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Hell's Fury (Sin's Bastards Book 4)

Page 13

by K. J. Dahlen

  Cricket hugged him to her. “Yes, you do. Uncles and grandparents too. I think that makes you a special little boy, don’t you?”

  Dusty turned to stare at Gambler. “Hi.”

  Gambler smiled and knelt down to his level. “Hi yourself.”

  Leaning against Cricket, he asked, “So you’re my dad huh?”

  Gambler nodded. “Yup, I’m your dad.”

  “Where have you been?” Dusty asked. “Me and Cricket have been waiting on you for a long time now.”

  “Dusty,” Cricket interrupted him. “I told you he only found out today that he was your daddy. He lives in Maine and he just didn’t know about you.”

  “But I do want the chance to know you,” Gambler told him. “Your aunt has been telling us about what a great kid you are. Do you suppose we could get to know you better?”

  Dusty thought about it for a moment then nodded. “I suppose so. I’ve wanted a daddy for a long time.”

  “How about a grandpa?” Black Jack asked. “Or a grandma? I know she can’t wait to meet you.”

  “Or an uncle?” Hound grinned.

  “How about two?” Judge commented.

  “Three.” Raine nodded.

  Dusty turned wide eyes to Cricket. “Wow, we have a family!”

  She smiled with tears in her eyes. “Yes baby, you do.”

  “Are we going to move again?” he asked.

  “Yeah baby, your daddy lives in Maine so when he leaves he wants to take you home with him.”

  Dusty turned to look at her again. “Us, don’t you mean he’ll take us home? You and me?”

  Cricket smiled sadly. “Oh baby, I can’t go with you right now. I have to stay here for a while, but your daddy wants you to go with him right away. He can’t wait to introduce you to your grandmother. She’s so excited to finally meet you.”

  “But I can’t go without you!” Dusty insisted. “You have to come too. What if I don’t like it in Maine? What if I get sick? Who will take care of me?”

  Cricket looked at Gambler and shook her head. “Sweet baby boy, you will love Maine. There will be so much for you to do there, you won’t even know I’m not there. And I’ll come visit when I can.” She hugged him. “I know this is scary for you, we’ve never been apart before, but now you have another family who just want to love you.”

  “Your aunt can come and see you anytime she wants to,” Black jack stated.

  “She’s not my aunt, she’s my Cricket.” Dusty growled.

  Gambler smiled. “Your Cricket then. In fact, she grew up in Maine, did you know that?”

  Dusty frowned. Turning to look at her he asked, “You did?”

  Cricket smiled. “Yes baby, I did. My daddy moved us to Maine when I was seven years old. I loved it there and someday, I hope to show you all my special places. Places I would go and dream about how I wanted my life to go. Where I would whisper all my dreams into the winds of chance.” She looked at everyone standing there. “I didn’t have grandparents or uncles but I did have a daddy and he was very special to me.”

  “What happened to your daddy?” Dusty asked.

  “He died when I was a young girl—I still miss him a lot.”

  Dusty slumped on her lap. “So you want me to go with them to Maine? Without you?”

  Cricket pulled him closer to her of course that wasn’t really what she wanted. Tears were falling down her cheeks. “Oh baby, I don’t want you to go without me, but I know your daddy wants you to go home with him. He wants to get to know you too. I love you more than anything in this world, but he needs a chance to love you too. I’ve had you for six whole years, but now it’s his turn. Please give him this chance. Please give your grandparents this chance and your uncles too.” She lifted his chin and looking in his eyes she asked, “Can you do that? Can you give them this chance to know the awesomeness that is you?”

  Dusty chuckled. “That’s just silly Cricket. I’m not awesome.”

  “Oh yes, sweet boy, you are very awesome.” Cricket laughed.

  “How long before you can come and see me in Maine?” he asked.

  “Well, your birthday is in a week. You’ll be seven years old.” She reasoned. “I will come to Maine and see you before your eighth birthday.”

  Dusty frowned. “But that’s a whole year away!”

