When Darkness Comes

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When Darkness Comes Page 10

by Beck Cummings

  She nodded her head in agreement. “Well, you are his best friend, but... it’s more than that for him.”

  “What do I do now?”

  “Don’t act any different. You guys have a solid friendship and you don’t want to screw that up.” She advised.

  Great. How can I act normal when I now know this? And, how do I not ruin our friendship? I think that this thing with Trent might really be something and I don’t want to hurt Matty because of it. But I can’t let his feelings for me stand in the way of what I want. And, I want Trent. I just really don’t want to lose Matty as a friend, so I guess I have to try to pretend I don’t know how he feels. Oh, my mind is reeling...

  “So, Zane was a drug addict, huh?” Nic’s sudden change of subject nearly gave me whiplash. But I was grateful. “I thought he was just an alcoholic.”

  I nodded my head yes, smiling sardonically as I took another drink. “An alcoholic AND a grade A junkie. Nice, huh?”

  “You really know how to pick ‘em.” She mocked me.

  I smacked her on the arm as I busted out giggling.

  “Do you think this thing with Trent is different?” She asked after I had quieted down.

  I thought for a moment before I spoke. “You know, I was perfectly fine with being alone. I didn’t need anyone, I was fine. Everything was... fine.” My shoulders slumped. “But when I met Trent... Nic, it’s crazy. I wasn’t looking for anyone. I have my career. I have my family. I have my friends. But when I started spending time with him, it was like I could breathe again, that I could just be me. For once in my life, I don’t feel like I’m being judged for any of my shortcomings or failures.”

  “Wait! You feel like you’re judged?” Nic interrupted.

  “I feel like I have to be who everyone wants me to be. I feel like I always have to be ‘on’. I have to be this strong, successful, independent woman 24/7. I never get to relax and just take the mask off and just be... well, just be. I can’t let anyone see me stressed. I can’t let anyone see me panic over having to kill a spider in the bathroom. I can’t let anyone see that sometimes I’m not as happy as the face I put on.” I paused as I took in Nic’s questioning gaze. “Do you remember when we took that girls trip to Niagara Falls and we rode the Hornblower into the mist?”

  Nic nodded her head.

  “I remember being so scared of capsizing and wanting to stay as close as possible to the life vests.” I chuckled.

  “I remember that too! You’re such a chicken.” Nic laughed.

  “I am! In every aspect of my life. But I also remember the moment when I stopped focusing on what could possibly go wrong with our little voyage and I closed my eyes and felt the mist on my face. I just remember feeling the sunshine warm my face and breathing in the air and just being truly at peace. Nic, I was so calm. One of 700 passengers on a catamaran floating right towards the Falls and I found this true state of happiness. I’m finding that I want to have that true state of happiness with Trent. I want to be loved by him. And, I am scared as hell. I’m looking for the life vest. But, deep down, I know I could use a fresh start. I’m terrified, but I think he could be it.”

  A huge smile played on Nic’s lips as she turned on her stool to face me. “Well, by all means, tell me about this man.” She said excitedly.

  “Okay. Well, he’s from New York originally.”

  “Ooooh, an American.”

  “Hey! I thought you wanted me to talk.” I raised my eyebrows at her.

  “Sorry. Continue.” She smirked.

  “Actually, he’s a dual citizen of America and Canada. So, he’s from Scarsdale, and his father and sister still live there. His mother passed away five years ago, but she was Canadian, hence the dual citizenship. He doesn’t talk about her much. Mentions her on occasion, but gets this sad look in his eyes, so I don’t pry. He and his father have a rocky relationship at best, but he is really close to his sister. Her name is Charlotte and she is four years older than him. He visits her whenever he can, and she comes up here as well. Trent’s actually going down there soon, because his nephew, who is a sophomore in high school, made the varsity hockey team, and Trent wants to go see him play...” I paused and took a deep breath. “And, he asked me to go with him.” I smiled awkwardly.


  I nodded my head. “Yep.”

  “And you said...”

