When Darkness Comes

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When Darkness Comes Page 12

by Beck Cummings

  “Nap it is, then.” Trent agreed.

  I rolled to my side and closed my eyes, as Trent moved about the room for a few more minutes. The bed dipped beside me and I felt one of Trent’s arms wrap around my waist. He snuggled up behind me, molding his body to mine, and placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder. “Sleep well, gorgeous.” He whispered in my hair, tightening his hold on me.

  “Mmm hmm. You too, gho… babe.” I murmured, having decided that I would never call Trent ghostbuster ever again.


  Blinking slowly, I felt extremely disoriented. I had been asleep on my stomach in an unfamiliar bed. I lifted my head slightly and turned it to my right. Oh, that’s right. I smiled, remembering that this wasn’t a completely unfamiliar bed, this was Trent’s bed. And, he was still asleep beside me.

  I slowly turned onto my side to face him and propped myself up on one elbow. He was asleep on his back with his head resting on his left hand. It appeared he had been sleeping on his side with his left arm bent to support his head and when he rolled onto his back, his arm stayed. His right hand was resting on his chest, over the very heart I hoped would someday belong to me. I stared at him for a moment, awe-struck. His face was so relaxed, the usual intensity erased during his slumber. Strands of hair had fallen down on his forehead, so I cautiously reached up and brushed them to the side. I smiled softly, trailing my fingers down his cheek. He looks so much younger than 32...

  “What’re you doing, woman?” Trent stirred and opened one eye, grinning lopsidedly.

  I moved my hand and placed it on his chest, close to his hand. “Nothing. I’m just admiring the view.” I grinned.

  “What time is it?”

  I glanced around and noticed Trent’s watch on the nightstand, right beside his phone. I leaned over him and grabbed the phone, pressing a button on the top to illuminate the screen. 4 p.m. We had slept for two glorious hours. I quickly turned the phone to show Trent the time, before placing it back on the nightstand. I slid back to my spot and sat up, stretching.

  “Well, we still have some time before the game, and we never did get to eat lunch... Want a snack?” Trent asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  My stomach rumbled at the mention of food and I bit my lip, embarrassed. Trent sat up and climbed out of bed. He stood and stretched his arms above his head, yawning. I watched as the heather gray t-shirt under his unbuttoned black and gray flannel shirt rose to reveal a couple of inches of his toned stomach. My breath hitched and I licked my lip instinctively.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I jerked my head up and shook my devilish thoughts away. “Huh?”

  “Your stomach growled. I take it you’re hungry.” He lowered one arm and scratched the back of his neck with the other hand.

  “Hungry... Yes... For food.” I tried to form a coherent thought, but it was nearly impossible with Trent standing in front of me looking so... well, so delicious.

  He chuckled and walked to the door of his bedroom. “You coming?” He questioned over his shoulder.

  I scrambled out of the bed and followed behind him. We went back down the hallway, down the stairs and across the foyer, through a doorway on the left. The kitchen was massive to go along with the rest of the house, and you guessed it, was done in all white. My feet padded across the cold, white marble floors as I made my way to the enormous island in the center of the kitchen. There were two white leather barstools on one end, and I carefully sat on one of them. I placed my hands on the cool, light gray granite countertop and watched as Trent dug through the refrigerator. The fridge was directly in front of me, which meant Trent’s backside was also directly in front of me. I tilted my head and sighed, an unconscious impulse, as I admired Trent’s butt in his faded blue jeans.

  Trent turned his head and smirked at me before closing the fridge and sauntering over to the island. “You know, Paige, if there’s something specific you are craving, all you have to do is ask.” He leaned forward and placed both elbows on the countertop, our faces mere inches apart.

  The battle between my heart and my head reared its ugly head again; my heart was telling me to grab this gorgeous man and kiss him senseless, while my head was telling me to tread carefully. After all, this is the man who only does casual sex. It couldn’t possibly mean the same to him that it would to me, could it?

