When Darkness Comes

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When Darkness Comes Page 13

by Beck Cummings

  Trent lowered his arm from my shoulders until his hand rested on the small of my back. I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes. His head hung low, his eyes closed and his expression pensive. Trent had never mentioned a Rebecca, but then again, I had never mentioned Zane either. Is Trent thinking of her now? And, just who is she anyways? I bit my lip and avoided the thought of my boyfriend still pining over his ex.

  “Well, no fabricated illness here. I’ll be in town all weekend.” I smiled at Charlotte and when I looked over at Trent, I noticed he had lifted his head, his imperturbable composure regained.

  “That’s great! I really am excited to get to know the woman who has Trent so utterly besotted.” Charlotte displayed a row of perfectly white teeth as she reached for my hand and led me through an inner door to the rink.

  Trent followed behind us as we made our way to our seats. We were on the front row beside what I was guessing was the Scarsdale Raiders’ bench. I sat on Trent’s left and Charlotte sat on his right.

  “So, Trent tells me that you are a photographer and that you mainly shoot weddings. How’d you get into that?” Charlotte asked, leaning forward in her seat and peering around her brother.

  “Photography was a hobby of mine throughout high school. When I graduated and it came time for me to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life... well, I couldn’t picture myself doing anything else. Terrible pun not intended.” I laughed before continuing. “I photographed everything from landscapes to confirmation ceremonies, but during my studies, what I really fell in love with was the stories that were told through wedding photography. The pictures were like a book to me; a chronicle of a couple’s love in a series of images captured by a spectator. There’s just something so completely fascinating about a couple in love. The looks that they give each other when they think no one is watching is… Well, the only way to explain it is that they have this completely optimistic outlook on their future. It’s innocent and idealistic and sometimes a little naïve, but it’s something that once it’s captured by the camera, you can’t help but think ‘I want that’.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to go on like that. I get carried away sometimes.” I shrugged sheepishly.

  “No! Don’t apologize! I can see why my baby brother is so in love with you.” Charlotte beamed.

  Wait. What? I opened and closed my mouth several times, emulating a goldfish, trying to articulate any word that would possibly come to mind. Did she just say that Trent was in love with me? Did he tell her that? I stole a glance at Trent and noticed his poker face was firmly in place. He’s giving nothing away; Fort Knox is on lockdown.

  Before I could say a word, Charlotte picked up where she had left off. “You studied photography in college you said?”

  My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. How could she say something like that and garner absolutely no reaction from Trent? And then, for her to just rattle on like nothing was said...

  I shook my head lightly. “Yes, I have a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Photography with a minor in Accounting. Two completely different things, I know. But my father is the CEO of one of Montreal’s largest accounting firms so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to learn the family business.”

  “Speaking of fathers…” Charlotte said. “I heard you had quite the interesting conversation with ours.”

  Trent snapped his attention from the ice to our conversation and my stomach dropped. Where had she heard this? Did Trent tell her? Did Tripp? And what exactly was said? I need to know!

  “Oh? Where did you hear this?” I questioned nonchalantly.

  “From our father himself. Turns out you made quite the impression.” Charlotte chuckled.

  “I’m so embarrassed. I should’ve never spoken to him that way. It was immature and uncalled for, and the complete opposite of how I should behave in front of my boyfriend’s father.” I flushed. “I do hope that I will get the chance to apologize to him. I just was so upset in that moment and felt this insane need to protect Trent.”

  “No, no, Paige. You got it all wrong. He was impressed by the fact that you spoke your peace. People rarely tell that man what they truly think or how they truly feel. He’s quite intimidating. But you walked into that office and you didn’t back down when he tried to bully you. I’d like to tell you that it was just a test, that he was ‘pulling your leg’, but the sad truth is that my father is exactly the man you met this morning. You, however, are not the woman he assumed you were. He complimented you, and believe me, compliments from Tripp Knox are few and far between.” Charlotte reached across Trent and patted my leg after her last sentence.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Really. He thought you were stunningly beautiful, but more importantly, he thought you were just the match for his hard-headed son. His words, not mine.” Charlotte glanced at Trent and I took the chance to look at him as well.

  His face was void of any emotion whatsoever, his eyes glued to the empty ice.

  A buzzer sounded through the speakers and I jumped slightly as both teams took the ice. It was the start of warm-ups and the end of my conversation with Charlotte. I let out a sigh of relief as I relaxed in my seat, my mind still spinning from everything she had said.

  I watched as the Scarsdale Raiders, clad in their maroon and white, skated drills on the ice. “Which one is your nephew?” I leaned into Trent and whispered in his ear. I figured that Trent may not want to discuss anything having to do with his father, but that I could probably get him to talk about hockey.

  “23. That’s Brooks.” He pointed towards the young player.

  “Brooks? Another family name?” I questioned.

  “Nope.” Trent shook his head. “Charlie was looking for boy names and I suggested Brooks. She loved it.”

  “And where did you get it from?” I bumped his shoulder with mine, trying to lighten his mood.

  Trent turned his head and looked me in the eye. “Herb Brooks.” He smirked.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. Trent had suggested the last name of the man who coached the 1980 U.S. Olympic team all the way to a gold medal. I knew he loved hockey, but I guess I didn’t realize just how much.


