fine art. She was an artist and did some personal portraits on the side. Your father had her paint a picture of his and your mother's wedding portrait. It was going to be his anniversary gift to her. He met Linda a couple of times at the restaurant. Then she confided in him one day that a friend of the family's was harassing her, even though she'd broken up with the guy. It turned out to be Bret Collins. That picture was taken before your father had knowledge of Bret's intentions with Linda.

  "Apparently, Bret broke into her apartment and forced himself on her. She didn't want to report it because she was afraid no one would believe her since they had slept together and were involved at one time."

  "How do you know all this?"

  "Witnesses, Victoria. She had stayed silent all this time, but the right questions were asked and when people hear FBI, they freeze a bit."

  "FBI? What are you talking about?"

  "Right before Ronnie Chappa went missing, the DA informed an associate of his in the Bureau. The DA wants everything to go down smoothly, and he wants to put everyone who is involved away for good. We feel there is a connection to the murders. We had to bring in the FBI. They'll be working with us, side by side."

  "Oh, my God, so maybe he did kill my father out of anger or revenge?"

  "I don't think he actually pulled the trigger, Victoria. Which means our killer is still out there."

  "How much longer do I have to play this game? Do you have any suspects, yet?"

  "No suspects yet, but I think once we get Bret into questioning and the FBI gets through with him, we should be closer to finding the killer."

  "What about the rest of my family? Will the FBI or the DA's office protect them until the killer is behind bars?"

  "I think your family can handle themselves. As soon as we tell them how you have helped us and where we are in the case, you and your mother will have twenty-four hour protection."

  "What about the officer who's missing? Does it have something to do with Bret or my dad? Was Chappa working for the killer?"

  "We're looking into that, Victoria. There could be a connection, but we'll have to question Bret and some others begin
ning tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll come up with some concrete answers and a connection."

  "Do you think the killer has Chappa, the one you're looking for?"

  "It's a good possibility. I'll let you know as soon as we hear something."

  "So I guess I'll just sit back and let my family hate me a little longer."

  "Everything is going to be all right. You've done a great job.” Warren hung up the phone.

  Victoria put the phone down and sighed. The thought of a killer loose in River Point made her scared to be alone. She had seen the pictures from Linda's crime scene. She knew what the killer was capable of doing.

  She reached for the teakettle, realizing she never turned on the stove. Feeling the overwhelming urge to cry, she bowed her head. Suddenly, she heard the floor creak behind her. There was movement in the living room. Stunned, she watched the figure move closer.

  Victoria reached back to the wooden knife block and grabbed the largest one. Her heart pounded. She was instantly scared as thoughts of an unknown killer entered her mind.

  As the figure paused in the doorway, the light illuminated his face. She was shocked to see Steven standing before her. She froze as he closed the space between them and now, stood a few feet in front of her, all she could do was stare at him.

  The determined look in his eyes had her feet glued to the floor. Dressed all in black, her heart fluttered in her chest and the tears stung her eyes. It was quite the sight.

  Moving closer, closing the distance between them, he held her gaze intently. Her mouth malfunctioned, her voice disappeared as her jaw practically touched her chest.

  She felt his solid hand gently take her wrist. She had forgotten about the knife the second she saw Steven's face. Closing her mouth, licking her quivering lips, she remained speechless.

  "What are you planning to do with that?” His deep, raspy voice sent waves of goose bumps over her flesh.

  She looked up at him, hoping to maintain her composure. “What are you doing here? How did you...?” She didn't finish her sentence. Victoria knew he was a Marine, a trained killer, more than capable of a sneak attack, but it had been so long since he had pulled such a trick on her.

  Steven took the knife from her hand and placed it back in the knife block.

  He still held her wrist with the other hand, keeping her in front of him as he moved closer. His hips were inches from her ribs.

  The fact he was dressed all in black, as if he were on some secret mission, intimidated her. He was in Marine mode. It was obvious, and it made confusing emotions flood her heart.

  Victoria shook, and she couldn't speak.

  His deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

  "You know something, sweetheart. I've been watching your place for the last week. I've even followed you to and from work. What I found interesting is that I wasn't the only one. You're under surveillance, but you know that already, don't you?"

  Victoria didn't respond verbally. Instead, she clenched her fingers into fists and tried to look away from Steven.

  His warm breath brushed against her neck.

  "They're still no match for me, though.” He smiled, placing his hands on the counter behind Victoria, blocking her from moving. Victoria knew he'd heard the whole, one-sided phone conversation.

  Chin pointed up toward Steven's face, she attempted to maintain the façade.

  "I still don't know why you're here.” She cringed at the stern facial response to her statement. He was tough, and damn it, she felt as timid and spineless as a noodle.

  He held her gaze and was silent a moment before he answered, “Because you need me, as much as I need you.” He took a few long breaths and continued, “Don't waste your breath telling me lies.” His intense stare called out for her challenge. Although, she was certain any response would be worthless, she had to try to salvage what she could.

  "Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to break into my home? We're not an item anymore, Steven.” She tried to act tough, but he smelled so good and she could already feel him embracing her, yet their bodies were hardly even touching.

