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Victoria Page 15

by Laura Marie Henion

  Victoria's next call was to Bret. He had left three messages on her voice mail while she was on the phone with Flip and, he sounded desperate.

  She needed to set up a time and place to meet then contact Colt and Warren. In-between, the FBI would wire her, and she would investigate Linda Delaney as well.

  Bret wanted to meet Victoria in Boulder Point at six that night. She'd meet the agents at five.

  Everything was set and Victoria continued to type away on her laptop, pulling together her article, her evidence, and proving her father's innocence.

  By four thirty, Victoria's head spun. She received phone call after phone call, pulling together her information, the facts. Now, the media was onto the local corruption story. Her boss nearly fainted when she told him she needed to leave for the night to take care of something. She informed him that the article was close to completion. He could take portions of it and send it to an associate at the local newspaper. The full article would run in this month's edition of the summer issue of Search and Seizure.

  As Victoria left her office, her cell phone rang.

  "I missed you. Where are you headed?” Steven asked, and she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  "I missed you too. I've been real busy today. I suppose you've heard about Bret and Ronnie Chappa?"

  "Who hasn't? I'm at work right now. I just wanted to check up on you. Where are you off to?"

  "I'm ... uh ... meeting Bret for drinks. I really can't talk right now, there's a lot going on and I don't think discussing it on an open line is smart.

  "You're what? Why would you be meeting him for drinks? I thought the FBI had a hold of him already. Victoria, where are you headed?"

  "Sorry, Steven, but this is how it has to go down. Please, don't worry about me. Colt and Warren, along with a few other agents, will be at the place watching,” Victoria told Steven as she got into her car and closed the door. She could hear the anger in his voice.

  "Baby, I don't like this one bit. What if he tries something? Are you going to let him?"

  "Steven, please don't make this harder than it is. I need to focus or he'll know I'm not interested in him. It's just an act, Steven, nothing more."

  Steven was silent a moment. Victoria could hear him breathing. He was worried and so was she.

  "I just don't want him touching you. I can't stand the thought of what this guy is capable of or that he really wants you. I can't help but worry, Tory. I don't like this."

  "I know you don't. I really have to go. I promise to call you as soon as I'm done. I love you."

  "I love you too and please, be careful."

  Victoria actually felt better hearing from Steven. He had no idea how much strength she pulled from their relationship. She couldn't wait for everything to be over. She figured she would confront Colt and Warren with her new information and demand they help clear her father's name and make his innocence public as soon as they had Bret and the others behind bars.

  * * * *

  "Victoria, all you need to do is keep Bret talking. He'll want to use you somehow and we need all this on tape.” Colt secured the wire.

  "It was Flip Walker who called you guys in, wasn't it?” Victoria asked.

  Colt and Warren exchanged glances. They obviously knew Victoria was good at her job. She was a journalist and came from a long line of law enforcement officers. It wouldn't be long until she figured things out. They explained everything. They were the ones who were surprised to find out that Linda Delaney was a con artist. Not even the detectives had figured that one out.

  "So, she was planning on framing your father for something, along with Bret Collins?” Colt released a surprised and exasperated sigh.

  "Yes, that was the plan. They first tried to bribe him, but that didn't work. I'm sure that was before the nice picture of them was taken,” Victoria added.

  "It's interesting how that picture wound up in Linda Delaney's apartment,” Warren added.

  "It's also interesting that Ronnie Chappa was at the apartment as well, and now, he's dead,” Warren stated and both Colt and Victoria looked at him.

  "Holy shit, maybe Bret is the killer. He offed Danny for figuring out he was up to no good, taking bribes, corrupting officers like Ronnie Chappa who was on his payroll.” Colt attempted to rub the kinks from his neck.

  "And the woman who called me said Linda had a drinking problem. She was probably talking too much. He had to kill her. But why wouldn't he make a run for it right now with all of you investigating him?” Victoria asked.

