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The Protectors Book 3_The Bodyguard

Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  But my dick didn’t give a fuck. He liked the idea of something that small being under his control and my heart wasn’t far behind. That was the biggest part of my problem. The thing that scared the ever living shit outta me.

  My heart doesn’t usually get involved in this shit. He knew better, and he stayed the fuck in his lane. Now all of a sudden he wants to make the plays and it seems that if my dick was gonna get wet, then he wanted in on the action. Son of a bitch! Why her, why now?

  Wasn’t love supposed to be a soft lead-up with someone you’ve known for more than a minute? And weren’t you supposed to have some kinda say in who the fuck your heart went after? This is some bullshit.

  I was just this side of pissed when I realized that she had me bent. I didn’t come here looking for this shit. A man should have some say in whom and when the fuck his life is gonna go off the rails.

  If I touch her-her life will change and as much as I wanted to put her under me, I guess I felt enough for her to want her to be happy, and this shit seems to make her happy. Fucking Hollywood! So I decided to give her one last chance to walk away, by scaring the shit out of her. I’ve lost my fucking mind.

  The old me would’ve taken what the fuck he wanted and bounced. This new asshole had to get caught up in feelings and conscience and shit. Fuck me, when had life become this complicated?

  She watched me as I walked up on her and stood looking down at her. The moonlight shone through the bank of windows that lined the front of the house, and beyond the beach, the waves rolled gently on the water.

  It was still outside, the birds had gone to bed after shitting on every available surface, and her closest neighbor was a few hundred yards away. No one would hear her scream and I had no doubt her little ass would be screaming.

  I put my hands on her for the first time as a man and had to fight past the need to dig in and take. Not yet, let her have one last moment of reprieve before she stepped off this fucking cliff. I held her nape in my hand and it rang home just how tiny she was in comparison. I could snap her neck like a twig.

  My guts cramped at the thought of someone hurting her if I was no longer here to protect her. How would I live with that shit if I walked away and something happened to her down the line? Still, it was only fair to give her a fighting chance, because once this shit moved to the next level, all bets are off.

  "If I put you under me I will own you completely until I say different. It’s not a democracy and you won’t have a fucking choice. As your man, things will be a hell of a lot different to the way they are now. As your bodyguard, it’s your choice to take me or leave me, as your man the choice is mine.”

  I let that sink in for a second before hitting her with the full force of my fuckery. I totally expected her to walk away when I was done, and as much as it pained me to do it, this was as much for me as it was her. I was fucking drowning here and I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “That means if you're on the set in the middle of a scene and I give you a look that means come to me, then you drop whatever the fuck you're doing and come. I’ll deal with your onscreen kissing shit, but you ever do that shit in real life I’ll tan your ass and then make you sorry you ever crossed me. Can you handle that?"


  Her eyes had gone wide as saucers but I wasn’t done. “When I fuck, I fuck hard, if you can’t keep up I’ll make you. I won’t stop once I start so be very fucking sure that you want this. I’m not gonna ask you about your past experiences, but I can tell you, fucking with me, won’t be the same.”

  I didn’t miss the way she flinched when I mentioned her past but again I let it slide. Probably some snot nosed kid from back home had given her a hard time for moving on. I couldn’t say that I blamed him whoever he is. I wouldn’t want to lose someone like her if I’d ever had the opportunity to have her either.

  That’s why I needed her to get what the fuck I was saying now. I’m not into self-affliction and no one, not even her, was going to fuck with my life. There was fear and uncertainty involved here, because I’d never been here before.

  I’ve never wanted to go all in with a woman in my life and I’m not the type to leave shit up to circumstance. If I open myself up to her and she screws me, she’s fucked.

  “I hope you understand what I’m saying because if this goes south we’re both gonna be in a world of hurt. I don’t play fair, not when it comes to my emotions, so think long and hard.” I held her eyes with mine hoping she could read the severity of what I was saying to her.

