When Darkness Comes

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When Darkness Comes Page 11

by Beck Cummings

  I tilted my head as my smile fell. Did he really just say that? No, there’s no possible way he just said that. I must’ve heard him wrong. That’s it.

  But when I looked at Trent’s face, I realized that I hadn’t misheard Tripp. Trent’s jaw was set in place and his green eyes blazed with contempt. He had already uncrossed his arms and was taking a step toward his father before I was able to snap back to reality.

  I threw my hand out and stopped Trent in midstride. He snapped his gaze toward mine and gave me a questioning look. I knew that I really shouldn’t do what I was about to do, but I had to. If I didn’t say something, Trent would. And that would undoubtedly be the end of our trip.

  “Excuse me?” I turned toward Trent’s father and gave him an incredulous look.

  “Don’t get me wrong. You’re a pretty girl.” He then turned his attention toward Trent. “You have good taste, son. Just not much sense.”

  Trent’s chest pressed against the palm of my hand as he tried to take another step toward his father. I could feel the rise and fall with each measured breath, his heartbeat quickening in pace. I have to do something, and quick! Trent is about to give Wolf of Wall Street a whole new meaning once he rips his dad’s head off in the middle of this office.

  “I’m sorry?” I wasn’t really sure I should be apologizing to the man for what he said, but I certainly couldn’t ask what the hell was wrong with him.

  “Oh, don’t take it personal. I’m sure you’re just as lovely as you look. But whatever it is that you think is going on with my son, I would re-evaluate it. Because I can guarantee you, it won’t end in your favor.”

  I dropped my hand from Trent’s chest, shocked by the words coming from the man before me. I could feel the heat radiating from Trent, but he didn’t say a word. I guess he’s just as stunned as I am.

  “Trent comes from a long line of some very influential people.” Tripp stated plainly as he walked over to the windows and paced slowly in front of them. “It’s a world that most wouldn’t understand. He has certain obligations and expectations that he has to satisfy.” He paused and glared at Trent. “And, as soon as he pulls his head out of his ass and quits galivanting around in the Great White North playing Ghostbusters, he will come back to New York in order to fulfill his duties… Leaving you behind.”

  Playing Ghostbusters? Well, I think it’s obvious what Tripp thinks of paranormal investigators.

  “You don’t know a thing about my life in Montreal, and you don’t know a thing about Paige or our relationship.” Trent bit out through gritted teeth, taking a step toward his father’s desk.

  “I beg to differ, son. You think that I don’t know all about what you’re doing up there in Montreal? How you got rid of your Porsche and how you recently moved out of the apartment that had the revolving door of women constantly coming and going? Trent, do you really think I haven’t already checked out your friends and your little paranormal group?” Tripp laughed. “I’m not sure who has more women in their rotation, you or that heathen you call your best friend. I’ve done my research on your entire environment up there, Trent. And that includes your girlfriend and her family. I know she isn’t cut out for this, son.” Tripp addressed his son as if I weren’t even in the room. “You belong here. She does not.”

  Wow. Tripp must’ve hired a private investigator to track his son’s every move. Either that, or investigative genes just run in the Knox family.

  I wanted to yell at Trent’s father and tell him that he was wrong. Tell him that I belong anywhere as long as Trent is there, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t speak a single word. Instead, I inhaled deeply and blinked away any semblance of emotion.

  “Did you hire someone to keep tabs on me?” Trent asked. “Don’t answer that. I already know. I also know you’re wrong.” Trent said flatly. “I’m not the man you think I am.”

  I’m not sure who he was trying to convince, his father or himself, but it wasn’t doing the job regardless of his intended target. I had no delusions regarding what type of man Trent was. I know that there is plenty I do not know about him. He does keep his past to himself, so I simply don’t ask. But I know what I see in him. There is something there, and it’s the complete opposite of what his father thinks.

  “Son, don’t fall victim to delusions.” Tripp turned and looked out the window. “I know exactly what type of man you are. You’re the coward who ran away after your mother died.”