  The look in Trent’s eyes betrayed the playful smile on his lips. They showed something I hadn’t noticed till now... fear. And, they mirrored mine completely. In that very moment, I decided to quit thinking. I flattened my palms on top of the counter and pushed myself up, leaning forward and kissing Trent. As my lips pressed against his, all apprehension left my body. I had made up my mind and I did not want it to be changed. I was ready for this.

  Trent took a quick breath, shocked by my actions, but quickly recovered, kissing me back with a sense of urgency. His hands went to my elbows and guided me up from the stool and into his arms. My fingers moved from the counter and gripped the soft flannel shirt hanging open on his chest, while our kiss deepened. Trent’s hands traveled to my hips and he pulled me closer to him as his tongue parted my lips. I moaned softly and our tongues entwined. I released my hold of his shirt and slip my fingers up his chest before tugging the flannel off his shoulders.

  “What are you doing, woman?” Trent spoke into my mouth.

  “Raising the stakes.” I smiled against his lips.

  Trent leaned back, breaking our contact. He was breathing heavily, searching my face, apprehension written clearly on his. “Wait.”

  “No.” I shook my head, the confidence in my voice surprising us both. “I’m tired of waiting, of over thinking this. I’m ready. I want this. I want you.” I licked my lips and sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

  Trent’s eyes blazed with desire as he reached up and caressed my cheek. “Are you sure?” He whispered.

  I nodded my head yes and that was all Trent needed. He surged forward and our lips collided. I closed my eyes as we kissed, surrendering myself to him. Trent stepped backwards, pulling me with him, and we made our way around the bar. I pushed the flannel material off his arms and it landed somewhere on the white marble floor. As we shuffled into the foyer, Trent’s hands fumbled with the hem of my sweater. He lifted it slowly, separating our lips just long enough to slip it over my head. I silently thanked God that I wore a tank top underneath, while our lips met again.

  Trent stopped at the foot of the stairs and pulled away to look into my eyes. “It’s a shame Hayden won’t see this.” He smiled devilishly.

  “You want him to see this?!” My eyes were wide as I gestured between us. What was he thinking?!

  Trent threw his head back and laughed. His grin was wide and displayed his perfect teeth. “I meant the trail of clothes we’re leaving behind.”

  “Oh...” I chuckled.

  “It sure as hell beats bread crumbs.” Trent winked; his voice thick with desire.

  I shook my head, smiling at his playfulness. He grabbed my hand and turned around, leading me up the stairs and back into his room. When we stepped inside, he paused and pulled me into his arms once again. As he placed open mouth kisses down my neck and across my collarbone, I shivered in response. My hands made their way into his hair and I tangled my fingers in the long locks. I tugged lightly when I had thoroughly been driven crazy by Trent’s teasing, influencing him to turn his attention back on my lips.

  Trent wobbled slightly as he lifted his foot and kicked the door shut. His hands burned a trail as they slid down my back and squeezed my butt. He bent his knees a little and I let out a squeal of excitement as he lifted me up off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked us over to the bed. He bent at the waist, gently laying me on top of his mattress.

  Never breaking our kiss, Trent hovered above me, supporting his weight on one elbow. As he settled between my legs, he hooked his free arm behind my knee and affixed it to his hip.

  “I’m so glad we g
ot the ‘just sleeping’ out of the way.” Trent spoke against my pulse point on my throat.

  I laughed softly at his comment. What a difference a couple of hours could make. I had gone from wanting to strictly sleep with the man, to wanting to SLEEP with him.

  “Pipe down, woman. I’m trying to be romantic here.” Trent narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Romantic, eh?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “You need some work.” I said, poking him in the ribs.

  He twisted his torso as he lifted his face to mine. “I need some work?! I need some work?!” He sat up on his knees and began to mercilessly tickle me. I tried rolling to my side but was unsuccessful; his weight had me pinned to the bed. I laughed uncontrollably as I struggled to block his assault. I even snorted. Yeah... that’s how hard I was laughing.

  “Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” I yelled between giggles. “You don’t need work.”

  Trent stopped abruptly and looked down at me. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you over your snorting.”

  “Oh, shush!” I slapped him half-heartedly.

  Trent suddenly turned serious and leaned down, holding his weight on one arm while his other hand cupped my cheek. “Hi...”