  The buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the second period with the Raiders up, 1-0. Trent and I had taken a turn towards Silentville and hadn’t spoken one word to each other the whole game, except for when he asked if I would like something to drink from the concession stand. To which I replied with a no.

  I’ve spent the entire game thus far watching as my boyfriend and his sister talk quietly amongst themselves. Charlotte would say something to Trent and Trent would either huff or run a hand through his hair before replying. Frankly, their back and forth was more entertaining than the teams facing off on the ice, but I had an odd feeling that if I knew what they were discussing, I wouldn’t be so entertained.

  “I’m going to stretch my legs.” I stood from my seat and headed for the aisle. I was more than a little frustrated with the way the evening was going, so I wanted to clear my head before I ended up running for the hills.

  “I’ll join you.” Trent said, following me.

  We stayed silent as we made our way to the concourse; students and families milled around, going to the restrooms or the concessions. I stood awkwardly beside Trent, trying to decide what to say. How do I ask if he had been purposefully ignoring me for the last two periods? I decided that I just needed to come out and ask. Rip that proverbial Band-Aid right off, Paige.

  “Did I do something?” I sputtered out.

  “I don’t think I can...” Trent said at the same time.

  My eyebrows furrowed.

  “Trenton, is that you?”

  We both turned our heads toward the female voice we just heard. A gorgeous blonde came waltzing up in her black slacks and Burberry trench coat.

  “It is you!” She squealed, pulling Trent into a hug. I watched as he hesitated to put his arms around her, but ended up doing so anyway. “What are you
doing here?” She asked as she released him from her hold.

  “I came to see Brooks play. He made varsity.” Trent said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. I couldn’t tell if he was uncomfortable with seeing her, or if he was uncomfortable with me seeing her.

  “Wow! That’s great! Taking a page out of his uncle’s book, I see.” The blonde giggled, reaching out and placing a hand on Trent’s arm.

  Okay, this has gone on long enough.

  “What do you mean?” I interrupted.

  The blonde turned and instead of dropping her hand, she slipped it into the bend of Trent’s elbow. “Trenton was the greatest right-winger to ever play for the Raiders.” She looked at him with a sense of pride and nostalgia. I looked at her with a sense of jealous rage.

  Trent rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t that great.”

  “Don’t be modest.” The blonde playfully swatted Trent on the arm with her free hand before turning her attention back to me. “You don’t get a full athletic scholarship to B.U. if you aren’t that great.”

  I looked at Trent, puzzled.

  “Boston University.” He said simply.

  The blonde interrupted AGAIN. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even introduce myself. How silly of me.”

  I was actually thinking how rude, but...

  “I’m Rebecca Kincaid.” She offered her free hand while continuing to hold onto my boyfriend with the other.

  My stomach is on the verge of turning itself inside out. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Not only due to the realization that this was Rebecca, but also because when I looked at Trent, he averted his eyes to the floor. He’s not going to introduce me. Not as his girlfriend? Not as anything? I swallowed the hurt and extended my hand, shaking Rebecca’s.

  “I’m Paige. Ummm, I... I’m sorry. If you’ll excuse me...” I dropped her hand as if it were a hot skillet, which it pretty much was, the searing pain in my heart acting as confirmation. I headed for the ladies’ room, stopping just inside the door. Leaning against the wall, I clutched my chest with my hand. Nothing. He said nothing. Not one damn word about me. Just stood there. And Boston University? On a full athletic scholarship? Who is this guy? Because I’m starting to realize that I don’t know him at all. Not like I thought I did anyway. Wait! What am I doing in here? I am not going to hide out in the bathroom and cry. No sir, not me. Steadying my breath, I stood tall and squared my shoulders. I will go right back out there and tell her straight up just who I am. I am Trent’s girlfriend. I am Trent’s girlfriend.

  I repeated it over and over in my head as I swung the door open and walked back out into the concourse. I am Trent’s girlfriend. I am... What the hell is this?

  Tears stung my eyes immediately. Rebecca and Trent were locked tight in an intimate embrace... kissing. Trent’s hands were on Rebecca’s elbows, and before I could process my thoughts, my feet were carrying me toward the couple. I walked straight past, without a sideways glance to the little harlot and my cheating boyfriend. I had almost made it to the door when I was grabbed by the arm.

  “Paige! Wait! It’s not what it looked like, okay? She kissed me.” Trent said to my back.

  “Open book, huh? Just save it, Trent!” I whirled around and faced him.

  “Honestly, Paige. She started saying how she regretted us breaking up and then just out of the blue, she kissed me.” Trent pleaded with me, holding onto both of my hands with his. “SHE kissed ME.”

  I glanced over his shoulder and saw Rebecca standing in the same spot as before, watching us closely with a devious grin on her lips. I shook my head and stared Trent down. “It’s always the same excuse, isn’t it? She kissed me; she fell on top of me; WE just fell into bed TOGETHER. Yeah, trust me I heard them all from Zane.” I broke our contact and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Who’s Zane?” Trent’s jaw flexed.