  My hand flew to my mouth as I inaudibly gasped. This man, in this fancy suit which probably cost more than my car, in this stuffy office whose walls have probably never even heard laughter, had just delivered the biggest blow in the world to my boyfriend. To his very own son. My eyes darted to Trent, expecting to see full blown rage all across his face. Instead, I saw hurt. Grief. Sorrow.

  Trent opened his mouth to speak and I held my breath. I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear whatever he was about to say. But instead, he closed his mouth and then grabbed my hand, leading me out of the office we had just entered not even ten minutes ago. I let go of his hand and stopped in the doorway.

  Turning, I looked back at Tripp who had already returned to the seat behind his desk. He placed his elbows on the dark cherry wood and folded his fingers together before taking a deep breath. I couldn’t tell if he was proud of himself for his little act of power or if he was feeling resentment for the way he had just spoke to his only son. He must have sensed that he had an audience because his eyes lifted to meet mine. I steadied my shaking hands by placing them behind my back, bracing my own self for the verbal punch that I was about to deliver to my boyfriend’s father.

  “Have you considered for just a moment that maybe Trent isn’t the one who needs to pull his head out of his ass, as you so eloquently put it?” I didn’t give Tripp a chance to respond and instead kept talking. “Perhaps you are the one who has forgotten the obligations and expectations that accompany the role of being a father.”

  Tripp’s head tilted to the right and he raised an eyebrow and a corner of his mouth at my degree of candor.

  “I had truly hoped that this visit with you would offer me some more insight into your son’s inner workings, and well… you certainly did not disappoint. I see now why your son is so emotionally withdrawn. Why he is so afraid to let someone care for him. Because his own father can speak to him in such a way that… that he thinks he will never be good enough. But, being face to face with you, I see that the real reason you resent your son is because he turned out to be a decent human being despite your best efforts to control him.” I chuckled lightly at my own gall. My parents had raised me to never speak to an adult this way, but I do believe that my own mother would be quite proud of my tact in this moment. I was telling Tripp exactly what I thought of him and his parenting skills, but with a liter of maple syrup on top to make sure it was sweet but that it still stuck with him long after I left. “No disrespect, Mr. Knox, but I believe you were right. This exchange of pleasantries has been anything but pleasant. Good luck with your conference call. I do hope you are better at putting out fires than you are with first impressions.” I turned my back to Trent’s father and took a step.

  “Ms. Tremblay…”

  My stomach dropped as I heard my name called behind me. Maybe I’m not getting out of here clean and clear like I thought… I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning around to face the man that I had just insulted.

  “I do believe I owe you an apology.” He spoke as he stood and rounded his desk.

  “No, sir, you do not.” I raised my hand and stopped him before he could continue further. “But, if we do meet again, please do all three of us a favor and keep your prejudices to yourself.”

  “I can see what my son sees in you.” Tripp said with a smile.

  I simply shook my head and gave a small laugh. “Have a good day, Mr. Knox. And do well to remember, that being on this high of a horse just means you have that much farther to fall.” And with that, I turned and walked out of Tripp Knox�
��s office, closing the door behind me.

  Trent and Marjorie were standing in silence outside the door, undoubtedly having watched the entire exchange between Tripp and I.

  “Trent, I… I’m sorry.” I apologized quickly, the adrenaline having worn off and me realizing the gravity of what I had just done.

  Trent said nothing in response, instead turning and walking back out of the office and to the elevator. We stayed completely silent as we made our way to the Porsche that was parked beside the curb, and then climbed in the backseat. Isn’t it illegal to stay parked here? I’m sure he drove off and came back. But, how did he know we’d be coming down at this moment? You’re focusing on the wrong thing, Paige.

  “You should probably sit back and relax. It will be at least an hour before we make it to the estate.” Hayden’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror as he spoke.

  At least an hour? Estate? I had so many questions but I knew my sulking boyfriend would answer none at the moment. I sighed in exasperation and plopped myself against the soft leather of the seat back. Closing my eyes, I began to think that maybe coming on this trip was a bad idea. Ugh! I should’ve just stayed in Montreal...

