Book Read Free

Modified Box Set

Page 13

by Kat Stiles

  “Do you think that’s wise?” Jay asked. “What if he takes you?”

  “I can’t beam…uh, what you call it, teleport?” None of us said a word, so he continued, “You know, beam me up, like Star Trek?”

  I couldn’t be sure whether he was lying or not. With no emotions to hone in on, it was like he was a blank slate. “If that’s true, how did you manage to kidnap Vi?”

  “Vlad beamed me here,” he said simply, as if I knew who the fuck Vlad was.

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “I thought everyone who got modified could teleport.”

  He shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

  “There was two of them,” Vi confirmed. “I tried to get away, but it’s like I couldn’t teleport.”

  “Yep,” Lukas said, nodding. “Vlad.”

  I got the feeling I didn’t want to meet this Vlad. As a precaution, I focused on Lukas, thinking, you don’t want to kidnap me. You just want to walk outside and have a cigarette with me.

  “We’ll be okay,” I said, then turned to Lukas. “Right?”

  “Only cigarette, no funny stuff.” He wore an expression akin to a child on Christmas morning. I wondered how long he went without a smoke.

  I dug through my purse and grabbed the packet and a lighter, the one Steve had left with the two snakes intertwined. On the elevator ride down, Lukas appeared to observe me, his gaze traveling the length of my body.

  “What?” I asked.


  I was tempted to probe his mind, but I got the feeling I didn’t want to know what he was thinking. Some things were just better left unsaid.

  Outside after we both had a few drags, I asked, “So what now?”

  He shrugged. “I miss Slovakia. Would be nice to go back.”

  I exhaled a stream of smoke up into the air above me. “We could use your help taking down Derek.”

  Lukas let out a belly laugh. “Take down Derek? So funny. I always say—Americans, so funny.”

  “You’re on the inside, there’s got to be something you’ve seen or heard, something we can use to—”

  “Even if this is so, why would I help you?” He snickered. “You simple, silly woman. You have no idea.” He took a long drag on the cigarette, then extinguished the end with his fingers. “Save this for ride home.”

  “The first time I scanned you, I caught a glimpse of your life. I know you haven’t shown any signs lately,” I said, looking off to the side, “but I truly believe there’s some humanity in you.”

  His brow wrinkled, and I wondered if my English was confusing him.

  “Scanned? More like mind fuck…” he mumbled.

  “I’d like to point out that you were trying to kill me at the time.”

  “Following orders,” he said in a flippant tone. As if almost killing me were just another day at work.

  “Well that’s kind of my point. I don’t think you want to hurt people. I know you were hurt, I can only imagine how much, to try to take your own—"

  “You don’t know me! And stay the fuck out of my head.” He walked off without another word.

  “We need your help!” I yelled after him.

  His reply was to flip me off with both middle fingers, laughing.

  Could I have used my powers to keep him there? Definitely. Did he deserve to get “mind fucked” as he called it, after everything he did? Maybe. But using my power that way felt wrong, even on scumbags like him. And if there was a hope of him coming around, forcing him to stay wasn’t going to win any points.

  Still, I was tired of being hunted down. I needed a break, and having Derek send more of his minions was something I didn’t need to deal with. So I planted a single thought in his head: I’m going to take the night off and not return to the compound.

  Chapter 3

  “Well that was a bust,” I said to Vi and Jay, when I got back. I explained what happened with Lukas, and after Vi questioned my actions several times, I gave up and headed for the shower, too tired to argue.

  The hot water poured down and I was instantly relaxed. I closed my eyes, letting the water pelt my back, and then my face. I leaned against the shower wall and almost drifted off for a second there. But then the feel of two hands cupping my breasts woke me out of my daze.

  “I’m sorry,” Vi said, in a cute but sincere tone. “I’m just worried he’s going to send more idiots here.”

  “I planted a suggestion,” I said, as I turned to face her. “He’s not going back to the compound tonight.”

