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Victoria Page 16

by Laura Marie Henion

  "The FBI will question him, get search warrants for his house and businesses, and hopefully, he'll confess. You all need to keep this to yourselves for the next couple of days. I have a partial article coming out in tomorrow's paper about the corruption. Then next week, the huge story will come out in the magazine."

  "So Bret Collins killed Danny?” Tears streamed down Sherry's cheeks. Victoria's heart felt as if it sank to her gut. This had to be terribly upsetting for her mom.

  Victoria moved closer to her mom and took her hand into her own. “Unfortunately, Mom, I don't think so. The agents think he did it, but it just doesn't add up. My gut is telling me that the killer is still out there."

  "He'll come after you, Tory. Why didn't you come to us sooner? This is ludicrous! You're going to be under your family's complete protection now,” Uncle Patrick said.

  "You're not kidding. We're all going to be a part of this.” Connor crossed his arms in front of his chest. There would be no leaving the family out ever again.

  "I have the feeling that the killer, whomever he is, wanted and planned to pin Daddy's murder, Linda Delaney's, and Ronnie Chappa's murders on Bret. The evidence is solid. He won't get off, and unfortunately, there's no concrete evidence suggesting that someone else is involved."

  "So what makes you think someone else is involved?” Connor glanced back and forth between Uncle Pat and Victoria as if sensing the same question was on his uncle's mind.

  "A few things don't add up. Bret wanted the Town Supervisor position badly. He's a shrewd businessman, always out for the quick way, paying people off, having others do the dirty work."

  "So you don't think he'd have the nerve to kill someone, commit murder?” Peter shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  "No way. Maybe, had Daddy died from a gunshot, but he wasn't. He was tortured, stabbed multiple times."

  Victoria's family was upset she had obviously seen the crime scene photos. She was trying her best to be nonchalant about it, as if she had just been investigating someone else's murder for a story she was doing, but she felt the surprise and saw the uneasiness on her family's faces.

  "The killer wanted revenge. He wanted to hurt Daddy badly. Then Linda Delaney was killed in an even more gruesome way, and I don't know all the details yet on Ronnie Chappa, but I'm assuming his lungs too, were filled with dirt."

  Aunt Jane gasped.

  "I'll convince the FBI to pursue that avenue. Right now, there's one more thing I need to take care of.” Victoria walked over to Steven.

  "Thank you for coming after me. I never stopped loving you, either.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Instantly, Steven lifted her into the air; they kissed long and deep as everyone watched.

  "Now, that's more like it,” Uncle Patrick stated.

  "You're not kidding. If I had to hear about you and Bret Collins kissing, hugging, seen together one more time, I think I would have lost it. Your comment this afternoon about needing him, damn, Tory, you had me so pissed off.” Peter shook his head side to side and gave her a stern look..

  "This is kind of a sore topic for Steven and I, so if you don't mind?"

  Peter exchanged glances with Tory and Steven. He apparently figured out Steven was angrier at seeing Victoria with Bret than anyone, so he dropped the subject.

  * * * *

  Later on, they sat around the living room talking about how things had gone down and how Steven had snuck into her townhouse.

  Uncle Patrick, Brian, Steven, and Andy were speaking outside on the deck when Detective Tod Kafrey arrived.

  "Hey, Tod, I guess things have been kind of crazy down at the department?” Uncle Patrick asked.

  "Sure the hell has been. Looks like Bret Collins is under suspicion of murder, among other things. I'm sure the FBI will wrap up the case. I just can't believe the triangle of conspiracy we had going on in this little town. I'm sorry I didn't figure things out.” Tod looked down at his feet, then back up toward Patrick.

  Immediately, Uncle Patrick and Brian told him not to worry about it.

  "Who would have expected it? It was out of your control. Besides there was no evidence, circumstantial or forensic, to indicate Bret was the killer,” Brian added.

  Steven and Peter stayed silent. Both were definitely concerned for Victoria's well being.

  "Is Victoria here? I tried her place but no luck."