  I woke with a start when a door slammed. I tilted my head to the side, trying to stretch out my neck and noticed that Trent was the one who had exited the vehicle. That jerk! He was just going to leave me here asleep. I crossed my arms and huffed, turning my attention out the window and toward the home we were parked in front of. I leaned onto the door and my jaw dropped upon further inspection of my surroundings. Home was not the correct term for it at all... It was a castle. A flippin’ stone castle. And it was the Knox Estate. Oh my...

  I blinked in amazement, and when Trent opened my door, I stumbled out. His hand gripped my arm to keep me from falling flat onto the gravel driveway.

  “You okay?” His voice was free of any affection.

  I stood, pulling my elbow from Trent’s grasp. I brushed the dust off my skinny jeans. “I’m wonderful.” I grumbled as I wobbled on my gray velour pumps, mentally kicking myself for choosing this particular outfit.

  Trent rolled his eyes at my snarky behavior and went to the trunk of the car to get our bags. “I’ve got this, old man.” I watched as Trent placed his hand on Hayden’s shoulder. “Go ahead and get some rest before you have to head back into the city to get Tripp.”

  Hmmm... Hayden drives Tripp to and from the city? Of course, he does.

  “Are you sure, sir? I can get your bags first.” Hayden reached for one of the bags.

  Trent shoved his hand away and flashed his notorious smirk. “You will not. I’ve got this. Go enjoy a nap; you’ve earned it after having to answer to that tyrant for the last 20 years.”

  Hayden shook his head in disapproval of Trent’s description of his father, but let out a small chuckle before walking away from him. Hayden stopped in front of me and nodded politely. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Tremblay.”

  “You too, Hayden, but please, call me Paige. And, thank you for picking us up from the airport.” I smiled sweetly, knowing that he didn’t deserve any of my anger just because I was steaming over Trent.

  Trent appeared at my side with our luggage in his hands. Hayden nodded again, turning and walking back to the driver’s side of the Panamera. He climbed in and started the car, driving off to a destination unbeknownst to me.

  “Where’s he going?” My words were clipped as I addressed my boyfriend. I was grumpy thanks to my short nap in the car, plus I was still reeling from the lovely interaction with Tripp in the city.

  “Why are you so pissy?” Trent asked, heading toward the oversized, wooden front door.

  “Just following the leader.” I retorted as I trailed after him. I looked around at the grounds surrounding me as I walked, and smacked right into the center of his back. Trent had stopped abruptly and was standing eerily still, staring at the giant door in front of him. I could see the muscles in his shoulders tense and ripple as they rose with a deep intake of air. I stayed silent, contemplating my boyfriend’s apprehension.

  Turning around, Trent dropped our bags on the pavement. I opened my mouth to threaten his life if he had broken something of mine, but he placed two fingers on my lips, successfully silencing me. “Hayden is putting the car in the garage. If you couldn’t tell, Tripp is obsessed with keeping his possessions in pristine condition. I’m sorry for going dark back there. He frustrates the hell out of me and this is why I usually only make day trips. I couldn’t say anything in fear that I might not be able to take it back. He is still my father after all. But… then you said everything I wanted to say. God, you said everything I’ve been dying to say to that man for YEARS! Paige, it was brilliant! It was absolutely the most refined ‘go fuck yourself’ that I’ve ever heard. And I’m glad you did it.” My anger subsided instantly and I moved my mouth against Trent’s fingers to speak, but I was interrupted by Trent again. “Just nod your head if you forgive me for being an ass.”

  I smiled against his fingertips, nodding my head. Instead of pulling them away, he brushed them across my lower lip and then placed them under my chin, tilting my head up. He leaned in and kissed me gently, successfully making me weak in the knees. It felt so good to not be fighting with him anymore. Even though, I guess we weren’t technically in a fight to begin with.

  Trent slowly pulled away, an easy smile on his lips, and turned around, picking up our bags. “Well, c’mon. Let me show you to your room.” He said, opening the majestic front door.

