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Will Power. How To Use It Right?

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by AMAR Anup Thinktank

you should not aim high but what I am saying is work hard to achieve that goal and do not waste your will power on material gains. There are better uses of will power like helping the poor, forgiving others and wishing well for those that have hurt you.


  Now the more important will power that you need to know about. That is the intellectual will power. As I mentioned earlier to develop this type of will power you need time, teacher and self sacrifice. Teacher is simply to show you the path. You will need to walk that path. Here is the secret and I am your teacher. The most consistent and simple way to develop this type of will power is through focused thinking. Some call it prayer. Let me first clarify what prayer is not. Prayer is not reading loud from a book or a paper, it is not even singing with everyone else praise of anyone, nor is it watching everyone around you or your watching your text messages for that reason when in a temple or a church or wherever else. Prayer is peaceful thinking. In my opinion focused thinking for greater good for you and everyone around you.


  You may be a non believer and that is perfectly fine as you do not need anything or anyone to pray or go anywhere. Just sit in a quiet corner and try to focus your mind and thought that all you have left in your thoughts, peaceful surroundings and happiness for all. That is where most of us make a mistake. We start thinking about OUR happiness. That is not the purpose of the focused thinking as you will never be content asking for yourself. You will keep asking for more and for different things. Your mind will keep wandering. You will ask for more money, better car, house, son's graduation, job, daughter's marriage, health and the list will never end. That will not help you develop stronger energy field around and inside you. It will rather the field of energy you already have as you are spending energy for getting things done, getting achievements that were not deserved.

  Try this exercise. For two minutes close your eyes and think all you want for yourself and start asking that all. How far and wide your mind wandered? Were you restful in your heart? Was your breathing calm or were you excited with your mind wandering everywhere and breathing fast and irregular?


  Now close your eyes again for two minutes and ask for others. Others who are not your family, not your friend. Others that you do not even know. Ask for them. Open your eyes after two minutes. Was it different this time? Were you more calm than agitated in your heart, breathing and posture.

  Deeper you focus on your thoughts when doing this focused thinking better you will develop your will power or that energy in and around you. But if you want to ultimately squander that energy that you gained for your personal material gains please do not do the focused thinking. You may be in the long tem hurting yourself more than benefiting from developing stronger will power.

  One very important fact about will power is that you need not go to church or pray to any particular God to develop this power. You can develop it even without thinking about or praying to any God. Actually you can even develop it praying to devil of all creations of the creator. Even people who are evil can accumulate a lot of strong will power by regularly and constantly having focused thinking. Be aware of them as they may end up misusing it against you. Even though there is no doubt that they will suffer consequences of their bad decisions you too will suffer the pain.

  Another group of people who in my opinion should not do focused thinking are the ones who can not control their anger. If you are predisposed to get angry easily you must first learn to control your anger. The reason is that if you develop strong will power and then get angry at anyone you will send negative energy to them in the form of a curse (opposite of blessing). Whenever you do that, send negative blessings to someone as a curse two things will happen. Your curse will come true to a variable extent depending on how deeply you have used your store of will power to inflict the curse on the other party and how strong is your will power. Second thing which is concerns your welfare is that you would have lost a significant part of your will power energy giving that curse. Also this burning of your will power may manifest in your body and life as physical or psychological illness. Some may find this concept baseless or all mumbo jumbo and I can empathize with them. Things I do not know if someone tells me I will find nonsense too.


  So why should one at all try to develop a strong will power if it is not to be used to benefit you and or your family. The answer comes in the fact that what you consider the purpose of your birth. Were you born simply to grow up, achieve physical gains and then die leaving everything for someone else or was the purpose of your birth more than that.

  If you believe that the purpose of your birth was more that that then you ask what it was. (Read eBook 'Purpose of Your Birth' by the same author).

  The purpose of your birth comes from knowing that you were created for a special purpose. That we are part of a bigger picture. That is why our forming molecules did not become wood or stone but a human. The purpose of your being given a human body is to help the soul pass the test of life and you body is the instrument of the test.

  You have to accept that the day your body and your soul separate (you will die) your body will have no more use. That all your physical relationships like brother, sister, father, wife, friend, enemy, loved one will end with that separation. That all your needs like love, lust, hunger will end that day too. There are no relationships beyond that day. There is no need of food, breathing or sex after that day. Your body will turn to dust and that dust will be the core component of other living beings making them your blood brothers and sisters in a way. Your body will not carry ANY of your physical gains in this world after that day.

  Soul on the other hand will carry your deeds, good or bad; that balance of them. If the good deed balance exceeds that of bad deeds you will go back to the creator and will rule from his side on galaxies and planets. If on that day your bad deeds exceed your good deeds you will be sent to learn compassion, empathy and kindness and retake the test of life. Your ultimate goal still remaining is to go back to the creator.

  Once you understand that you will understand how to use your will power better. Use it to increase the balance of your good deeds over your bad deeds. Use your will power to help others. Others are in this world as a part of your test in life. In helping them you gain for yourself. This help does not have to be financial. Just pray for them. Wish them well. Wish them blessings when it becomes unbearable for them. Wish them forgiveness that they may not have asked for. Forgive those that have hurt you as they were just doing their job being the part of your test in life. That is how and why you develop strong will power.


  Summary -

  To summarize you as a human were born with some basic will power. You can increase or decrease it through your efforts of focused thinking. You can use this will power to gain any material (physical) result you want in this universe. You can either use this will power sensibly to help to achieve the purpose of your birth or you can misuse it for material gains for yourself and then suffer the consequences of your irresponsible decision.

  I wish you luck that your are blessed with making the right choice to use your will power.



  Many other books from our author think tank -

  1. Curse of Wall Street and What Can Be Done About it?

  2. Path to Freedom - Guru Ramdas

  3. Relativity of Morality - A. B. Anup

  4. Doctrine of Happiness and Where Sigmund Freud Went Wrong - - AMAR Anup

  5. Why do People Turn to Homosexuality - AMAR Anup

  6. Coming Armageddon and How to Escape it - AAMR Anup

  7. What is Love Exactly - AMAR Anup

  8. The Day The Earth Split and Venus and Mercury Were Formed - AMAR Anup

  9. How Was Grand Canyon Formed - AMAR Anup

  10. How to Predict Secondary Earthquake - AMAR Anup

  11. Why Are We Born? - AMAR Anup

  12. Hell - AMAR Anup

  13. Why Forgive and Ho
w? - AMAR Anup

  14. Your Deeds and You - AMAR Anup

  15. Future and Destiny for You - AMAR Anup

  16. Will Power - AMAR Anup

  17. Devil and Maya - AMAR Anup

  18. Matrix Cube Organizations - AMAR Anup

  19. Understanding Man and Women Made Easy - AMAR Anup

  20. Why is Jodi Arias Not Guilty - AMAR Anup

  Best Possible Tax System For All World - AMAR Anup

  Keep your eyes open for all these and many more eBooks that may change your very life.

  Want to communicate

  Best Wishes

  *** The End***


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