  “I know baby boy, but that’s the way it has to be. Sometimes, we don’t have a choice. I don’t want to be gone that long either but it has to be.”

  Dusty turned tear-filled eyes to Gambler. “Can we come back and see her?”

  Gambler nodded. “We can come back anytime you want to. I promise you that.”

  Dusty tried to smile but couldn’t as he turned and buried his head in her neck.

  Cricket wrapped her arms around him and held him close for a moment. Then taking a deep breath, she lifted his face away from her body. “Okay buddy…” She wiped his tears away. “I’m going to go back to our room now. Your family wants to have a chance to talk to you. I’ll see you in the morning before you leave for Maine.”

  Dusty nodded then looked around at all the strangers in the room. “Are you sure it’s going to be okay?”

  Cricket smiled. “Yeah baby, it’s gonna be just fine. You don’t have to be afraid of them. They just want to love you.”

  “Is it okay to love them back?” he asked.

  “Yes, you can love them back. Love them like you love me.” Cricket framed his face with her hands and leaned forward to press a kiss on his forehead. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too Cricket,” Dusty told her.

  When she got to her feet, she handed him to Gambler.

  When he took his son for the first time, he hugged the boy to him. He closed his eyes when Dusty wrapped his arms around his neck.

  Cricket couldn’t stay any longer. She had to get out of there before Dusty so how upset she was. She ran for the door and as soon as she got outside, she began to sob. She went over to the nearest tree and leaned against the rough wood she cried for a few minutes. Then she felt someone wrap his arms around her and then she was sobbing again. When she stopped, she looked up at Raine. “Promise me, he’ll be okay?” she whispered.

  “He’ll be okay.” Raine told her.

  She believed him. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “I’d like that very much.” He turned them toward the clubhouse and began leading her toward her room. “Thank you for that.”

  “For what?” she asked him confused.

  “You could have made that introduction to his family a lot worse. You handled it beautifully.”

  Cricket shook her head. “I would never hurt him like that. As much as I want to keep things as they have always been, he needs to know his family. He’s been praying for his dad to find him for a very long time now.”

  Raine snorted. “If Gambler had been aware he was alive, he’d have been there long before now.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. He’s a great kid.”

  “So he has a birthday coming up next week?” Raine asked.

  “Yeah, he does .Remind me to give your brother Dusty’s birth certificate before they leave. He’ll need it.”

  “Has he ever been to school?” Raine asked.

  Cricket shook her head. “No, Cordy wouldn’t allow it, so I taught him at home.” She barked a laugh. “You could say we learned together.”

  “What does that mean?” Raine frowned.

  “When we left Maine I was fifteen and I never got the chance to finish school myself.” Cricket shrugged. “To Cordy, I never mattered all that much.”

  “Maybe you could get your GED while you’re here.”

  Cricket shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter anymore.”

  “It does if it matters to you.”

  “The only thing that matters to me right now, is you.” She smiled at him.

  ~* * * *~

  Her statement floored him. What is about this woman that had him tied up in knots? Raine felt the hunger in his
belly growing. He went down the hall and opened the door to her room. He swept her inside and closed the door behind them. He grabbed her and pushed her against the door. Pressing his lips against hers, he felt her lips part. Thrusting his tongue in her mouth, he felt her body respond.

  She sucked in his tongue and gasped as she felt his cock brush up against her belly. “I need you,” she whispered.

  “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed her. Breaking his hold, he lifted her shirt over her head and nibbled his way down her neck. He pulled her bra down freeing her breasts. His mouth sucked her nipples and he could feel the heat growing inside her. Pulling her closer, he reached for her waistband and unzipped her zipper. He pulled her pants down her hips and they pooled at her feet.

  Cricket reached down and cupped his cock straining in his jeans. “I want you inside me.”

  He groaned and she pressed her hand into him harder. Raine turned her around and marched her over to the bed. Tossing her down he followed her, nestling between her thighs. He pressed his lips down on hers and ground his body into her.