  I slowly stepped into the foyer behind Trent and my jaw dropped. It was the size of my living room! My flippin’ living room! The ivory marble floors and ivory walls were offset by a rich walnut molding. Trent turned to his left and walked up ivory carpeted stairs with me hot on his heels. Geesh, was this whole place done in ivory? Where’s the color?

  The upstairs was decorated in the same ivory/walnut ensemble and even though there were beautiful stained-glass windows, something just felt off. There were no pictures hanging in the hallway, no embarrassing school photos of Trent to tease him about, and there was not a single-family picture to be seen. Truthfully, it caught me by surprise because it just felt cold. Normally, when you walk into a home, you feel the warmth of the people who live there. Well, the warmth generating from the Knox estate would suggest no one’s lived here for quite some time. Which honestly was no surprise, considering the warm welcome that met us at Bulwark Capital Management.

  I paused behind Trent as he opened an ivory door. More ivory. Surprise, surprise. I followed him into the room and was shocked to realize where exactly I was. I was standing in Trent’s bedroom; the room he slept in as a younger Trent, when he still lived at home. And lived here, he did. Instead of the Knox’ favorite ivory, his walls were painted a beautiful medium gray. The carpet was white and his bedspread white as well, but his queen size bed and desk were finished in a gorgeous espresso. I looked around in awe of all the posters and pictures on his walls. Great hockey players and rock bands seemed to be the trend, from the likes of Gretzky and Lemieux to Bush and Fuel. He even had a bulletin board with pictures tacked on of him and his friends. I stepped forward and brushed my fingertips across the photos. There was a photo of Trent in front of a black Jeep Wrangler. He was leaning against it, his arms crossed. His hair was long, just as it was now, but... Gosh, he was so young. My lips curved and I turned my head to look at Trent. When my eyes landed on him, I noticed he was watching me with a fixed smirk.

  “Like what you see?” He winked.

  “You had a Jeep?” I pointed to the picture.

  Trent nodded his head. “Yep, my 16th birthday gift from my parents. It was awesome.” His smile widened.

  “I can see that.” I chuckled. “Why on earth would you trade that for a Porsche?”

  “I wrecked her. Didn’t have much of a choice because it was totaled. I was already out of college at that point, so I needed to keep up with appearances.” He shrugged. “Well, what do you think of the room
? Think you can stay here for a night?”

  “Yeah, I think I’ll survive.” I laughed. “I love this room, Trent. It’s so... you.” I smiled as I walked around the room, glancing at more posters.

  “Well, I figured you could sleep in here and I would take the guest room next door.” He placed my bag on the floor at the foot of the bed and started for the door with his in hand.

  I reached out and grabbed his arm as he started to walk past me. “Or, you could sleep in here. We are both adults.” My heart pounded in my chest and my mouth went dry. Why am I so nervous to hear his answer?

  “Paige, I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.” He said as he brushed his knuckles gently down my cheek.

  Such a gentleman.

  “I can handle sleeping. JUST sleeping. I actually think it might be kind of nice.” I said softly.

  “I think so too.” Trent nodded, turning and tossing his bag onto the floor beside mine. He glanced at his watch. “Well, we’ve got four hours until the game. We could take a nap, hop in the hot tub, practice our golf game on the putting green, play some basketball on the court, or... my personal favorite, pretend we’re in high school and make out on my bed since Tripp’s not home.” He smirked as he drew me into his arms.

  “You have a flippin’ putting green?! And a basketball court?! And a hot tub?!” I blinked in astonishment.

  “Actually, it’s plural... hot TUBS.” Trent held up two fingers in front of my face.

  “Sheezus, Trent. Who are you people? The Kennedy’s?” I eyed him suspiciously.

  “Distant relatives on my mom’s side.” Trent shrugged. Was he serious?

  I was rendered speechless, trying to decide on whether Trent was joking or not. Trent reached up and ran his thumb between my furrowed brows, causing me to relax.

  “I’m kidding, babe.” Trent smirked.


  “I think I need to lie down.” I said, wriggling from his grasp and pulling my coral scarf over my head. I tossed it onto my bag and kicked my heels off, then plopped down on Trent’s bed.


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