  "That's a good question and we'll have to ask him, but for now, we need to know what else he wants from you. We'll be watching the whole time. They'll be other undercover agents there, as well. Just keep him in the restaurant. It will be easier for us to keep an eye on you and also, more likely that he won't try something.” Colt tested the microphone.

  * * * *

  Victoria entered the restaurant, scanning the dining area. She caught sight of Bret at a corner table near the bar.

  She carefully made her way over to him as she unconsciously smoothed down her blouse, feeling uncomfortable knowing that their conversation was about to be heard by many agents.

  Bret rose from his chair. “Victoria, thank you for coming. I wasn't sure you'd show up.” He kissed her on the cheek then she sat across from him.

  The waitress came over. Victoria naturally ordered a Gin Martini, two olives. She needed the drink and Bret was way ahead of her. Once she sat down, she noticed his pale complexion, tiny droplets of perspiration near his hairline, and no tie around his white dress shirt. He was feeling the pressure from the FBI; that was obvious.

  "Of course, I came, Bret. I care about you ... about us. Tell me how I can help.” She gently touched his wrist while his hand held a half-empty glass of bourbon.

  He looked into her eyes, staring a moment, and Victoria held her pretend sincere look. She was getting better and better at this.

  "They got to you already, didn't they?” he asked.

  Victoria refused to give into it that easily. She continued to deny it.

  "Why would I help the FBI, the police department, or any of them? What have they done but make accusations about my father? They've practically destroyed his case and any hopes of finding out who killed him. No, no way would I help them. None of that has anything to do with you, with us, right?” Victoria held his hand and gave Bret a look of desperation.

  "No, baby, this has nothing to do with your father's case. You're right. I can trust you. We're a team after all.” Bret smiled.

  Victoria smiled in return.

  "I have nowhere to turn, Victoria. I need your help. I need an alibi for the night Ronnie Chappa went missing, as well as last night after midnight."

  Victoria tried to hide her disgust, her hatred for the man before her. He was the killer. He killed Ronnie Chappa, Linda Delaney, and her father.

  * * * *

  The agents listened in. This was huge. Perhaps Bret was the killer. They would be solving more than one crime in the small town of River Point, thanks to Victoria Mardullo. Now they hoped she didn't blow it.

  * * * *

  "Don't look at me like that, Victoria. I didn't kill him, nor did I kill Linda or your father. Someone is trying to frame me. I love you, baby. I need your help."

  "I don't know, Bret. I want to believe you, but lying to the FBI is a bit much.

  "Is that what's bothering you? Or, is it the fact that Steven may think we're lovers?” he challenged her.

  He caught her off guard with his strategic way of getting her to help him. He was good, but she would be better, especially if he was a murderer.

  "Why would that bother me? I told you, Steven and I are through. I'm here with you, aren't I? What do I need to do to prove this to you?"

  "Tell the FBI that you and I were making love all night long the night Ronnie Chappa went missing. Tell them you love me. Then this weekend, we'll make it all come true.” He held her hand and squeezed it.
  "I think you love me, Bret, but where were you really?” she asked.

  Bret fell silent a moment, but Victoria stood her ground.

  "Promise me you won't be angry?"

  Bret caressed Victoria's hand as he looked down at the dark green tablecloth. She was onto his tactics. He was thinking hard. She could almost see the steam, but when he looked up into her eyes, she saw something completely different.

  It was guilt. He explained his true whereabouts and the fact he had been with another woman.

  "It was a completely innocent meeting between old friends. Nothing more, Victoria, I swear to you."

  Victoria stayed silent. She couldn't make things too difficult for him, yet she couldn't come off too easy, either.

  "I refuse to be lied to. Steven lied to me, used me, and left me heartbroken, alone. I refuse to be treated that way again."

  "I swear to you, Victoria, it will never happen again. I love you. You'll see this weekend just how much."