  “Tell me you understand what I’m saying, that there’s no confusion.” She nodded her head but her eyes had not lost that Bambi caught in the headlights look.

  “Now promise me that if you decide you want this, that you will never forget what I just said to you. I don’t want to hurt you, but if you fuck with me there’s no guarantee that I won’t. I won’t share you ever; do you understand?”

  “I promise.” Okay I was done.

  I should probably let her go now, give her time to think, but I liked the feel of her under my hand too much. And just in case she called a halt before we even got started, I needed that little piece of her. I studied her lips for the longest time, dying to take a taste, but fuck if I was going to settle for an appetizer when I wanted the whole meal.

  “Why are you trying to scare me off?” Oh, so she got that did she? Her eyes were bright with lust, but now mixed with apprehension.

  “Because I want you to be sure. Because you’re so fucking young I’m questioning this shit, but there’s no denying I want inside you.”

  She had that cute little blush going on again, and I wondered what the fuck I was playing at with the little innocent. But it was her innocence that was drawing me in, even as I was wary of it. I knew for a fact that if she got into my bed that shit would be sullied within a week.

  I dropped my hand and stepped back, studying her a little longer without saying a word. She was doing some looking of her own and that hungry look never left her eyes, but still there was that healthy dose of caution and fear mixed in. Good! At least she understood.

  “I'm going up to my room, you've got ten minutes to decide. If you choose to do this, just walk through the door, if not, just stay away. We'll forget this ever happened and you can find someone else to guard you tomorrow. But if you walk through that door you accept me on my terms.” I turned and left the room without a backward glance.

  I headed into the shower for a quick rubdown and was out in less than five. I restrained myself from looking at my watch and ignored the pitter-patter of my heart. I had as much to lose here as she did and I knew it, and there wasn’t shit I could do about it. It was too late for that.

  If she flaked I’m fucked, and I’m not talking about her not showing up. No, it’s even worse. My guts were all tied into this thing now, but I couldn’t force her decision. That had to be all her. Once she made the first move, then I’d take over from there.

  On the other hand, if she shows and then somewhere down the line things go sour, I know it would fuck with my head for the rest of my life. I’ve known myself for a long fucking time and I know when I’m all in.

  No use bullshitting myself that all I wanted from her was just a quick fuck or two until the job was done. I wanted all of her or none at all. I’ve grown a fucking vagina. What’s next? Sitting outside her door, whining like a puppy wanting to be let in?

  In the space of a couple weeks she’d worked herself into the hardest heart of any man I know. I’d spent my life protecting myself from this shit, never wanted any part of it. But here it is. I didn’t think I would need that protection here, so left myself open, and in she walked.

  As I looked at myself in the mirror and my mind played over the last few days I realized that that thing I was missing with Zeta, she had it in spades. It was written all over her, like an imaginary string tugging me towards her. I know what the fuck that shit means. I’d fucked myself royally this time.

  The game had changed and the ba
ll was in her court, but not for long. If she made the mistake of walking through that door her life will never be the same and maybe I could get my peace of mind back. I hope she knows what the fuck she’s doing. I also hope I can soon stop having these internal battles with myself, this shit is all kinds of fucked up.


  She’s turned me into a moron, like she’s Pavlov and I’m the damn dog. If she only knew that she had me tied up like this she’d own my ass no doubt. Fucking females do have the power after all it seems. Unless and until you meet ‘the one’, you’ll never guess that shit.

  I know now I’d only skated by, evading that net, that lure because I hadn’t yet met her. I was completely wrong in my assessment that one pussy was as good as another. I haven’t even had her yet, but I already know now that no one else will ever do, no matter what her decision. That for the rest of my life, she would always be ‘it’.

  That’s not easy for someone like me to accept, it gives her too much power over me. I hate giving up power, but for some reason, the man who’d fought tooth and nail his whole life to blaze his own trail and not give a fuck, was more than willing to lay it all down for a girl who wasn’t even born when he made that decision.