  “Seriously? I fucking love your powers!” She smiled and kissed me, sweetly at first, but then it turned intense in a flash. Her hair was out of its signature ponytails, and its length spread past her breasts, to the middle of her stomach. I couldn’t resist touching her perfect breasts, teasing her nipples erect. The ache within me to be with her turned into a dangerous desire. It was irresponsible to continue—I knew I had to stop, but her hands massaging my ass was making it impossible.

  I finally summoned the will power to break off the kiss. I rested my forehead against hers. “We can’t.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” she said, as she started to suds up a poof and glide it suggestively along my body. “And I have an idea.”

  She giggled, but wouldn’t elaborate. A cryptic, “You’ll see,” was all I got out of her. Once we were both clean, we rejoined Jay in the living room. I was wrapped in a towel, and Vi, well Vi was just being Vi. So yeah, the only thing covered up was her hair.

  Jay rose and was about to bolt for his bedroom, I’m sure, when Vi stopped him.

  “Sweetie, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

  He remained, but kept his eyes fixed on the floor. I could tell the whole situation was freaking him out.

  “So what’s this idea of yours, Vi?” I asked.

  “Well, I was thinking, the only thing stopping us from being together is that you’re afraid you’re going to poof my brain, right?”

  “Yeessss,” I said slowly, uncertain where she was going with this.

  Jay placed a hand on his forehead, massaging it in an agitated motion.

  “Jay’s a healer. If anything happens to me, he can heal me. I mean it worked with the cop, right?”

  I paused, trying to understand what she was proposing. “So what, we go at it in the next room and he’s supposed to wait around and see if I kill you?”

  Jay’s thoughts came through, and I felt like such a fuck. She doesn’t want me. How could I be so stupid to think I had a chance with her?

  “No, that’s not what I’m suggesting at all,” Vi said.

  “She’s not the only person I want to be with,” I said softly to Jay. He looked up and his gaze met mine. A small smile surfaced on his lips.

  “Yes!” Vi said. “Which is why this is the best idea ever!”

  “What’s your idea?” I asked.

  “All three of us. Together.” She paused to let it sink in. “It’s perfect—this way we all get to have fun, and if anything goes wrong, Jay is right there!”

  She was right. It was perfect, being with the two people I desired most was the best fucking idea ever. I hadn’t considered it, because I thought Jay…

  I looked over at him and saw that his cheeks had flushed a dark crimson. I figured his incoherent stammering was answer enough.

  “Vi, I don’t think Jay is into—”

  Jay cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Kate, you know I’m in love with you. But having healed Viola several times now, I have a connection to her as well.”

  My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Could it be? Does he want to…

  “Plus, I’m still a guy. I mean, that’s like our number one fantasy. And I’m a total geek, this is never going to happen to me again. Especially with the two hottest girls on the planet. Who am I to refuse?”

  His geeky giggle somehow made him sexier. I couldn’t resist grabbing his shirt and pulling him into me for a kiss.

  Vi clappe
d her hands together. “Oh goodie! I am so looking forward to this.” She hooked our arms in hers, one on each side, and we walked together to Jay’s bedroom.

  There aren’t words to describe how amazing that experience was. To even try to do a play by play would cheapen it, reducing it to mere sex acts in a porno. I know it sounds like hippie bullshit, but I’ve always believed the best sex to come from a place of love, like a physical representation of that love. Maybe it is bullshit, but I’ve never felt a more intense pleasure, a more immersive feeling of love. I don’t know if my power or Jay’s was responsible for enhancing the experience, but it had a kind of otherworldly feel to it, as if the universe itself conspired to create it. It was the first time since I’d acquired my power that I was grateful to have it. And the best part—no one’s brains got poofed.

  The following morning, I awoke to the tantalizing aroma of bacon. The smell was heavenly and unexpected—bacon had been deemed unhealthy in the thirties and was hard to come by. The last time I checked, it was selling for $10K a pound. I threw on a shirt and shorts, leaving Vi peacefully sleeping in Jay’s bed.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Jay said, and greeted me with a kiss. “Did you sleep okay?”

