Closing Daddy's Deal

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Closing Daddy's Deal Page 2

by Matilda Martel

  Sensing what I was doing, he released my arms threw me forward on my stomach and stabbed my ass with his cock at full speed. He needed to cum and couldn’t take any chances on me dragging it out.

  “Oh fuck, Oskar! You’re too good. You’re killing me with your cock.” I panted as he finally found his elusive release and fell by my side.

  “But what a way to die, angel.” He laughed and kissed my hand.

  Chapter 6

  I would have left after our shower, but Oskar whined until I promised to let him make me breakfast. Truthfully, I was starving and there was no reason to deny him something he seemed eager to provide. While I sat around his kitchen in one of his oversized t-shirts, he told me about his father’s intention of sending him to London after the summer. I hadn’t realized his father owned the business he represented.

  “Why London? Why is he taking you from New York?” I asked, holding my glass out for more apple juice.

  “My older brother is taking over the biggest part of the company run out of Munich and Heidelberg because our father is retiring. That leaves his opening in London, which does the second most business and then my younger brother who’s been studying with my father can come here, which is a very small part of the company.” He didn’t seem happy about the move and naturally I had to ask.

  “Don’t you want to move to London? I love London. If I was making money, I’d want to live there. If go now, I’ll have to live with my Nana and I’m afraid I’d drive her crazy. My mother was British, and I have dual citizenship on the sly, but I haven’t been back in a couple of years---not since my grandfather passed.” I suddenly felt bad thinking about her in a time like this- it all felt inappropriate. He was making me feel too comfortable.

  “Do you? I would have preferred to go back to Germany, but Karl my brother has been in London for 8 years and now it’s my turn.” He plopped a couple of pancakes on my plate and smiled. “Was your real father German? Heidi Mueller?” He smirked sarcastically.

  “Oh, what gave that away? Yes, born here but from German parents. My father was a lot older than my mother--- he died of a heart attack when I was a little girl, but I remember him.” He sat on a bar stool next to me and shared the rest of my pancakes, even wiping my mouth when some extra syrup accidentally dripped on my chin. He was too much. Growing anxious, I began thinking of an escape plan. Reaching for my phone, I noticed I had 27 missed texts. Thinking they were from my stepfather, I called him quickly and told him I was still with Oskar. He said he only text once and asked me if I’d gotten the papers signed.

  “Just about---I’ll be home in a while.” I sneered into the phone.

  “Make sure you do, Heidi. That’s why you’re there.” He snapped.

  “I’m here because you talked me into this, KEN. I’ve got your damn papers, and for what I had to do, you’re doubling my fucking allowance.” I hung up the phone, annoyed. Frankly, it was worth it, but money’s money and I needed to get my own place.

  “Why didn’t you tell him I’d already signed?” Oskar lifted me by my waist and carried me back to his room.

  “Cause then he’d say I was a slut for staying here all night instead of going home after you’d signed. He’s an asshole. You know I didn’t mean what I said, right? I’m just trying to make him feel bad.” I sat up on the bed staring at him.

  He smiled and nodded. “I know. That’s why I gave you the papers at the start of the night, Heidi.” He got on the bed and crawled over to me.

  “I really need to go, Oskar. I can’t spend all day in bed with you.” He pulled his borrowed t-shirt over my head and cupped both my breasts as he leaned into me.

  “It’s Saturday, where do you have to go?” Crushing his lips to mine, he slowly brought my arms over my head. I was expecting him to tie me up, but instead he held my hands tightly as he trailed kisses down my neck and down my shoulders. He smoothed his hands down the side of my ribs, massaging the curve of my waist while I twisted with desire in his arms.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He licked my abdomen, nibbling on my hips while I mewed, anticipating things to get rougher any second, but they never did. When he spread my thighs and brought his mouth between my legs, he took his time, tracing his tongue down my slit and flicking my clit methodically, suckling until I ran my fingers through his hair, arched my back and howled his name, overcome by the sensations of the sweet tantalizing pleasure he provided.