  “My ex-fiancé.” I said through gritted teeth. “So, believe me when I say, I’m not going to play the fool in this relationship.”

  Trent’s eyes blazed with anger. “You have an ex-fiancé? And, you didn’t think it was pertinent to share that piece of information?!”

  “Did you think it was important to share that you were a flippin’ hockey star and that you went to B.U.? Oh wait, what about you spending all this time on Wall Street, or how about the fact that you dated the same girl all throughout high school AND college? Tell me, Trent, just how long have you two been broken up?”

  Trent pointed a finger at me. “Don’t you dare turn this around on me, Paige. You were engaged.” He spat out the word engaged as if it were the most heinous word in the English language.

  “Turn this around on you, Trent? I wasn’t the one standing in the middle of the concourse kissing my ex. That was you.” Trent took a deep breath and raised an eyebrow, but I wasn’t about to let him interrupt me. “But you know what? You’re right. I have no right to blame you. After all, you warned me when we first met. You strictly do casual.” I fought back the tears that threatened to fall at any moment.

  “And you told me then that you weren’t the girl for me.” Trent shrugged his shoulders displaying an air of detachment. “I guess we both should’ve listened.”

  I smiled sardonically and nodded my head. “I guess so.”

  “I don’t...” He trailed off and looked up at the ceiling, exhaling.

  I know what’s coming. I’ve known this would happen all along. I wish he would just get it out, so we can both move on.

  “Please continue, Trent. I can take it.”

  “I don’t think I can do this.” Trent shook his head as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor.

  I felt my world tilt on its axis. I knew it was coming, but it was a hit I wasn’t prepared for, hearing him actually say the words aloud. I closed my eyes for a moment and exhaled. “Congratulations.” I stated simply.

  Trent lifted his head, his eyebrows furrowed. “Excuse me?” He asked quietly.

  “You got what you wanted out of all this, another notch on your bed post. Another conquered woman under your belt.” I hissed.

  Trent narrowed his eyes and sneered. “Well, I did warn you, didn’t I?”

  Another slap to the face...

  “Screw you, Trent.” I turned my back to him and walked out of the arena with my head held high. I would not let him see me cry. No, he would not get the satisfaction of knowing he had broken my heart.

  As I stood on the sidewalk, I wrapped my arms tightly around myself and looked up at the sky. The air was cold, just like the man I had left behind inside. Tears ran down my cheeks as I closed my eyes and opened the flood gates.

  I can’t believe what had happened today. I had given my heart to Trent 110% and he turned around and threw it all away, like I had never meant a thing to him. Like I really was just another girl, another fling. My shoulders slumped and I sobbed into my hands. Why? I know this sort of thing happens to people all the time, but why me? I really thought Trent was different. I had hoped he was different.

  I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. Raising my head, I looked out into the parking lot and realized I wasn’t alone. In my peripheral vision, I saw someone standing to my right. I turned my head and immediately took a step away from... Trent.

  “What are you doing?” I tried to make my voice sound as impartial as I could. I was unsuccessful.

  “I’m taking you back to the house.” Trent spoke quietly.

  “No, thanks, I’ll call a cab.” I scoffed.

  “Paige, don’t be ridiculous. This is New York; I’m not letting you take a cab.” Trent reached for my arm.

  I jerked away and stared at him, wide-eyed. “What do you care?” I bit out.

  Trent closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, shaking his head slightly. “Paige...” He warned.

  “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” I began to cry again as I stared at the man who had just ripped out and stabbed my heart with a blade from one of his golden hockey skates.

sp; Trent opened his eyes and I saw the unshed tears and pained look in them. He didn’t say a word as he pulled his cell phone out of his jacket and pressed a number. He held it up to his ear without ever taking his eyes off mine. “Hayden, are you in the city?” He paused and listened to the other end. “No, that’s great. Will you please come and pick up Paige at the arena?” He held my gaze as he listened again. “No, not even close. We’ll see you soon.” He hung up and placed his phone back in his jacket pocket.

  We stood there on the sidewalk just staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity, neither of us speaking a word, but both of us knowing that this was the end. And, even though I hated him in that moment, I couldn’t help but try and take in every detail of the man standing in front of me. The way his messy, long hair hung in his face; the deep lines between his slightly furrowed, thick brows. The full, pink lips that had kissed nearly every inch of my skin only hours ago, and the burning, green eyes which had gazed deeply into mine as we had come undone together. Man, I would miss those green eyes...

  We both turned our attention to the Panamera pulling to a stop at the curb. Hayden exited the driver’s side, but climbed right back in when Trent held up his palm to halt him. Trent opened the rear passenger door and stood uncomfortably, waiting for me to get in. I stepped up to the car and opened my mouth to speak. The only problem was I couldn’t think of a single thing to say other than I love you.

  I closed my mouth and stared at Trent. We were standing so close to each other, yet I felt the miles of distance between us. I finally decided that I should tell him goodbye, so I opened my mouth, only to be cut off by Trent’s lips. His hand held onto my face as his mouth moved against mine, our tongues encircling. He pushed himself away from me and looked toward the parking lot. His lips were tight and I knew... That kiss was our last.


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