  Steven knew instantly, the guy had a thing for Victoria.

  "Yeah, go right inside. She's in the kitchen,” Uncle Patrick said as they continued to talk outside about what Victoria had done.

  "I'll tell you something, part of me would like to take Victoria and just shake her for taking the chance she did. Then, the other part of me is so proud of her. She was determined to find her father's killer. What she did these last few weeks was just amazing,” Uncle Patrick sighed before taking a slug of beer from the bottle he held.

  "And stupid, crazy ... for Christ's sake, Uncle Pat, she could have been killed. Then what?” Peter obviously was still upset with his sister's actions.

  "But she didn't. She's a cop's daughter, that's why.” Uncle Pat placed his hand on Peter's shoulder and each of the men smiled.

  "She's amazing, that's for sure.” Steven peeked through the kitchen door to look for Victoria or Tod. He had an uneasy feeling.

  "If you're worried about Tod, Steven, then go look for Tory,” Andy teased, and Steven turned back toward the men on the porch.

  "That must have been something else, you sneaking into Tory's place, demanding an explanation. It's obvious you made up.” Uncle Patrick winked at Steven.

  The others smiled widely, probably thinking about the reunion then they talked more about the case.

  * * * *

  "Hey, Tod, what are you doing here?” Aunt Jane asked as Tod entered the kitchen.

  "Hello, Mrs. Malley. I was looking for Victoria."

  "She's out front with her mom. That young woman has a mind of her own and so brave taking on Bret Collins like that. She had us all fooled, I guess.” Aunt Jane fixed another basket of chips and began mixing some French onion dip in a white ceramic bowl.

  "What are you talking about?” Tod asked and Aunt Jane explained how Victoria was working for the DA's office and the FBI and pretending to be involved with Bret Collins. By the time she finished, Tod was speechless.

  "I'm gonna go find her,” he said and he couldn't help the feelings he had. He was mad as hell. She was working for the FBI and the DA's office. That's how all this got started? Obviously, the Marine knew everything that was going on, the way he looked at him when he came up the porch steps. Steven was buddy-buddy with Victoria's family. They loved him. Damn her—for this, for everything he had done for her and this was how she treated him.

  Tod saw red by the time he reached Victoria and her cousin Tom. She walked him out the side door as Tod caught up.

  "Hey, man, what are you doing here? I'm just leaving.” Tom shook Tod's hand, but Tod never looked him in the eye. His focus was on Victoria and the news he just received.

  "Is everything all right, Tod? What's wrong?” Victoria asked.

  Tom excused himself and left.

  Now Tod hoped that Steven didn't make a surprise entrance and ruin things.

  "Want to take a little walk?” Tod asked Victoria. She shrugged her shoulders and looked behind him toward the screen door. He couldn't help to think she was looking for Steven.

  "I can't believe what I just heard. Are you crazy or just plain stupid?” Tod raised his voice at her as he grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

  * * * *

  Tod's anger caught Victoria off guard, and he squeezed her so tight. She looked into his eyes, which were red with fury. She had never seen him like this.

  "Calm down, Tod, please. You're scaring me,” she whispered, and he loosened his grip on her arms, but he didn't release her.

  Tod tried to calm himself. She sensed the difficult struggle. What was his problem?

; "I'm sorry. I can't believe you're involved this deeply in this case, Tory. Why didn't you tell me, confide in me? I could have kept an extra eye on you. I could have been a help to this case, to you. Solving your father's murder has been my number one priority for the past year. You and your mom's well-being have been as well. How could you keep this from me?"

  Victoria felt terrible for hurting Tod. He really did care about her and her family. He had been there for them continuously and had every right to be angry with her.

  "I'm so sorry, Tod, really I am. I know you've always been here for me and my mom and I appreciate it. I know you've tried your hardest to find who killed my dad. No one would have ever expected such a triangle of corruption, confusion around my father's death. When the investigator from the DA's office approached me, he gave me little choice. You know how determined I've been to bring my dad's killer to justice."