  She attempted to push past him. Steven placed his hand on her ribcage and Victoria jumped backwards, her body shaking as the tears welled up in her eyes. She was eye level with Steven's chest.

  Steven didn't budge. He was determined, and she knew she was in trouble.

  The moment was so intense, and she was completely out of control.

  "We'll discuss the situation you're in later. Right now, there's something more important we need to take care of."

  Instantly, Steven's hand touched her face. His other arm wrapped around her waist as he pressed his body against hers. He cradled Victoria's head while his mouth covered hers.

  Tilting her head back to protest, the move backfired on her and she melted in Steven's arms.

  His lips felt amazing, perfect, strong, and inviting just as she remembered them to be. No man had ever given her the same feelings or emotions in his kiss alone. Her body melted against his muscle-bound physique. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on the tips of her toes to meet his lips fully and to feel him entirely encase her.

  Towering over her, she felt the same eagerness from him. The kisses became deeper as their tongues searched far and wide for an unreachable satisfaction. She wanted more. She had been without such intoxicating pleasure from him too long.

  Steven pulled her away from the kitchen counter, grabbing a handful of her backside as he picked her up off her feet with his other arm. They stumbled through the darkness of the living room, stopping a moment in the hallway as he kissed and nibbled her neck, her shoulders, then back to her lips. Everything stood still. The room was silent, except for their rapid breathing.

  "I've missed you so much. I never stopped thinking about you, Tory, never.” he exclaimed.

  Her voice was still MIA. She was out of breath in a dream. He could lead her anywhere. He always could. Their time apart hadn't changed that one bit.

  * * * *

  Steven smiled as he nibbled and kissed Victoria's neck, collarbone, and cleavage. The need to taste her perfume, her scent ruled his every carnal action. His gut was right; she still loved him. She would always be his.

  Steven held her close, kissing her neck, nibbling, biting. “Damn it, you taste so good, I could devour you,” he told her breathlessly as he pinned her against the lavender painted, sheetrock wall, kissing her and pulling her right thigh up against his leg. He pushed her dress up, allowing his hand to caress her toned upper thigh and twirled his fingers around the tiny, thin strap of the soft lacy material resting there.

  He wanted her so badly his body ached. His head spun, and he had thought about this moment for so long. He didn't want to rush it, but he was losing control.

  Growling erotically in her ear, “I want to look at you,” he took her hand, leading her toward the bedroom.

  "Steven, wait ... I ... what if someone had seen you?” Out of breath, she hesitated.

  He smirked confidently.

  "Not a chance in hell, baby."

  She smiled just as he led her by the hand, stopping by the bedside table to turn on the light.

  Instantly surrounded by a gentle glow, Steven smiled down at Victoria.

  He turned her around so she faced the bed as he spoke slowly, warmly against her ear, emphasizing each word and the depth of its meaning while he undid the zipper of her dress.

  "You belong to me. You're mine, Victoria, all mine ... always and forever."

  * * * *

  Victoria's heart pounded as she closed her eyes. The anticipation of making love to Steven aroused her senses.

  Rapidly, her dress fell to the floor and he pulled her against him. Victoria gasped for air. He's really here—he's alive and holding me. She laid her head back against Steven's chest.

  His arms embraced her tiny waist. He couldn't stop touching her. He had waited so long ... too long.

  The instant Steven's hand cupped her breast, she r
eached her hands back behind her, trying to grab at him, touch him, and let him know she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  Steven turned her toward him, putting a little distance between them as he took in the view.

  "You're even sexier than I remembered. More amazing than any dream, any fantasy I conjured up."

  Her heart beat so loud and so fast, she wondered if he could hear it. She stared into his eyes. She didn't feel shy or unsure. She never did when she was with Steven. Victoria knew he was the only man for her, and she had never stopped loving him.

  "Tell me you want me. I want to hear you say the words,” he whispered as they held hands, fingers entwined.

  Victoria moved a step closer laying her forehead against the black shirt that covered Steven's chest. She inhaled deeply, absorbing his unforgettable cologne, a smell she had missed immensely and could have sworn she actually smelled in her dreams.

  "I want you, Steven. I love you,” she whispered. Steven smiled, and his eyes twinkled when he lowered his head to scatter kisses across her neck and shoulder. Victoria's head fell back in defeat, her body, weak.

  Steven supported her, drawing her body closer against his. His mouth moved over hers, kissing every inch of her lips. He moaned as if they had a taste to them that he craved.

  Victoria fumbled with his shirt as she pulled it from Steven's tight, black jeans. He stopped her from helping him pull it off.

  His thumb and finger gently rubbed her chin as he held her gaze with his own.

  "Don't ask any questions right now, okay? I promise to explain it all later. Right now, all I want to do is make love to you.” He caressed her cheeks, then her hair, before placing the palm of his hand against her cheek.

  His eyes took on a serious look but only for a moment, and she smiled in agreement, wondering what he meant.

  As soon as he removed his shirt, she saw the three scars above his right breast. Bullet wounds. Shot three times in the chest and he survived.

  "Steven!” She couldn't help herself, despite what she just promised. She covered her mouth with her hands. Taking two steps back, she was scared, confused, and couldn't help the tears.


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