  Cricket pulled his shirt off his shoulders and nibbled her way down his neck. When she got to his collarbone, she pressed tiny licks along his shoulder.

  When she dropped down to his chest her lips pressed tiny kisses on his skin as she made her way to his nipples. With her tongue, she licked his tiny nubbin. Then she suckled it and he groaned. He ground his cock into her pelvis again. He could feel her heat through his clothing.

  Her fingers went to his waistband and when she unbuckled his pants, he pulled them off without wasting any time. He also pulled off her underwear and kissed his way down her stomach to her core. Pushing her legs apart, he kissed his way to her inner thighs. Nibbling his way up, he pressed two fingers deep inside her. His warm lips suckled her clit.

  ~* * * *~

  Cricket moaned. She could feel her body respond and soon she felt the quickening inside. She was very close to a climax when he pulled his fingers out.

  Raine paused and reached down to the floor, he rolled aside a bit and sheathed himself with a condom.

  Cricket had heard about sex from her sister and she knew men wore them. She felt impatient and her panting was loud in the room.

  Raine rolled back over and positioned himself between her thighs then surged upward, seating his hard cock deep inside her core.

  Cricket hissed as he pulled out then surged back in deeper. “Oh my god, deeper. I need you deeper.” She moaned.

  Raine lost control and began pounding inside her. Rocking his hips, he planted himself deeper and ground himself hard against her. He lowered his lips and pushed his tongue into her mouth.

  Cricket loved the way he kissed and his tongue was matching the rhythm of his cock. Her mind whirled as her body pulsed. Pulling out then pushing back in he asked, “How close are you?’ he groaned.

  “I’m there,” she cried out as her body exploded in pleasure.

  Raine erupted inside her. Pushing one more time, he pulsed as he shot his cum. He groaned as he kissed her. Cradling her next to him, he pressed tiny kisses on her shoulder. “It just gets better every time,” he whispered in her ear. Sucking her lobe into his mouth.

  Cricket arched her body against his. His touch set her body on fire. Her body was well satisfied, yet as he touched her, she felt herself responding again. His hand reached down and began stroking her core and Cricket groaned. “Again?” she groaned.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered. He then pause a moment to replace the used condom. “You make me feel like a teenager again.” He lifted her leg and pushed his cock deep inside her from behind.

  “Oh shit,” she moaned. Her tummy quivered as he stroked her. His thumb rubbed her clit and she tightened down on him.

  Then he knelt behind her and pulled her ass up. He pounded her hard and she pushed against him even more. With each stroke, she got closer then suddenly she was there. She screamed out his name and felt her body flooding as wave after wave of pleasure rocked her world. Then she felt him ram his cock deep into her. He called out her name as he climaxed inside her.

  Dropping down on the mattress, he gulped in deep breaths and his head spun. Flopping over on his back, he waited for his body to calm. Sweat poured off him then as minutes passed it finally cooled. “Damn,” he groaned. “I haven’t done that in a very long time.”

  Cricket turned her head and grinned. “You aren’t that old are you?”

  Raine ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m thirty nine.”

  “That’s not so old,” she whispered.

  “Old enough. Being with you makes me feel a lot younger than I am.”

  “Being with you makes me feel alive,” she replied. “You make me feel safe too. I haven’t felt safe in so long.” She laid her head on his chest. “I can’t tell you how much being safe makes me feel.”

  “You are safe here. The whole MC will stand behind you for what you did for Deke.”

  Cricket paused, then said, “I don’t know that I did it for Deke. I did it because it was the right thing to do. My mom tried to teach both of us to do the right thing, even though it was hard and not always the correct thing at the time, but she said right was right. I lost her at such a young age but I can never forget what she taught me. And I tried to teach those lessons to Dusty. He is such a great kid. I hope he never forgets the lessons I tried to teach him.” She shook her head.

  Raine wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t think he will and if he does, my brothers and parents are there. They will reinforce the lessons you taught him.”

  “I hope so.”