  My heart sped up under his gaze. “Hi.” I answered softly.

  He lightly nuzzled my nose with his. “This is your last chance, Paige.” He said quietly.

  “My last chance?” I tilted my head, confused.

  “To fold.” He smiled sadly.

  I let out a breath I had been holding while waiting for his answer, and softly shook my head. I timidly pressed my lips to the corner of his mouth before moving them up and across the short stubble on his jaw line. My tongue flicked out, sliding over the smooth skin of his earlobe. “It’s too late, Trent.” I whispered into his ear, between licks. “I’m all in.”

  I felt him smile against my neck, his body instantly relaxing. He put his full weight on me, sinking me into the plush mattress. I could feel his heart drumming against my chest, pounding just like mine. He sat up and looked down at me. Several different looks flashed across his face, but they were all fleeting, so I wasn’t able to grasp a single one. With what looked like a nod, he reached behind his head with his hand. In one swift movement, his t-shirt was off of his body, allowing me the privilege of seeing the tattoos J.J. had mentioned.

  Black Roman numerals lined the inside of his left bicep and his left rib cage was the canvas for a massive piece of art. My finger traced the curves of the petals on a deep red rose. The realistic flower was blooming beside a black and gray skull that faded into a pocket watch on the bottom. Blood red drops trailed down from the clock, and my fingers moved to glide across the hands on the face of it. My eyebrows knitted together as I contemplated what his tattoo could possibly mean.

  Trent’s strong hand covered mine, startling me. I glanced up at him and smiled, embarrassed. “It’s beautiful.” I murmured.

  “Most chicks aren’t too fond of the skull. I guess they think it’s too scary.”

  “I think it’s beautiful, a true work of art. I love a man with ink. Especially skulls.” I winked at him as I ran the back of my knuckles across his rib cage and tattoo.

  “Oh, great... Does that mean you’re going to leave me for J.J.? Cause he’s covered in ink AND most of it is skulls. Plus, he’s got way more money than me.” He pouted.

  “He’s got more money than this?” I questioned, circling my finger in the air.

  “You saw his ZR1, Paige.”

  My mouth dropped open. I thought the Sierra belonged to J.J., not the ZR1. “The “Vette was his?!” I blinked slowly.

  “Trust fund.” Trent said plainly, as if it explained everything.

  I suddenly pushed Trent off of me and he tumbled onto the bed beside me, completely surprised by my actions. I reached for his phone, but was stopped by his hands on my waist, pulling me back toward him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked.

  “Calling J.J. to see if he’ll pick me up at the airport.” I laughed.

  “Oh, no you’re not!” Trent swatted my butt with his hand and pulled me on top of him.

  I sat up and turned around to face him, straddling his waist. His hands tightly gripped my hips as if he were afraid I was actually going to leave. I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his full, pink lips. My hair fell on both sides of our faces, acting as a curtain, blocking out the rest of the world.

  “You’re just joking, right?” Trent asked apprehensively.

  “Awe, does somebody’s ego need stroking?” I teased as I leaned back and placed both of my hands on his hard, bare chest.

  Trent’s eyebrow quirked up, along with one side of his mouth. “That’s not the only thing that needs stroking.” He glanced down at the waist of his jeans and back up at me.

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Trent Knox!” I slapped him on the chest as I shook my head in disbelief at his comment. “What happened to Mr. Romantic?” I eyed him disapprovingly.

  “To hell with romance.” Trent quipped, circling his arms around my waist and flipping us over on the bed.

  My laughter was cut off by eager lips and I closed my eyes as the rest of my clothes were peeled away, simply relishing the touch of his fingertips dancing across my skin. Trent leaned away from me for a moment and took a deep breath, causing me to open my eyes. His smoldering gaze bore straight into the very depths of my being and I was taken aback by the lascivious look in his green eyes. I nodded my head, letting him know that I was ready, and that I had meant what I had said; I was all in. He smiled, then kissed me reverently as he consumed me; mind, body, spirit, AND heart. Yes, Trent Knox had consumed my heart... completely.

  chapter 11

  My whole body shook and trembled with excitement. I gasped for air, the vibration between my legs almost too much to bear. Clinging tightly to Trent’s waist, I shuddered as we rounded one last corner and pulled into the parking lot of the arena. Trent found an open space designated for motorcycles right up front and steered in his bright yellow Ducati Superbike. While Trent lowered the kickstand and turned off the sport bike, I lifted the visor on the black full-face helmet atop my head.