  “Oskar, please…” My hips rocked into him, aching to be taken.

  “Do you want me, angel?” His deep blue eyes stared down at me longingly, as he waited for me to answer. Something was different. He should have asked me if I wanted his cock, not if I wanted him. What the fuck was going on?

  Since he wasn’t budging until I answered, I nodded. In an attempt to diffuse an awkward moment, I did the last thing I should have done. I extended my arms out to him, pulling him down to kiss me. His expression lightened and he eagerly devoured my lips. As his tongue forced its way into my mouth, he easily guided his entire length into me, working his way in carefully as his hands and lips explored my body. Lifting my ass up with his hands he drove deeper into me, grinding down as he continued to kiss my mouth, neck, shoulders and breasts. He couldn’t get enough and I couldn’t stop the coming wave of unbridled ecstasy that was rippling through my core and forcing my body to convulse in his arms.

  “I feel you, my sweet girl. Cum for me, Heidi. Let me feel you cum in my arms, angel.” He kissed my chin as I threw my head back and that’s when I realized what was so different. He was making love to me. This had stopped being raunchy, kinky sex and had become sweet, lovemaking right under my nose. I fought it. I didn’t want to cum like that---it was too personal. I felt like he was trying to replace my Arthur and I couldn’t bear it.

  “No, no, I can’t.” I buried my head in his neck and confused him by trying to push him off.

  Holding me down by one hand and pushing my hips up with his, he plunged deeper while he stroked my clit, until I came so hard against my will I almost cried.

  Freaking out, I tried to stop everything. “Oskar, I have to go, it’s late.”

  “Heidi! I’m still inside you. I haven’t cum yet! What’s wrong with you?” He kissed me and turned me to my side to spoon me. I didn’t have the strength to put up a fight, he felt too good. While he kissed my neck and strummed my clit, he took deep, powerful thrusts, growling as he slammed into my cervix. I tried to keep from cumming again, but I failed miserably.

  As I ground into him, holding his hand to my tits, I finally surrendered to the building climax that had been desperately trying to find release. Moaning and whimpering, I fell forward, clutching a pillow in a fit of orgasmic spasms as Oskar curled up behind me and unloaded streams of cum deep into my newly fertile womb. I wouldn’t realize it until later that week, but due to the whole Arthur drama, I completely forgot to renew my quarterly birth control shot. I’ve come to believe that was probably the exact moment Oskar got me pregnant.

  Exhausted and stressed out by the sudden change in his behavior, I tried to scoot away from him as quickly as possible. However, he was quickly on to me and dragged me back to his side. Wrapping his arm around me, he asked me what was wrong.

  “It’s almost 3pm, I really need to go home.” I kissed him as he nuzzled me closer to him.

  “Can I see you tomorrow or this week? Or are you pretty much done with me now?” He looked at me sadly, making me feel guilty for being done with him. He was hot and sexy, but he was leaving to London and I was still in love with Arthur---at least I thought I was.

  “When do you leave for London?” I ran my finger down his hard chest, trying to make a memory. I liked him far more than I wanted to admit.

  “Not for another five weeks. Can I take you for brunch tomorrow? You do that here, don’t you? Have brunch on Sundays?” He kissed the top of my head, as I curled up into his arms.

  “I really don’t want to like you, Oskar.” I sighed as he pulled me in closer.
r />   “But you do, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Chapter 7

  It was almost 5pm by the time I left Oskar’s place and that was only after we made firm plans for brunch the following day. He wanted to walk me back to my father’s place, but I insisted I would be fine on my own and needed to check my messages on the walk home. Between my call with Ken and the sex that followed, I’d forgotten to see who’d sent all those texts. Finally grabbing my phone in the elevator down, I scrolled through my messages. They were from Arthur and he had lost his goddamn mind. Since the 26 he’d left earlier, 27 minus the 1 from Ken, he had added another 15 and by the looks of it, he’d been out following me the night before. He wanted to know who the redhead was and why I was up in his apartment all night. Goddamn.