  Raine pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Cricket curled up in Raine’s arms and closed her eyes. Her body was sated and she prayed there would be no nightmares tonight. With all the stress of the last few days and the stress of what was to come, she wouldn’t be surprised if it triggered a nightmare but she hoped it didn’t.

  Her nightmares began as a child and had been plaguing her ever since. She didn’t remember them but stress usually brings them on. All she really knew was the terror they left her with. Dread unlike anything she had ever known, that and questions she had no answers for.

  Because they always shared a room, Cordy knew all too well, she suffered the nightmares but the only thing Cordy ever told her about them was the name Bane Jessin. Who he was, she had no clue. Had she ever met him? She couldn’t remember.

  The only good thing was she hadn’t had the nightmare in a while, but then she hadn’t been so afraid in a while either. She’d never been about to lose Dusty before either. She wanted to tell Raine he could leave her but she really didn’t want him to go. In his arms she felt secure, maybe in his arms she wouldn’t dream of things that go bump in the night. Maybe the nightmares would stay away one more night.

  ~* * * *~

  Raine woke up when Cricket began fussing in the night. He laid there listening to her crying out as if in pain. He heard her whimper in terror of something. Then he heard the name Bane and his heart froze. He’d heard that name before and there wasn’t anything good associated with it.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he surrounded her with his warmth hoping to banish her terrors. For over an hour, he listened to her mumble and cry out. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and he sought another way to banish her terrors. He kissed her shoulder and his hand began a journey of renewing some heat in her body.

  His lips pressed kisses down her neck while his hands reached around and began kneading her breasts. His long fingers plucked and pinched her nipples and he heard her groan for a different reason. One of his hands dropped down to her core and he pushed two fingers deep into her heat. The warm wetness of her arousal ramped up his passion and he felt himself grow hard.

  Before he could change his mind, he reached for another condom, pulled it on, then lifted her leg and shoved himself inside her. He groaned a
s he slid in deep.

  Cricket came too slowly and gasped in pleasure. His hands, his fingers, his lips and his cock were delivering everything she could ever want or desire. She was lost in his passion and within minutes, her body was writhing in ecstasy. Her orgasm stunned her breathless.

  Raine then followed right behind her sharing the passion she seemed to feel so strongly. When he pulled out of her he whispered, “Sleep little one.”

  Cricket nodded with a shuddering sigh and fell into a numbing sleep.

  Raine laid there awake for the rest of the night. He waited for the nightmares to return but they didn’t come back. When the sun finally broke over the eastern horizon, he slipped from her embrace, then he dressed quickly. He bent to kiss her forehead gently then existed the room. He walked down the hall and into the main room.

  As it was still very early, there was no one else around. He knew he should start a pot of coffee but just then, he suddenly felt the need for something stronger than morning brew.

  He grabbed a bottle of Black Velvet from the bar and a glass then sat down at one of the tables. Lifting the bottle to his lips, he gulped heavily. The whiskey burned his throat as he swallowed it, yet it warmed his belly as well.

  Raine’s mind was in a state of confusion. Why would someone so young be having nightmares about Bane? Was it Bane Jessin? Or some other man named Bane? He didn’t know and wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.

  Bane Jessin was someone who could give anyone nightmares but what it had to do with Cricket he didn’t know.

  His eyes turned to the back door as it opened and Deke came through.

  When Deke saw Raine sitting there, he changed directions and joined him at the table. When he sat down he raised an eyebrow at Raine’s drink of choice. “A little early for that isn’t it?”

  “At some point today, you and I need to talk,” Raine told him.

  “About?” Deke frowned.

  “How and why a twenty three year old girl would have nightmares about a man named Bane.”

  Deke paled instantly and sweat beaded on his forehead. A rare reaction for him. After a moment, he reached for the bottle of Velvet and took a huge drink. The fire in his belly couldn’t warm the coldness of his soul the name brought on. He was about to say something when the front door opened and people began to enter the clubhouse. Deke sought Raine’s eyes and without saying a word, nodded at his request.


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