  Tod still held her, and she felt uncomfortable, knowing Steven was somewhere around the house. She didn't want him to get the wrong impression, but Tod was upset and he was a true friend who really cared. She was empathetic to his reaction and emotions because she knew he cared for her and wanted more than just friendship from their relationship.

  Part of his anger now, she was sure stemmed from Steven's presence. He was home and Tod knew how in love Victoria was with Steven.

  "I thought you really had feelings for Collins. You were so convincing, it was killing me,” he whispered as he gently tucked a strand of Victoria's hair behind her ear, then let his hand remain against her cheek.

  Victoria's stomach instantly hurt. He looked incredibly serious. His eyes were dark and penetrating, initiating an emotional reaction within her that she couldn't quite name. If she had to identify it immediately, she might have described the emotion as fear, uneasiness.

  "I know how it looked, but I had to make Bret believe it as well as my family and friends."

  Tod pulled her closer. They were practically embracing, his arm wrapped around her waist and arms, which now stuck by her sides. She had no way of stopping his next move; he was too strong and too determined.

  Tod whispered into her hair, “I hated seeing him with you, touching you, kissing you. You have no idea, Tory.” Then he kissed her, a long, hard kiss filled with emotion, from only one end.

  She struggled in his grasp as their lips separated and surprisingly, he let her go. He must have sensed that she couldn't reciprocate the affection.

  * * * *

  From the doorway, Steven stood watching, waiting to see Tod's next move. When Tod kissed Victoria, he wanted to run through the door and rip Tod's head off, but Uncle Patrick was right behind him.

  "I know it's tough to watch, son, but that man's been in love with my niece for a long time. He knows you're back and he knows Victoria loves only you."

  "I know that, but I'd be lying if I said watching another man kissing her didn't piss me off. I don't know if that's why I don't like that guy."

  "Sure it is. Tod's been good to Victoria and the family. He's a good detective, as well."

  "I don't know, Pat. I have a bad feeling about him. I just can't put my finger on it."

  Steven's attention drew away from Victoria and Tod as he spoke to Patrick. He had only given Victoria and Tod the few extra minutes alone because he wasn't sure about their relationship. He knew he had been out of her life a long while and she had every right to be interested in other men.

  Even though the thought of another man touching her, loving her, tore away at his heart, he knew she had been on an emotional rollercoaster. Never mind, what she just went through the last few weeks. The last thing she expected was his return. Steven wouldn't push the issue, but when he got her back to her place later, he'd be sure to love Victoria so much that she would never even think of straying. That brought an instant smile to his face as he walked away from the door and the view.

  * * * *

  Tod released Victoria, but held her cheek in his hand.

  "I had to know how it felt to touch you and taste you. I know you can't reciprocate the feelings. I just needed to know. I'm glad you're safe, and everything's over. Goodbye, Tory."

  He didn't smile. His face was empty and blank when he walked away toward his car. She hadn't said a word to him. She didn't need to and besides, she didn't know what to say anyway. She felt bad as she walked back toward the front porch and sat on the steps.

  Tod was in love with her, but she was in love with Steven. God, it had felt so good to have Steven's hands and mouth touch every part of her the other night. They had never made love with such emotion, desire, and lust like that, and she looked forward to more.

  She had thought Steven was dead, and deep down, she knew when she took Colt and Warren's offer to go undercover that it would be dangerous. They had no idea how many people were involved and what they were willing to do to stay undetected. Someone was willing to kill, that was certain, and she never was afraid of dying because deep in her heart, she was already dead.

  Then Steven showed up alive and well, as handsome and sexy as ever, and her heart instantly healed. She loved him so much and needed him so much. As she thought about him, about his fabulous body, his strength, and complete awareness of her body, she smiled wide.

  He was the only man she had ever been with, and the thought of being with someone else just wasn't possible. Although they had been apart for so long, she hadn't forgotten one part of his body. She knew every small mark, curve, and scar he ever had, except the new ones.