  "The lies, the other women, it all ends right here, Bret, if this is what you want, then I'll do it. You've been here for me when my family wasn't. They took a stranger's side over mine.” She forced a tear to escape her eye. She thought about holding the hand of a man who was capable of murder.

  "Why are you crying, baby?” He reached across the small cocktail table and wiped the tear away.

  "I never thought I would ever fall in love again,” she lied to him, and he rose from the table, taking her into his arms to embrace her.

  "Come home with me tonight. Right now, baby. I need to feel your body next to mine. I want to consummate this relationship. Make you all mine."

  Victoria wanted to puke, smash his face in, kick him, something, but her mind spun for a way to avoid this. Think like a cop, like a detective working undercover. Prove to Steven that you can handle this.

  "Do you really think that's such a good idea? We probably shouldn't let anyone see us together. For all we know, they could be watching us right now."

  Bret looked around the restaurant all bug-eyed.

  "Think about it, Bret, the FBI might think we're collaborating on a story, and I don't know about you, but I sure as hell won't be able to handle an interrogation."

  "You won't have to. You're right, Victoria. You're a fast learner, too. We shouldn't take the chance of anyone seeing us together. You testify that I was with you and we'll meet on Friday night, head up to the cottage."

  "I can't this weekend, remember, my family obligation."

  "Then we'll head out Wednesday and return on Friday in time for your family obligation."

  He touched her cheek with his hand.

  "Wednesday then,” she said and hoped that Colt and Warren had Bret behind bars before then.

  * * * *

  Victoria left the restaurant and headed to the meeting location. The FBI had the place covered as well as a tail on Bret.

  "You did fantastic, Victoria. I'm sure that was the toughest thing you ever had to do,” Colt placed his hand on her shoulder and gently gave a squeeze.

  "Almost.” She thought about how she had been lying to Steven and her family.

  "We got him now, Victoria,” Warren added with a confident smile.

  "But he said he didn't do it. How do we know he did?"

  "We gather the evidence, question him, and get search warrants and all that fun stuff. It should be done in the next couple of days and don't worry about having to go to the cottage with him. He'll have to stay local, if not in jail.” Colt stated.

  "Can I tell my family, Steven, my uncle?"

  "Let's keep it small for now. Limit it to Steven, your mother, brother, and uncle."

  * * * *

  Steven got into his car and released an uneasy breath. He waited patiently, wondering when Victoria would call. Fifteen minutes later, he got his wish.

  "I've been so worried. How did it go?” he asked.

  "It was crazy, but it all worked out. We'll talk about it later. Meet me at my mom's house, okay?"

  "No problem.” He hung up the phone and was relieved Victoria was safe, but he already knew that. He had been watching everything in the restaurant, making sure Bret Collins didn't try anything. Steven had to do all he could to control his temper when he saw Collins touch Victoria, kiss her hand, her cheek, and act as if he already owned her, possessed her.

  Steven knew he wouldn't have been able to handle it if he had returned home from the war and found his Victoria in love with someone else. He would have welcomed death with open arms, because he felt life wasn't worth living without Victoria. He pushed those feelings aside, knowing she was just acting with Collins, and her love for her father was her motivation. Steven respected that and even though undercover agents covered the restaurant, he didn't find any harm in keeping an eye on things himself.

  Now, all he could do was pray she didn't have to see Collins again and that the person responsible for killing Danny would be identified and brought to justice.

  * * * *

  When Victoria arrived at her mom's house, the street was crowded, the driveway filled. Her heart felt like it was in her throat. Obviously, they misunderstood her when she said small family meeting. Just about everyone was there.

  She took a deep breath as she opened the front door.

  The murmur of conversation coming from behind the front door seized abruptly when Victoria entered the house. She took another deep breath and smiled.

  They hated her. She could see it in their eyes, and she knew immediately she had been successful in playing her role.

  Suddenly, she felt Steven next to her. She took his hand, and the facial expressions throughout the room changed.