  Trent pulled off his helmet and placed it on his lap, resting his elbow on it. He turned slightly and looked over his shoulder at me. “Have fun?” He asked as I placed my hands on his shoulders for support while I climbed off the motorcycle.

  I removed the helmet from my head and shook my hair out. “It was... exhilarating!” I said breathlessly. “I loved every minute!”

  Trent chuckled, climbing off the bike and kneeling down to lock his helmet to one of the foot pegs. He stood and gave me a quick peck on the lips before taking my helmet from my hands. “I might just have to get this thing to Montreal, so we can take it out whenever we want.” He said as he locked my helmet to the other foot peg.

  “But, then how would you get around when you come home to visit?” I inquired.

  “I’ll make Hayden take me everywhere, I don’t care.” He said as he rose and came over to stand beside me. “I just know that I like having you on the back of my bike.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and proceeded to escort me across the parking lot and into the arena.

  As we stepped through the double door, Trent abruptly dropped his arm and left my side. I watched as he jogged away from me and toward a tall, slender brunette. Her back was toward us and she was clothed in a charcoal leather jacket along with what appeared to be a black maxi skirt. My heart stuttered as I watched my boyfriend wrap his arms around the brunette and cover her eyes with his hands.

  I stood frozen as the woman turned around and let out a squeal as she threw her arms around Trent’s neck. He lifted her feet off the ground as he hugged her and spun them both around. I took a steadying breath and placed one foot in front of the other, walking toward the elated pair.

  “Charlie Horse. I’ve missed you.” Trent said to the girl in his arms.

  “Trenton Trousdale Knox, you know I hate tha
t name.” She said as Trent placed a kiss on her cheek and set her back on the ground.

  “And you know I hate it when you use my full name.”

  I stepped up to the side of Trent and stared at the woman before me. She was around my height and was simply stunning. No other way to describe her. She was beautiful. Her chestnut hair was styled in a sleek bob that went just past her shoulders and her exquisite eyes were the color of the Caribbean Sea. I noticed I was wrong about her outfit. Her luxurious charcoal leather jacket was paired with a black maxi dress and black leather flats. I cleared my throat quietly, hoping to be noticed. Trent turned his attention to me and immediately pulled me tightly to his side.

  “Trousdale, huh?” I nudged him with my elbow.

  “Family name.” He shrugged. “Charlie Horse, this is my girlfriend, Paige Tremblay. Paige, this is my sister, the one and only Charlotte Knox-Brannigan.” Trent smiled affectionately at me and then toward his sister.

  It’s his sister! Oh, thank God! I relaxed and instantly stuck my hand out toward Charlotte. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I said as we shook hands.

  Charlotte chuckled. “Well, clearly, my brother didn’t show you a picture. I was terrified you were going to rip my head clean off.”

  My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks flush. My jealousy hadn’t been well hidden... Damn. “Nope, definitely no pictures. And, I’m sorry, but honestly, what woman wouldn’t be jealous of you? You’re gorgeous.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, likewise. I just can’t believe my little brother actually brought you. I figured he would make some last-minute excuse as to why you wouldn’t be able to make it.” She eyed Trent accusingly.

  “Why’s that?” I questioned.

  “No reason.” Trent interrupted. “Come on ladies, we better get to our seats. We don’t want to miss warm-up.” He took a step forward, urging all of us toward the rink, but paused when Charlotte shot him a look.

  “No need to be in such a hurry, baby brother. We’ve got plenty of time.” Charlotte waved a manicured hand at him before turning her attention back to me. “The reason why is he has never brought a girl home. There was Rebecca. That was different though, considering she was around all through his high school and college years. But since he’s moved away…well, there hasn’t been anyone serious.”


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