  “Yes, or something to that effect I guess, because he bought me a plane ticket.” I grinned, shrugging and taking a drink.

  “I can’t believe it!”

  “I know, me neither!”

  Nic eyed me hesitantly. “Wait. He has a nephew in high school? How old is he?!”

  I rolled my eyes at her and scoffed. “He’s 15 and a little young for you. Besides, you’re kind of married to my brother.”

  Nic wadded up her napkin and threw it at me. “I was talking about Trent, nerd!”

  I mouthed ‘Duh’ and rolled my eyes again. “And, if you must know, he’s 32.”

  She let out a low whistle. “Hmmmm... 32 and unemployed.”

  “Nic...” I warned. “He’s not a bum. He has money.”

  “From drugs?”

  I tilted my head and sighed in exasperation. “His father owns some major investment firm and has made millions from the stock market, or at least that’s what Dad says. He’s not a drug dealer, Nic.”

  “Just making sure.” Nic raised her hands in defense. “Wait, Trent didn’t tell you that, your dad did?”


  “Paige!” Nic yelled and I recoiled on my barstool.

  Matty came rushing out of the back office in a panic. “What’s wrong? Everything okay?” He gripped the edge of the bar, out of breath. When was the last time he went to the gym?

  “Everything is fine. Your sister is dramatic is all.” I answered as I tried to stifle my amusement at his fatigue.

  “Well, I can’t believe you haven’t gotten it straight from the horse’s mouth!” She yelled again and I cringed.

  I could tell Matty was curious as to the subject of our conversation, when after catching his breath, he nonchalantly found busy work behind the bar. I gave Nic a look as if to say ‘really?’ and she snickered in return.

  “From my understanding, Dad and Trent had quite the conversation at your wedding reception. They really hit it off. And, if Dad approves, then I do too. You know he despised Zane.”

  “True that. But all you’ve got to do is say he’s not going to be seeing any more action until he decides to open up with you.” Nic said in all seriousness.

  I swallowed and furrowed my brows. “Ummmmm... He hasn’t seen any action.” I said quietly while my cheeks blushed furiously. Yes, I just admitted to my best friend that I had not given away the milk for free. Trent was going to have to buy the whole cow if he wanted something from me.

  Matty’s hand that was vehemently wiping down the bar with a washrag abruptly stopped. His head was still tilted down, although I saw him raise his gaze towards us.

  “Wow. I've got to give it to you, girl. You have more restraint than I give you credit for. That man would even make Ellen DeGeneres want to lock him in her closet so she could do bad things to him.” She winked at me and I chuckled.

  “Nicolette.” Matty chided her before tossing the washrag and stalking back into his office.

  She shrugged it off. “He knows it’s true.”

  “Trent IS VERY good looking.” I agreed, fanning myself with one hand, pretending to be over-heated.

  “Good looking doesn’t even begin to cover it. Girl, you are seriously lucky that I am so completely in love with Luc or else I would’ve gone all Hunger Games on your ass at Echo.”

  We both erupted into a fit of laughter and we heard the office door slam, which served to only fuel our laughter more.

  “May the odds be ever in your favor!” I quoted the movie, accent and all, and our giggles continued.

  Nic pulled herself together and took a deep breath before blowing it out. �
�So, you two haven’t... you know?” She leaned in, propping her elbow on the bar and resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

  “Nope.” I admitted, mirroring her movement.

  “Hmmm.... Maybe he’s impotent.”

  I quickly shook my head. “Oh, trust me. We have made out and I have noted his... excitement. He most definitely is NOT impotent.” I blushed furiously while looking down at my breakfast.

  Nic raised her eyebrows. “Okay then, well, maybe he’s celibate. Or maybe he’s a virgin and he’s saving himself for the right person.” She rattled off quickly and excitedly.