  I nodded, still waking up. His eyes took me in, and the smile he wore was downright giddy.


  “Just admiring how gorgeous you look in the morning.”

  Maybe he’s still on a high from last night, I thought. I was sure my hair was a wild mess, but I did get a warm fuzzy remembering how it got that way. “You’re sweet.”

  He returned to the pan, turning the bacon. Then out of nowhere, he ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

  “You sure are happy today,” I observed.

  “Last night was epic. I’m so grateful,” he said, as he withdrew from the hug and planted kisses on my forehead. “Perhaps you’ll allow me to show you just how grateful…” He smiled and then kissed me like he’d never kissed me before—so passionate, so alive. There was no hesitation, no reserve whatsoever. He pulled me closer, pressing my body into his, and I could feel how turned on he was.

  And then he broke off, running back to the kitchen. “I think it’s almost done.”

  I scratched my head, wondering how to process it all. His new confidence was undeniably sexy, and cooking me breakfast? The goofy smile he wore was contagious.

  “How did you manage to get bacon? I thought only athletes and politicians could afford it.”

  “I know a guy,” he said, with an adorably sly smile. “Scrambled eggs okay?”

  I nodded, and then realized I was in dire need of caffeine. “Shall I make a coffee run?”

  “Ah! I knew I forgot something. I have some here, I can make you a pot.”

  “Let me do it, you’ve got your hands full.”

  He pointed out where everything was stored, and I managed to muddle through it. It was nice, feeling like a normal person for awhile, just making coffee with my boyfriend.

  I stopped. Did I really just think that? Is he my boyfriend? It felt right. I looked at him and I wondered if that was even possible for me, with my crazy, fucked up life. He was always my anchor at work, the one piece of normal I could count on. A feeling of affection and gratitude welled up within me, nearly bringing me to tears.

  Jay faced me and gently stroked my cheek. “I can feel that,” he whispered, as he brought me into him, holding me to his chest. “I’m so glad I found you, Kate. My love.”

  In the warmth of his embrace, everything was right. It was calming, healing, loving, all wrapped up in a heat so intense but somehow not overwhelming. A paradise that could be mine forever.

  If I didn’t fuck it up.

  Pickles must’ve smelled the bacon aroma, because he started meowing non-stop. When I continued to ignore him, he started biting my ankles.

  “Geez, Pickles, calm down. I’ll get you some food.”

  The look he shot me when all I gave him was regular dry cat kibble was pure venom. His ears even went back. A thought came through: This is not what I’m smelling.

  Vi joined us, looking radiant as ever, or perhaps even moreso now, post coitus. I wondered if everyone felt a kind of renewal after several phenomenal orgasms like I did. It certainly seemed to be the case with Jay. She just smiled sleepily, a look of perfect contentment.

  We got through maybe three bites of our breakfast when Steve popped in.

  “Is that bacon?” were the first words to come out of his mouth. “My God, it’s been years.”

  Vi sighed an exasperated sigh.

  “Can I fix you a plate?” Jay asked.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly impose,” Steve said. But it was clear by the way he took deep breaths in through his nose, it would cause irreparable harm to deny the man bacon.

  Understandable, of course.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Vi muttered to herself. “Your whole existence is an imposition.”

  I smiled. It was so nice of her to not openly engage Steve. Maybe it was still possible to have a quiet, peaceful breakfast.

  “Don’t be silly, there’s plenty,” Jay said.

  “Thank you very much!” Steve said, as he helped himself to our amazing breakfast. His smile didn’t elicit the normal reaction of butterflies in my stomach. Yes, he was still hot, and that accent was beyond sexy, but it’s like it didn’t faze me at all. Fuck, maybe I really am in love with Jay, I thought. As I gazed at him, that sweet geeky smile appeared on his face, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.

  My happiness was tempered when I glanced at Vi. I have to tell her, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She’s been my protector, my best friend. I can’t lose her.

  Pickles continued his onslaught on my legs, biting so hard he actually drew blood.