  Not only does she have me twisted as fuck, it’s the point of who she is. The antithesis of everything I ever imagined I’d want. I wasn’t dumb enough not to know there were two sides to her. Unlucky for her I’d fallen for both of them. The Hollywood starlet and the sweet little farm girl.

  Only time will tell how this was all going to play out. How we were going to mesh our lives together. I hope like fuck she knows I wasn’t bullshitting when I said I wanted to own her completely. I can’t have it any other way.

  Since I’d never imagined settling down with any one woman, no one ever taught me and I never paid too much attention to the whole relationship thing. So fuck me if I come at this shit the way I do everything else, full bore.

  I dropped the towel carelessly on a chair back, and after some debate, decided to forego pajamas before getting into bed. I hate the shits anyway and only wore them while here in case she needed me in the night. But if she walked through that door they wouldn’t be needed anymore for tonight. Or maybe ever!

  I gave in and checked my watch just before I heard her footsteps coming toward me. My heart raced and my dick jumped and started his leaking shit. I stroked him once to get him to calm the fuck down but that was all he was gonna get. I didn’t plan on touching him myself again for the rest of the night, except to put him inside her.

  As soon as her shadow crossed the door I was ready for her. I laid back on the bed completely naked with just a thin sheet pulled across my hips so she didn’t turn and run at the sight of my cock. She looked like she wasn’t sure what to do next so I took over. She’d done her part she’d shown up.

  My heart registered the significance of that and settled the fuck down. She’d accepted my terms, now I could breathe again. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding my breath this whole time like a teenage girl with her first crush. I am so fucked!

  "Come." I held out my hand and she came to me, still looking a bit scared and uncertain and my heart rolled over and fell at her feet. Will I always react this way to her innocence? Will this need to protect and cherish stay with me always? How the fuck could a look be so poignant that it damn near brings me to my knees every time? If I weren’t careful she’d have me believing in that one man, one woman thing that I’d always shunned as crap in the past.

  She worked that lip with her teeth as she placed her soft little hand in mine and stared into my eyes. That took some effort on her part it was plain to see. It only made my heart soften even more. I pushed her hair behind her ear when she lowered her head and it fell into her face.

  “Are you scared?” She shook her head.

  “Don’t lie to me.” I squeezed her hand gently. She nodded slightly and blushed.

  “What scares you more, the act, or what comes with it?” She took a deep breath and put her brave face on.

  “I don’t know.” Fair enough.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of, just don’t fuck me, figuratively speaking, and I’ll take care of you till my last breath. You do otherwise and I already told you what would happen.” I wanted to ask her if she was a virgin, she sure the fuck was acting like one. But I figured I’d find out soon enough.

  Her eyes kept dropping to the tent my cock made under the sheet so I decided to just throw them aside so she could see what she was in for and maybe lose that growing look of apprehension on her face. Twelve-inches of cock stood tall and firm with a bead of pre-cum seeping out of the tip and running down the sides.

  Her throat moved as she swallowed and her eyes were glued to my dick like she'd never seen one before. I took her other hand in mine and swung my legs over the side of the bed, caging her in before pulling her closer. I let my hands run up the outside of her thighs as our eyes met and held.

  “Kiss me.” Her eyes closed as I moved in for a kiss. She made the cutest little sound in her throat when our lips finally met and I pulled her closer still with a hand on her head as I sought to deepen the kiss. I ate at her soft pink lips until they opened and let me in, and sank my tongue into her sweet mouth.

  She clung to my shoulders as her knees weakened and I wrapped my arms tighter around her. I had to coax her tongue out of her mouth, “give me your tongue baby’. She shyly ran her tongue along my lip and I caught it and drew it into my mouth.

  She ground her pussy into my chest, and her hands left my shoulders to clutch my head in her hands, holding me in place, as the kiss grew hotter. I ravished her mouth, suddenly starving for more of her taste as our lips mated furiously.