  “Well, in that case... I volunteer as tribute!” I raised my hand and we broke out into another frenzy of laughter.

  chapter 10

  As I sat in the back of the carbon gray metallic Porsche Panamera S, I stared out the window in awe of the city before me. Traffic was congested on the one-way streets and the sidewalks were crowded with rich and powerful suits. I was not looking forward to the daunting task of exiting this car and entering the cutthroat world known as Wall Street. But, thanks to a phone call our driver just received, it appeared I may not have to after all.

  “I can’t believe his nerve.” Trent said through gritted teeth from the seat beside me.

  “I’m sure he couldn’t help it.” I placed my hand on Trent’s leather clad, strong forearm and slowly rubbed my fingers across the supple material.

  Trent’s father had just phoned our driver, Hayden, to let him know that he would be unable to go to lunch with us. Apparently, something had happened with a client and he needed to hold an emergency meeting to see that it was resolved. To say that I was relieved wouldn’t be a lie, but to be completely honest, I was also interested in meeting the man who fathered Trent. Maybe then I would get answers to some of my questions regarding why Trent is the way he is. But alas, it was not meant to happen today.

  “You don’t know my father.” Trent was solemn as he moved his arm from my touch and ran his hand across his face. “He could’ve at least had the decency to cancel before we got all the way down here. Is it moving at all up there, Hayden?” He leaned forward in his seat and patted our driver on the shoulder.

  “Sorry, sir. We’re at a standstill. Lunchtime in the Financial District is always like this, you should remember it well.”

  Hayden was an older man. I would guess him to be in his 60’s. His white hair was cut short and close to his head, and he was clean-shaven. Trent told me that Hayden had been an employee of his father’s for years and that he was kind of a pseudo-Uncle to him.

  “Don’t remind me.” Trent hissed, sliding back into his seat.

  Hayden lightly shook his head, chuckling, while my face scrunched up in confusion. I looked at Trent as if he were an organism under a microscope. My boyfriend knows lunchtime on Wall Street well? How much time did he spend down here with his father? I tilted my head, questioning his answer without saying a thing.

  Trent gave me a stony-eyed gaze, but didn’t reply. “Finally!” He let out a frustrated sigh as the car began to move through the street. He settled into his seat, his body rigid and visibly tense. His left elbow perched on the door and his chin rested in between his thumb and forefinger. His jaw was firmly set with his lips pressed into a hard line. I wanted to reach out to touch him, to help him relax and remind him that I was right here, but I quickly decided against that when I saw his right hand tightly gripping his knee.

  I closed my eyes, imagining I was on a beach in the Caribbean with a Margarita in hand and sunshine on my face. Anywhere would be better than the stifling backseat of this car at the moment.

  “Turn here, Hayden.”

  I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at the man beside me. He was leaning across the space between the rear and front seats, pointing out the windshield.

  “Sir…” Hayden caught Trent’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

  Trent shook his head. “I came all the way down here. I’ll be damned if he tries to ignore the fact that I’m here.”

  I sat in silence while the two men seemed to have an entire conversation with just their eyes. It appeared that Trent won out over Hayden as the Porsche turned the block and came to a stop in front of a skyscraper. I was used to being amongst tall buildings in downtown Montreal, but they didn’t come close to preparing me for the sensory overload caused by the noise of the swift, unending stream of pedestrians, as I opened my door and stepped foot onto Wall Street.

  I stepped out of the car and straightened my coral skinny jeans, taking a few extra moments to adjust my heather gray dolman and peach scarf. Since we were supposed to be meeting Trent’s father for lunch, I decided against dressing for comfort for the plane ride and instead chose to dress to impress. I carefully tip-toed over a sidewalk grate in my gray velvet pumps and then had to weave my way through the heavy foot traffic to catch up to my boyfriend who was already entering the building.

  Thanks for waiting, jerk. Ugh… you can’t be mad at him, Paige. He’s obviously stressing over this. I mean, his own father cancelled lunch with him. I’d be pissed too.