  There was no way I was replying to those types of messages and as luck would have it, I didn’t have to---Arthur was sitting on a bench right in front of Oskar’s building when I walked out. As soon I spotted him, I turned right and headed back to Ken’s, walking as fast as I could. There was no way I could deny that I’d been sexed up for hours and if I admitted it, things were over for good.

  “Heidi!” At his height, with his long legs, it was easy for him to catch me. Bounding up from behind, he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

  “Arthur! You shouldn’t be seen with me. Haven’t you done enough?” It was best to remind him of my thorough humiliation than get into any culpability on my part.

  “Who were you with? Baby, who was he? Look at me.” His eyes were bloodshot. He must have been up all night, waiting for me to come out. Who does that?

  “He’s a friend. He’s a German investor I met through my stepfather. It’s not serious and you’re not divorced yet. You ruined my life, Arthur! If you were so miserable you should have filed for divorce a long time ago. I gave you all three of my virginities and you made me look like some cheap slut who goes around screwing married men. My stepfather’s threatening to send me to Orlando or London to live with family.” I walked away.

  “Heidi, I’m getting divorced! Talk to me, please, baby. I’ll be divorced by the end of the year.” He looked sad but...end of the year!

  “Arthur! We’re still in July! You expect me to wait for you until the end of the year--- after what you did! It’s your fault this happened. I told you we shouldn’t fool around at your place. Stop following me!” I shrieked as I walked away, furious that I’d put so much faith in him.

  “Heidi!” He called out and continued to follow me until I ran into my building and told the doorman not to let him in.

  Chapter 8

  The following day I met Oskar for brunch and although we had a nice time, it was obvious he wanted more than I was willing or able to give him. He was leaving to London and I was starting school in New York. There was no sense in investing anymore time in building a relationship or even a friendship with someone I was never going to see again.

  “Is this about your conductor?” He asked, sharply.

  “No, I ended that too.” I answered, sadly. “I wish things were different Oskar. I really like you.”

  “Things can be whatever we make them. You said you have family in London.” He reached out for my hand and I felt even more miserable.

  “My Nana, but I’m not going there. I need to go to school.”

  “They have schools in England.” He narrowed his brows and sipped his wine.

  “Are you upset with me?”

  “I am.” He cut his words.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll miss you, sincerely.” I gazed up at him, but he turned away from me, almost disgusted.

  “You don’t have to miss me, Heidi.”

  The rest of brunch was quiet and by the time it was over he hardly said goodbye before walking away in the opposite direction. My heart hurt, seeing that scrap of auburn hair I initially found so distasteful get smaller and smaller as he got further and further---but it was for the best. We were just two ships passing in the night- whatever the hell that means. He had London and I had school---or so I thought.

  Later that week, while I marked off dates on my pocket calendar for school orientation and meetings with academic counselors, I noticed I’d marked a big star on my calendar just after Fourth of July weekend. That was the weekend Arthur and I were filmed while his wife and her friends were celebrating the holiday in the Hamptons. Why do I have a star? What did I have going on July 6th? Oh my God, my shot! I flew out of bed, grabbed my phone and made an appointment at my OB/GYN. After receiving the requisite attitude for having missed my last appointment, they worked me into a slot two weeks later.

  It was for all nothing. By the time my appointment came around, I was four days late for my period and had a gnawing suspicion I was pregnant. Instead of getting my shot, I took a pregnancy test and had my concerns confirmed by the doctor. I was a little more than 3 weeks and there was only one possible father---Oskar Weber. It was too late for the morning after pill and something about not keeping it felt too heartbreaking to consider. I’m not sure why. Maybe because there was a piece of my parents in my baby and I couldn’t bear to let it go.