  She tasted like mine. Like our mouths were meant for each other. I don’t know how to explain it. A light went on inside me, not just in my head but my heart, and it was as if something clicked into place. Like the last piece of a puzzle that had been missing for way too long.

  My chest expanded with my every breath, but my heart was steady as I wrapped my arms around her, hauling her harder into my chest until she fell into my lap and her legs went around my hips. She moved fitfully against me and I had to hold her ass still with my hand before she hurt herself. Damn her pussy was hot, I could feel it through the cute shorty pajamas she wore.

  The kiss grew hotter and packed a hell of a punch. And when the soft flesh of her ass and thigh brushed against my cock one last time, I rolled over, putting her under me on the bed. When one nip of her soft lip turned into me wanting to chew the shit I had to pull back. I leaned over her, looking down at her glazed eyes as she tried to catch her breath.

  I didn’t even try to hide my hunger from her. The hunger I was sure was written plainly on my face just in case she couldn’t feel the steel hard length of my cock poking into her. She’ll have to deal with all of me starting now. Including my sexual appetite.

  My cock was now freely leaking cock juice onto her thigh and around her navel. I looked down at his red angry head and saw that there was more pre-cum flowing out of me than at any other time in my life. I made a few thrusting motions with my hips and gritted my teeth to hold onto my control.

  It took monumental effort not to fuck into her and slate my lust, but for once I wanted to share more with a woman. I wanted not only the feel of her sweet pink flesh wrapped around my cock. I wanted to possess her with the shit. Enslave her! Fuck, I’m well and truly gone.

  "Take them off." I pointed to the boy shorts and lacy tank top she wore as I stood back and broke my earlier promise. Her eyes followed my hand as I slow stroked my meat and her hand went swiftly to the waistband of her shorts. At the last minute I stopped her. "No, on second thought, let me."

  Her hands fell away and her legs plopped open wider. Releasing my dick, I lowered my head and dipped my tongue into her navel, kissing my way up to her lace-covered mounds. Taking both sides of the sexy lacy scrap that was barely covering her tits in my hands, I pulled in opposite d
irections until the once beautiful top was nothing more than strips of rags.

  Her breasts bounced into view and I cupped both of those beauties in my rough hands. She moaned and her legs kicked when I squeezed one of her fat tits and bit down on the nipple. I pressed my naked thigh against her cunt and felt her pussy heat through the lace of her shorts, burning my skin.

  I moved my leg up and down between hers, pressing down hard on her cunt until she fucked herself against the hardness of my thigh, while I paid homage to her tits, moving back and forth between them. The right one was more sensitive so I paid more attention to that one as her pussy wept through the lace and soaked my thigh.

  I bit, chewed and mauled her tit flesh until tears ran down her cheeks and she dug her nails into my head as she made wild almost animalistic sounds in her throat. I could’ve stayed there all night but I had an overwhelming need to taste her cunt now. Her scent was driving me insane as it wafted up to me, teasing my senses.

  Leaving her tits after marking them, I licked my way down her middle until my tongue met the silk of her shorts. Running my tongue along the rim beneath her navel, I used both hands to roll them down her thighs until they reached her knees. I lowered myself to the floor between her legs and pulled the shorts all the way off before throwing them over my shoulder.

  Her pussy scent hit me even harder as I pushed her legs open so I could look at her inviting flesh. Because I wanted to fall on her, devour her I made myself rein it in. Again that need to give her more was strong and even though my tongue had already stiffened in readiness to dive into her hot cunt, I called on all my restraint to go slow.

  Taking one of her legs in my hand, I lifted it in the air and bit into her ankle. “Look at me.” Her eyes were half closed but now flew open and she looked down between her spread thighs at me. So much heat. She wanted to fuck! I teased her with little nips along her ankle and up her leg to her pussy that was now winking at me, covered in the cunt juice that escaped her.


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