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Hawk Flight (Flight of the Hawk Book 3)

Page 38

by Robert Little

  Unbeknownst to the X’Leem, the Grant had left behind a drone that was providing a live feed. At that moment, the three remaining fighters were being taken under tow, although they didn’t think the pilots had first been taken off.

  Since the X’Leem representative was present, nobody asked any questions that touched even slightly on the conditions in the X’Leem ships, their control or loss thereof.

  The meeting ended with the X’Leem offering a ‘thank you’ for the assistance provided. He spoke directly to Captain Padilla.

  Later, after the representative left, Admiral Tretiakov remarked, “That was the first instance I can recall of an X’Leem offering thanks. Interesting.” WO. Kana said, “I think the demonstration of some of our technology had an impact. We’ve gone to great lengths to hide what we can do as well as the fact that we don’t have much to do it with. As a guess, they now feel that we are legitimate, they witnessed us utilize weapons that destroyed their colony fleets. Perhaps seeing it made it so for them. It would seem to me that in this society, that would go a long way, allow them to fit us into their, I don’t know, emotional hierarchy?”

  The admiral nodded, “In this society, knowing where you fit in the rigid structure is a necessity. Perhaps you are correct, and they have been struggling with the issue of where and how we fit in their world view. They saw the destruction of those colony fleets, but the few ships of ours they’ve seen have been less than impressive. Now, the relatively tiny Grant demonstrated that we have superior technology, and we aren’t afraid to use it. Hopefully, this will make it easier for our two races to communicate, and achieve our one common goal – their return to their home world.”

  WO Kana asked, “Sir, would you put that in writing?” The admiral looked at the burly, weather-beaten man, “I wouldn’t put it in writing, I wouldn’t say it, and if anyone claims I did, it’s off to Station 87.”

  Captain Padilla asked, “Sir, Station 87?” The admiral somberly nodded, “It’s the synthesis of all the lessons learned trying to create the worst duty station on record, the aforementioned Station 86.”

  WO Kana smiled, “Sir, what’s your take on doughnuts?” Admiral Tretiakov shook his head, “WO Kana, you must learn to adapt to changing times. Admiral Lee is a splendid man, but his fascination with doughnuts does not reflect well on his character. In my dayroom shall be found Lekakh, and speaking as an admiral of the fleet, I am reasonably certain that you are going to enjoy it, unless of course, you are away on some distant assignment.”

  Captain Turner asked, “Sir, what is Lekakh?” The admiral smiled, “It’s a doughnut.”

  Coming, Summer, 2018, “Hawk Landing”

  Hawk Landing begins with the ending of the Bug War, filling in the years leading up to the funeral of Admiral Shin Ho Lee.




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