  "Let her in, will you? Come on, baby. We're all here. Come sit down,” her mother said.

  Steven let go of Victoria's hand and gave her space to talk to her family.

  "I'm glad you're all here. I have something very important to discuss with you, but first, I would like to thank you for sticking by me even when you thought I was crazy, out of my mind, and involved with Bret Collins. Secondly, I love you all so very much, and I'm sorry for hurting you as I did. My hands felt tied behind my back. I probably wouldn't have made it this far if you all had disowned me."

  "We love you, Victoria, and we forgive you for getting involved with Bret,” Sherry replied.

  Victoria cringed and took a deep breath.

  "Well ... There's more to it than that.... I had been investigating Daddy's murder for months."

  Shocked gasps filled the room, eyebrows crinkled, stares intensified, and the space between herself and her loved ones seemed to close in.

  "Victoria, what are you saying?” Sherry asked, and then everyone starting asking questions.

  Victoria took her mother's hands and held them.

  "Wait ... please. Before you say anything more, I need to explain what happened. I was investigating Daddy's murder. Tod came to see me and told me about the recent angle in the case. I was furious that anyone could believe that Daddy would be an adulterer, that he could possibly cheat on you, Mom ... on us.” Victoria motioned her gaze toward her brother Peter who now stood with Sherry.

  "I was already snooping around, so I didn't give it a thought to try and prove Daddy's innocence. I went to the restaurant where the detectives said that Daddy and Linda Delaney would meet on Thursdays. I found out that someone else was there and had taken the picture of Daddy and Linda, the same picture that mysteriously showed up in Linda Delaney's apartment. Anyway, as I was leaving the place, an investigator with the District Attorney's office confronted me. He asked for my help. I went undercover and pretended to like Bret Collins. I knew he didn't like Daddy and there was reason to believe he had motive to murder him."

  "Holy shit, are you crazy? You're lucky he didn't hurt you,” Uncle Patrick said and Peter and the others added more comments.

  "I had no choice, Uncle Pat. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing to find out the truth. Daddy's murderer is still out there."
r />   She explained about the murders and how the FBI thought Bret was responsible.

  "This whole investigation has taken a turn in many directions."

  She looked toward the floor, then back at Peter, Uncle Patrick, and her mom.

  "You all know that Bret was arrested today along with numerous others. I ... wore a wire...."

  "What? The FBI had you wear a wire and go undercover to catch Bret, why, if they already had him?” Peter asked not allowing Victoria to finish.

  "They felt that he would ask for my assistance, perhaps ask me to lie and reveal more crucial information."

  "What happened?” Sherry asked.

  "No need to go into all the details, but he wanted me to be his alibi for the night Ronny Chappa went missing and the night he turned up dead."

  Sherry covered her mouth with her hand. Everyone else just seemed to stare at her in shock.

  The tears filled her eyes, “I've had to do a lot of lying, hurting, and major acting these last few weeks ... and I'm so ... I'm so sorry."

  Uncle Patrick pulled her into his arms, embracing her as he told her she wasn't to do anything like this ever again.

  "What the hell were you thinking?” Uncle Patrick still held her.

  She held him tight, grateful he still loved her.

  Peter placed his hand on her shoulder.

  "I'm so sorry I went off on you, Tory. You weren't acting like yourself at all,” Peter added.

  "I'm the one that should be apologizing. I had to lie to all of you, hurt you and be convincing."

  "Convincing? Damn, Tory, you should win an Oscar for your performance. I wanted to shake some sense into you, and your brother wanted to start following you. We were just figuring out a schedule this afternoon,” Uncle Patrick confessed.

  Victoria started to laugh. “Thank God you didn't. It could have been disastrous. Again, I'm very sorry."

  She answered some more of their questions.

  "So what do you do now? What about Bret?” Peter stood next to her, his concerned expression warned her that this wasn't over and he would discuss it further in private.

  After all, they had a pact ... an important one that had never been broken before.


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