  “Fine! You win!” I broke off a small piece of bacon and handed it to the cat. He grabbed it from me forcefully, as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. I laughed at the weird purr growl combination he was making as he chomped it down. His thoughts came through, a mixture of blissful admiration and a determination to get more. When they turned to an elaborate plot to get all the bacon, humans be damned, I looked down at him and said, “Pickles, go take a nap!”

  The cat slumped over, and at first I thought something was wrong with him, but then I realized he actually was sleeping. What the fuck? That would be the first time ever he listened to me. That’s just not a cat thing to do. I cater to his needs, and he’s a distant, selfish dick. Did I suggest that to him? Can I really put the cat to sleep with a mere suggestion? I grinned evilly. I am so taking advantage of this ability.

  In between bites, Steve filled us in on what happened at the compound. Lukas returned about an hour ago, with no reason for his absence. Derek was furious—he fired Lukas and locked him up. I felt a twinge of guilt about it, but then it dissolved as soon as it surfaced. Lukas was better off not siding with Derek, and maybe now he’d consider joining up with us. If we could bust him out anyway.

  Yeah, because sexist…no, more like misogynist, dudes always look at the silver lining instead of just blaming the woman. What can I say? I was still enjoying the prolonged afterglow of last night’s festivities.

  Steve was able to slip away before Derek had a chance to talk to him.

  “We should do this, right?” I said. “Finish eating and then take his douchebag ass down.”

  “I don’t know.” Steve rubbed the back of his neck. “Derek is beyond livid. Who knows what he’ll do to you if you’re caught. What he’ll do to me…or worse, Lillian.”

  “So we’re supposed to wait until he’s in a better mood?” Vi snorted. “Fuck that. If he’s pissed, he might be careless. This is the best time to strike, when he’s not expecting it.”

  “I agree with Vi, let’s get this shit over with,” I said. Truthfully, I was looking forward to seeing Derek’s face, right before I poofed his brain. “Plus if we don’t go to him, he’ll just end up sending someone else to get us. Maybe Vlad again.

  Vi shuddered. “Nope. Not sitting around waiting for that to happen.”

  “It’s settled then,” Jay said, and then glanced at Steve. “Give us a few minutes to clean up.”

  Vi giggled, and I couldn’t help but smile. Jay cracked a smile, too.

  Steve eyed all three of us. “Did I miss something?”

  Vi rose and slapped Steve’s shoulder. “You sure did, buddy. See you in a few.”

  “Vi, can I talk to you?” I asked, on the way to our bedroom.

  She nodded, and once we were inside with the door closed, I took a deep breath.

  “Last night, was…epic.”

  “Yes, it was.” The most wicked smile I’d ever seen appeared on her lips.

  I looked down, unsure of how to tell her. “Look, you know I’ll always love you…”

  “But you want to be with Jay?” Her smile softened. “I get that, he’s amazing. The two of you are perfect together.”

  “You’re not upset?”

  “Oh sweetie, I only want to have fun. I was never interested in more.” She finished picking out her outfit, which was surprisingly functional, and turned to me. “If you really want to have a relationship with Jay…he’s the real thing. You both deserve as much happiness as you can stand.”

  I hugged her with all my might. “You’re my best friend, you know that, right?” I felt tears well up in my eyes. “I love you, Vi.”

  “I love you too. Always.” She kissed my cheek as she withdrew. “One final shower together?” she asked, with the cutest mischievous little grin.

  I sighed. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Just kidding,” she said, though I suspected she would’ve taken me up on the offer. “I’ll go first.”

  I had a feeling I would miss her soft kisses, at least a little. But then I remembered how amazing it was before, just being held in Jay’s arms. I couldn’t wait to feel that perfect warmth again.

  I returned to the living room, eager to tell Jay how I felt. But he was taking a shower in his private bathroom. Steve was finishing up his breakfast, so I joined him at the table.

  He observed me for a moment, in silence. Finally, he said, “You seem different.”


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