  Oskar was still in town and I could have easily tracked him down to tell him, but for what? We had a one-night stand, nothing more. He was so upset the last time we saw each other. I didn’t want to tell him just to have him shrug his shoulders and say, “so what?” Plus, I didn’t want to complicate his life with my decisions. Unsure of what to do, I called my Nana, who insisted I come live with her. She had the money and the time to help me with a baby and she was lonely. She’d wanted me to come to London ever since my mother passed.

  Wanting to make sure I didn’t run into Oskar at the airport, I planned to leave New York a week before his scheduled departure. Ken had all my things shipped for me. I never told him I was pregnant, just that was going to live in London with Nana. He felt bad about the Oskar thing and he paid for my first-class ticket and gave me two years' worth of my allowance in one lump sum. I would have declined. Accepting it made me feel like he paid me for sleeping with Oskar, but I was about to be a 19-year-old single mother and couldn’t afford to be prideful.

  Chapter 9

  I’d avoided every possible place I might run into Oskar, fearing if I saw him, I’d blab about the pregnancy. Although we’d both be in London, that city was enormous and the odds of running into one another were slim. Honestly, I wanted to tell him, it hardly seemed fair to keep it from him, but I was a coward and partly afraid he’d make me share the baby with him.

  What if he was seeing someone and they got married?

  I’d have to share custody with them, and it would be this whole ordeal that I could have avoided if I’d just kept my mouth shut. I was still running this scenario in my brain when I heard his familiar voice talking to the man standing in front of him. He’d just boarded the plane and he was placing his carry-on luggage on the overhead compartment on my row. There would only be one person and an aisle between us on this 6-hour flight.

  Curling up in my seat, I quickly placed my sleep mask over my face and covered my legs with a blanket, hoping he wouldn’t see me. My brown hair color is pretty common and with my body cleverly covered I thought it would have taken him a few hours before he spotted me.

  “Heidi?” I ignored the first call and wished I had thought to put my headphones on.

  “Heidi, I know that’s you.” He asked the man sitting next to me if he could change seats with him and the idiot was very quick to oblige. Removing my sleep mask and only inches from my face, he touched my chin. “Why are you on this plane?”

  “Well I’m not following you, if that’s what you’re suggesting.” I grabbed my mask and pulled my hair off my face. It was over. God was laughing at me. I’d be telling him before we reached London.

  “I wasn’t suggesting it. Why are you going to London? Why didn’t I ever hear from you the last 4 weeks?” He asked with a serious tone, like he hadn’t blown me off after brunch.

p; “It didn’t seem like you wanted anything to do with me. You were angry.” I asked the flight attendant for some club soda and took out a small packet of saltines. My morning sickness crept up a bit sooner than I expected.

  Staring at my crackers, he glanced at me curiously. “Are you sick?”

  “I get airsick.”

  “We’re not moving yet.”

  “Maybe the recycled air, I don’t know. Mind your own business.” I snapped at him and sipped my soda slowly. It was my nerves. This asshole was going to give me a panic attack.

  “I was angry at you because you didn’t want anything to do with me and you know it.” He gazed at me sadly, then called for the attendant to bring him a drink.

  “Did you change seats just so you could fight with me?” My mouth went sour and I was in serious jeopardy of giving myself away.

  “No, I wanted to talk to you. I’ve missed you. I’ve seen you a couple of times and I really wanted to approach you but--” He was mid-sentence when I covered my mouth, jumped over his legs and ran to the restroom.

  When I finally came out, the plane was preparing for take-off and I was rushed back to my seat. Hopping over his legs, I noticed there was a pregnancy health book lying on my seat. He’d gone through my things while I was in the restroom. Moving it and tucking it back in my bag, I buckled up and refused to look at him. It was too horrible. I was so busted. This was twice in one summer, but on a whole different level.

  He was sitting silently. I had no idea what was going through his mind.

  Maybe he thought it wasn’t his, was that worse? Or better?

  “I’m going to ask you something and I’m begging you not to lie to me.” His voice shook, but I couldn’t tell if it was anger, disappointment or sadness. “Is it mine?”


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