  When she thought about Steven taking a bullet, it scared the hell out of her. She couldn't lose him, and now that he was back, she would hold onto him forever. Victoria was glad his new position as Training Commander wouldn't be as dangerous as being a Marine, but she still worried. She could handle that worry and fear, though, because she knew what it was like to have loved ones on the job and in dangerous professions. She would love him every night when he got home and never take their time together for granted. Again, she smiled as she looked up at the stars in the sky.

  "Hey, gorgeous, I hope thinking of me has put that huge smile on your face."

  Victoria turned around quickly to find Steven by the screened storm door. “Come out here with me. The night is perfect."

  He came outside to join her, sitting next to her on the front step. Victoria looped her arm around Steven's, instantly feeling the bulging muscles as she squeezed him tight.

  She inhaled the scent as she pressed against his shirt, filling her nostrils with a combination of fabric softener and Steven's cologne. A scent she clung to every time she smelled it or thought she did. She'd had a bottle of it at home and when he was gone and she hadn't heard a word from him, she'd open up the bottle, sprinkle some around the house, pretending he was away on a trip, due home any moment, praying that he still loved her.... She closed her eyes. The memories of the coping mechanisms and the way she got through the loneliness and fear were still very raw and painful.

  Victoria could remember missing him so much, crying her eyes out, sobbing uncontrollably, and holding a pillow she sprayed with his cologne, pretending it was Steven and that he was there.

  She was so angry with him for leaving her, for forgetting about her, that one night she threw the bottle of cologne in the garbage, vowed never to think of him again, and demanded herself to love him no more.

  It never worked. They were meant to be.

  "Come here, baby.” He motioned her to sit down on the step in front of him between his legs.

  She kneeled down on the step instead, wrapping her arms around his neck as Steven's strong arms held Victoria's body close against him.

  "I love you so much, Steven."

  "I love you too,” he whispered, then softly kissed her lips. Their embrace became tighter, their kisses stronger and deeper as their tongues met in a competition over want and control. Steven's hands caressed Victoria's backside as he released her lips and she placed her mouth against his neck. She scattered little kisses as they embraced

  "Oh, baby, I want you so bad,” he whispered.

  "I want you too. Let's just wait a little longer then we'll head back to my place."

  They stayed there a while as Steven held her close, staying silent, just enjoying each other's company and embrace.

  * * * *

  Sherry looked out the front window watching her daughter with Steven. They were so much in love, they were going to be just fine, and her family was safe. She still worried about her daughter and what she had gotten involved in, but figured Steven would take care of her now that he was back and they were together. Even so, Sherry couldn't help but wonder who had really killed her husband and why?

  * * * *

  Steven watched Victoria toss her keys on the kitchen table, then turn on the light in the living room. He waited in the hallway as she continued her routine. The thought of her coming home to an empty townhouse every night made his heart ache. He was certain she had cried herself to sleep and attempted numerous times to put him out of her mind, but he was back, for good, and he would never take her love or sacrifice for granted.

  Victoria pulled off her shoes and she looked up, as if feeling Steven watching her.

  His gaze remained focused on only her.

  She looked incredible wearing her hip-hugger blue jeans, snugly against her hipbones, which peeked out just slightly. Her fitted t-shirt accentuated the perfect size and curve of her breasts. He moistened his lips, acknowledged his body's peaked interest in looking her over. She had always kept in shape, maintained her amazing figure, and he smiled when he thought about the way she always used to complain about her backside being too big. It looked as perfect as ever as he let his gaze scan over her body.

  "Steven ... Earth to Steven, come in Steven,” Victoria teased as Steven realized he had been staring and hadn't heard a word Victoria said.

  "What's wrong?” The look of innocence and concern warmed his heart. That was Tory, always putting everyone else's feelings before her own. Not anymore. Starting tonight, he would show her just how desirable, irresistible, and taken she really was.

  Reaching toward her, Steven took her hand, pulling her against him in an embrace.


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