  Shaking my head and taking a deep breath, I pushed my way through the large glass revolving door and paused when I saw Trent standing in the middle of the busy lobby, eyes fixed on the elevators straight ahead. I could tell by his taut shoulders that he was apprehensive about taking another step forward. I shuffled through the suits walking about and slid my hand into Trent’s as I stepped to his side. He turned to look at me and I offered him a small, encouraging smile. He didn’t smile back but instead squeezed my hand and squared his shoulders before leading me to one side of elevators. We stood hand-in-hand while waiting for one set of doors to open, and when it did, we filed in with a group of suits who were undoubtedly returning to work from their lunch breaks.

  Somewhere between the 12th and 15th floor, Trent’s palm began to sweat. I was careful to not turn my head and only turn my eyes as I tried to catch a glimpse of his face. His eyes were fixed on the numbers above the door. Each passing number signaling our impending doom drawing nearer.

  When the doors opened on Floor 23, we were greeted by a beautiful blonde dressed in a white blazer. She was seated in front of a stark black sign that read Bulwark Capital Management.

  Trent cleared his throat and spoke as we approached the receptionist’s desk. “Can you please phone Marjorie and let her know that Trent Knox is here.”

  The receptionist’s eyes widened, probably with the realization of who the man standing in front of her was, as she pressed a button and undoubtedly called Marjorie. She spoke and then listened to her earpiece before smiling at Trent. “You may go back.”

  We weaved in and out of rows upon rows of cubicles, stopping before a large cherry wood door.

  “Trent, oh my goodness. You look so different.” A petite lady in a navy pencil skirt and red blouse suddenly appeared at our side. She had dark hair which was up in a French twist and gold wireframed glasses resting upon her nose. She looked as though she should be a librarian at an elementary school instead of a receptionist at a big investment firm. But I guess looks can be deceiving…

  “It’s been awhile, Marjorie.” Trent smiled at the small woman, but it was forced and didn’t even reach his eyes. “Is he in there?” He asked with a nod toward the door.

  “Yes, he is. But he has a conference call…” She hesitantly looked at her watch. “Well, it should be starting soon.”

  “Perfect.” Trent reached toward the door handle. “Then he has a moment to spare for his only son.” He shot Marjorie a look that just dared her to protest, then he proceeded to open the door and barge into the office as Marjorie stood in silence.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and followed my boyfriend into the office.

  “Is knocking something they only teach at…” A strong, stern voice spoke as the black leather chair spun away from the view of the floor to ceiling windows and turned to face us. Upon seeing Trent and I standing in his office, the man rose from his seat and s
lid his hands in his pockets.

  Trent’s father wore a light blue button-down shirt which was tucked into slim black slacks. The black silk tie around his neck was loosened and the top button of his shirt undone. He was a little taller than Trent, but the same body build.

  And I can see the resemblance… The same perfect nose. The same green eyes. The same strong jawline. The same dark hair which was longer than what most men his age would wear. Trent definitely takes after his father.

  “You always said I lacked respect.” Trent folded his arms across his chest. His broad shoulders pulling at the seams of his black leather jacket. He looked quite intimidating in his jacket, underneath which he wore a black and white flannel shirt. His gray jeans were tucked into brown leather boots that weren’t even tied.

  He actually looks out of place in this building full of suits. Especially in this office, standing face to face with this older version of himself.

  “Nice to see some things will never change, Trent.” The man stepped forward and quickly buttoned his collar before tightening his tie.

  “I would apologize for interrupting your emergency meeting, but...” Trent emphasized the words emergency meeting while looking around the room. “It would appear that there isn’t one.”

  “Well, since my son has no manners…” The older man cut daggers in Trent’s direction, “Tripp Knox.” He stuck his hand out and looked at me expectantly.

  “Paige Tremblay. It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled at my boyfriend’s father, before reaching out and gripping his hand. I made sure that I gave a nice, firm handshake since my own father says it’s the best way to make a good first impression.

  A weak handshake is the sign of a weak individual.

  As Tripp released his grip on my hand, I turned my head to look at Trent. I wanted to give him a reassuring smile; a smile that said “See! This isn’t so bad.”

  “That’s yet to be determined.” Tripp said gruffly, interrupting my moment of encouragement.


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